Read True Love: The Story About Choices Page 3

it sounds good," giggled Morgan.

  "Thank you.  I hope I can remember it until lunch.  I have got to get that point across one way or another," growled Josh.  The bell rang and they shuffled to classroom 40.  When they arrived everyone wanted to sign Josh's cast.  Rico was the last to sign it, Josh knew him a little bit, but they didn't talk a lot.  Rico signed it angrily and went back to his seat.

  After class was over Rico came up and punched Josh in the hall.  Or at least he tried; Josh saw him coming toward him and dodged it, just in time.  "Dude," Josh said "What the hell?"

  "What the hell indeed," growled Rico "You had her, Rachel, the girl of my dreams, but you threw her away for trash like Morgan."

  "Whoa," exclaimed Josh "You are way out of line here.  First of all, Rachel and I weren't going out.  Second of all, Morgan isn't trash.  She is nice, caring, and wonderful, the girl of my dreams."

  "Oh spare me," Rico said, rolling his eyes "All I know is that you are going to get it, now."

  "Well then, bring it on!" Josh challenged.  Rico swung his fist at Josh's face, but Josh caught it and flipped Rico over.  "That should do for now.  Unless you want more, do you?"

  "Uhh," Rico groaned.

  "I'll take that as a no," said Josh.  He then carried on to his next class, Geometry.

  Josh strode out of class, heading toward the cafeteria.  After a short lunch of pizza he would confront Rachel, alone.  Josh grabbed his pizza, pushed the money toward the lunch lady, and moved to his table.  It wasn't his table per se; it was just the table he sat at.  Most of the popular males sad there, but they didn't seem to mind him there.

  Stuffing the last of his pizza into his mouth, Josh exited the cafeteria and walked over to Rachel.  She seemed happy to see him, but her expression turned to serious as soon as she saw Josh's angry face.  "Rachel, Morgan told me that you, had some choice words for her yesterday," Josh said determinedly "Is that true?"

  "And what if it is?" asked Rachel.

  "If it is, then you need to learn that if you harm my friends, there will be hell to pay."

  "Ooh," Rachel mocked "I'm so scared of you, the guy of whom I broke the arm of the other night. What are you going to do to me?"  Josh growled at her and then jammed his green hunk of an arm into Rachel's nose, snapping it.  "Hey, whad wad dad aboud?" Rachel asked, holding her broken nose in one hand.  With her free hand she reached to punch Josh, but Josh grabbed her arm and flipped her over, as he had done to Rico.

  Rachel took it rolling and somersaulted back to her feet.  Without a word Josh moved in and kneed her in the stomach.  She hunched her back in pain, dipping her head, leaving it open for Josh's fist.  Josh took his opportunity and sent her to the blacktop with a blow to the jaw.  "That was for my arm," Josh muttered.  Knowing that he had taught Rachel a lesson she wouldn't soon forget.  Josh walked away, smirking slightly.

  "Josh!" an anxious Morgan yelled "Are you all right? What happened?"

  "Let's just say that Rachel won't be talking straight for a while.  And when she does, the only words she'll have for you, if any, will be 'I'm sorry'," smirked Josh.

  "Well then," Morgan said proudly "I would guess you did a pretty good job considering the amount of blood that is on your cast.  You may want to wash that off."

  "Oh," Josh said, surprised and embarrassed "Right."  Josh rushed off to the bathrooms, feeling as great as ever.  Right before Josh entered the men's' locker rooms, though, a hand hit his cheek, hard.  Josh turned to see who that hand belonged to.  It was Elyssa, looking as happy as ever.  "Hey," said Elyssa smugly "Yeah bitch I'm talking to you.  I saw what you did to Rachel back there.  Are you trying to get arrested or something?  I won't call the cops, I ain't a snitch, but the next time you do that, you'll be the one needing medical support, got it?"

  "Piss off," Josh said stubbornly "This isn't any of your business." With that Josh entered the locker rooms and started to wash off all of the blood that had stained his cast.  'Well at least now it is, partly, a cooler color, red' Josh thought, always trying to take the good with the bad.  And between what had happened between him and Rachel, and him and Elyssa, there was plenty of both to go around.

  Josh stood in front of the theater. He had bought the tickets for Chainsaw and was waiting for Morgan to arrive. Abruptly, a smart car drove up to the curb.

  Out of the smart car came a Morgan, dressed in a tank top and jeans, with a little lip gloss. The wind blew her hair as she walked up to Josh, embracing him in a hug. The car drove away, leaving them alone.

  Josh took Morgan's waist in his hand and pulled her closer. Josh handed the worker the tickets and they entered the theatre.  They found two empty seats and Josh left her there so he could go get popcorn. He got the popcorn, extra butter, and a drink, cola, and went back to the theater.

  The movie was about to start, so Josh hurried to his seat next to Morgan. The movie was incredibly graphic and gory so Morgan cuddled closer to Josh.

  The movie went on and on. Also, they cuddle closer, closer, and closer until eventually they kissed, but only for a moment because the roaring of the chainsaw and screaming startled them. As the movie ended, the main character, which is running away from a psycho killer with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend had their lips locked. Josh and Morgan were imitating the actors as the others exited the theatre.

  Josh and Morgan exited the theatre. Outside, they went for a walk in there park nearby. There were a few attempts at conversation, but they ultimately failed. The grass was green, the sun was setting, and everything was good. The couple turned to each other at the same time, and moved in for their, kiss. One sweet kiss led to another, and another, until they were making out on the green blades of grass.

  This continued for what seemed like forever to Josh and Morgan, but they weren't really paying attention to anything other than each other. When it ended, Josh got up and helped Morgan up. He then walked Morgan to her house.

  "Good night," whispered Josh in her ear, right before he pecked her on the cheek.

  Josh glanced at his watch as he sauntered down the sidewalk and saw the time. He immediately started sprinting home, forty-five minutes late. By the time he arrived he was an hour late.

  He tried to creep in the back, but the lights were turned on and Josh's mom was standing there, angry.

  "Where have you been?" she asked "One hour late. Might ask what you were doing with all that extra time?" She peered at Josh, spotting a slight glimmer on his lips.

  "Is that lip gloss?' his mom asked, 'That's it! You were out with a girl weren't you? You are grounded for a week because you were going on a date right under my nose!"

  Josh stomped up the stairs, surprised at how quickly his mom had figured it out. Meanwhile, his mom sat down on the couch, remembering bad memories from her adolescent childhood.


  "Kathy, are you okay?" asked Leo, Katherine's ex, but only for a matter of seconds now. "If there is anything I could do to help, then name it."

  "No, you have already done enough!" sobbed Katherine; smearing the mascara she'd worn to impress Leo. She remembered his face when he had said the words, his lips still had a little of her lip gloss on them. She would never, ever let her son, if she ever had one, do that to a girl.

                                                   ~End of Flashback~

  School had been tough on Kathy, between her relationship status, to being picked on by the local bully. But now she lived her life, raising Josh, caring for her husband, and keeping her promises. Some promises were things that she wished she could forget. Rejection makes her stronger. She would have to find out what Josh was doing and deal with it.

  "Josh!" Macy cried as she came out of the airport.  Macy was Josh's friend when he lived in Las Vegas.  Their mothers were really good friends and so were J
osh and Macy, after they were introduced.  But then Josh had to move away.

  "Hey Macy! How has Las Vegas been?" asked Josh.

  "Not the same without you!" answered Macy as they hugged.  When Josh left, Macy realized that she has feelings for him, and she had waited for the day when she would see him again ever since.  She smiled and hoped that he would be able to move back to Las Vegas, or that she could move here.

  "So, you're staying for a month? And going to my school?" asked Josh, happy to have his old friend back again.

  "Yesheree!" said Macy, yesheree was one of her many catchphrases, including 'Yo!' and 'tis true', Macy was also happy, more like ecstatic, but for a slightly different reason than Josh.

  "I can't wait to meet your friends!" exclaimed Macy, hoping they were all dudes, thus she would have no competition "Any in particular I should know about?"

  "Well, she isn't really my friend, but watch out for Rachel, she is a bitch," explained Josh.

  "Got it," said Macy.  That was the last part of their conversation before they went to Josh's house.  After they got there, they went to bed and slept, dreaming; Josh dreaming of Morgan, and Macy of Josh.

  Macy woke up, startled; Josh was standing above her telling her to wake up quickly.  It all became clear as she looked at the clock: seven-frieking-ten!  She had five minutes to get ready.  Macy started to get undressed and remembered that Josh was still in the