Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 7

  Chapter 7 – Gold Lake

  Hurth was barely visible; though he was the king of ants he was too small for the mortal humans. Chakra and Idaha made sure that they set their eyes on him as they did not want to stamp and kill him.

  Chakra and Idaha followed him to the Machun or the Gold Lake. Idaha and Hurth were relieved to find out that the ghost was no longer in sight. Hurth opened the gold box and inside it there was no gold but a liquid which resembled gold.

  Idaha asked “Hurth, please tell me why is there no gold present inside the box, didn’t you mention that the ghost would be giving me a gold box?”

  Hurth lost his temper and said “Please observe what I am doing, your questions can be asked later on.”

  Chakra gave a sarcastic smile which showed that Hurth was probably crossing his limits. Idaha however the nicest human being that he was ignored Hurth’s comments.

  Hurth opened the bottle which had gold like liquid present in it and started putting drops into the lake, in around five minutes the entire lake became completely transparent and the reflections of the horses of the stable were also visible on it, but Chakra’s eyes fell on something that they needed the most ‘The Mace’. Idaha was also able to see gold deposits scattered on the surface of the lake.

  Chakra asked Idaha to jump into the lake and retrieve the mace, but before Hurth could stop him he jumped into the lake, an expert swimmer that he was.

  Hurth shouted at the top of his voice “there is a huge alligator inside, this is one of the reasons I asked both of you to be patient” which was barely audible to both of them.

  Idaha dived into the exact location where the mace was placed and pulled it out with ease. But, little did he know that the mace was actually being protected by the huge alligator that Hurth mentioned about. Idaha with a broad smile came out of the lake but just before he could completely get on to the sand part of the lake he started shouting in pain, the alligator had put its huge mouth into the right leg of Idaha, but before it could completely eat his leg he kicked its face, but still one tooth got stuck into his leg and he was bleeding profusely.

  He started shouting for help, but Chakra looked at him from a distance and pointed towards the mace. Idaha gave an expression which clearly showed his displeasure. Idaha knew that there would be some reason as usual for him facing all this and stood up on one leg like a war hero and with all his might took the mace and gave a blow to the alligator and the alligator died on the spot.

  There was a gush of happiness filling his heart. Hurth was very happy as he knew that the gold reserves were all his now. Idaha now understood why Chakra had stood like a stone when he needed his help the most. He wanted Idaha to fight independently as he had started showing signs of becoming dependent on him now. Chakra used his mystic powers and set right the right foot of Idaha. The three of them reached the stable and were in for a surprise. All the horses were now missing.

  Idaha asked “Hurth, where are all the horses?”

  Hurth said “It did its duty and vanished, all horses were here only for you to use the conch shell to call me and that is over now.”

  Idaha was now getting a clearer picture that all events were happening according to a greater plan and agenda and he was just a tool.

  Hurth said “Any day you are in need of urgent money, then please do come here and call me using the same conch shell and I will be more than happy to part with a few of the gold reserves.”

  Idaha found that the conch shell was safe with Chakra.

  Both of them bade Hurth goodbye and left for their next destination. Next destination, Idaha had no clue where he was supposed to go next. He asked the same thing to Chakra and Chakra assured him that he would let him know about it soon.

  Idaha and Chakra were walking through the forest area when Idaha remembered that the bow was not to be seen.

  He asked Chakra “Where is the bow, I am not able to see it anywhere?”

  Chakra said “I know where it is, it is in a safe place, I have to explain something very important to you, so we would next be going to a very beautiful tower which is similar to heaven on this island.”

  Idaha was a regular citizen of the island; but he was feeling that there were so many unexplored areas on the island. He had not seen many places on the island. Idaha had become tired carrying the heavy mace on his shoulders for a very long time, so he asked Chakra if he could help him out with this. Chakra immediately obliged and started carrying it with ease. Idaha now and then would get doubts if Chakra was a superhuman of sorts what with all his mystic powers doing the trick, but somehow he would then forget those things what with facing obstacles every now and then.

  On the other hand the island was completely deserted except for the areas where Kalihan had taken over completely. He had made so many of them his slaves that he had started building his own city in the centre of the island with a huge idol of the Demon which the Asuras were worshipping standing in the heart of his not yet completed city.

  It was a horrible sight, what with ladies being dragged here and there by their hair if they would stop work on getting tired, and men being treated like beasts of burden. The Asuras were a small part of the only barbaric tribe left who were uncivilized and had targeted Chonohaush as their settlement because the other parts of the world were difficult to conquer as they did not have the weapons to match them. It is always the strong who attack the weak. Real courage lies in facing our internal enemies rather than taking advantage of good and helpless people. Chonohaush was the only island where a proper military structure was not present because they were all a part of a tribe which believed a lot in spirituality and helping each other rather than fight amongst themselves for materialistic pleasures.

  Now we all must have understood why Chakra was assisting Idaha in getting the two most powerful weapons hidden for centuries.

  Idaha as usual was feeling like eating something, but this time he wanted something new.

  He asked “Chakra, I have got bored of eating the same stuff I want something very sweet now and that too something which is present in this forest now.”

  Chakra understood that Idaha was probably trying to test his powers and he took out some beans which were lying on the ground. Used his powers and converted the beans into a dark slab and gave it to Idaha to eat. Idaha gladly accepted it and after having a bite of it was on cloud nine. He felt like he had entered heaven.

  After he came back to earth, he asked “What is this, this is amazing, it has improved my mood so much that I can fight with another alligator.”

  Chakra gave a loud laugh and said “This is made from cocoa; these beans lying on the ground here belong to the cocoa plant. It helps in improving the mood of any individual.”

  Idaha asked “Can u create a few more of these; I’ll have a few reserves to improve my mood just in case.”

  Chakra was more than happy and he obliged. Idaha filled his pockets with the cocoa slabs and both of them started their journey towards the tower which Chakra had explained to Idaha about.