Read Trick and Treat Page 13

  Fuck, did he feel good. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced, and the pleasure both shocked me and spread quickly through my body as he began to pump in and out of me. I started to stroke Damien and Sean, panting as I moved my mouth between them, all while Hunter slowly but deliberately fucked my ass for the very first time.

  He reached down, his fingers slowly circling my clit in time with his slow pumps. My body writhed in pleasure. I gasped for air, feeling the blood pounding through my body and feeling the utter thrill of how dirty this was pushing me towards an explosive climax.

  Sean suddenly reached down and took the place of Hunter’s fingers. Hunter moved back to my thighs, spreading them wide as he slowly drove his cock in and out of my clenching ass, and Sean pushed two fingers deep inside my pussy. I moaned loudly as he curled them inside, rubbing his palm against my clit. Damien grunted, his fingers slipping into my hair as my mouth slurped hungrily at his cock.

  And then slowly but surely, the feeling of the inevitable began to grow inside me. Slowly, I felt the heat and that explosive feeling of release start to build, until I realized there was no going back.

  They were going to make me come, and come hard.

  Hunter groaned, his cock throbbing and swelling inside my ass as he drove in deep, and as Sean’s hand ground against my clit and Damien’s cock pushed deep into my mouth, I exploded.

  The orgasm hit like a tidal wave, sending me screaming over the edge as the climax exploded through me. My whole body tensed and shook as I moaned and screamed, feeling like every single cell in my body was both exploding and melting at the same time.

  Hunter rocked his cock in deep, and suddenly roared. I moaned again, feeling him explode deep inside where no one ever had, his cock throbbing and pulsing deep in my ass as he filled me with his cum. Damien groaned, and suddenly, I felt his cock erupt inside my mouth. I whimpered, hungrily swallowing his cum as he filled my mouth with spurt after spurt.

  He’d barely finished when Sean suddenly pulled me away from him and eased his cock right between my sticky lips. I swirled my tongue over his cock as he exploded, gasping as he filled my mouth as well.

  His fingers drove in deep between my leg, and suddenly I was coming all over again.

  What felt like either a second or a year passed as I felt my body come back to reality. Slowly, Hunter withdrew from me. The three of them gingerly picked me up as one, all three of them cradling me and soothing me, and stoking my shivering, pulsing, deliciously aching body as they moved to an alcove in the back of the plane. There was a bed there, and for a second I almost laughed at the fact that we’d just done all that in a swivel chair when there was a bed back here.

  Damien chuckled, as if sensing my thoughts.

  “Spontaneity is sometimes better.”

  I grinned sleepily as they laid me down and all crawled in around me.

  This, I realized, is what made being with these men so incredible, and so perfect. It was the fact that they could utterly dominate me, and fuck me harder and more intensely than I ever had been before, and then turn right around and soothe and comfort me. Again, like I’d never been before.

  The three of them stroked my skin, nuzzling me and kissing me as I slowly let my heartbeat move back to something resembling normalcy.

  “Okay, that was intense.”

  Damien chuckled. “I think that’s becoming a favorite saying of yours.”

  “That is your fault.” I grinned back, poking him in the chest. “That’s all your faults.”

  “Guilty,” Sean murmured into my ear.

  “You bring it out in us, Arianna,” Hunter said gruffly, his eyes flashing as he looked deeply into my eyes. “I don’t think we can explain it but…”

  “We’ve never felt like this about anyone,” Damien finished.

  “Same,” I said softly.

  “Look, we’ve still got another hour or so of the flight, why don’t you sleep?”

  I only nodded, my eyes already fluttering shut as I eased back against Hunter with Damien and Sean on either side of me.

  Holding me.

  Protecting me.

  My eyes closed.


  This was paradise. The tiny, private Caribbean island resort was like nothing I’d ever seen before. We had an enormous open-aired cabana to ourselves right on the beach. Total privacy, total luxury, and totally gorgeous.

  The first thing I did — at the insistence of all three of them — was soak in a bath. I eased myself into the steaming hot water of the deep marble tub, letting the wonderful soreness of earlier melt away as I closed my eyes.

  What was happening to me? The same thoughts from before came rushing back, clouding my head.

  Yeah, this was way more than just crazy, intense, kinky sex with three guys at once. This was far beyond that, and I had an idea what it was, but part of me was still scared to even think it.

  After all, what did it mean if I was falling for three men all at once?

  Three amazing, attentive, protective, gorgeous men. Three men who dominated me in bed, and made my body scream and shake and explode in ways I’d never conceived of.

  But then, I’d had a hard enough time in life keeping a relationship with one person running smoothly. How the hell could I possibly think I could be in one with three people?

  “How’s the soak?”

  I opened my eyes and grinned seeing Damien, by himself, standing in the doorway grinning at me.

  “I was beginning to think the three of you went everywhere together.”

  He laughed as he stepped into the room. “Shocking, I know.”

  He moved behind me, and I sighed as I felt his hands move to my shoulders. His powerful fingers dug into my skin, easing the tension there and making me coo softly as I closed my eyes.

  “You guys are pampering me.”


  I grinned. “And what did I do to deserve this exactly?”

  Damien chuckled.

  “Wait, no I’m serious.” I frowned as I turned in the tub, resting my arms on the side as I met his eyes. “What makes me so special?”

  His eyes met mine as he nodded slowly. “I have no idea, Arianna, but whatever it is, it’s got ahold of me,” he said softly, reaching up to cup my face. “It’s got ahold of all of us.”

  “I think I get that.”

  He smiled. “I’m going to be honest with you. There’ve been women. With the three of us, I mean.” His eyes held mine, something intense burning there.

  “But it has never felt like this. It’s never worked, and it’s never affected all three of us as intensely in the same way like this. Sean and Hunter and I—” He looked away. “We’ve been through alot together — the kind of things that make us closer than brothers. Back in Afghanistan, we saw things and did things…” He trailed off again, his face going tight.

  I leaned forward, resting my hands on his arms and squeezing as I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t know you guys fought.”

  “Marines,” he said, turning back with a thin smile. “It sucked. But it made us close and made us what we are today. We came back, started investing, figured out what we were good at, and turned the whole thing into Camelot Holdings.”

  I stroked his arm. “Why Camelot, by the way?”

  Damien grinned. “It’s a stupid inside joke. We called ourselves the knights of the round table when we were over there. It was the first thing we thought of when trying to come up with a company name.”

  “My knights,” I said softly, kissing his cheek again. “I’m sorry for what you had to go through.”

  “I’d say the payoff was worth it.”

  I grinned. “Yeah I think you’ve all done pretty well for your—”

  “I meant meeting you, actually.”

  I blinked, my heart flip-flopping suddenly as I met his gaze.

  “I mean it when I say we’ve never felt like this, Ari. I don’t know what this all is yet, but I know none of us ever want it to sto

  He kissed me then, before I could say a word, and I let myself melt against him.

  “Look, why don’t you soak a little longer, and then go change?”


  “There’s a dress on your bed.”

  “What’s the plan tonight?”

  Damien stood and grinned. “Tonight, we wine, dine, and take you dancing.”

  “All for me, huh?”

  “Tonight, Arianna, we treat you like the queen you are.”

  He winked as he started to move towards the door.

  “Hey, Damien?”

  He turned back.

  “Thanks. For telling me, I mean.”

  He held my gaze another second and smiled before ducking from the bathroom.


  And wine and dine me they did. Dinner was fresh caught seafood overlooking the very ocean it’d been fished from, washed down with phenomenal wine, and topped off with laughter and lingering touches and kisses from all three of them. A live island band took the stage as dinner was cleared, and before I knew it, I was being brought out on the dance floor to be twirled, dipped, and swung by all three of them.

  I couldn’t remember being this happy. I couldn’t remember ever feeling as close to perfect as I did surrounded by them — laughing, kissing, and just having the time of my life with the three of them.

  My knights.


  Later, we were back at the cabana, all of us lounging on the big open deck that jutted out over the water. I was laying draped across the three of them, watching the moonlight and stars flicker across the waves as we sipped cold beers and just sat there in perfect silence.

  “This is pretty good,” I said finally.

  Hunter, who’s lap I had my head on, grinned as he leaned down and kissed me. “Agreed.”

  Damien’s strong hands rubbed my feet. “Look, Ari, this is…”

  “This is uncharted ground for us. For all of us,” Sean butted in. “Nothing that came before felt like this.”

  I swallowed, feeling my pulse skip. “Like this, huh?”

  “You know what we mean, because you’re feeling it too,” Hunter murmured.

  I nodded. “Maybe.”

  Sean chuckled, leaning over me to press his lips to mine.

  And then he lingered. Slowly, my lips parted for him, his tongue slipping inside as the kiss grew fiercer. That familiar fire started inside of me — the fire just being around them seemed to kindle. I moaned softly as Sean kissed me deeper and harder.

  Hunter shifted, moving out from underneath me and letting me sink back into the big lounger we rested on. With feather touches and teasing kisses, the men slowly began to pull the clothes from my body. My dress slipped up, over my head and dropped away, panties sliding down my legs.

  I moaned as I lay back in the lounger, watching the men strip down bare, tattooed muscles on full display. I started to sit up, but Sean stopped me with a finger to my lips.

  “No. Tonight’s all about you, baby.”

  “What do you—”

  The words fell away, and I moaned as I felt the tongue sliding right up the center of my pussy. Sean moved away, and I gasped as I looked down to see Damien between my legs, his tongue teasing up my slit.

  I eased back, panting as Hunter joined him between my legs, his lips sucking at the skin around my thighs. Strong hands spread my legs and lifted my ass off the cushions, and I cried out as I felt the second tongue slowly move towards my ass. Sean knelt beside me, his hands skimming over my skin and his lips trailing over my breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue across it, somehow completely in time with Damien’s tongue on my clit.

  “Close your eyes, Arianna,” Sean whispered in my ear, his hands moving over my body. “Just close your eyes and let us do this.”

  And I did. My breath stuttered as I fell back into the soft cushions and closed my eyes. The waves crashed , and my pulse beat like a drum in my ear as the three mouths moved over my most intimate places, teasing, tasting, and coaxing the pleasure from me. Damien’s tongue swirled over my clit, his fingers teasing my inner thighs, and Hunter’s insistent tongue teased slow circles around my ass. Sean’s hands massaged and teased over my torso as his mouth and lips and tongue kissed and sucked and worshiped my breasts.

  I was falling. I was spinning wonderfully out of control and barely holding onto my sanity as the three men slowly, slowly pushed me higher and higher, until I was gasping and begging for release. I pleaded with them, begging them to let me come as my hips bucked off the lounge chair. But they kept it up; that same deliberate, slow, intense pace until my eyes suddenly squeezed shut.

  I went off like a bomb, the orgasm exploding from my throat as my whole body shattered. It felt like I was being thrown into the stars, sent into orbit, and the world blurred at the edge as the three of them tongued and fingered and teased me right into a second climax before I finally collapsed.

  I was only dimly aware of the three of them scooping me up and bringing me to the bedroom. I remember just grinning and babbling nonsense as they slipped under the covers with me and pulled me against them as I closed my eyes.

  This was better than anything I’d ever felt before, and I never wanted anything to intrude on this moment.

  But then, it did.


  It was the phone that woke us later. I stirred, frowning at the sound and raising my head from Hunter’s chest where it’d been resting.

  The phone went off again as I turned in the sheets and reached for the beside table.

  “What's that?” Sean mumbled.

  “It’s my phone.”

  “Party foul,” a very sleep-voiced Damien chuckled.

  I answer without looking. “Hel—”


  Sasha’s voice was chilling and half screaming over the phone.


  The panic in her voice and the way she sounded like she’d just been running had me awake instantly.

  “Sasha, what’s going on?”

  “Ari! Ari, I need help! I need help!”

  She was screaming then, and I immediately sat bolt upright.

  “Sasha, breathe, honey, tell me what’s going on!”

  The three men in the bed with me instantly sat up as well, hard looks on their faces.

  “They’ve got them!”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “Who has—”

  “They’ve got Luke and Jordan!”

  It was as if time stopped for a second. Sasha kept going though.

  “I don’t know who they are, but they want money, and... and…” she trailed off. “Hang on,” she said tightly.

  “Sasha, who has them!?”

  Without warning, there was suddenly a crashing sound on the other end of the line — the sound of shattering glass mixing with Sasha’s blood-chilling scream.

  “Oh my God!” She screamed. “They’re here! Oh my God, they just smashed their way in the front door! Arianna!”

  I screamed as I lurched from the bed, my whole world spinning.

  “Sasha! Sasha, run! Sash—”

  The line went dead, and the phone dropped from my hand.

  I was spinning, the room tilting and my whole world crashing around me as I lunged for something — anything to hold onto.

  It was Hunter that caught me, pulling me tight against him as I shattered.

  “What is it,” he said tightly. “What do you need?”

  I pushed him away before I could stop myself, lurching for my clothes. “We need to get back to the city.”

  My voice felt like it was outside my own head — mechanical and on autopilot.

  “Ari, whats—”

  I whirled, shaking Sean’s hand from my arm, knowing he was just trying to soothe me, but not knowing what else to do but lash out.

  “My friend Sasha—” I swallowed the horrible lump in my throat. “I think someone just took her. Her and her boyfriends.”

Damien frowned as he stood from the bed. “Boyfriends?”

  I shook my head quickly, yanking a pair of shorts up my legs and stuffing the rest of my clothes into my bag.

  “Yes, boyfriends. She’s with Luke Steel and Jordan Stone at—”

  “Wait, your friend Sasha is Sasha Reed of Stone and Steel Holdings?”

  I pulled a t-shirt down over my head and paused. “You know them?”

  Hunter shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. What the hell is going on?”

  “Someone’s kidnapped them,” I said, the cold feeling sinking into my chest as I said the words out loud. “Someone’s kidnapped them, for ransom or something, and they just broke into their house while I was on the fucking phone with my best friend and took her—”

  And then I lost it. All three of them surrounded me then, comforting me with their warmth and their soothing touches, and propping me as I was about to fall entirely. The tears came hot as I dropped my face into one of their chests, feeling three sets of arms circle around me and hug me tightly.

  I looked up into Damien’s eyes.

  “She’s pregnant,” I whispered, tears falling down my face.

  “Let’s go,” Hunter growled as he and Sean pulled away.

  “Already on it,” Sean growled, a phone in his hand. “Yeah, it’s me. We need the plane ready,” he barked into the phone. “Fucking now.”

  My eyes locked with Damien’s. “She’s preg—”

  “And we’re not going to let anything happen to her,” he said fiercely. “I swear it.”


  I should have been there for her.

  It was the only thought going through my head as the plane rumbled towards New York; a very different plane ride than the one before. The three of them were on cell phones, making calls with stony faces and terse voices, trying to assess the situation.

  Finally, Hunter put his phone down, walked towards me, and wrapped his arms around me.

  “We’re going to handle this, I swear.”

  “I should’ve been there,” I murmured into his chest.