Read Triple Cross Page 17

  Brodey took advantage of the situation and took over where Cail left off, guiding her down to his cock. She opened, letting out a soft moan as he buried it in her mouth.

  They took charge, Ain and Brodey setting a rhythm that rocked her body between them, every stroke Ain took driving her onto Brodey’s cock.

  Cail reached under her, one hand playing with her clit, the other back and forth between her breasts, teasing her nipples.

  “Give us another one, baby,” he coaxed. “You’re so gorgeous. I love seeing you like this, letting us love you like this. Come for us.”

  The edict was just the shove she needed to fall over the edge again. Ain and Brodey both let out grunts as she writhed between them, moaning, unable to control her body with the edict dictating.

  “Yeah,” Ain moaned. He took another couple of hard, fast strokes before burying his cock deep inside her. Brodey wasn’t far behind before he fell still, his cock deep in her mouth as she swallowed fast.

  Moments later, they were already drifting to sleep in a tangled heap.

  Elain remembered what they’d been talking about. “Be nice to your brother,” she mumbled. “He’s family.”

  Brodey snorted. “That’s the only reason we’re nice to him, babe.”

  * * * *

  Aliah had quickly settled in with Mary and Tom Ingleson. It was easy for her to play the role of doting caregiver to the couple, who were cluelessly human. She left her truck parked in the barn on their property, using their newer all-wheel-drive SUV at their insistence.

  She surely wouldn’t complain about that.

  Even better, they had an Internet connection in their house, and usually went to bed before nine o’clock every night.

  Leaving her free to construct her plans.

  Tom was an amateur photographer very active with his old Army unit’s reunion group. He’d served in Vietnam, and had a perfect setup for scanning in old photos to post on their Facebook group.

  A scanner he’d invited Aliah to use if she wanted.

  And so she did, starting work on making quality scans of the Grimoire Lilitu. It proved to be painstaking work. She repeatedly tried until a page was perfect, adjusting settings so the colors and shading matched exactly, before moving on to the next one, page by page.

  She’d sent Carl scans of the front and back covers, as well as the inside cover and facing page, and next three pages. This book had originally belonged to one Castius Usha. Aliah had no idea if that was a woman or a man, but supposed it didn’t matter.

  He’d called her upon receiving them. “I believe you. How much do you fucking want?” Desperation had tinged his tone.

  Aliah now understood what power, leverage, felt like. She was also keeping up the pretense that Cameron was still alive. “We’ll let you know. We haven’t decided yet.”

  Then she hung up on him.

  She no longer felt desperate. She had shelter, food, income. And she’d even been able to get over to a clinic in town and get an examination, which confirmed her baby would be a boy and appeared healthy.

  She could wait out the winter where she was. It would give her plenty of time to plan, to work out all the details, and have everything ready come warmer weather.

  The old wolf Seer would be an integral part of those plans. The danger lay in whether or not Lacey Fraser, or any of the wolves’ other Seers, could glimpse her plans. As insurance, Aliah performed a spell right out of the book to cast a defensive barrier around the house and her.

  Hopefully the low-level magick spell would work for her. The plus side was nearly anyone could throw it. The downside? Anyone with even slightly more skills than her could penetrate it.

  The key would be they’d need to know it was there. So if she lay low and played the good caregiver and mom-to-be, no one should know.

  And that was why she tucked the note from Elain Pardie away in between the covers of the book for safekeeping. She kept the book hidden deep under her mattress, in the middle of the bed.

  At night she’d swear she could feel its power radiating through her as she slept.

  That power helped feed her dreams, and her plans.

  Her baby would be powerful, she knew it to the core of her being. He would lead and do great things for his kind.

  And she’d do everything in her power to ensure it happened.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brighton only stayed with them for a couple of days before he headed out again with promises to return soon. “I want to see some of this country before I decide exactly where to settle down.”

  Ain, Brodey, Cail, and Elain walked him out to his rental car. “Promise you’ll come back to stay with us once you get done wandering,” Elain said.

  “I will. You can count on it.”

  As they watched him drive off, Brodey spoke. “I get the feeling he’s not real fond of Dad.”

  “You, too, huh?” Cail asked.

  “What?” Elain asked.

  Ain nodded. “Yep.” He looked down at her. “He never did it around you, but I’d catch him watching Dad. Odd look on his face. I didn’t ask him about it.”

  “Ancient Aliens!” Brodey and Cail both shouted out. All three of her men burst into laughter.

  She stared at them, shaking her head in disgust before returning to the house.

  * * * *

  Elain settled into a routine over the next week. With the holidays, and her mom’s and Callie’s due dates approaching in just a couple of months, Elain was dealing with morning sickness that made her doubt she ever wanted to have another child once this one made its appearance.

  She actually felt relieved when all three of her men insisted on driving her up to Tampa to her first appointment with Dr. Ortega. It allowed her to lie in the backseat, with her head in Cail’s lap and a bucket at the ready.

  “You guys worry about me wanting to neuter you during delivery,” she said, “but I’m thinking sooner than that.”

  Cail stroked her hair. “Sorry, sweetheart.”

  It was to Elain’s great relief that, after conducting the ultrasound, Dr. Alberto pronounced everything appeared normal, although she couldn’t clearly confirm the baby’s gender from the ultrasound because it was too early and from the way the baby was positioned. Pending test results for blood work, the doctor wasn’t concerned about how Elain’s pregnancy was progressing.

  “And I expect those results to be normal,” the doctor added. “But I also know Lacey’s rarely wrong about determining gender.”

  Elain breathed a sigh of relief that turned into tears.

  Ain pulled her into his lap. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

  “I know.” It didn’t dry her tears.

  Dr. Alberto handed her a box of tissues. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes to check on you,” she said with a kindly smile. “Take your time.”

  Elain’s men crowded around her. She’d had bouts of crying she couldn’t control. Everyone assured her it was due to pregnancy hormones, but Elain wasn’t so sure.

  She carried a deep well of guilt inside her, made that much worse the more loving and attentive her men acted toward her.

  The information and secrets she held, would they even love her, much less want her, if they knew she knew them? Regardless of their mate bond, she was harboring their parents’ killer. A man who’d murdered many innocent people in his life.

  Would they even want their own daughter if they knew who she likely had been in a former life?

  Fortunately, she’d found that as long as she didn’t focus on that particular skill, seeing previous identities in souls, it didn’t just pop out of nowhere. She had to actively focus on and have physical contact with the person to seek deeper information about them. The closer she was to a person emotionally, the easier it was, unfortunately.

  In those cases, she had to work to keep a bubble around herself to keep from learning things she knew she might not want to know. She hadn’t dared to look and see who her men might have once been. She di
dn’t want to know her own soul’s history, either.

  Some things, she knew, were better left unknown.

  On the way home, they stopped for an early, quiet dinner since Elain’s stomach decided to settle. One thing she’d learned was to eat when she felt up to it.

  She could tell they wanted to ask her something. “What is it?” The men looked at each other. “There’s something on your minds,” she said. “Spill it.”

  Ain took point. “You said Lacey told you it’s a girl, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, have you given any thought to the nursery?”

  “We have a nursery.”

  “But it was BettLynn’s nursery.”

  “Technically, it’s still BettLynn’s nursery,” Elain said. “Micah said it’ll be a couple of weeks before they move into their house, and I’m fine with it the way it is.”

  The men shared a glance.

  “I mean it,” she said, feeling exhausted. “I really don’t want to do up another nursery. By the time my baby’s here, BettLynn will have outgrown most of her baby stuff and we can use it. Mom’s got the other room set up for their nursery already. I’m fine with reusing BettLynn’s room.” She returned her attention to her menu. “And, frankly, I’m too tired to do anything, much less think about it.”

  Brodey spoke up. “We’ll do all the wor—”

  Cail gently elbowed him. “Mate has spoken, buddy,” he lightly said, eyeing him. “Give it a rest.”

  Exhaustion had been a huge problem for her lately. Combined with the morning sickness, she wasn’t enjoying much about being pregnant, except now having an approximate due date to look forward to next May.

  “Have you given any thought to baby names?” Ain asked

  She nearly had to bite her tongue to not say, “Not Mercedes.”

  * * * *

  The next morning, her men were already out and working on the ranch when Elain awoke to an early call from Lacey. “Sorry it’s such short notice,” Lacey said, “but Ortega wanted to run back up to Maine to help with the search for that cockatrice woman. We’ll be landing in Port Charlotte early this afternoon, around noon.”

  “Anything on her?” she asked.

  She should have known the old Seer would know exactly what she meant. “No. They haven’t tracked her down yet. She might have left the area entirely. Daniel said they located the car in question this morning, hidden behind a hotel, minus its tags, but she was gone. The office said a woman fitting that description had been there during the right time period, but gave her name as Sue Smith. She’d checked in with her husband, Dave Smith, but no one had seen him for a couple of weeks before she checked out.”

  “Damn.” Elain hadn’t received any calls from Aliah. Then again, maybe it was stupid to assume a cockatrice would just up and call her. “Why didn’t Blackie call us?”

  “I told him I’d update you when I talked to you. I just talked to him a few minutes ago. Things happened quickly.”

  “Oh. Okay. I’m going to miss Jasper. He’s been having fun with the puppies and BettLynn.”

  “Actually, I was hoping you and the girls would run up to Maine with me. And BettLynn. Just for the night. Ortega said he’ll bring you back tomorrow.”


  “Including Lina and your mom.”

  Elain snorted. “I’ll ask Lina, but you know her and flying.”

  “I know. Give her the option of trying to do the ‘poofy’ thing, as you all call it.”

  “I will.”

  After saying good-bye, she found Mai in the kitchen with Mom and told her. “I’m not even sure my guys will want me going,” Elain said. “They weren’t happy about my little jaunt before. Now that I’m pregnant, they will like it even less if I leave.”

  Carla shooed her out of the kitchen. “Go find them and tell them you’re going. I’ll call Lina.”

  Elain looked at her and laughed. “Good luck with that. You know she hates to fly.”

  Carla smiled. “You let me talk to her.”

  “Knock yourself out,” Elain said.

  Mai went off to tell her guys and pack for her and BettLynn, while Elain jumped in one of the work trucks and drove to the back of the ranch, where the barns and business part of the operation were located. Elain found all three of her men in the office in the largest barn, huddled around the computer on the desk.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  All three of them looked up, concern on their faces. “What’s wrong?” they asked in unison.

  She laughed. “Oh, no. I asked you all first.”

  “We need to order a part for one of the older tractors and can’t find one,” Cail said. “Now why’d you come out here?”

  She nervously clasped her hands together in front of her. “Lacey just called. She’s on her way back from her trip, and she’s with Ortega. They’re going to land at the Port Charlotte airport today, and she wants all of us girls to come with her. Me, Mom, Lina, Mai, and BettLynn. Just for overnight. She said Ortega will bring us back tomorrow.”

  Ain glanced at his brothers. He nodded. “Okay. Anything you need from us?”

  She stared. “That’s it?” She’d expected a vigorous round of Twenty Questions from them.

  “Well, yeah. Maybe it’s Seer business.”

  “I—” She thought about it. “Actually, I don’t know. She didn’t say.”

  Brodey laughed as he straightened. He rounded the desk, his brothers following. “Babe, it’s all right. It’s just overnight. It’s okay.”

  She studied them. Something was tickling at her brain…

  “What aren’t you guys telling me?”

  They shared a glance again before Ain took her hands in his and kissed them. He smiled. “Let’s say it’s Prime Prerogative.”

  “Ah. You’re in cahoots with her.”

  He grinned. “I’m not saying another word, except you’d better get packed. And do you want us to drive you, or did you want to take a car and leave it at the airport overnight?”

  “I’ll let Mai drive.”


  She knew she could play hardball with them, but something about their pleased, amused expressions wouldn’t let her spoil whatever surprise it was.

  When she returned to the house, she got another surprise. “Lina’s already on her way here,” her mom said. “She wouldn’t tell me what’s up, but I get the distinct impression that she’s in on this.”

  “Yeah, she’d have to be.”

  Her mom glanced around and realized they were alone. “You want to know something else?” she asked.


  “I think Liam and Mai are in on it, too.” She smiled. “But let’s not spoil their fun.”

  Now Elain had a strong suspicion what was going on, but on the other hand, a different idea, and relief, popped into her brain.

  If Mai and Lina had kept something from her, something as benign as what she now suspected and while enlisting co-conspirators, she should be able to keep the details of her jaunt to fricking Bolivia a well-guarded secret.

  With that thought lightening her emotional load, she went to pack.

  Even her morning sickness today couldn’t get her spirits down.

  * * * *

  The men all returned to the house to bid their women good-bye before they headed out, Mai driving the minivan. Jasper eagerly sat on the backseat on the other side of BettLynn’s car seat, staring out the window as they drove.

  Elain rode in the back with BettLynn, who, despite being in two-legged mode, wore her pink harness over the pink ruffled denim jumper she wore today. The better part of a year old, she was now able to hold her head up more in human form, and Elain had noticed her shifting less and less as her body grew stronger, unless the little girl wanted to play.

  Then she was all wolf-ote puppy.

  When they reached the general aviation side of the airport, they found Lina already waiting for them, a sneaky grin on her face.

/>   Elain leaned in to hug her. “Why do you look happy to fly?”

  “I have discovered the joys of Xanax,” she said. “Dr. Alberto gave me a prescription for it. Said it won’t drug me out, but will help with my fear of mid-air explosions turning us all into fiery little bits of falling debris.” She grinned. “Isn’t that great?”

  “You’ve already had one, haven’t you?”

  “Two, but who’s counting?”

  Carla let out an amused laugh behind Elain.

  Elain started to ask Lina something else, but then the sound of a private jet landing distracted them. Elain recognized it. “He’s right on time.”

  “Let’s get unloaded,” Mai said, getting BettLynn out of her car seat and handing her off to Elain, along with an eager Jasper’s leash.

  Five minutes later, the jaguar and Marco were striding over toward them, his arms outstretched and a smile on his face. Lacey emerged from the jet, and when Jasper pulled on the leash, Elain dropped it. The dog ran to his mom, who knelt to greet him.

  “Ladies!” Ortega said. “I’m looking forward to this flight. I am a lucky man, to be surrounded by such beautiful women.”

  “Yeah, don’t feel so lucky,” Elain teased. “I’m still puking.”

  He played his role well, not giving off a hint that Elain had been to his home. It took the better part of an hour to get them on board and settled, the jet refueled, and then they took off again.

  Lina wore a silly grin. “Why the hell didn’t I discover this shit a long time ago. Flying’s fun!”

  Carla reached over and patted her on the knee. “You know you can’t mix alcohol and meds, right?”

  Lina lazily waved her hand at her. “Who needs booze? This shit’s great!”

  BettLynn giggled. Lina slapped a hand over her mouth. “Whoops, sorry, Mai.”

  “It’s all right. I’m sure the Beasts will be swearing soon enough. If you don’t teach her the cuss words, they will.”

  “There are worse vices,” Lina said, her hand still up at her mouth. “Hey, I read somewhere that people who swear are smarter than other people.”