Read True Loves (A Collection of Firsts) Page 19

  “Lanie, it’s so good to see you, and congratulations for lasting the entire two weeks on tour. Noel called me this morning and said you stuck out your time like a champ. Not that it was a major task for you.” She winks.

  I swallow hard, feeling a little uncomfortable that she knows so much about my sex life. “Thank you, Ms. Swagger. I actually have the proposal done as well.”

  I flip open the screen and stand, but Diana holds up her hand. “No need for that, dear. The more experienced members of my team already outlined the project, and we have things in the works.”

  I tilt my head and furrow my brow. “You don’t even want to see what I’ve come up with?”

  She holds up her hand as though I’m being ridiculous. “Your only real job was to look pretty and keep Noel Falcon happy. You’ve done just that. Leave the real work up to the rest of us.”

  I pull my lips into a tight line and slam the lid closed. “You were never going to take me seriously no matter what I did, were you?”

  She pulls off her glasses. “Lanie, dear, the sooner you understand that certain people are used for their brains and others are meant to just look pretty, the better off you’ll be. I’m a thinker—a visionary—while you’re the type who can wrangle in clients for me.”

  I blow a rush of air through my nose and roll my eyes. “Do you know how archaic that sounds? As a woman, surely you don’t really think that way.”

  She shrugs. “That’s reality, honey. You better get used to how things work in the real world.”

  Anger boils through me. Part of me always knew she was using me, but I never imagined she would completely shut me down. She won’t even give my work a chance. The dream of working under her doesn’t seem like such a grand idea anymore. I lift my chin. “You know what, Diana, I quit.”

  She flinches. “You can’t quit. Have you forgotten about the contract you signed?”

  “I didn’t forget. I made it through my two weeks on tour, so you can’t sue me, and there’s nothing you can do if I quit.”

  Her eyes narrow. “You’ll never get another job in this town again.”

  I shrug. “The non-compete was only for New York. I’m fine with leaving this state if this is how business is done here.”

  Her jaw drops. No one is going to treat me like a piece of meat, especially not her. Her expression shows that never in a million years did she expect an intern to tell her she can basically shove her job up her ass. I grin, turn around, and—without a second of hesitation—walk out.

  “I can’t believe you quit!” Aubrey says as she watches me pack my suitcase.

  I smile as I think about the smug look on Diana’s face disappearing when I quit. “Believe it. That woman’s a tyrant.”

  She pokes out her bottom lip. “You sure you can’t stay? There are a thousand jobs in this city other than marketing.”

  I zip my suitcase. “I love marketing. That’s where my heart lies. It sucks that I can’t stay here with you, but going back home will be good. Mom misses me like crazy, and I can find a job in Houston or something.” I set my bag on the floor and pull up the handle until it clicks. “I think I’m all set.”

  Aubrey steps around the bed and wraps her arms around my neck. I close my eyes and lean into her as a tear escapes down my cheek. I hate leaving her. She’s the only thing I don’t want to leave behind. She rubs big circles on my back. “It’s going to be okay, sweetie. You and Noel can finally have your happily ever after.”

  I squeeze her tight. “I don’t know if we can. The entire time we fought over him having a pregnant girlfriend, he asked me not to leave him—to let him show me I wasn’t second to him. At the first sign of a problem in our relationship, I ran. I don’t know if he’ll forgive me for walking away from him a second time.”

  She pats my head. “Sure, he will. True love can get through anything. He’ll forgive you.”

  God, how do I even go about fixing this? The whole thing is one big clusterfuck.

  She pulls back and wipes her eyes. “Go on, before I decide to hold you hostage.”

  I frown. “You sure you’re going to be all right by yourself?”

  She sniffs and smiles. “Are you kidding? Now I can have all the wild sex parties I want. Maybe I can even get Riff to visit.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ll tell him you miss his…”

  She smacks my arm. “Don’t you dare tell him that, no matter how true it is. That boy has one giant—”

  I shove my fingers in my ears. “La! La! La! La! Not listening to you!”

  She laughs. “Go on, smartass, before you miss your flight. Riff says the pass to get into the V.I.P. show for tonight will be at the door under ‘Long-Dick Dong’?”

  I shake my head. “Those guys really love giving that pseudonym. I’m so glad to hear he and Noel are working things out since Mike finally told them the truth.”

  She sighs. “Me too. I can’t believe that bitch would do that. Doesn’t she know she nearly destroyed one of the greatest rock bands ever?”

  “Love makes people do insane things. Look at me. I’m traveling cross-country to apologize to a man I’m not even sure wants me anymore. He hasn’t called once since he learned the truth. This is probably a mistake.”

  She pushes my long hair over my shoulder. “The only mistake when it comes to love is not going for it.”

  I practice everything I want to say in the cab as we speed toward the venue. Black Falcon is doing an acoustic show to kick off the children’s literacy campaign for a small audience of three hundred people. I read on the internet the ticket prices jumped up to nearly three hundred a piece for such an intimate event.

  Aubrey arranged for Riff to leave me a ticket at the entrance after she advised him not to tell Noel I’m coming. I don’t want to cause a scene before the show, so I figure I’ll slip backstage and talk with him after.

  The cab driver stops at the entrance of the A&R Bar and I slide some cash to him before I slip out the door. My heart thunders as I walk through the entrance. This is it. He’s somewhere in this building. I collect my pass from the girl at the door after she snickers at the ridiculous name Riff left it under. Someday I’m going to have to speak with these guys about changing their incognito name.

  A small stage sits along the far wall, and tables and chairs face it. Every seat is packed, except for one in the left corner farthest from the stage. Silently, I say a prayer of thanks. The farther back I sit, the better. I don’t want to distract Noel. These people paid a ton of money to watch him sing for an hour.

  The chatter all around me dies down as soon as the guys take the stage. Their normal grand entrances are nowhere in sight. The guys smile and wave as they take their seats to play an all-acoustic set. My eyes lock on Noel.

  He sets a bottle of water on the floor beside him. His distressed jeans and black T-shirt hug his body perfectly. His dark hair sticks up in every direction and has that messy look I find unbelievably sexy. Even from a distance, I can see he looks beat down and tired, not his usual upbeat, cocky self. A pain in my chest hits me hard, and I clutch my shirt. He pulls the mic to his lips and says a simple, “Hello.”

  Trip starts off the beat, thumping on a box-looking thing, while Tyke and Riff strum their guitars. Noel nods and closes his eyes as he sings. His voice is always beautiful, but it sounds different. A little more tortured.

  Every song goes on that way, his eyes mostly remaining shut as he belts out the words. Finally, he announces their last song, and I know it’s almost time to face him. During the last chorus break, I stand and grab my suitcase, ready to find my way closer to the stage. As I near the security team, I flash them the backstage pass Riff left for me.

  “Lane?” Noel’s voice echoes around the room. “Is that you?”

  This is exactly what I wanted to avoid—a public scene—but I have no choice now. I turn slowly, and our eyes lock. His lips quirk up before he whispers in Riff’s ear. He stands and meets my stare again. Riff nods and leans over toward T
rip and Tyke to fill them in on whatever Noel just told him.

  Noel brings the mic up to his lips. “This song goes out to the girl who is my everything. I’m not an easy man to love, and music is about the best way I know how to express my feelings. This is called ‘Faithfully’.”

  Riff plays a few notes on his guitar, and I instantly recognize the melody made famous by Journey.

  After the intro, Noel’s voice blends into the acoustic chords beautifully. He takes a couple slow steps before hopping off the stage. He fixates on me while coming closer with each step. My heart pounds as he stops directly in front of me. He sings sweet words about life on the road being tough and how loving a man involved in the music business is hard. Especially when things don’t always go the way they’re supposed to. Noel’s eyebrows pull in as he gazes into my eyes and continues the verse. The last few lines are about me standing by him through everything and that he’s mine, forever and faithfully.

  A lump catches in my throat and I swallow hard, trying not to cry in front of a room full of strangers. Noel grabs my hand and threads his fingers through mine. I squeeze his hand as a tear slips down my cheek. He lets my hand go and brushes it away while he continues to sing. He says he’s lost without me, and being apart isn’t easy, but we need to learn to fall in love all over again.

  He sings, “Faithfully. Oh oh oh oh…”

  A sob escapes me, and everything I planned on saying flies out the window. I feel how much he loves me through the passion in those lyrics. Noel drops the microphone, and a loud thud snaps around the room. He cups my face and pulls it to his. Tears stream down both our faces, and he presses his lips to mine.

  “Forever,” he whispers. “I’m yours.”

  Find the Next Book in the Series Now: Rock the Band

  Acknowledgements For Rock The Heart

  I know it’s been said many times that it takes a village to create a book, but I still have to say it. This novel would not have seen the light of day if it wasn’t for the talented eyes of some pretty amazing people. GGBT members, Emily Snow, Katie Ashley, and Kelli Maine, you three rock my world so much. Over the years, we’ve become awesome friends, and I am so thankful for that. I owe everything I’ve learned about writing and the biz to you guys. I have some serious love for you all!

  My early readers, Jennifer Wood, Rachael Allen, Melanie Kramer-Santiago, Tanya Keetch, Marilyn Medina, your keen eyes caught a ton of things in this manuscript in those early reads. Thank you so much for all the time you put into it and embracing me into the romance community! I’ve met so many awesome people there, and I can’t thank them enough for all the love and support they’ve shown me. I truly love you guys bunches!

  Of course, I have to give props to the world of rock. Without awesome music, the world would be lifeless.

  And a huge thanks to my readers. You all rock so much!

  Last, but not least, big thanks to my darling husband and son. I would be nothing without you two. Love you, always.

  Phenomenal X

  Good Girl. Notorious Bad-Boy. One Phenomenal Love.

  From the mean streets of Detroit rises the newest superstar of professional wrestling, Xavier Cold, better known as Phenomenal X. His muscular physique makes men cower before him and women lose their minds with desire.

  Anna Cortez is fresh out of college and naive to the harsh realities of the real world. Tired of living under the thumb of her conservative family, she defies them when she accepts a job as the assistant to wrestling’s most notorious bad-boy. Phenomenal X has an animalistic nature that even good girl Anna finds hard to resist.

  One night forced to share a bed in a sold-out hotel, lines blur between them and they quickly learn that one lustful night changes everything and neither one of them will ever be the same.

  New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Series!

  Phenomenal X Copyright

  Published By: Michelle A. Valentine Books, LLC

  First Edition

  Copyright © 2014 by Michelle A. Valentine Books, LLC

  Cover Art: Romantic Book Affairs Designs

  (stock photo purchased)

  Edited by: Delphirose and Editing4Indies

  All Rights Reserved. This edition is copy written by Michelle A Valentine Books, LLC. No reproduction or utilization of this edition without written permission of the publisher. April, 2014.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  For questions or comments about this book, please contact the author at [email protected]

  Valentine’s Vixens: You ladies inspire me daily.

  Thank you.


  “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”—Matthew 5:5

  Chapter 1

  There’s no better way to ruin a perfectly peaceful flight than sitting between two complete strangers. I always request an aisle or window seat if I can, but this flight was booked solid and the unhelpful lady at the check-in desk told me there was absolutely no wiggle room to change seats.

  The older gentleman on my left keeps turning toward me and smiling, probably hoping I’ll strike up polite conversation with him, but I’m just not in the mood to be nice. I’m leaving Portland, leaving behind the only life I’ve ever known, and the only thing I feel like doing is keeping quiet and praying that I’m making the right decision.

  This morning my father went into one of his lecture-filled rages, telling me what a horrible person I was when I sprung it on him that I would be on the ten o’ clock flight to Detroit to go live with Aunt Dee, his eccentric sister. My parents, especially my father, have always been great at controlling my life. Which is exactly why I’m leaving now.

  I’ve followed his plan for the last twenty-one years, and it’s brought nothing but heartache. I’m ready to make my own decisions about what’s best for me.

  While the other passengers settle in around me, I quickly flick through my text messages. The anger in Father’s messages is crystal clear. The same thing said a million different ways: for me to stop this nonsense of starting my own life, and come back home where I belong. Where I’m safe.

  I shake my head and shut my phone off before slipping it into the seat-back pocket in front of me. “No can do, Father,” I mumble to myself.

  A mother and her twin sons fill the three empty seats in the row ahead of me. They are sitting in the first row, directly behind the wall that separates the first class patrons from the rest of us lowly coach passengers. If I had to guess, I’d say the twins are about twelve or so. Their brown hair pokes out from underneath the matching baseball caps they have firmly pulled onto their heads. The hats match their red shirts with some wrestling guy on it. I can tell it’s wrestling from the logos. I remember sneaking around to watch the televised show with my younger brother when he went through a phase of loving that sort of thing.

  Just then I notice an extremely tall, broad-shouldered man wearing jeans and a blue button-down shirt, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, board the plane. Even with his shirt on I can tell he’s all muscle underneath it. The definition in his chest and arms is undeniable as the fabric strains against his pecs and biceps. Intricate tattoos cover every inch of exposed flesh on his arms, and I immediately know he’s the kind of guy my mother always warned me about—which does nothing to decrease his appeal.

  I bite my lip as my eyes scan further up and take in the dark hair on his head. It’s got a little bit of length to it and is styled to messy perfection. His strong jawline has some light stubble, like he forgot to shave this morning, and the fact that his nose isn’t perfectly straight—indicating it’s been broken a time or two—only adds to his rugged good looks. The way he carries himself, chin up with a daring expression, exudes confidence. Everything about him says he doesn’t take crap from anyone, which is a highly attractive feature in a man. And that body…yowza! It’s absolutely del
icious and belongs on the cover of a magazine. It’s designed for masses of women to enjoy devouring with their eyes because in the flesh, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

  And I’m loving every minute of it.

  My heart pauses for a beat the moment this man locks eyes with me. When I don’t immediately turn away, a slight hint of a smile plays at the corner of his full lips. Briefly, I’m mesmerized, and then realize I’m still thinking about his body, and I’m biting my lip.

  He winks at me like he knows exactly what’s on my mind before he slides into an empty row of seats in first class. A short, thin man with a mullet and a beard takes the aisle seat next to him.

  I lean my head back against the seat and sigh, feeling the heat in my cheeks. That man is dangerously sexy and way out of my league.

  The two boys in front of me begin waving their arms above their head. “X! X! Back here! Can we get your autograph?”

  The letter X is all I hear them chant over and over as the small man who boarded the plane last turns around and says, “Not now, boys. Phenomenal X is trying to rest.” The hot guy beside him must be this “Phenomenal X” person because after the little man says that to the kids, he immediately leans over and says something to him. Mullet Man nods before turning back around to address the two boys. “Send something up, and X will sign one thing for each of you.”

  “All right!” exclaims one of the boys as they give each other a high-five.

  The rest of the plane begins to buzz as the knowledge that a celebrity is on board the flight spreads. While I find the man extremely attractive, I have no clue who he is and I can’t bring myself to get excited about it. I have too much on my plate to be interested in some guy who would never give someone like me the time of day.