Read Trial by Ordeal Page 11


  Ray Connors looked across at his wife Jean. “You know Jean something smells very fishy on this planet. Why would Patina Pallas insist on taking Caroline and her children through the portal, she must know that this would impede the search for her husband? She must also have realised that Tyler would first and foremost pit all of his energies into securing the safety of his family, and only after they were safe would he even think about the missing man, and that supposes that he can even be bothered about looking for him, especially as to do so might further endanger his family.”

  “I have been thinking along those lines as well Ray, which is why I have set up the universal translator to listen in to the news broadcasts on this terrible planet, this seems to be the only way that we can stay in touch with what the Helionian people are thinking. When Tyler surfaces with his family, we can at least update him about the general population’s feelings regarding the whole kidnapping scenario.”

  “There is a lot that we don`t know yet Jean, and stuck here on the Defender we will never find out what it is.” Ray complained.

  “Well we cannot go out and about to ask questions on this planet Ray, for we do not know who to speak to, let alone speak the local`s language, listening in to the news broadcasts is about all we can do.”

  “We could talk to that guy who met Tyler when we landed, we could speak to him through the universal translator.” Ray suggested.

  “Do you know how to contact him Ray?”

  “No Jean I don`t.” Ray Connors said sadly. “But at this particular moment there is something that I can do; I will photograph the ancient writing on the wall and send it through to Brian Goddard to see if his super computer can get anything from it.”

  Just as Ray finished photographing the ancient metal plaque fixed to the rock face, he saw someone that he recognised. Ray turned to Jean who had accompanied him outside for a little fresh air.

  “Jean that man over there looking at the portal, that is Captain Lysenko of the local police force, he might be able to help us, let`s ask him in for a chat.”

  Ray walked forward and called across to the police captain. Captain Lysenko on hearing his name called, the only word of the local language that Ray knew, saw Ray indicating that he should come across, so he did. Ray then indicated that he wanted the officer to come inside the Defender, and when the captain was sitting in the galley Ray was able to speak with him through the translator.

  “Captain Lysenko there is a lot that we want to know about, such as what is happening on this planet. We thought that Aswan Trajan, the guy who met us when we landed on your planet, might be able to fill us in on the latest news.” Ray said to the policeman.

  “I will be glad to fill you in on all that is happening, for I am in charge of the investigation, and I will happily tell you what little I know.”

  Captain Lysenko then updated Ray and Jean about the little that he did know, about the four metal plates. Then of the blatant attempt to put the blame on the young lieutenant, who from the captain`s own investigations was found to be a good young officer without an interest in politics, and who was probably guilty of nothing more than adultery. As most thinking people already knew, the crime was obviously committed by the partisan party to ensure victory in the forthcoming presidential elections. Captain Lysenko then told them about four thugs who belonged to the partisan party, and who were currently missing from their usual haunts. Captain Lysenko suspected that they could be the four men who had taken Marot Pallas and a second man, maybe the missing lieutenant, through the portal. Nothing new had come in about the kidnapping of Marot Pallas, they had no leads apart from the one fact, that the partisan party would benefit if Marot Pallas were not found safe and well. Patina Pallas and her lover could have been involved in it, but Lysenko doubted it, for everyone he had spoken too had told him that Patina was very much in love with her husband, and that they thought the love affair was no more than a dalliance. The descriptions that they got of the kidnappers, from the two witnesses, were similar and rather vague, because the men were all supposedly dressed in old navy blue overalls and they all wore balaclavas.

  “Can you let us have a copy of what was written on the four plates Captain?”

  “Quite easily, the four plates are featured in an article about the missing politician in today`s news, I can let you read it on my electronic tablet.” Captain Lysenko pulled out a device that resembled a twenty first century tablet and soon had the article displayed on it. Ray photographed the entire article along with an article regarding the forthcoming presidential election, and others dealing with the speeches so far given by the candidates. These together with his other photographs he dispatched to Brian Goddard, who at that moment was sitting in his home on the far away planet of Orion. Brian was alerted to the message by his own computer, which meant that the satellite link worked just fine.

  “I have sent the information back to Orion, Captain; my friend back there might be able to throw some light on matters here, via his super computer.” Ray informed Captain Lysenko.

  “Well if he can then please inform me, for I for one need all the help that I can get.” Although how an alien many light years away could throw any light on a situation happening here on Helionia, baffled the police captain.

  “Captain you do have one lead to all of this, the old mystic could well know more about it than she admits to, why don`t you try a truth serum on her to find out just how involved she is in this?” Ray Connors asked, although he knew that, as on Earth, truth serum may not be allowed here on Helionia.

  “The reason why I haven`t questioned her further is because since Patina Pallas went through the portal with your friends, the mystic has vanished off the face of the planet.” Lysenko informed the Ray and Jean Connors.

  “Have you searched her house?” Jean asked.

  “I am about to go there now, my team of detectives should have started five minutes ago.” Captain Lysenko stopped speaking for a moment, but it was obvious to Ray and Jean that he wanted to say something else. In fact, he did, but he had been undecided as to whether he should, his time with them decided the issue.

  “I do have one small piece of information which might not mean anything, but a starship belonging to Ares Fortuna has been spending a lot of time off world lately, and they are due to leave again tomorrow morning, where they are going I don`t know, but as you have a starship handy you might follow them. I should warn you though, their ship is armed with a light Phaser weapon, and it could prove to be highly dangerous for you.” Captain Lysenko stopped here for a moment before he continued, it was to allow his new friends time to absorb all he had told them, but after another moment, he continued. “Normally the ship hardly moves out of the space port but as I say, lately it has been more than busy.” Captain Lysenko looked across to Ray and Jean Connors, and he half wished that he had kept quiet about Ares Fortuna`s starship because of the danger involved to the Orionist starship and its crew. However, it was done now, and anyway many of his own peoples` lives were at risk now because of what was happening in the world of politics, so why shouldn`t the Orionists risk theirs as well.

  “This ship may look old and worn Captain, but it can look after itself. Thank you we may well tag along with them when they move off, but how will we know which ship is Fortuna`s?” Ray asked.

  “Tomorrow morning it is the only one due to leave the space port in the early morning, so if you are in orbit above the planet you will see it leave, I will arrange matters with the space port officials for you to take off from here and park in an orbit above the space port if you wish?” Captain Lysenko said.

  “Please do Captain, we will both be very grateful, we will take off at midnight; that should give you enough time to arrange matters.” Ray said.

  “I just hope that I am not sending you to your death, as so many others who have been involved in this matter seem to have been.” Captain Lysenko said grimly

  “Captain I will leave a communications satel
lite in a geostationary orbit above this part of your planet, so that we can remain in contact with each other, if we should find that we have news for each other.” Ray Connors had taken a liking to the alien police officer, and more than that, he thought that he could trust him.

  “In that case you will need a way to contact me direct without going through my headquarters, for you never know who might get to know of your call.” Captain Lysenko said thoughtfully.

  “No, all we need is for you to check in with our satellite every hour or so, and if you need to contact us urgently it can route you through to us.” Ray Connors said.

  He wrote down on a piece of paper the frequency and password required to access one of the three remaining satellites in his hold, and passed it over to the police captain.

  “Ok Ray I will have my computer check in with your satellite every hour, and it will alert me to any message that you wish to leave for me.”