Read Triple Daddies Page 19

Wilder groaned, and suddenly, I realized it wasn’t furious anger on his face, it was furious lust.

  “How’d she taste?” he hissed.

  “Like fucking candy,” I growled back. “Wilder—”

  “She make you come?”

  I clenched my jaw, my cock achingly hard thinking back on it.

  “I teased her clit with my cock. Didn’t fuck her, but I made her come on my cock until I came all over her pussy.”

  Wilder swore, lunging from his chair and whirling to pace behind his desk.

  “That little fucking tease,” he hissed under his breath.

  “Fuck, man, you have a right to be pissed.”

  He stopped, and slowly, he shook his head, snorting a short laugh.

  “No, Linc, I don’t. And I’m not mad — not at you, I just…”

  “You want her too.”

  He turned to look at me. “Is that all it is for you?” he growled, his look edged in steel. “You just want her?”

  My face hardened. “Fuck no.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Lincoln,” he growled quietly. “I mean do you just want to fuck her, or—”

  “No!”” I snarled. “I’m in—”

  I stopped, catching my breath and realizing both my hands were clenched into fists.

  “No,” I said again. “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her, man.”

  The room was silent for a second before he finally spoke.

  “Same,” he said slowly. “Looks like we both fell for the girl neither of us should’ve been thinking about like that.”

  I sighed, shoulders slumping. I went over to Wilder’s bar cart and poured us both a bourbon, passing him one as we both sank down into chairs and drank slowly.

  “Linc, you’re my best friend,” he finally said quietly. “You’re like the brother I never had. Fuck, you’re closer than a brother. You’re blood to me.”

  “And you know you’re blood to me too,” I said fiercely back. “And you know you just say the word and I’m gone. She’s yours, because no girl is ever going to tear our friendship apart.”

  Wilder smiled thinly. “She’s not mine, though. She’s her. And you’re right, she can’t and won’t tear us apart as friends.”

  “So what the fuck do we do?”

  Wilder was quiet a second, his eyes twitching like he was thinking before finally, he went still. He knocked back the rest of his drink and looked up at me.

  “Anyone else in the world, and I’d be furious right now. You know that. If it was any other guy, I’d be losing my fucking mind right now. But, not with you. Maybe it’s cause we’re who we are, and because of how close we are. I’m not mad at you for today, Linc.”

  “So what do we do?” I sighed. “I mean we can’t both have her.”

  “Says who?”

  Wilder’s words made me freeze, my glass halfway to my lips. Slowly, I lowered it, and looked over at him.


  “I said who says we can’t both have her.” And slowly, he started to smile. “Like I said, any other guy and I’d be considering murder right now. But there’s no jealousy with you. Look, I know the way she looks at you. Just like I’m not blind to the way she looks at me, or how I know her bullshit ‘brat’ attitude is just to get under our skin. I know the sounds I heard her make the other night when I put my hands on her.”

  Wilder took a deep breath.

  “So who says we can’t both have her?”

  Slowly, I nodded, my cock throbbing rock hard. “She does look at you the same way she looks at me.” Hell, I’d noticed it too.

  “She can be a real handful,” Wilder said lowly.

  “Little brat like that,” I made a tsking sound with my teeth as the hungry grin spread across my face. “Might be she needs twice the discipline.”

  Something sparked in Wilder’s eyes as he started to nod.

  “Might be, she needs twice the daddy.”



  “C’mon, babe. Quit being such a fucking tease.”

  I jerked away from Justin’s hand, swearing at him at I slapped it away.

  “Stop it,” I spat, moving as far against the passenger door as I could. Yeah, the ride had been a terrible idea.

  It’d all started the morning after Lincoln and I had come crashing together. I’d holed up in my room the rest of the night — scared of what we’d done meant and scared of running into Wilder and having him see the truth all over my face. I loved what’d happened with Lincoln, but I felt weirdly terrible, for it not having been Wilder I was with.

  …Considering I’d never had a boyfriend, the whole thing was beyond confusing.

  That morning, I’d ducked out earlier, grabbing a small pack with some snacks and water, and my hiking boots, going out for a long trail walk in Wilder’s acreage. I had to clear my head, and also, I had to get out of the house I shared with the two men who I had such conflicting and uncontrollable feelings for.

  But a small hike had turned into a much longer one, and that had turned into me taking back trails and side roads all the way into the small little downtown area of our town. It was there that I realize that, for one, I was miles from home, and two, my feet were absolutely killing me.

  That’s also where I’d bumped into Justin — college douchebag quarterback Justin — who’d offered to drive me home. I knew the risk involved, and I knew from the way he talked to my tits that his whole “what, just a ride” bullshit was, well, bullshit. But I took him up on it anyways.

  Well, the ride had turned into a forced date.

  First, he insisted on getting food, but that I was “welcomed to go hitchhike if I didn’t want to wait.” I’d sat there glaring at him as he’d wolfed down a burger and a beer, and then a second beer, before he’d finally agreed to drive me. But then, we’d bumped into a bunch of his douchebag friends in the parking lot, and another hour had gone by, until suddenly the day was gone, it was dark, and I just wanted to get the hell home.

  I was also technically past my curfew at that point, but I wasn’t worried about it. I was too worried about Justin keeping his damn eyes on the road, and his damn hands away from my thigh.

  “Jesus, Mackenzie, anyone ever tell you how fuckable you are?”

  I wrinkled my nose and turned to look out the window, when suddenly I felt his fingers on my leg again.

  “Goddamnit!” I spat, shoving his hand away angrily. “I said no, didn’t I? Like ten fucking times?”

  Justin muttered something about me being a “tease” and floored it, yanking the wheel when we got to the huge front gates of Wilder’s estate, roaring up the driveway.

  Great, I was late and they’d see me getting dropped off by the guy they knew I’d been out with the other night.

  …For a second, I wondered if I’d get “punished” again, and my cheeks burned at the thought.

  “You know, some girls would like suck a dick or something. You know, show a little fucking gratitude?”

  I narrowed my eyes at Justin.

  “I hope you drive off the road.”



  I slammed the door, ignoring Justin’s incredibly lame and rushed apologies and that he’d “totally go down on me after.”

  Yeah, uh, no thanks.

  I flipped him off as I walked away, smiling when I heard him swear some more and then peel out back down the driveway.

  I sighed as I headed around the side of the huge house to the back entrance by the kitchen. It’d been a long twenty-four hours, and I was just glad to be home. Also, there was a heat burning inside of me. It’d been there all day, lingering under the surface and hiding behind my confusion about how I felt for both Wilder and Lincoln. But now that I was back, the confusion was starting to fade.

  The plain truth was, there wasn’t one of them I wanted more than the other. And that was what was so freaking confusing about the whole thing. I couldn’t “pick” one, because, well, I just couldn’t.
  I wanted them both. I wanted them both, in a way that made me feel alive, and sultry, and sexy and dirty all at once. They made me feel protected, and comforted, and really if I thought about it — and even if I’d been such a brat to them since I’d arrived — they made me feel like part of a family in a way I’d never really felt before.

  …Was that part of the fantasy with them? Them swooping in to save me and take me away and make every shitty part of my life better? I guess I’d always wanted someone to protect me like them — someone to be that firm hand to guide me and watch me. I’d never had a dad — not a real one at least. I had a biological father who never wanted me anyways and who’d barely ever acknowledged me.

  Something burned hot in me as I stepped up to the back deck.

  Maybe a daddy was what I needed.

  …Maybe I needed two of them, to make up for all those years of never having one.

  I shivered, the naughty heat bubbling up inside of me and teasing through my body. I fished for my keys in my bag. I was late, but screw it. I doubted either of them were exactly going to do—

  The door yanked open in front of me, making me gasp as I jumped a step back.


  His shoulders heaved, and his jaw was set hard — those piercing, fierce dark eyes of his burning right into me.

  “You’re late,” he growled lowly, his gaze darkening as his eyes slid over me.

  “Yeah, well, get over it.”

  He’d dismissed me the night before, and flat out ignored me the next morning. Then he’d disappeared all day without once talking to me about what had happened the night before.

  …Yeah, you could say I had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder about it, which is why the sass came out like that.

  Wilder’s eyes blazed.

  “The fuck did you just say to me young lady?”

  I swallowed — he’d never sworn like that at me, and there was something so fierce and wild in his look that it had me shivering.

  “Where the hell were you?”

  “With Justin,” I spat out. It was petty, and childish, but I wanted to wound him like he’d wounded me by completely pretending the other night hadn’t happened, and completely pretending it wasn’t what both of us — all three of us — knew it’d really been about.

  I started to push past him, when suddenly, his hand shot out and grabbed my arm tight. I gasped as he yanked me inside, slamming the door and spinning me to pin me against it. The roughness, and barely contained heat in his touch was electrifying, and so fucking hot that my body trembled. I could feel the heat pulse between my legs, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “I know what you’re doing, and I know what you’ve been up to, you little fucking tease,” he snarled, moving right against me and pinning me to the door.

  “Get your hands—”

  “And now you’re in trouble, little girl.”

  The rough growl in his voice both shut me up and set the fire burning inside of me. I panted, every inch of my skin on fire for him as he leaned in close, both of his hands pinning mine to the door at my back.

  “Now you’re in big trouble.”



  The blood roared in my ears, my whole body on fucking fire as I yanked her into the house. Something came alive inside of me when I touched her — like there were electric sparks buzzing between where my hand gripped her arm.

  The fire blazed inside of me — fire fueled by lust, by my obsession with this girl, and by having denied myself for so long. There’d been one second — one flash of pure green jealousy when Lincoln told me what’d happened earlier. But then, it’d turned into something else entirely, and it only became fuel for the fire inside.

  I wasn’t jealous of Linc, or of what he and Kenzie had done. Fuck, how could I be? Another man, sure, I’d be burying him in the backyard for laying his hands on what was mine, but when it came to the man who was basically my brother in everything but blood, there was no “mine.”

  If she was mine, she was ours. Period.

  We’d never gone down the road I was pretty sure we were going to go down. There’d been a few women where one of us had dated her and then the other had later, but it’s not like we roamed around “sharing” girls or anything.

  …We’d never had one at the same time.

  The thought sent the fire into an inferno inside my chest. My cock throbbed in my pants, pulsing and twitching against my thigh as the thought of the two of us both taking little Kenzie at once exploded through me. The thought of our big, muscled bodies against her small, lean one full of soft curves had the pre-cum leaking from my swollen head and leaving a sticky wet spot on my boxers.

  This was new territory, but this was happening. There was no denying it anymore, and there was certainly no denying myself anymore.

  Kenzie didn’t say a word as I stormed through the house, pulling her into the big living room. In there though, she gaped quietly as she saw Lincoln already there, sitting back on one of the big sofas in front of the roaring fireplace.

  Oh, this was happening alright. We were done pretending what we felt for her wasn’t there. And done pretending it wasn’t totally obvious that we were both feeling it. Forget the rules, forget jealousy. There couldn’t be any of that here — not with us, and not when it came to Kenzie.

  “I know what you did.”

  The words were heavy and thick as they left my mouth, and I turned as I stopped her in front of the fireplace. I leveled my eyes with her as I sank down into the couch opposite Lincoln, with her standing there between us. Fuck, she was just wearing this tiny little pair of daisy-duke jean shorts with the frayed ends, this too-tight t-shirt with a plunging neckline, and a pair of white sneakers with little lace-edged pink socks.

  Jesus, it was like she was trying to make my cock burst out of my pants. She stood there, her chest rising and falling and looking every inch the girl next door tease as the blood roared through my veins.

  “I know what you did, Kenzie,” I said again.

  She looked away, still trying that bratty defiance with me.

  “Out late with a boy, wearing slutty little clothes like that—”

  “What’s wrong with my clothes?” she snapped.

  “Nothing and everything,” I growled. I crooked my finger at her, and I could see her hesitate, but slowly, biting her lip, she moved closer to me.

  “What’s wrong is I can see your damn bra under that top.”


  My jaw tensed. “And I can practically see your fucking panties with those shorts being so short.”

  She blushed, chewing on her lip as her eyes flicked over my hardened face.

  “We don’t wear slutty clothes like that in this house, Kenzie,” I said softly.

  She chewed that over, her eyes locking on mine.

  “Fine,” she finally said.

  “Take them off.”

  Her cheeks went red, and her big blue eyes opened wide as she stared at me.


  “Take. Them. Off.”

  She shivered, the flush in her cheeks creeping down her neck.

  “Or do I have to do it for you?”

  She gasped quietly, her eyes going wider as she realized how serious I was. And slowly, she nodded.


  She reached down, and with a shiver she couldn’t quite hide, she tugged the hem of her t-shirt up and pulled it off, pulling it over her hair and tossing it aside.

  I groaned inside, the sight of her perfect little tits encased in the lacy white, almost transparent bra getting my cock so hard I could have driven fucking nails with it. My jaw twitched, my hand tightening on the arm rest of the couch as I let my eyes drink in her soft, supple skin.

  “Now the shorts.”


  “Now, Kenzie.”

  And slowly, her cheeks red and her eyes wild, she nodded.

  The button popped silently, the zipper almost as quiet as she
peeled them open. Lacy white panties that matched her bra were revealed to me, only making my pre-cum pump hot and freely into my pants as my eyes took them in. She wriggled her hips, slipping the shorts off over her soft ass before letting them drop to the ground. She kicked her sneakers off without me telling her to.

  Holy fuck.

  She was a fucking goddess — all soft curves, young, blushing, innocent skin, and with a wild look on her face as she stood there in just her bra, panties, and socks. I could hear Lincoln full-on growl behind her, and I know I probably did the same. She bit her lip, trembling slightly and looking so fucking tempting I almost pounced on her right there.

  “Turn around,” I growled, shaking my head. “This is very grown up, bad girl underwear you’re wearing. Is that a fucking thong?”

  “Yes,” Lincoln growled from behind her, his voice tight.

  I leveled my eyes at Kenzie. “Turn around. Show me.”

  She swallowed, and you might have thought it was nervousness on her face, until you saw her eyes. And it was that raw hunger in her eyes that told me everything I needed to know.

  …She was as hungry for this as we were.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” she said softly.

  “I just did,” I growled back.

  “You’re not my dad, you kn—”

  “Except I think a little brat like you could use a daddy,” I purred quietly.

  Her cheeks went bright red, and I swear I could see her nipples harden through the thin lacy material of her bra. She gasped quietly, swallowing as my eyes blazed into her.

  Fuck I was harder than I’d ever been, standing on the edge of diving into the unknown to see where this went. But I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “Lincoln told me.”

  Her jaw dropped, and the flush turned downright scarlet across her face.


  “So,” I growled, my hands clenching to fists and my cock throbbing hard as fucking steel inside my pants.

  “So you think it’s okay to be a dirty, bad little girl while I’m gone?”

  She stammered, her mouth opening but no words coming out. I grinned.