Read Troll, A Short Story Page 2

Sue really couldn’t understand the need for their relationship to be secret. She was willing to go along to a certain extent, but it still didn’t make sense to her. Finally, she decided to put pressure on Zeke to take her to his house.

  “I wish I knew where you live,” she said wistfully. They were sitting at a table in the park, the heavy summer heat weighing them down like a wet quilt. She fanned her face with her hand.

  “It’s about time I told you something.” Zeke’s mouth set in a tight line. “My old lady’s got problems. She drinks. A lot.” He ducked his head.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Sue was immediately flooded with sympathy. “I had no idea.” She placed a gentle hand over his, but he pulled away.

  “I don’t like to talk about it. But you can see why I’d rather not take anyone home. It’s embarrassing. I never know what condition she’s going to be in.”

  “It’s okay,” Sue consoled. “I understand. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that.”

  A group of noisy children raced past, followed by a heavyset man with a handlebar moustache. He was carrying a can of beer and calling, “Slow down! Wait for me, dammit.” He glanced over at Sue and Zeke, but his eyes slid past them. He waddled by on thick stubby legs like a broken wobble toy.

  Sue waited for him to pass before speaking again. “You could have told me before, sweetie. I would have understood.”

  “Well, now you know why I don't take you to my house.” Zeke’s eyes were hard. “I’d rather not take a chance on being humiliated, and I don’t need anyone’s pity.”

  “Sure,” Sue said. “No problem.”

  A light sweat glistened on Zeke's forehead. He wiped it on the back of his arm. “Damn it, Sue. You just couldn't give it a rest, could you? Had to keep badgering me. Snooping and poking around. I hope you're satisfied, now that you've ruined our evening together.” He stared unseeing over the thirsty grass browning in the hot sun.

  “Zeke! I already dropped the subject!” Sue scooted closer to him on the bench. “And anyway, I wasn't trying to hurt you or embarrass you. That wasn't my intent at all. I just wanted to know more about you. Because I love you!”

  “I saw you, you know. The other night.”

  “Saw me? What do you mean?” A chill settled over Sue.

  “In the rearview mirror. Following me.”

  Sue blanched and started to speak, but Zeke cut her off. “Are you stupid enough to think I really wanted to go into that fishing shop? Look at me, Sue. Do I look like a fisherman?”

  Sue turned away, heart beating rapidly. She'd had no idea he'd spotted her tailing him. Her curiosity was just so strong. She’d waited outside Re-Books and followed his van when he’d left work. She'd only wanted a glimpse of his place, to know where he went every night. A flush of shame spread over her cheeks.

  “I don't know what you're talking about.” She tried to play it cool, but her hands trembled. She shoved aside his cutting words, knowing he didn't really think she was stupid. It was the pain talking, not him.

  “You know what I did, Sue?” He clenched his jaw and he stared at her. His eyes were hard and cold. “I left out the back, snuck around the building, and stood right behind your car. You were so busy watching the front door, you didn't even see me.”

  “Oh, god.” Sue buried her head in her hands. “I'm sorry. I wasn't spying on you. Really. I just wanted to know...”

  “You wanted to see the shit-hole I live in? That it?”

  Sue groaned. “No! Well, I...I guess so.”

  “Well, I’ve got somewhere to be.” He got up suddenly, waves of displeasure emanating from him, a moody darkness like a blast of cold air.

  Feeling foolish and rejected, Sue followed him to the van, hating the stiff set of his shoulders. He ignored her when she climbed into the passenger seat. No matter what she said on the short ride back, he didn’t answer. She feared he would never want to see her again and she couldn’t bear it. But, at the last minute he gave her a sad smile. “I'll call you tomorrow.”

  She sagged with relief. His bizarre way of twisting things, the verbal pictures he painted in her mind, the sensations he was able to coax from her body all combined somehow into a toxic mix, a drug that she couldn’t resist. No one had ever talked to her the way he did, and it simultaneously repelled and attracted her. He was a sickness for her, but she didn’t want a cure. Right or wrong, she wanted Zeke.

  Driving home, Zeke sulked. His presence was required at a dinner party. His job: dress up in a tux, be attentive to Mrs. Harrington in front of her stuffy guests, and make sparkling conversation. Later she would flip a coin to decide whether he or Lazlo would share her bed first that night. Maybe she would press them both into service again. It was Mrs. Harrington’s call, of course. She was the organ grinder and he was her monkey. And he was getting tired of it.

  Enjoy this excerpt from Sue, sequel to Zeke by Wodke Hawkinson