Read Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1) Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Intimacy and Jealousy

  Two is company, three is a crowd, and one person always has to get hurt.

  I knew I would have to get up a little earlier to get ready so that Tallis would have time to get ready. I didn't want him to have to use a guest bathroom on another floor.

  I slapped my alarm as soon as it went off. He stirred a little, but not much. It was the first time I had been able to really wake up to him. His bare chest and abs were so wonderfully gift wrapped in my new white satin sheets he had bought me.

  I watched the motion of his chest, expanding and contracting as he inhaled and exhaled. I shook my head to pull myself out of the hypnotic trance I was in.

  I took a shower and began drying off, then I grabbed a second towel to dry my hair. As I raised my hand to open the cabinet for makeup, a light bulb burst, and a piece of it flew to my hand, cutting it open.

  Bursting light bulbs were a common occurrence in the Bradbury and Verdan houses. Too much magic under one roof caused currents of energy to surge sometimes. There was literally a walk-in closet full of nothing but light bulbs because of the constant bursting.

  Not to mention, Jay was an electric, which made every bulb around burst when he got angry. I had seen that first hand, though at the time I was unaware of who or what he really was. Now, I was just as used to it as all of them.

  This time was different though. I gasped as I saw the blood pouring from my hand in a relentless flow. Tallis was suddenly in the bathroom, wrapping a small towel around my hand and applying pressure. I stood up and the towel fell from my hair. My long locks fell into place, still dripping wet. He stared as the water rushed down my chest until it reached the second towel that was locked into place.

  His breathing was heavy, and his eyes were locked on mine. He got closer and closer. His shirtless body was so close, and his loose shorts hung low on his waist. Every line on his stomach was defined with such perfection.

  Before I knew it, his body was pressed completely against mine. His right hand was tangled in my hair, and his left hand was around my waist, pulling me to him in a slow motion.

  I moved as he moved, trying not to spook him. He was leading the moment. We were so close that water from my hair was now dripping down his body. His lips lowered themselves toward mine.

  Loud footsteps running through the hallway toward us gathered our attention. No! No! No!

  It was McKee. He rushed to where we were and Tallis withdrew from me.

  McKee glared at Tallis while speaking softly in a concerned manner. "Aria, are you okay? I felt you in trouble." He continued staring at Tallis as his tone turned bitter. "I guess I was right."

  I rolled my eyes and responded with exaggerated annoyance. "I'm perfectly fine. A light bulb burst and cut my hand. Tallis took care of it." I pulled the towel off my hand and raised it up as evidence that I was telling the truth. "See? It's already quit bleeding."

  McKee continued to stand there, and now he had noticed I was only wearing a towel. Tallis stepped in front of me, blocking his view. I could tell he was annoyed with McKee's uncomfortable and unnecessary lingering; however, his tone remained soft as he addressed him.

  "You heard her, McKee. She's fine. I already handled it. You can go now."

  "I don't need you telling me what to do," McKee barked, threatening more in tone than in words.

  I stepped in between them. McKee stared at my towel which was barely hanging on to my body as Tallis wrapped his arm around me.

  "McKee, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, but I really don't need you. I'm fine."

  McKee's gaze cut away for a moment. Then he looked back up with genuine pain in his eyes.

  "You wouldn't even be with him right now if I had been there to save you that day. If I had been the one to save you, I would be the one with you every waking second. He was just in the right place at the right time. You shouldn't be with someone because of pure dumb luck."

  His voice sounded slightly choked up as he spoke with sincere heartbreak.

  I sighed loudly, trying to be sympathetic. I could tell how much this was hurting him, and I didn't want to make it worse. I searched for the best way to deliver my brutal truth.

  "McKee, that's not why I'm with him all the time. I really do care about Tallis. I'm sorry, but the fact that he saved me has nothing to do with why I'm with him."

  I could see the look of satisfaction mixed with confusion that spread across Tallis's face.

  "It is why you're with him. You and he just linked up through the emotions you were feeling for him when he saved you. It's pretty common in our world. You'll see it soon enough. Even if you don't realize it now, things would have gone different without him in the way."

  "I'm not in the way. I'm simply keeping her safe. I'll not leave her until she asks me to go." Tallis was a little more stern than earlier, but sincere.

  "And that will never happen," I promptly interjected with my still soft-spoken tone.

  Tallis showed his approval for my response by kissing my head. McKee didn't say anything else. He left abruptly, dissatisfied by my reaction. I didn't care though because I was back in Tallis's arms, with a small towel being the only thing separating us.

  He leaned over and kissed the top of my head again before speaking. "We have to get ready for school"

  My shoulders dropped in disappointment. I nodded unwillingly, and left as he climbed into the shower. I was hard pressed not to just climb in the shower with him, but I fought the urge and continued getting ready. Yet again, we had come so close to kissing, but we were interrupted at the most inopportune time.

  "It's always something" I murmured aloud as I went to make us some coffee.

  We got to school and I could feel someone watching me. Then I saw that it was McKee. He was propped up against his car, close to the entrance. I shook my head and spoke in a very irritated sort of tone.

  "I really dread calculus more and more." I looked to Tallis.

  He forced a smile. "I'm not very fond of you in that class either, but the semester will be over before you know it. And I'm never too far away."

  He leaned over and kissed my cheek once we made it to the lockers. I could hear some girls whispering in envious tones. I just smiled. I was tired of worrying about what the other girls thought of me.

  I shrugged and spoke quietly after gathering my books. "I guess I'll see you in a bit."

  "It can't get her soon enough."

  He let my hand go slowly as he walked away. I took a deep breath and reluctantly headed into calculus.

  Mr. Leeson stood at the front of class and talked in a cooler, more causal tone than usual. "We'll be partnering up today to work a project. You're going to use the equations on the board and design any structure you would like. You can use the equations in any order you wish, but they have to all be used. Take a moment and choose your partner."

  Great. I had no friends and McKee was the only one I knew in the entire class. No one even glanced my way. No guy was going to get in the mix with Tallis and McKee. No girl wanted to get on Elaina's bad side by pairing up with me.

  Everybody paired up and the only two left without a partner was McKee and me.

  He slid his chair beside mine with a shrug and a cocky, triumphant smile. "Looks like it's just you and me today."

  I didn't say anything. I just let out a sigh of frustration and began working on the assignment. I planned on finishing it very quickly.

  I began sketching after I solved each equation. McKee just sat there, staring at me, building the awkwardness. He finally decided to break the silence.

  He leaned over closer and spoke in a low, whispered voice. "I know I don't get many chances to talk to you without Tallis hovering, so I have to at least try to explain myself while the opportunity is available."

  I didn't acknowledge him. I just kept my eyes on the paper and continued working. Th
at didn't discourage him though. He continued speaking in his whisper.

  "I'm sorry I've been such an ass, but I honestly can't help it. I know this world is all new to you, so I know it's hard for you to understand."

  I brought my eyes to meet his. "What don't I understand? You seem to be the one who doesn't understand. I'm with Tallis. I'm sorry, but he's the one I want."

  Even though I was whispering, you could still hear the aggravation in my tone. I put my eyes back down and continued working.

  "When we first met, you were attracted to me. You even liked me a little. I was linked to you in order to hide you. When I was linked, I felt those feelings. They magnified my attraction to you. It's a super thing, if you know what I mean. Not to mention, your strong bloodline makes it that much more intoxicating to be around you. I'm in a rough place right now."

  I raised my eyes back up. I could hear the frustration in my whispered response. "I was attracted to you for like a nanosecond. So use your link to figure that out."

  I continued on with the assignment, hoping he would just drop the whole conversation.

  He didn't though. His pleading tone was almost sad.

  "It doesn't work like that. When I first linked to you, those feelings were toward me. When you started feeling like you did for Tallis, I was still linked. Those feelings you have toward Tallis are the same feelings I have toward you. Imagine if you were in my shoes, and Tallis liked you for an instant. Then suddenly he liked someone else, and your emotions only grew.

  "It would be hard for you to deal with it. I know I haven't dealt with it all that great... at all, but I'm doing the best I know how to do. I haven't ever been in this situation before. I usually guard people I'm not attracted to for this reason.

  "I can't pretend I don't have feelings. I can't just shut them off. I wish I could, but it doesn't work that way. Will you please just be patient with me, and maybe even… a little nicer?"

  His voice was hopeful and still quiet. His eyes showed genuine pain, which forced me to look back down. I suddenly changed my tone. I didn't even want to think about how hard it would be to watch Tallis be with someone else. It would be unbearable.

  My head rose and I laid down my pencil, preparing to give him my full and undivided attention for the first time. Then I turned my head and looked into his eyes directly.

  "Our assignment is finished."

  I smiled at him encouragingly. I didn't know what else to say, but I could start trying to be nicer. He was in pain and he was trying to keep me safe. I didn't understand this crazy world of magic, but he was just a guy in pain to me. I saw things a little more clearly, though I admit it was a lot to try to fully understand.

  He smiled back and spoke with a satisfactory sort of tone. "That was the other reason I wanted you as my partner. I didn't have to do the first thing." He put his hands behind his head and reclined back slightly, returning to his normal, cocky and confident self. It was nice to see.

  I elbowed him sort of hard in the side. He didn't flinch, but my elbow popped.


  People turned their heads to question my accidental outburst. I was slinking down and avoiding their eye contact.

  McKee just snickered slightly as he inspected my wounded elbow. Then he spoke in a lower whispered tone than before.

  "It should be fine. You can have Aster or Anesta double check it when you get home. Not wise to make any rough physical contact with a bodyguard." He paused as I shook my head. Then his eyebrows raised up and down, as a smug little grin spread across his face. "Well, not all rough physical contact is discouraged, if you know what I mean."

  I started to elbow him again, but the light throbbing pain reminded me why that would be a mistake. I just rolled my eyes and commented this time instead.

  "I think I'll pass."

  The bell rang, interrupting the playful banter, and Tallis was in the doorway promptly. McKee pushed his seat back in place, and Tallis grimaced in a displeased manner.

  McKee intentionally made an effort to speak to me on his way out, stopping in front of Tallis. "See you later ,Aria. Glad we got this sorted out. It'll be better now." He left, leaving a pile of mystery in his wake.

  Tallis stared at me, quizzical and worried. "What's he talking about?"

  I let out a deep sigh. "We talked about the way he's been acting, and he agreed to be better. I agreed to be more understanding. I don't understand all the weird rules of magic. I'm sure it's a little more complicated than I realize."

  His eyes were riddled with confusion, as was his voice. "What do you mean?"

  We stopped at my locker so I could swap my calculus book for my Spanish book.

  "I was attracted to McKee when we first met. I kind of liked him. He said he was linked to me so he could hide-" I paused, trying to find the right discreet phrasing as I noticed people within earshot of our conversation. "-me from the crazies. His link to me and my feelings magnified his feelings."

  Tallis's head drooped in a defeated manner. It looked like I had just destroyed his will to even stand at that moment. I quickly continued speaking as I put my hand on his chest and stood directly under him to stare up into his eyes.

  "It was a brief second. My feelings for McKee completely vanished without a trace even quicker than they appeared. I was never drawn to him even a fraction of the way I was drawn to you.

  "I couldn't even compare the differences in the way I felt about the two of you because there is no comparison to be made. My feelings for you surpassed any hint of attraction I thought I had toward him. My feelings for you surpassed anything I even thought possible."

  I wanted to tell him I loved him so badly, but I couldn't in that moment. It wasn't the right time. He raised his head, shaking off the pain. Now he seemed to be pleased with what I had to say.

  He grabbed my hand and walked me to my next class. He kissed me gently on the hand before I walked through the door. What a crazy morning.

  "Class, turn your books to page one-forty-nine, and read quietly to yourself. We will have a short quiz on conjugations after you finish." Mrs. Inglewood seemed to be talking through a stopped-up nose. She wiped it with a tissue as she sat down in her squeaky chair.

  I rolled my eyes. So stupid, I thought to myself. I was staring down at my economics book instead of my Spanish book. I had been so distracted by my conversation with Tallis that I didn't pay attention to which book I had grabbed.

  I sheepishly raised my hand. I could hear the embarrassment in my voice. "Mrs. Inglewood?"

  She sneezed loudly before her tone of annoyance answered me. "Yes, Aria?"

  "I accidentally grabbed the wrong book. Can I run to my locker real quick?" My face beamed red as I heard some of the others snickering.

  She huffed in aggravation. "Yes, but do it hurriedly, and don't make a habit of this."

  I slid out of my chair and walked toward my locker. I noticed that my locker was open and someone's head was in it. It was Everett.

  "What are you doing in my locker?" I spat.

  My accusatory tone was abrupt and unexpected, causing him to spin around with a guilty look.

  "Sorry. Just a routine check." He seemed like he was hiding something or covering something up.

  "So you keep an eye on my locker for evil soul stealers?" I raised one eyebrow to show my disbelief for his answer.

  He shifted his weight uncomfortably as he answered. "You never know where danger may be. It's usually right in front of you. It's just too hard to see because it's so perfectly camouflaged. You wouldn't notice it at a glance, but it becomes more obvious when you realize what you're looking for. For instance, there might be a scratch on the wall of your room that you didn't notice for years. Then one day, it suddenly stands out. And once you've seen it, you can't help but stare at it every time you're in the room."

  I hate riddles. His answer insinuated there was something he knew that I
didn't. He made me squirm uncomfortably as I swapped my books. I'd never trusted Everett. He had always given me an uneasy feeling with his cruel and cold looks.

  Then suddenly I grew angry when I thought I knew what he was talking about. "You better not be referring to Tallis. He's as good as anyone - better than most. I'm so sick of hearing about his bad blood."

  His eyes twitched with heavy hesitation. His voice was riddled with regret. "It's not Tallis. He's chosen his light, and I trust that his intentions are pure. I wasn't referring to anything in particular. Like I said, just a routine check."

  He walked by me hastily, probably feeling chastised, and I stared at him until he disappeared. When I turned back to my locker, I gasped out a breath of startle.

  McKee was inches from me. I could hear my too-loud voice shriek slightly in surprise.

  "What are you doing here?" I breathlessly asked.

  "I felt something wrong. I was just coming to make sure you're okay. What are you doing out of class?"

  He put his hand on my side. I didn't like his touch. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I wiggled away subtly as I responded.

  "I had the wrong book. I had to explain the intentionally antagonistic remark that you made in front of Tallis." I flashed him a disapproving glare.

  "Sorry. Old habits die hard. I just wanted him to know what was going on without me having to tell him. I'm sorry if he didn't take it so well."

  He looked like he was trying to hide a smile. He was pleased with his instigative remark, and he had most likely hoped it would spark a fight between me and Tallis. He wasn't too pleased when I finished telling him what had happened though.

  "Well, he was hurt when I explained why you were the way you were, but he was better when I told him how completely devoted to him I was. He understood, and I got to tell him how much I really do care for him. It actually worked out pretty well all the way around."

  "You love him, don't you?" he asked, catching me off guard. "Don't deny it. I'm linked to your emotions. I don't really know what love feels like personally, but I do know that your feelings are strong."

  He sounded so wounded, like I had just broken his heart. Now I felt like I was being cruel again.

  I sighed loudly. "I wasn't going to deny it. I just haven't told him yet. I'm really sorry if this hurts you. I'm not trying to be mean or dismissive of your feelings. I really do love him, and he's the one I want to be with every second of every day. I have no intentions of ever being with you, and I feel like it would be nicer of me to be honest, than to let you think that there would be a chance for us."

  I touched his shoulder, trying to be sympathetic when I saw the wave of pain and disappointment that spread across his face.

  Then in a hushed tone, he said, "One day he's going to hurt you. You may not believe it now, but it will happen. I'll be here when it does. You'll see how much you've been missing when that happens, and you're going to kick yourself for not seeing it sooner."

  Then he turned and went back toward his class.

  I shook off the feeling of guilt I had. I did hate hurting him, but I knew Tallis cared for me and would never hurt me. I went back to class with the correct book and tried to pretend everything was okay.

  The rest of the day flew by, thankfully. Tallis took me home and we had an unexpected surprise. My parents had arrived early. Finally, something good was happening. I couldn't wait to introduce them to Tallis.