Read Tricked Page 9

  Olivia jumped in next to her, scattering snow. “The storm is worse.”

  “Yeah.” Ronni drove carefully away from the house, feeling like she was getting away with something. Take that, Jared. Fucking vampire.

  Olivia cleared her throat. “What’s going on, Ron?”

  Ronni sighed. “Saw Jared and Ginny together in the living room.”

  Olivia winced. “Saw them doing what?”

  “Just talking. Her head was on his shoulder.” The image hurt, damn it.

  “Just talking? Then who cares?” Olivia peered through the snow-filled windows. “Maybe we shouldn’t drive in this.”

  Ronni continued down the long driveway. “I care. I mean, they have every right to talk, and it could’ve been innocent, but even so. He was in love with her centuries ago and never found anybody else. I don’t think he even knows what he wants.”

  “You should ask him,” Olivia said. “Help him figure it out.”

  “I know.” Ronni blew out air. “Give me a break, Olly. Six days ago, I was next to death. Then I mate a vampire…which is the craziest thing ever. Somebody is trying to kill me, and I think I’ve fallen for said vampire. You can understand my not thinking all that clearly quite yet.”

  “I do understand.” Olly nodded vigorously. “It all makes sense.”

  Ronni slowed by the gate as the trees swayed wildly around them. “We should probably stay here, right?” Sticking it to Jared with her show of independence didn’t seem worth having a tree land on the car or a bullet hit her head. “This is reckless.” She wasn’t a stupid woman.

  “Yeah. Maybe we can have the others come to us?” Olivia brushed snow off her jeans. “We could work the case from here. The coffee is excellent.”

  Ronni shuddered. “I’ve been trying to prove my worth for so long, to my dad, that I have taken stupid chances.” Or avoided risks. She was a shrink, for goodness’ sake. “I understand my motivations.”

  “Sometimes hearing them out loud helps. You have nothing to prove to your father,” Olivia said softly. “It’s nice to see you finally realize that. Has Jared helped?”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure. He treats me as something fragile but worthwhile at the same time.” It was different than her father, that was for sure. As she let go of the past, her chest felt lighter.

  “Good. I think that’s good.”

  Ronni turned and grinned at her best friend. “You jumped in the car with me.”

  “Of course.” Olivia smiled back. “I’m Thelma to your Louise. Monica to your Rachel. Tina Fey to your Amy Poehler.” She turned to look out the back window. “You know, if you flip a quick U-turn, they’ll never know we even left.”

  “Good plan.” Ronni inched forward just as a massive vampire jumped over the car and landed in the road. She pushed the car into park. Jared stood there in the snow, legs braced, leather jacket over his bare chest. Boots covered his feet, and fury blanketed his rugged face. “Oh, crap.”

  He stomped forward and yanked open her door. He moved to sit down. “Scoot.”

  She scrambled to the center, pressing against Olivia. “Um…”

  He turned, his eyes glittering black coal as he slammed the door. The spit dried up in her mouth. Then he jerked the gearshift into reverse.

  Olivia leaned around Ronni, her blue eyes twinkling. “Jared, how kind of you to drive us back to the house. Ronni was just turning the car around.”

  Jared hit the gas pedal, and the car careened backward up the icy driveway.

  Olivia cleared her throat. “I don’t suppose we can keep Chalton out of this little adventure? What do you say, Jared?”

  Jared turned and flashed her a smile that held absolutely no amusement. “I won’t say a word.”

  Olivia breathed out, the sound relieved. “Good. That’s good.” She patted Ronni’s leg as if in reassurance. Then she stiffened, craned her neck to look out the back window, and groaned. “He’s at the back door.”

  Jared slid the vehicle under the carport and shut off the car.

  Quiet ticked for the tiniest of seconds. Olivia’s door was wrenched open.

  Jared grabbed Ronni’s arm and pulled her from the vehicle, rushing them both through the snowstorm and into the side entry.

  She jerked free. “Enough.”

  He turned on her and slowly, way too deliberately, removed his leather jacket. “Where’s your coat?”

  She blinked. Her coat? “I forgot it.”

  “You forgot it. Again.” He glowered over her, making her feel way too small and fragile.

  “Yep.” Forcing bravado, she ignored her racing heart and tried to brush past him.

  He stopped her with a finger against her heart. “Did you or did you not get shot at last night?” His voice was a low rumble of mangled rebar mingled with shards of glass.

  Her lungs seized. Okay. So he was really mad. “I have my gun.”

  “Your gun.” He breathed out, tension pouring off him in waves. “You have your little shooter to handle another hit team with automatic weapons. Well shit, Veronica. I didn’t know that.”

  She grimaced at the furious sarcasm. “You’re overreacting.”

  Wrong thing to say. She knew it the second the last word left her mouth, but it was too late to grab it back.

  Red flushed high and dark across Jared’s sharp cheekbones. His nostrils flared. The atmosphere in the small room swelled with the force of his anger. “Is that a fact?” he growled.

  Her legs trembled a second before her temper caught up. Thank God. She reared up, meeting his glittering gaze head on. “Yes. Plus, I didn’t want to bother you. It seemed you and Ginny were deep into a cozy conversation, and you weren’t even wearing a fucking shirt.” Yeah, she sounded jealous. Who the hell cared? He had no right to be so furious at her.

  His chin lowered.

  Her stomach rolled.

  “Listen, mate.”

  She held up a hand. “No. I’m done listening. You want that wallflower? That weak chick who needs you to tie her shoelaces? You can have her. I’m tired of it. Tired of you acting like we’re all so breakable. Fuck off, Jared.” Her words started to roll together so quickly she wasn’t even sure what she said.

  He stared at her.

  Why the hell did he do that? It was as if he weighed every option, every decision…even in a temper. Finally, he seemed to reach a decision. “All right.”

  She shook her head. “What do you mean, all right?”

  The slight curve of his lip held menace. “You don’t want me to treat you as breakable?”

  So much threat existed in the sentence, she had no choice but to instinctively deflect. “Jared, I’m so tired of your crap.” In a suitable huff, she tried to move past him again.

  And didn’t make it.

  Did he pick her up? No.

  Toss her over his shoulder? No.

  Instead, former pirate Jared Reese shot a hand into her hair, tangled, and pulled. He stormed through the kitchen and living room, his hold absolute.

  She had no option but to follow along, considering her hair was nicely attached to her head, her face slightly down. “What the holy crap are you doing?” she hissed.

  “Showing you,” he snapped back, reaching the stairs.

  She plowed a fist into his kidneys. “Showing me what? That you can drag a woman by the hair like a Neanderthal?”

  He paused. “I’m not dragging you and you know it.”

  True. Yet she had no choice but to move. “You’re showing me you’re an ass.”

  “You already knew that.” He twisted his wrist, and her head jerked back so her gaze could meet his. “What you apparently didn’t know is that I can control you with one fucking hand. Just one. If that isn’t the definition of breakable, I don’t know what is.” His fingers tightened just enough to hint pain along her scalp.

  “You are such a dick.” Which didn’t explain why her nipples were peaking and her nerves firing. Did she actually like this side of him? Hell, no. So she punche
d out again.

  His hand moved, faster than possible, to manacle around her neck. He jerked her face closer to his.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Back. Up.” He enforced each word with his thumb against her jugular, pushing her just enough she had no choice but to lift her foot to the step behind her. “Again.”

  Okay. So he was making a good point, damn it. Her knees trembled in awareness as she was intrigued whether she wanted to be or not. “Let go of me or I’ll just shoot you,” she said, digging deep.

  His chin lifted slightly. “Take the gun out.”

  Oops. It figured he’d accept that challenge.

  “Fine.” She reached behind her and tugged out the small pistol. One bullet wouldn’t kill him.

  He easily snagged the gun and tossed it over his shoulder.

  Her mouth gaped open.

  He glanced down and pressed a kiss—a very hard kiss—against her lips. Shocks cascaded through her, alighting fire to her every nerve.

  “What is this? Vampire foreplay?” she gasped out.

  “Yeah.” His thumb tightened right under her jaw, and he lifted up. “Let’s get a couple of things straight right now.”

  Even with her chin up, she could glance down at his jeans. “Looks like we already have.”

  His lips peeled away from his teeth. “What you saw earlier, what you should’ve interrupted earlier if it had bothered you, was me saying good-bye to Ginny.”

  Ronni’s breath caught. “Good-bye. Out of duty, huh?”

  “No.” His eyes blazed. “I want you, Veronica. For my mate. Nobody else and certainly not her. Whatever was there was over centuries ago. You’re my present and my future.”

  The sweet words were delivered with a hard edge. She swallowed. “Let go of my neck.” She needed to think—away from him.

  His hold tightened around her jugular. “No. We’re settling this today. Go back.”

  She had no choice but to climb the steps backward, her gaze caught in the dark vortex of his. Before she knew it, she stood at the top. If she could just get the right leverage, she could shove his ass all the way down.

  As if reading her thoughts, his lip quirked. “Centuries won’t be enough to tame you,” he rumbled.

  “Damn straight—” She yelped as he stepped into her, his massive body backing her down the entire hallway to their bedroom. He could’ve easily picked her up and was still making his point. Her butt hit the door, and he reached around her to twist the knob.

  “Inside.” His voice lowered to guttural.

  She swallowed and backed into the darkened bedroom. The storm raged outside, hiding the sun and casting a snowy gray glow through the quiet space. “I’ve had about enough—”

  His mouth slammed down on hers. The firmness of his kiss was a shock that drove the oxygen from her lungs. There was no gentleness, no softness. Only fire and demand.

  She’d seen the predator inside him.

  This was the first time she felt it. Her own body responded as if she’d been sleeping her entire life and had just been shocked awake. The rush of energy cut through her with a blade of pain, narrowing the entire world to that second, to his touch, to Jared Reese.

  The clarity brought on was too bright, too much, too everything.

  She needed more. He’d chosen her, and she’d already done the same thing. Yet this edge to him kept her off balance, and she couldn’t think.

  Her whimper rolled up her chest and into his mouth.

  He released her lips so she could pant frantically for breath. “You’re gonna make that noise a lot today. Take off your clothes.”

  She tried to breathe, tried to fill her lungs. They compressed, pounding in time to the tingles along her skin, zapping her clit. No way could she give in so easily. “Make me.”

  This time, he gave her no warning. He flipped her around, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Gladly.” He growled low, holding her in place and plunging his hand into her panties.

  Her legs turned to rubber, barely holding her up.

  He chuckled against her hair, his heated breath providing even more warning. With ruthless efficiency, he zeroed in on her clit. Sparks flew through her, making her ache.

  Fire burned through the tiny nub as he rubbed and circled.

  “Oh, God.” She shut her eyes, leaning into him, trusting him to take her weight. His touch became her reality, and she gyrated against his talented fingers.

  Smoother than possible, he flipped her around and took her mouth again, his tongue demanding entry, stroking in and out in perfect sync with his fingers on her clit.

  She tried to rub against him, to open her legs wider, to get enough friction to fall over. More. She had to have more and now. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Lights flashed behind her eyes.

  He pulled his hand away. “Oh, sweetheart. You’re gonna beg before you come this time.” Setting her away from him, he crossed his arms, leaning against the door. His eyes glittered, and a flush wound over his cheekbones. Dominance stamped hard on his face, rolling off him in a tension she could feel against her skin. “I told you to take off your clothes.”

  Chapter 11

  Jared could smell her. The arousal, the desire, the fire-spitting woman.


  Oh, he’d been gentle with her, but that was over. He could lie to himself that he wanted to tame her, to make her submit, in order to gain her obedience in battle just to keep her safe from danger.

  That’d be a fucking lie.

  He wanted her submission, period. And he’d get it.

  She knew it as well as he did—he could see it in her eyes. But he was gonna have to work for it.


  She was smart and strong, and he liked that. He craved that. But right now, she was going to beg. “Now, Veronica,” he murmured, easily standing between her and any freedom.

  By the desire lighting her bourbon-colored eyes on fire, she didn’t want freedom.

  Good fucking thing.

  Then challenge and defiance mingled with the desire. Keeping his gaze, she yanked her sweater off to leave her nearly see-through blouse. Then she slowly, very slowly, unbuttoned each delicate button. Her lip curled.

  “Oh, baby,” he whispered, heat roaring through his chest. “Don’t push.”

  Her chin lowered, and she dropped her shirt to the floor. Her bra followed. Then her hands went to the clasp of her jeans.

  He stopped breathing. The blood pounded through his ears.

  She turned her back to him.

  His head snapped against the door.

  Slightly leaning over, she shimmied out of the jeans and panties, her spectacular ass swaying with each movement.

  His cock pounded in his jeans, threatening to end things right then and there. Oh, then the wild woman would know she owned him. Not a chance in hell. His body undulated, his muscles vibrating, needing to tackle her onto the bed.

  He used every bit of control he’d ever honed and forced his body to relax against the door. “Turn around.” His breath was so heated, it hurt to speak.

  She did so, her long hair brushing out. Her chin lifted. “What now?” she asked, her voice a throaty echo.

  Christ, she was beautiful. Still a little too thin, but he could see her curves already coming back. Her angled features were all fiery Colombian, where her people came from. Smooth skin, full breasts, long legs. Fire and spirit, that was his woman. Icy-hot lust cut through him, landing hard in his balls. But this was a battle he fully intended to win. “Undress me,” he said.

  Her eyes gleamed. She might as well have screamed challenge accepted. Humming softly, she sauntered toward him, more dangerous than most of his enemies on earth. She licked her lips.

  He bit down a groan.

  The pads of her fingers brushed his abdomen as she pulled his leather jacket free, having to stand on her tiptoes to reach the collar. Then, just to attempt to kill him, she dropped to her knees.

  Holy fuck.

He swallowed, tension spreading his legs wide.

  She leaned in and unzipped his jeans. His cock sprang free, and she gave a throaty laugh. Her long hair caressed his dick as she painstakingly shoved his jeans to the ground.

  He couldn’t help it. His hand shaking, he speared his fingers through her hair and tugged her to her feet, kicking off his boots and jeans at the same time.

  She jerked against his hold, her smile feminine and triumphant.

  God, she was something. Amazing.

  He planted a hand across her upper chest, spreading his fingers out. “What were you thinking, leaving the safety of this house earlier?”

  Her pretty nipples, light brown and erect, all but begged for his mouth. She didn’t answer.

  That wouldn’t do. He slid his hand down to palm a breast. She sucked in air, the muscles in her abdomen clenching hard enough he could see them work. Her swallow moved her entire throat. “I didn’t think it all through,” she admitted.

  He indulged himself, leaning down to swirl his tongue around her other nipple. “Good girl.” Honesty was good for them both. He lightly bit down.

  The sound she gave shot right to his cock.

  Then he dropped to his knees, kissing her torso on the way down. “Don’t do it again.” Grabbing both globes of her ass, he dug in his fingers and placed a gentle kiss against her mound.

  Her legs trembled against his chest. Her scent drove him crazy. Drawing her in, he slowly licked her slit. If heaven had a taste, it was her. When he reached her clit, her knees buckled.

  He picked her up, his hands still on her ass, and set her on the bed, still on his knees.

  “You’re so strong,” she moaned.

  Yeah. Vampire. He spread her legs wide and ran his palms along her inner thighs. They vibrated against his skin, so much need in the movement he could feel it in his own body. “Beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Veronica.”

  “Wh-why do you always call me that?” she whispered, lust in the tone.

  “It’s your name. I like it. Feminine, spunky, and charming.” He leaned in and licked her again, humming as pleasure exploded inside him from the sweet contact. “Ronni is a cute tomboy playing baseball. Veronica is all woman—my woman.” He nipped her clit.