Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 4

  Chapter 4 – Sea Invasion-Attack by the Asuras

  On the other hand little did the people living in the cave know that disaster had struck the island of Chonohaush, by a tribe known as the Asuras, and they had struck terror into the hearts of the nice people on the island? Majority of the people had been captured as slaves. Idaha who had left with some sort of mystical powers had failed and had been captured as a slave by the Asuras. Why had Idaha failed? The Asuras were probably a mighty race who was ruthless in their approach, what with a romantic person like Idaha trying to save the island.

  Little did Maya and Olivaha know that all of them present on the island, their fellow citizens were going to be captured for sacrifice to the Devil who was being worshipped by the Asuras?

  Near the settlement of Chonohaush, Idaha was present amidst a construction site, completely tied without any freedom of movement; he had been starving completely from the time he had left. At that precise moment when he was about to almost fall unconscious, an inner voice asked him to chant the incantations so as to activate the earth and air elements. He was almost half-dead but the idea of dying without seeing his children gave him a sudden boost and with intensity chanted the incantations and voila there was a huge dust storm, the thickness of the dust was so much that even Idaha could not see anything at a distance of 1 ft from himself, at that moment he felt like he was dragged by a heavy force and before he could realize he was present in front of a lake completely alone and the entire place looked deserted devoid of any civilization.

  Chakra appeared at that time when Idaha was feeling completely lost. He lost his ethereal image and came down as a human. Idaha was still able to recognize him as his mentor who had given him the power of controlling the elements.

  Chakra said “I hope now you understand why the powers did not work when you had tried to escape from the Asuras.”

  Idaha gave a blank expression and Chakra was able to make out that there was still some anger inside which he was not letting out.

  Idaha then started talking, “You promised me that the power of controlling 2 elements would help me on my way but it did not. When I left the cave at half the distance from the cave I was able to see many Asuras who were trying to take over our island. I was unable to stop them, in front of my eyes they captured many of my friends and neighbors and I was unable to stop them. I finally tried using my human strength instead of superhuman powers but that also did not work and I was also finally captured. But, in a selfish way I escaped in front of their eyes. How would they be feeling now?”

  Chakra replied back in the same affectionate way “Didn’t you observe something when you were on your way back?”

  Idaha tried to recollect the incidents of the past few days but as usual it was a blank expression on his face. Then he was asked to think calmly by Chakra and then the truth dawned on him. All the things that he had seen were just a premonition.

  Chakra said “If you actually remember correctly, you had fallen unconscious at this same place because of lack of water and food, and hence had entered the world of spirits and you were able to see the future because your small mind or brain had stopped working .But, what you have seen is the truth and all those events will be happening in another few days from now onwards, so our job now is to make sure that these Asuras are prevented from taking over our island.”

  Idaha asked “But what do we do?”

  Chakra said “I have got a grand plan and will let you know in course of time, but for the time being let’s have some food for our bodies to make sure that we can at least get up properly.”

  As usual Chakra used his magical powers and this looked after their food needs for the time being. Both of them slept for the night and in the morning Idaha was woken with a slap, he woke up shocked. It was Chakra, though he was an ethereal being; now in a human body his physical strength had increased manifold. A tap on his cheek was like a slap for Idaha.

  Chakra said “Now is the time for us to get going with our preparation, nobody would be awake except for a few animals. Our first destination is going to be the monastery known as ‘Brouhaha’. There is an ancient creature with which you shall fight and claim the prize, the prize will be the Bow used by Gabhiro the lord of the Universe when he had descended on Earth eons ago.”

  Idaha was feeling like he was the chosen one. All the torture he had faced for the past few days was just a dream. His will power was very strong now; he also had to save his children now from the clutches of the Asuras who would attack their island anytime now. Chakra and Idaha started their arduous journey towards the monastery Brouhaha. Though Idaha had grown up in Chonohaush, there was almost the entire island where he had not been at all. What with Chakra taking him to unknown places.

  They walked for a few hours without sign of any life; it was the densest of forests where sunlight was not able to penetrate. While continuing their journey Idaha suddenly started moaning with pain, he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. The venom was rising slowly in his body when Chakra looked for an herb in the forest, squeezed it till the juices were completely extracted out of the herb and Idaha was completely cured.

  Idaha was grateful to Chakra for saving his life. When they were almost done with their rest, there was a loud explosion. Both of them ducked for cover and using the army crawl raised their head and saw that three huge men with hairy bodies were standing in front of them, not even an inch of skin was visible. Chakra and Idaha were able to make out that the Asuras had arrived on their island.

  Chakra gave an eye signal and Idaha took that as a hint to use his powers to create a dust storm as he had already seen in his vision, a few hours ago. Idaha concentrated for a while and slowly he was able to create balls of dust, the three invaders standing in front of them were able to make out that some sort of danger was awaiting them, and before they could run for cover Idaha split the entire dust ball into three and the three Asuras were thrown to a distance, and before they could get up and fight back, Idaha and Chakra had entered a tunnel so as to reach Brouhaha monastery.

  On the other side, all of Idaha’s premonitions were coming true, majority of Chonohaush’s men and women had been captured. The main head of the Asuras tribe Kalihan was roaring with laughter.

  Kalihan said “Look, you puny fools, where is your God, this island was always proud that God protects this land and nobody will be able to invade it. But I have proved everyone wrong. Get ready to die at the hands of my people.”

  It was a horrible sight .People were moaning in pain with their hands and legs tied to wooden logs and were being carried like as if they were going to be barbecued. Kalihan was supervising everything; he was making sure that not even a single person would escape from their clutches. Kalihan had started construction of a huge structure the outcome of how it would look like was not known, but going by the outlines and the boundaries drawn for the construction it looked like as if it was going to be a place for giving people in sacrifice.

  Inside the tunnel, using mystic powers Chakra made sure they had enough light to cross over the forest area so as to reach the monastery. After crouching, crawling and walking in a half-erect manner, both of them were able to see the exit of the tunnel. Outside there were many fruit bearing trees. Idaha without even asking Chakra whether he could have it, stopped in front of the tree and plucked out how many ever fruits he could and started gobbling them one by one. At a distance from the place where Idaha was having a grand fruit feast, they were able to see a small hill where there was a huge tower like structure which had many lamps lighting the entrance. At once, Idaha was able to recognize the monastery. Idaha felt relieved because he knew that this building was of some significance and he wanted to make sure that there could be a solution for saving his entire tribe and the island from the ruthless invaders.