Read Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1) Page 14

  Chapter 14

  Gas on the fire

  When your world falls apart, you can't always pick up the pieces by yourself.

  I woke up the next morning with tears still staining my eyes. My head was aching from the absurd amount I'd cried. I could hear people talking outside. I half hoped it was Tallis.

  I peeked out the window to see a younger guy. He was maybe twenty. He was huddled up with several members of our coven.

  I walked outside to find out what was going on. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with company, but I needed something, anything to take my mind off of Tallis.

  I stumbled outside, thanks to the threshold of the doorway sticking up too far. Gear walked up to take my hand, and pulled me toward the new member.

  "This clumsy girl is my youngest sister, Aria."

  How dare he act like nothing was wrong. I'd just found out he and Aster had been lying to me all these years. I didn't even know which memories were real or fake. It was painful.

  "I'm Jared Hunter," the guy said in his velvety Irish accent.

  Jared smiled at me as he reached out his hand to shake mine. His hair was very dark, and his eyes glistened with green and blue. He had a tall and muscular build, but not bulky muscle. Even though he was eye candy, I barely paid him attention.

  Then Gear spoke again in an excited gush. "Jared is one of the members of the light militia. He's going to be crashing here for a couple of days, or more. He's waiting on a few others to meet up with information. Jared and I go way back.”

  I rolled my eyes, thinking of how Jaslene had told me of Gear's real age. My voice was weak and strained when I tried to respond.

  "Where's he going to be staying? And what's the light militia?"

  Before Gear could answer my questions, Olivia called for him. "Gear, I need you to come help me set up a room for Jared please."

  Gear jogged off and Jared chuckled quietly. The subtly of Jared's accent was charming. His pretty eyes were disarming, but all I could think about was the jerk who ran off directly after I confessed my love.

  "I never would've thought Gear to be the housebroken type," he said through his chuckles.

  I could barely force a smirk. I'd always thought of Gear as being very mature, but it appeared I didn't know very much about him at all. I'm sure he was immature when he was actually younger.

  "I guess you must know him a little better."

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest in a slightly pouting manner. Jared touched my chin and pulled it up so that my eyes meet his. "It's always tough learning about who you are. You just need to make sure you don't waste your mortal time worrying about your immortal future. The real world can wait. I wish someone had told me that."

  I'd known him for a second and he was already giving me advice. I wanted to scream at him, tell him he didn't know a thing about me or what I was going through. I didn't though. Possibly because I was going numb.

  Under my breath, I grumbled, "I know. I just have a lot of other things on my mind. Gear's true age really doesn't bother me... I'm just overwhelmed by all the lies that I used to think were truths."

  He nodded, letting my words fully resonate. "I understand that. It took me a long time to adjust. Surprisingly enough, though, all of this will soon make more sense to you than the mortal stuff."

  I let out a slight laugh which felt oddly cathartic. "Right now, I don't think the immortal or the mortal stuff makes a whole lot of sense."

  "That's because you're stuck in the middle. Falling in love with an immortal didn't help things, I'm sure. That's the sort of thing that only complicates your emotions."

  I could feel my face burning red. Was I wearing a flashing sign that screamed heartbreak?

  "How do you know about that?"

  He looked as though he was unsure about whether or not he should say anymore. I stared expectantly, silently taking a stand to make him answer me.

  "Gear told me. He was telling me about all of the new information - and the new people hanging around - and it just... kind of... came up. It wasn't like he was blabbing about your private life or anything."

  I rolled my eyes, puffing somewhat childishly. "I'm sure he's relieved it didn't work out. He hasn't exactly been too thrilled about my closeness with Tallis."

  Jared just chuckled slightly, angering me a little. "No. He was very candid in his disapproval of someone being alone with his little sister so much. I've been friends with him for a long time and I still got the whole 'don't touch my baby sister' speech."

  I just shook my head, embarrassed and agitated at the same time. "That's just great."

  He laughed a little harder this time. "I've always been a bit of a rebel, though. I very rarely follow the rules without bending them a tad." Then he winked at me.

  I could feel myself blushing. As cute as he was - and as smooth as he was - I couldn't let myself be interested. It felt wrong. My heart belonged to Tallis, and even though he was done with me, I was still in love with him. It almost felt like I would be cheating if I acknowledged Jared's flirty tone.

  We walked back to the house quietly until we got to the porch. Then I blurted out the question I had asked Gear before Olivia had summoned him.

  "What is the light militia?"

  He smirked. "We're a group that tracks down and kills the smaller groups of essence thieves who are trying to make their way into the Dramus circle. I hear nowadays there's actually another Craymon running the show."

  I nodded. "Dramus had a son." I didn't want to talk about Dramus or any of his mignons, so I shifted the conversation back to him. "So, you have to risk your life all the time? Sounds a little like you enjoy danger."

  He let out a laugh before responding. "I'm not an adrenaline junkie or anything, but I owe the bas... I mean, creeps... some payback. I feel a great deal of release when I fight. And it's cheaper than therapy."

  He snickered a bit to lighten the seriousness of the conversation.

  I sensed there was more to his story than what he was telling. It seemed as though he was holding back painful memories. I didn't want to press the issue. Truth be known, I just wanted to go to rest my mind.

  Being away from Tallis for even this short amount of time was making me miserable. I just wanted to check out from the real world for a while.

  Olivia poked her head out of the door. "Jared, we have your room ready."

  Jared smiled at me as he winked flirtatiously. "So, are we roommates, or am I having to stay down the hall?"

  I blushed again, but before I could say anything, Gear was throwing a blob of water at Jared's head. It almost looked like a clear water balloon as it smacked him right in the face. Then I could hear Gear speaking in a scolding tone.

  "I told you - hands off!"

  Jared wiped his face as he teased, "I knew you were listening. It was just a little joke."

  Gear and Olivia laughed from the inside the house, while I tried to drown in humiliation.

  I woke up burning up. I glanced over to look at the clock. It was two o'clock in the morning. I huffed in aggravation.

  Everyone in the house was immortal, so they often forgot that a mortal needs temperature control.

  I got up and walked downstairs to adjust the thermostat. They must've thought that since it was winter I would need it set on eighty-two degrees. I lowered it to seventy-two, and then I looked outside.

  There was snow on the ground. I'd never seen so much snow until this year. It was so beautiful the way the moon glistened off the surface of the fluffy white blanket. Then I saw bright colors erupting from around the corner of the house.

  I threw on my boots and my jacket, and then I ran outside to investigate. As I rounded the corner, I saw Jared. He stood out there, shirtless, as he blasted streaks of fire across the yard. It seemed to be so effortless for him. The fire that blazed from his hands just seemed to be an extension of him. I could see him swaying back a
nd forth as he kept his eyes focused forward, enjoying the heady power rush.

  "Can't sleep, Aria?" he asked in nearly a whisper, startling me.

  I didn't even know he knew I was there. I was slightly embarrassed now that he knew I was watching him.

  "It was really hot inside, so I got up and saw lights flashing. My curiosity got the better of me."

  The fire suddenly disappeared from his hands and he turned to face me. His lean sculpted body reminded me so much of Tallis's. His pants hung low on his waist, and he had a menacing grin when he became aware of my foolish, unintentional gawking.

  "Sorry. Immortals forget the most comfortable temperature when there hasn't been a mortal around for a while." Then he smiled at me even cockier then he already was. "You want to come here for a minute?"

  My head snapped up suddenly, and I quit drooling like an idiot. "What?" I squeaked, squirming awkwardly.

  "Easy, girl," he said softly, trying not to laugh at my skittish reaction. "I was just asking if you wanted to feel the magic. Come here. Trust me."

  Trust him? I didn't know him.

  He smiled at me as he stuck his hand out, gesturing for me to take it. I was confused by what he was proposing, but I warily put my hand in his hand and mumbled, "Okay."

  He pulled me into his arms swiftly, making my breath catch in my throat, and put my back against his chest. I could feel the heat radiating from his body to mine. It wasn't as fiery as Tallis's touch, but things were definitely heating up.

  His voice was so soft that it was almost seductive. "Just breathe as I breathe. Inhale as I do, and exhale as I do."

  My body was firmly placed against his, and his arms were on top of mine. I followed his body movement, and I could feel something - I just didn't know what it was.

  I started to ask him what it was that I was feeling, when suddenly, fire erupted from his palms. He crisscrossed the blaze to create a repetitive pattern, and I felt entranced under the spell of its beauty. I couldn't feel any heat from the fire, but I could feel the power as if it was my own. My body flowed with his as he continued projecting the magnificent blaze.

  Then he spoke softly in my ear as we continued to flow together. "Pretty soon you'll feel your own magic. It'll feel even better than this." Then the fire suddenly disappeared, abandoning us in the cold.

  I almost had to catch my breath when I stumbled away from him. Everyone had spoken about magic, lectured me on it, even given me some shining demonstrations, but this was the first time anyone had let me feel it.

  "That was amazing. I've never felt anything like that," I breathlessly released.

  He just smiled at me. "It's not just magic - it's an art. It can bring you peace and release. There's no other feeling like it in the world. You hold the control and you feel grounded."

  His distraction was needed, and it did give me a sense of calm. Nothing could quell my need to be with Tallis, but it was enough to push the heartbreaker away from the forefront of my mind.

  "Thank you. I guess I need to get back in. I'm sure the house has cooled down by now. Not to mention, I'm frigging freezing now."

  He chuckled lightly. "Sorry. I forget how cold it can be during the winters." Then he turned back like he was going to continue blazing.

  I stopped walking and faced his back before speaking again. "Are you going to stay out here all night?"

  He turned back to me to respond. His eyes pulsed, and I felt something happen. I felt as though there was a furnace suddenly inside me, warming me from the inside out. It felt confusing, but it offered such delicious heat.

  "That should make you feel a bit warmer out here. Should you want to stay a little longer. I'll just be another hour or so."

  I looked at him, my curiosity piqued to the nth degree. "Did you just use your power to warm me up?"

  He gave me a cocky smirk as he nodded. Then he winked at me and turned back to continue blazing.

  I was fascinated with his skill, so I decided to watch. His movements and his power were so magnificent together, a mesmerizing force that left me enthralled. I tried to deny my heavy lids the ability to shut, but they kept winning the battle. I sat in the small chair, fighting sleep, determined to watch, but it was pointless. In the end, the locking grip of sleep prevailed.

  I woke up the next morning to the perfect temperature for a house. I looked around to see I was in my room. I was sort of embarrassed about falling asleep while watching Jared. I supposed he had put me in my bed.

  I got ready and went downstairs. I could smell breakfast cooking. When I reached the bottom of the steps, I found Gear and Olivia.

  "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

  I blushed slightly at Gear's question, which made him raise his brow in suspicion.

  My mind flashed back to the intense moment I had unexpectedly shared with Jared. "Yeah, but I had to adjust the thermostat early this morning."

  Then I heard Jay start to laugh as he joined us in the kitchen. "Sorry, Aria. I think I may have bumped it last night on my way out."

  I tried not to think of my late-night rendezvous with Jared as I fibbed slightly. "No big deal. I just fixed it and went back to bed." Then I remembered something. "Hey, Jay. What're you doing tonight?"

  Jay raised one eyebrow at me. "Nothing that I know of. Why do you ask?"

  I sighed in exasperation. "There's this stupid party I have to go to. Mom wants me to engage in every social activity I'm invited to. I really don't want to go alone, and I haven't exactly made any friends yet."

  He frowned at me. "What about Taryn or McKee?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Taryn has a thing to do out of town, and given the bizarre behavior of McKee, I'd rather not ask him. I think that would only complicate things more."

  "Selesha?" he asked, swallowing hard after straining out her name.

  Jay hadn't spoken about Selesha much since he met Ayla, and Selesha had gone off to lick her wounds in solitude. She'd asked Olivia not to say anything, but Olivia let it slip to me.

  "Busy," I mumbled, stealing a quick glance at Olivia.

  She was frowning now. Selesha was one of her best friends, and Jay was completely in love with Ayla. Olivia felt disloyal, but she knew Jay couldn't deny his soul mate, nor did he want to.

  Apparently Selesha and Jay were linked. The same thing Tallis thought was going on between us. The moment he found his other half, his feelings for Selesha vanished. I couldn't imagine the heartbreak she was facing, because, despite their denials, they were both captivated by the other.

  Jay shook his head after a beat. "I can't go. I'd have to take Ayla, because I can't leave her for too long yet, and I'm an electric. If anyone was to say anything about her that made me mad, every light bulb in the house would blow. It'd be fortunate if no one got electrocuted."

  It was very frustrating how close two soul mates had to stay after the initial acceptance of the connection. I did, however, understand his point. So then I turned my attention to Gear. "How about you?"

  He frowned. "I would, Aria, but I have to go check out some leads tonight. Everett is guarding you tonight. Why don't you just go with him?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I don't think he likes me very much. I'll just ask Ash. Maybe she can go with me."

  "She has to meet up with some other blazers for training tonight. And before you think about Aster, she and Chris have plans as well. You may have to go solo tonight," Jay said, shrugging.

  I sighed in aggravation. "I'd rather not. I can only imagine the things that would be said if I showed up alone after all the guy drama I've had at school. I already get tired of hearing what the hyenas have to say when I have somebody with me, let alone when I'm by myself."

  Jay scowled, his face reddened, and I heard at least two light bulbs shatter in the chandelier that was growing tired of its stress.

  "I changed my mind," he said through gritted teeth, a few more bulbs bursting to add drama. "
I'll go and take care of them. Then you won't have to worry about them anymore."

  I rolled my eyes again and handed him the broom, agitated by the fact I was finding normalcy in the chaos.

  "No. That won't be necessary. I'll just find someone else... Maybe."

  "I'll take her," a new voice interjected. "I don't have anything else to do tonight. I'll make sure no one has anything wise to say either. I've got enough swagger for a social function."

  Jared's Irish accent was a little richer than it had been the day before, making him a bit too swoon-worthy. I guessed he normally dialed it down.

  I turned to face him, feeling a little exposed. It was embarrassing for people to know I was a big pathetic target for the Twisted Barbie Club.

  "You don't have to do that. I'm sure a high school party isn't exactly what you'd planned on doing while you're here."

  He leaned up against the wall and smiled at me, warming me with his charming grin. "I think I can handle a high school party just fine. Besides, I'm getting bored. I've always been a sucker for a damsel in distress."

  Just what I needed. Someone else's pity.

  Gear grumbled a little. "You know the rules, Jared."

  Jared just laughed. "You have got to lighten up. I know the rules. I'm just helping the girl out. She really shouldn't have to go alone. Mortals girls are vicious, you know."

  Gear smiled at him and let out a bit of a laugh. "Fine."

  Then Jared winked at me. "I'll pick you up around seven?"

  I laughed slightly at his obvious joke, considering he was staying on the floor just below me. "Sounds good."