Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 1




  PART 1


  Copyright 2014 by VIKRAM B S

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All names,

  characters and settings are fictitious. All content has

  been written when the mind was in the theta state.

  Please appreciate the creativity and enjoy the story. Any

  resemblance to actual events, names, locales,

  organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely



  Chapter 1 – Father of the Elements

  Chapter 2 – Five Pillars of Strength

  Chapter 3 – The Wise Man

  Chapter 4 – Sea Invasion-Attack by the Asuras

  Chapter 5 – The Bow at Brouhaha

  Chapter 6 – The Mace at Machun

  Chapter 7 – Gold Lake

  Chapter 8 – Wax Tower

  Chapter 9 – The Death Drink

  Chapter 10 – Long Lost Twin

  Chapter 11 – Trophy Heads

  Chapter 12 – The Grand Plan

  Chapter 13 – The Idol of Tindher

  Chapter 1 – Father of the Elements

  The sun shone brightly on the beautiful settlement of Chonohaush. Chonohaush was an island separated from the rest of the continental mass. It was probably the smallest island of our world. But, it was still famous throughout the world for its staying power. It was one of the only indigenous civilizations still living without having exposure to the mundane activities of the modern world. Idaha and his wife were one of the only couples who were disappointed on the island as they had no off springs and Idaha was worried about his family lineage stopping with him.

  Idaha’s wife Olivaha woke him up and said “Get up, it is a wonderful day, let’s go to the beach and spend some time.”

  Idaha was no longer interested in going around with his wife to the beach etc; though the couple had been through rough times the only thing that he was pondering every time about was when he was going to beget a son. Romance was the last thing in his mind every day. But his wife who was a very shrewd and pious woman always used to believe that everything happens for the good, and God always tests his devotees so that they pray him and do not get caught in the material world.

  “You are going to come with me or not” shouted Olivaha?

  Idaha finally got up, though he used to be frustrated all the time thinking about when he would beget a son, he always used to maintain his sense of humor. Idaha and Olivaha finally left for the beach. On the way they were greeted by many of their neighbors. Olivaha wanted to have some blueberry juice, but Idaha insisted they have it on the beach rather than on the way so that they could enjoy some good time on the sea shore. Olivaha was rather shocked at the sudden reversal of his mood.

  Olivaha asked him “How did you change your mind so fast, just five minutes back when I woke you up you were not ready to come with me to the beach?”

  Idaha said with a wry smile “Hmm, to be frank when you woke me up, my eyes fell on your long, dark silky hair, this provided the boost for me to enjoy the old times with you like before.”

  Olivaha was blushing; her face had become red and what with the sunlight increasing her beauty. She was one of the most beautiful ladies on the island. They then started their walk towards the beach enjoying the early morning scenery of the place. Both of them reached the beach. They looked for a spot which would make sure that they could enjoy the sea from a nearby distance.

  Idaha after a few minutes asked her “Can I sleep on your lap? I feel like sleeping on your lap today.”

  Olivaha was completely surprised. She knew that her husband was one of the best human beings, but she could not help but notice the sudden change in his behavior. What with appreciating her beauty since morning.

  She asked “Please tell me, why you have changed so much all of a sudden?”

  Idaha looked like a small child who had been caught stealing. He then confessed that his love for her was true but his change in behavior was for something that he wanted from her.

  Olivaha asked “Tell me what it is?”

  Idaha then said “I met an old ascetic yesterday, he has asked me to meet him today afternoon near the river, and he told me that he knows of a way for us to continue our family lineage. So can u please come with me to meet him?”

  Olivaha was in tears, she was unable to control her emotions at the innocence of her husband.

  Olivaha said “Of course I will come, why you hesitated to tell me this before?”

  Idaha did not know that his wife would agree immediately. He did not want to remind her every time of it and was hell bent upon finding a solution for her this time. He also knew that she was unhappy from the inside, because she had not been able to enjoy motherhood. But he knew that she was a very good person at heart and used to make sure that she would not hurt him by reminding of their situation every time.

  Idaha jumped with joy on the beach and ran towards the nearest juice centre and brought her some blueberry juice. Olivaha drank the juice and happiness was now evident on both of their faces. Both of them spent some invaluable time with each other and left for the riverside to meet the ascetic. Little did they know that destiny had something very surprising in store for the both of them? They reached the riverside in sometime. The island being small there were no modern vehicles for transportation, except for the coracles present near the rivers, both of them decided to walk the entire distance discussing their previous years of their married life.

  They reached the riverside and near the riverside there was a small hut with a very small entrance. Little did they know whether they had reached the required spot because Idaha had come to this place for the first time as he had met the ascetic near the market when he had gone there to buy some vegetables for their daily use? When both of them were busy searching for the ascetic a loud booming voice was heard from behind.

  “Morning Idaha,” said the ascetic.

  Idaha turned around and fell at the feet of the ascetic, and Olivaha followed suit. Idaha was surprised because he remembered not to have introduced himself with his name the day he had met the same person.

  Ascetic said “My name is Olom, I will show you the path for your wishes, please come with me into the hut.”

  Both of them were able to see great spiritual effulgence surrounding the ascetic Olom. He had a smiling countenance, unperturbed by the ways of life. It looked from his face that he was enjoying life as a movie rather than trying to change the way things happen in our mortal world. They entered his hut and were able to see that he had devoted his life to the welfare of the world rather than trying to enjoy everything for him. He had one old cupboard, he opened it and looked for something and pulled out 2 oil lamps. He gave them to the couple and asked them to go to a place named Coatazuma which was on the southern tip of Chonohaush. Idaha felt that he had heard the name before.

  Olom said “Near Coatazuma go and meet a person named Vilom, you can find him near the small forest area at the corner of an only lake of that place. He will take you to a secret cave where there is an idol of the master of this universe, light these 2 oil lamps with mustard oil and pray to him there for 40 days. Make sure that you both follow strict celibacy for these 40 days then come back here. I will let you know the future course of action.”

  Idaha and Olivaha were very happy. It was as if God had come in the form of Olom to help them out of their predicament. Bo
th of them paid their respects and left for their home. On the way back Idaha was in a very good mood. Olivaha was also in the greatest of moods but she did not want to reveal it, because she wanted to experience success this time of getting pregnant rather than dream about it. After reaching home, Olivaha prepared the best delicacies that Idaha liked as she knew that the 40 days of austerities might take a toll on their tongues. Both of them had a good night’s sleep and got up early in the morning and left for Coatazuma.

  It was the smallest island of the world but still had pretty intelligent means of transportation when compared to the modern world. It was still a mystery how there had been no invasions to change the culture of the country till date. Maybe the land had many spiritually advanced souls who were protected by the creator and the master of the universe and hence the land was in good shape. Both of them took a coracle ride to cross the lake till the other side of the land from where Coatazuma was around 10 miles in the southern tip of Chonohaush. The clothing of both of them was austere. Idaha was wearing temple style clothes with a V shaped mark at the centre of the forehead and Olivaha had tied her long silky hair into a bun and was wearing the same V shaped mark at the centre of her forehead, both of them were looking like ascetics.

  They now needed some means of transportation to reach the forest in Coatazuma; Olivaha was a bit tired maybe because of skipping their breakfast as they had left early in the morning, they were looking here and there when a person approached them.

  “Hi good morning madam, are you looking for transportation,” asked the stranger?

  Olivaha replied in the affirmative. Idaha was not pleased because he was able to see three huge camels standing in front of the stranger’s small shop and that too they were not in the midst of a desert.

  Olivaha said “Let’s take a camel and reach the place instead of walking.”

  Idaha agreed and the stranger gave a broad smile. He was happy that he was going to make money in the morning. Both of them got on top of the camel and started their journey to Coatazuma. They reached the forest area near Coatazuma, there they found a very bright young man waiting for them and was having a broad smile which looked like as if he was expecting them at that same place.

  “Hi my name is Vilom,” said the stranger.

  Idaha and Olivaha were relieved as they had reached the destination perfectly fine. Vilom introduced the camel rider who had coaxed Olivaha into using the camel as means of transportation as Gattaha.

  Gattaha said “Strict instructions from Olom to help you out.”

  Olivaha and Idaha were very happy at the type of treatment they were being given. It was as if they were the most privileged people on the island. But in the corners of their mind they had their own doubts, because they had not received this type of affection and help from anybody till date. Vilom asked Gattaha to get both of them down safely and to go back to the town and inform Olom that the couple had reached safely. Idaha and Olivaha got down safely and started their walk towards the secret cave.

  Vilom said “The place where I am taking you to is a secret. Please make sure that you do not tell this to anyone else. You guys must be wondering why you are being given this type of treatment; the main reason is, there is a manuscript that had been written long back around 5000 years ago where the names of two people have been mentioned. Do you guys want to know what the names are?”

  Idaha and Olivaha were completely blank in their expressions. They did not know how to express, on one side they were always complaining that they did not have children and now they were being given information regarding things they were completely unaware of.

  Idaha said “yes, please let us know.”

  Vilom replied saying “Idaha and Olivaha.”

  “What” exclaimed Olivaha?

  Vilom then started explaining about the manuscript. He told both of them that whatever was happening was destiny and all this had already been written long back. The palm leaf writing had information that a childless couple by their names would come and pray to the ‘Father of the Elements’ and would then give birth to two great souls who would be the saviors of the island.

  Now everything was clear to them. Olivaha could not control her tears because she had remained firm for so many years though her faith had been tested badly. But at the corners of their mind they were a bit scared as they knew that their peaceful island was in danger.

  Vilom then pointed towards a big rock and said “That is the entrance to the cave, let’s go.”

  The three of them reached the entrance of the cave. It was very dark near the forest, not even a ray of sunlight was able to enter the Earth’s surface. Vilom chanted an incantation and lo! The entrance of the cave gave way and the three of them entered inside. These incantations were nothing new to them as they were familiar with these things, as this was the way of life on their island.