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  Altered Creatures Epic Fantasy Adventures

  Prequel to the Thorik Dain Series

  Treasure of Sorat

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  Copyright © 2015 by Anthony G. Wedgeworth

  Published by Anthony G. Wedgeworth

  Artwork by Frederick L. Wedgeworth

  ISBN-13: 978-1508876632

  ISBN-10: 1508876630

  Altered Creatures Epic Fantasy Adventures

  Thorik Dain Series

  Book 0.8, Revision 1.00

  Treasure of Sorat

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No thrashers or Chuttlebeast were harmed in the making of this book.

  Chapter 1

  Alone with everyone

  Thorik Dain sat at the wooden table and drew another small waterfall on the map he had been working on for months. Taxing his memory of his travels with his parents, he worked diligently to ensure the map was as accurate as possible as he attempted to uncover the mysteries of what existed beyond their small village of Farbank.

  Staring at his work, he visualized his experiences with his father when they explored the ancient path north to Kingsfoot. He then recalled his ventures on the far side of the great river near Spirit Peak while his mother tracked game, his father hunted it, and he recorded the land and the creatures they found along the way.

  It was hard to say why such a young boy was obsessed with recording and logging so much information about the outside world, but it was clear that he was so focused that he failed to notice the fun and merriment which surrounded him.

  Several of the locals were playing music while many of the villagers danced and laughed under various large tents within the outdoor common area, which resided just downstream of Farbank. Children raced about without a care in the world as to what the future had in store for them. Elder villagers sat in groups telling tales of the past which grew more dramatic from the last time the others had heard it. Food and drink were plentiful and excitement was in the air for the here and now. No one seemed to be concerned with events beyond the today or past the boundaries of the village. Life was simple for all those that lived there.

  This was true for all except for young Thorik Dain, as he popped his head up when mother ran from the dance area to pull him from his maps and notes. “Mum, not now. I’m in the middle of a logging our last trek.”

  “You can play with your papers later, son. But for now, you will be a part of this celebration and dance with me.” Pulling him from the table, she nearly dragged him to the open area to dance with the rest of the adults. A quick curtsy to her partner was custom before they started, which he returned with a half-hearted bow. It was quickly followed by skipping about, locking arms, spinning each other, letting go, and twirling away before finding another partner to start the process over again.

  Thorik continued for a few dances, but his eyes continued to revert back to the maps on the table. His concerns grew about them being knocked to the floor and stepped on until he finally excused himself and raced back to where he had been seated earlier.

  “I thought your mum wanted you to dance.” Thorik’s father voice was always well balanced. Never too stern and never wimpy. One might say it was quite casual in manner.

  “I did.” His eyes never left the papers on the table which he gathered together to prevent any from being lost.

  “I know. But you missed the point. She wants you to be engaged in activities that interact with friends and family instead of a life sitting alone.”

  “But I’m not alone. I’m here at the celebration, just as you asked.”

  “And yet, you’re still here alone.”

  Thorik didn’t make eye contact. Rolling up his maps, he tied some twine around them to ensure they stayed together. “I just wanted to make sure I had everything recorded from yesterday’s trek before I forget anything.”

  Thorik’s father sat next to him and watched the dancers on the floor. “You know, son. I was much like you when I was your age. My head was so focused on things beyond my control that I was missing life. At least until I met your mum…and your grandmother, Gluic. They taught me how to enjoy the present-day and be involved in the experience of living. I wish I knew how to teach this to you.” Taking a deep breath as he recalled his own younger years, he quickly noticed that Thorik was more focused on the knots he made in the twine than he was on his father’s comments. “Are you listening, Thorik?”

  The youth nodded as he gathered another group of papers together. “I wish I had something to put all of these in.”

  Smiling at his son, he chuckled. “Yes, you are without a doubt my son.”

  Glancing up, he finally looked into his father’s eyes. “Are we still heading past Fawn Hallow tomorrow for my birthday? I’m missing the southern ridge on my maps.”

  “One of these years I will give you a real gift; a unique present that shows you how special you are, instead of just another day of mapping the land.”

  “You say that every year, father. But I understand we can’t afford any such luxuries, so mapping a new valley is the next best thing.”

  Disappointed in himself that he never came through on his unique gift to his son, he was proud of how his son took the news. “I’ll make you a deal. We’ll head out for your survey mission if you have at least one more dance with your mum.”

  “Deal!” Thorik quickly said with great excitement. Untying a twine from one of the scrolled up maps, he pointed to it to show his father where he would like to travel to.

  Not budging from his stance, he raised an eyebrow as he waited. “Dance comes first. Than we can discuss our travel plans.”

  A deep sigh was overly played out before he handed his father his maps and headed to the dance floor where his mum was ecstatic to see him.