Read Tricked Page 7

  He clasped her hands and stretched to his feet, giving her no choice but to follow. Blood flowed from a cut above his left eye, and his cheekbone was turning purple. “I told you to stay put.” Pushing her behind him, he advanced on the now silent car.

  A gun appeared through the driver’s window.

  “Fuck.” He jumped forward, kicking the gun back into the car.

  A man howled in pain from within.

  Growling like an animal, Jared ripped off the door and sent it spinning through the air. It fractured in the center of the street and slid several yards back toward the restaurant.

  Holy crap, he was incredible. Her stomach warmed, even as she kept her distance. How out of control was he?

  He manacled the man inside by the neck and lifted him from the car, smashing him back into the metal several times. Metal crunched, and the guy cried out in pain.

  Finally, Jared stopped beating on him, and the guy hung limply, his body heaving.

  Jared ripped off his face mask. “Who is he?” Jared growled.

  Ronni inched forward as Chalton took position next to her. The guy had blond hair, a series of tattoos down his neck, and cloudy brown eyes. “I don’t know,” she said softly, looking him up and down.

  “Who were you shooting at?” Jared asked, his face an inch from the blond’s.

  The blond swallowed, and a snot bubble dropped from his nose. “It was just a job,” he stuttered.

  “Who?” Jared asked, smacking him back against the car again.

  The guy wheezed. “Please let me go.”

  “Talk before I break your neck,” Jared snarled.

  Next to the injured man, Jared looked like the pirate he’d once been. Deadly, pissed, and lacking in mercy.

  Tears filled the guy’s eyes. “Her. I was hired to shoot her.” He jerked his bleeding head toward Ronni.

  She winced. That was going to get the guy hurt, without question. “Who hired you?” she asked, keeping her distance. His eyes pleaded with her for help, and she steeled herself. He’d tried to kill her.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know. Marcel asked for my help. He got away.”

  “Marcel who?” Jared asked, shaking the guy.

  “Johnson. One-twenty-five Newark Street,” the man said, almost eagerly. “He was a buddy of a cellmate I had in prison. We met up last week, and he hired me for the job—but I have no idea who hired him. That’s all I know. Honest.”

  “Okay.” Jared snapped his neck.

  Bile rose in Ronni’s throat, and she swallowed it ruthlessly down. Her vision went black. Oh, God. Jared had just killed the guy without a second thought. As she tried to regain her balance, she watched him shove the body back into the car.

  Dizziness attacked her, and her ears turned hot. Blood rushed through her veins. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her body fell. The last thing she heard was Jared yelling her name.

  Chapter 8

  Jared finished going through the immaculate and organized files in Veronica’s desk. She’d done a thorough job of working her own case, complete with a massive suspect list.

  Yet one by one, she’d crossed them off.

  She was too sweet to see that somebody had wanted her dead. He looked over to study her sleeping on the sofa. The woman breathed easily, and more tingles cascaded from her as her body continued repairing itself.

  When she’d fainted, he’d nearly lost his mind. What had he been thinking, allowing her out of the apartment and into danger when she was still healing? As a mate, so far he sucked.

  Being a pirate had been so easy. He’d taken over a ship, pillaged it, and sent its occupants home. If there had been women, he’d invited them to stay, but if they wanted to go home, he’d secured them safe passage. While often they wanted to return home, he’d had more than a couple stay with him for a while.

  Oh, he’d always compared them to Ginny’s gentle beauty, and they’d always been temporary.

  Yet when he compared Veronica to Ginny, his blood surged. Veronica was spirit and defiance, and she brought something out in him that felt energized. Absolute. Primitive.

  As a young man, barely more than a boy, he’d loved how strong Ginny made him feel. How needed.

  Yet now he admired Veronica’s strength, even if she didn’t realize how fragile she could be. His feelings were darker…more powerful now. What the hell did that all mean?

  More importantly, how was he going to keep a mate safe who didn’t want to be kept safe?

  Breaking her wasn’t an option, and taming her would take centuries.

  Unless she tamed him. He grinned.

  She blinked awake. “Your grin gives me pause,” she whispered, pushing hair off her forehead.

  “So you do have an ounce of self-preservation,” he returned, his heart warming that she’d awakened.

  She rolled her eyes and sat up. “You broke that guy’s neck.”

  “Yes, I did,” he said evenly. “If there’s a threat to you, they die.” There weren’t any softer words to use, so he didn’t bother searching for any. “Realize and accept that now, because it’s not going to change.”

  “I don’t need you fighting my battles.” A slight bruise covered her chin from when he’d tackled her to the ground.

  “That’s unfortunate.” He leaned forward, making sure he had her absolute concentration. “I understand your need to prove yourself, even though your father is dead. I get it. And I even sympathize with it. However—” He held up a hand as she started to protest. ”I’m not on board with you putting yourself in danger because of that need. Get over it, take care of it, and knock it off.”

  “Or what?” she snarled, her lip twisting.

  He blinked. His chest heated, spiraling out. “Oh, baby. You are not strong enough yet to challenge me.” Putting warning into his tone, he kept her gaze until she blinked. “I enjoy your spunk, but stop pushing.”

  “Oh, because you like simpering, weak women, right?” She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I can’t believe you like a woman who hides who she really is. What is wrong with you? Do you honestly need an ego stroke that badly?”

  Whoa. That was quite a mouthful. “I guess we’ll talk about this right now, then.” He set the files to the side. “I was in love with Ginny lifetimes ago when I was much younger. My commitment is to you, and I have no intention of changing that. Ever.”

  Veronica snorted.

  His temper stretched awake.

  Her pretty eyes flashed fire. “You can use the word commitment all you want, but buddy…you don’t want that woman. Not even a little bit.”

  Did she just call him buddy? It was a slight, and she’d meant it as such. “Watch yourself, Veronica.”

  “Why?” Her chin jutted out. “Are you getting pissed I’m insulting your one true love? The bitch that actually mated somebody else when you would’ve killed for her?”

  His head reared back. Jealous? Veronica was jealous. He couldn’t prevent his lip from twitching as he settled down. “Calm yourself, and do it now.” Her face was getting red, and the healing tingles had stopped. Her heart required more healing, and she needed to concentrate to do that. Everything else could wait.

  The red bloomed into fury. Her fingers curled into a fist. “You are such a prick.”

  All right. Name calling would not do. “I’m trying real hard here to hold on to my temper, darlin’. While I know you won’t simper, I strongly recommend you simmer down and now.”

  She snarled. “Or what, dickhead?”

  He breathed out, his breath on fire. “Or you struggle sitting for the next fucking week.”

  She reared back. “Oh, you—”

  “Stop,” he snapped. “I’m not fucking with you. One more insult, one more name, and I will fucking turn you over my fucking knee.” He didn’t want to. He wanted to talk rationally with her. Yet her temper prodded his, especially when he hadn’t done anything to deserve it. The woman couldn’t hold him responsible for feelings he’d had as a kid centuries be
fore she was even born.

  For once, she seemed to heed his warning. Her eyes darkened, and her gaze ran over him. “You’re still bloody and dirty.”

  “Yes. I wanted to make sure you awakened before taking a shower.” It was nearly midnight, and he needed some rest. He stretched his neck, his body humming. Getting away from her for a few moments held certain appeal. Unless…“Would you like to join me?”

  She studied him, confusion and anger still blanketing her features. “No.”

  Fair enough. If she needed time to process him, to come to grips with his way of dealing with threats, he could grant her that. “All right. There’s tea on the stovetop. Have some to warm yourself up.” Without waiting for an answer, he stood and headed for the bathroom.

  A rap on the door stopped him short. He pivoted and headed to open it, wanting to sigh at seeing Theo and Ginny in the hallway. “What is going on now?” He moved aside to allow them in. It was way too late in the evening for visitors.

  Theo rubbed dirt off his jaw. “An attack squad moved in at the hotel, and we were warned just in time to get out. Satellite feeds monitored by the Realm.”

  Jared checked the hallway and shut the door. “Attack squad?”

  Theo slid his gun to his waist. “I had soldiers move in as we got out and don’t have a report yet. As soon as they check in, I’ll let you know.”

  Jared sighed. “All right. We’re leaving here in an hour. We have another safe house we can use.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Veronica piped up, her gaze on Ginny.

  At that moment, he’d just had more than enough. He turned on his mate. “You are leaving. I’m giving you one hour to pack what you’ll need for at least a week, until I find the guy who tried to poison you and break his neck.” His voice went hard and low as he let his temper loose. “If you don’t pack, you’ll go in the clothes you have on.”

  She stood, fury in her eyes, apparently oblivious to the newcomers. “You wouldn't dare.”

  “I would.” He was done with all of them. “Theo? Handle things here for fucking ten minutes. I need a shower.” Stomping across the apartment, he slammed the bedroom door.

  Jesus. He needed to calm down.

  * * * *

  Ronni barely kept from flinching as the door banged. She glared at Theo. “If your brother made any of my paintings drop, he’s paying for them.”

  Theo snorted. “So the mating is going well, is it?” He scratched his head. “I have some things in the car and will be right back.” His gaze went from Ginny to Ronni. “Ah, don’t kill each other.” Whistling, he let himself out and into the darkness just as his cell phone rang.

  Ginny fluttered her hands together. “I’m so sorry to intrude at such an inappropriate late hour.”

  Ronni rolled her eyes, her entire body exhausted. It was way past her bedtime. “The big strong men are gone. Give it a rest, would you?” She turned and loped into the kitchen. “Would you like some tea?”

  Ginny stared at her, calculation in those blue eyes. “I really would. You know you can’t hold on to Jared, right? He’s been in love with me for centuries.”

  Ronni winced. Well, she’d wanted Ginny to drop the act. “It seems to me that a guy like that wouldn’t forgive a betrayal, you know?” She poured two cups of steaming tea. “His love for you probably ended a long time ago.”

  “Neither one of us believes that,” Ginny said smugly, looking around the small apartment.

  Ronni added sugar cubes to the tea. “I have to ask. When we were attacked, did you even think of throwing fireballs?” How cool would that talent be? She’d love to see it actually happen.

  “No.” Ginny drew off her red cape. “I allowed Theo to shield me, of course.”

  What a waste of a good ability. “You really think that’s what a guy wants?” She crossed around the counter and carried the tea toward Ginny, who sat on the sofa.

  “Yes.” Ginny accepted the tea, smoothing down her long skirt.

  “Not a guy I’d want,” Ronni said thoughtfully, taking a sip.

  “Which is why you and Jared simply don’t mix,” Ginny said. “Sorry.”

  Ronni perched on the adjoining chair. “Eh. I’m not sure about that. Lady, you really need to enter the current century. It’s okay to be strong.”

  Ginny fluttered her eyelashes. “We all have our places. Mine is with Jared. Finally.” She took a sip of her tea, somehow doing it daintily. “You’re not going to win, so how about you just get out of my way?”

  Ronni rubbed her nose. “You know, I like Jared.” Even though sometimes he acted like an asshat from the last century, he seemed like a decent guy. He had saved her life, after all. Plus, he was a god in bed, and they’d only really had one good marathon. “I think I’ll do him a favor and keep him away from you.” It was the least she could do.

  Ginny sniffed. “I like your confidence, but it isn’t going to happen.”

  Ronni forced a smile. How in the world had Jared fallen for this woman? Was he really that simple? The hot sense of possessiveness sweeping through her nearly stole her breath. “Wanna bet?” she murmured.

  Ginny’s eyes flared. “You’re messing with a witch. Perhaps you should remember that fact.”

  Ronni’s back straightened. “Why? What are you going to do? Whine me to death?”

  Ginny set her tea down with a sharp snap. “I’m warning you.”

  Anticipation lit Ronni from within, and she slid her teacup onto the nearest table. “Are you? How so? Gonna start crying?” Something in her just couldn’t stop goading the blonde.

  “No.” Ginny reached out, almost casually, and slapped Ronni across the face.

  The sound echoed throughout the living room. Pain dug through Ronni’s skull. Fury lanced through her on the heels of astonishment. “Oh, yeah?” Bunching her knees, she leaped over the coffee table and tackled Ginny into the sofa.

  Ginny shrieked and shot her fingers into Ronni’s hair, pulling hard.

  Pain careened along her scalp, and tears pricked Ronni’s eyes. “Don’t pull hair,” she muttered, jerking free and straddling the blonde. “Hit like a woman.” She punched Ginny in the face, her swing slightly off.

  Ginny screamed and dug her nails into Ronni’s neck, shoving her onto the coffee table and following to land on top of her. Cups and a couple of books scattered. Ronni struggled, and Ginny reared back and punched her in the mouth.

  Pain exploded along Ronni’s mouth. “Thatagirl!” She levered back and punched Ginny in the neck, throwing the woman off her and onto the floor.

  Ronni rolled off the table, already swinging, the taste of blood in her mouth.

  Ginny kicked up, nailing her in the chin. Her head snapped back, and she fell against the chair, making it skid several feet toward the kitchen. Holy hell. The woman had a good kick. “Now we’re talkin’,” Ronni said, standing and wiping blood off her lip.

  “You are such a bitch.” Ginny shoved to her feet.

  “Eh,” Ronni said. “Jared likes that about me.”

  Ginny shrieked and rushed her, tackling her toward the kitchen. Ronni struggled, throwing blows and trying to avoid those sharp nails.

  “What the fuck?” Jared rushed in from the bedroom wearing just his jeans, which he hadn’t had time to button. His wet hair curled around his neck and was slicked back from his hard face. He reached them just as Theo burst through the front door.

  Jared grabbed Ronni by the armpits, while Theo grasped Ginny. Ronni shoved an elbow back into Jared’s gut, aiming a punch at the other woman’s throat. Her fist glanced off, and Ginny kicked her in the knee.

  “Knock it off.” Jared twisted, pulling Ronni to the side and manacling her from behind. She struggled against him, but he trapped her arms at her sides.

  Theo had a hold of Ginny, who kicked against him, fighting to get back at Ronni.

  “Stop it!” Jared roared.

  Both women stilled.

  “What the hell are you two doing?” he bellowed, giving Ro
nni a slight shake.

  Ginny stopped fighting. Her breath heaved out of her, and her hair was a wild mess of blonde.

  Ronni smiled. “You’re becoming likable finally.”

  Ginny snorted, amusement filling her eyes. Then quickly, she sobered, and a veil dropped.

  Ronni paused. Whoa. Wait a minute. Her gaze narrowed.

  Ginny blinked, and her bottom lip trembled. “She attacked me.”

  Ronni peered closer. What was the woman doing? Hiding? Who was she?

  Jared’s hold didn’t lessen. “Theo? I think you should take Ginny to the safe house now. My mate and I will be along in a little while. Apparently we need to have a discussion first.”

  Oh, he was not taking the blonde’s side. He just was not. Ronni stomped his foot.

  His hold tightened, and he lifted her several inches off the floor with just an arm banded around her waist.

  She dangled like a total dork. “Put me down.” She kicked back again.

  His arm flexed, cutting off her air. “Settle,” he murmured.

  She went limp against him, not having much of a choice. His hold relaxed enough she could breathe again. Oh, she wanted to call him a total dick, but she wasn’t quite that brave. His threat from earlier still rang in her ears.

  Ginny shrugged Theo off. “She’s not right for you, Jared.”

  Jared sighed, his chest moving Ronni’s body. “We are not dealing with this right now. Theo? What is going on?”

  Theo kept a good hold on Ginny. “You know what is going on. I came in and they were rolling around like we used to as kids.”

  “That’s not what I meant, damn it. Have our soldiers checked in from the hotel?” Jared snarled.

  “Yes. It turns out there is somebody after sweet Ginny here.” Theo frowned. “Our guys took on a squad of shifters. Good fight, but they didn’t get a chance to take a prisoner before the human cops turned up.”

  “Damn it,” Jared muttered.

  Ronni gasped. “Did you say shifters? As in actual shifters? People who changed into animals like on television shows?”

  Ginny grinned and then quickly sobered. “For goodness’ sake.” She smoothed down her rumbled blouse. “Shifters are just another species on earth. A powerful species.” She frowned. “They can hunt or track anybody.”