Read True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence Page 10



  It must not be supposed that the whole of the time was spent in scoutingand fighting. Between the armies lay a band of no man's land. Here, aselsewhere, the people of the country were divided in their opinions, butgenerally made very little display of these, whatever they might be. Itis true that, as a rule, non-combatants were but little interfered with;still, a warm and open display of sympathy with one side or the otherwas likely to be attended by the loss of cattle and damage to crops whenthe other party got the upper hand. In some other States feeling ranmuch higher. In the Carolinas the royalists were most cruellypersecuted. Their property was destroyed and they were, in many cases,shot down without mercy; but generally, throughout the colonies, aconsiderable latitude of opinion was allowed. This was especially so inthe zone between the armies in the Jerseys. None could tell what thepositions of the armies a week hence might be, and any persecutioninflicted by the one party might lead to retaliation upon a shift ofpositions a few weeks later. A general toleration therefore reigned.

  Next to Peter Lambton, Harold's greatest friend in the corps was a youngman named Harvey. He was of good family and belonged to New York. Beinga strong loyalist, he had, like many other gentlemen, enlisted forservice under the old flag. He had, naturally, many acquaintances amongthe county families, and Harold often accompanied him in his visits toone or other of them.

  During the winter, when things were quiet, the duties of the scouts werelight, and it was the habit among them that one-third should be onoutpost duty at a time, the rest being free to move about as they liked.The scouts had no fixed order of position. They went out alone or intwos or threes, as it pleased them, their duty simply being to watcheverything that was going on along the enemy's line of outposts, tobring the earliest news of any intended movements, and to preventdashing parties of the enemy's horsemen from making raids into or behindthe British lines. They were not, of course, expected to check bodies ofcavalry starting on a raid, but simply to obtain information of theirhaving left their lines and of the direction taken, and then to hurryback to the British posts, whence a force of cavalry would be sent outto intercept or check the invaders. Many dashing exploits were performedby the cavalry on both sides in the way of getting behind theiropponents' quarters, cutting off provision trains, attacking smallposts, and carrying off straggling parties.

  One of the houses to which Harold used most frequently to accompany hisfriend Harvey was situated nearly halfway between the rival armies, andwas about eight miles from either. The owner--Mr. Jackson--was a man ofconsiderable wealth, and the house was large and well appointed. He had,before the troubles began, a fine business as a lawyer in New York; but,as the outbreak of hostilities put a stop to all business of a legalkind in that city, he had retired to his country house. Although himselfborn in England, he professed to be entirely neutral, but his familywere undisguisedly loyal. It consisted of his wife and two daughters,girls of seventeen and eighteen years old.

  When the English army advanced to the neighborhood of his property Mr.Jackson was always ready to offer his hospitality to the officers of thecorps which might be stationed near him, and he similarly opened hishouse to the Americans when they, in turn, advanced as the Britishturned back. Being, as he always made a point of saying, perfectlyneutral in the struggle, he was glad to meet gentlemen, irrespective ofthe opinions they held. The line taken by Mr. Jackson was the one whichwas very largely pursued among the inhabitants of the country houses andfarms scattered over what was, throughout the war, a debatable land. Sofrequent were the changes of the position of the armies that none couldsay who might be in possession in a week's time, and it was, therefore,an absolute necessity for those who wished to live unmolested to abstainfrom any stronger show of partisanship.

  As is always the case in struggles of this kind, the female populationwere more enthusiastic in their partisanship and more pronounced intheir opinions than the men; and although, upon the arrival of a troopof cavalry or a detachment of foot belonging to the other side, themaster of the house would impartially offer what hospitality he wascapable of, it was not difficult to perceive, by the warmth or coldnessof the female welcome, what were the private sentiments of the family.

  Harold was not long in discovering, from the frequency with which Harveyproposed an excursion to the Jacksons' and from his conduct there, thatIsabelle, the eldest daughter, was the object which mainly attractedhim. The families had long been friends, and Harvey, although nowserving as a simple scout, was of a position equal to her own. Thefriends were always cordially received by Mr. Jackson, and Harold wassoon as intimate there as his comrade. They usually left their quartersa little before dusk and started back late at night. Often as Mr.Jackson pressed them to stay, they never accepted his invitation.

  The scouts, from their activity and ubiquitousness, were the_betes-noirs_ of the Americans, whose most secret plans were constantlydetected and foiled by the sagacity and watchfulness of these men, whoseunerring rifles made frequent gaps in the ranks of the officers. Theytherefore spared no pains, whenever there was a chance, of killing orcapturing any of these most troublesome foes, and Harvey and Harold knewthat a report of their presence at the Jacksons' would suffice to bringa party of horsemen from the American lines. Their visits, therefore,were always made after dark, and at irregular intervals, and, in spiteof their inclination to the contrary they made a point of returning atnight to their quarters.

  Other visitors were often present at the Jacksons', the sons anddaughters of neighbors, and there was generally music and singing, andsometimes the young people stood up for a dance.

  The scouts wore no regular uniform, although there was a generalsimilarity in their attire, which was that of an ordinary backwoodshunter. When off duty they were allowed to dress as they pleased, and atMr. Jackson's the two friends were attired in the ordinary dress ofcolonists of position. At these little gatherings political subjectswere never discussed, and a stranger spending an evening there would nothave dreamed that the house stood between two hostile armies; that atany moment a party of horsemen belonging to one side or other might dashinto the courtyard, and that even those laughing and talking pleasantlytogether might be of opinions diametrically opposed.

  Harvey and Harold were introduced to visitors simply as friends from NewYork, and, although the suspicions as to their character and positionmight be strong, no one thought of asking questions.

  "I do not like that fellow Chermside," Harvey said one night, as he andhis friend were returning to their quarters.

  They were mounted; for, although when on duty the scouts worked on foot,many of them, who were men of property, kept horses which they used whennot engaged. Harvey had two horses, and one of these was always atHarold's service.

  "I am not surprised you don't like him," Harold replied with a laugh,"and I imagine the dislike is mutual. When two gentlemen are payingattentions to one young lady they seldom appreciate each other's meritsvery cordially."

  "I don't think it is entirely that," Harvey laughed. "Isabella and Iunderstand each other, and I have no fear of his rivalry; but I do notlike him."

  "I do not think I like him myself," Harold said more seriously; "and yetI do not know why I should not. When he has been there alone with us andthe family, he has frequently used expressions showing his strongleaning toward the loyalists' side."

  "I don't put much faith in that," Harvey said. "He knows how stronglyMr. Jackson and the girls lean toward the Crown, and would say anythingthat he thought would please Isabelle. I have spoken to her and shethinks that he is sincere; in fact, she has rather a good opinion ofhim. However, we shall see. It was rather curious that that party ofMorgan's cavalry should have ridden up the other night and searched thehouse two hours after we left. You see, we had agreed to sleep therethat night, and only changed our minds after the others had all left,when we remembered that we were both for duty early next morning. Itmight have been a coincidence, of course, but
it had an ugly look. Ithink Mr. Jackson thought so, too, for he did not ask us to stopto-night; anyhow, I wish Chermside's plantation was not so near this andthat he did not drop in so often."

  A week later they paid another visit. When dinner was over Haroldwas chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Harvey was sitting at thepiano, where the eldest girl was playing, and the younger waslooking out of window.

  "We are going to have another fall of snow," she said. "There is not astar to be seen. Oh!" she exclaimed suddenly.

  "What is it, my dear?" Mr. Jackson asked.

  "There is a rocket gone up from the woods."

  "A rocket!" Mr. Jackson repeated.

  "Yes, papa; there are the stars falling now."

  "That is a curious thing," Mr. Jackson said, while the others wentto the window. They stood watching for some minutes, but nothingwas to be seen.

  "I do not like that rocket," Mr. Jackson said as they left the window."It means something. It can only be a signal. People don't let offrockets for amusement nowadays. Did you meet anyone on the road?"

  "No, sir," Harvey said, "not a soul."

  "I do not like it," their host repeated. "It means mischief of some sortor other. I do not wish to seem inhospitable, but my advice to you is,get on your horses at once and ride to your quarters. You are on dutyto-morrow, and you told me you would pass near here on your way towardthe enemy's lines. You might look in as you go past and hear whetheranything came of it. If I mistake not, we shall have another visit fromMorgan's horse this evening."

  Much against their inclination the young men followed Mr.Jackson's advice.

  The next day they, with Peter and Jake, stopped at the house asthey passed.

  "I was right," their host said, as the two young men entered. "An hourafter you left twenty of Morgan's horse rode up here. They would nottake my word that we were alone, but searched the house from top tobottom, and were evidently greatly disappointed at finding no one. Ihave been making inquiries this morning and find that all the servantswere in the house at the time my daughter saw the rocket, so I hope thatI have no traitor here. Still, it is clear that someone must be keepingwatch over your movements."

  "Have you asked, sir," Harvey said, after a pause, "whether anyone cameafter we had arrived?"

  "I do not see how anyone could come, but I will ask."

  He rang the bell and a negro servant appeared.

  "Did anyone come to the house yesterday, Caesar, after these gentlemancame--any beggar or peddler, or anyone of that sort?"

  "No, sir; no one came except Massa Chermside. He get off his horse andask if you, hab any visitors. I said that Massa Harvey and Massa Wilsonwere here. He say he call again another night when the family alone, androde off."

  "Just what I expected, sir," Harvey said, when the servant left theroom. "I have always doubted that fellow's honesty."

  "Oh, nonsense!" Mr. Jackson replied. "You must be mad, Harvey.Chermside's father was an old friend of mine, and I have known the youngfellow since he was a child. I should as soon suspect one of my owndaughters of being capable of such an act of gross treachery as laying aplot to bring the American cavalry down upon guests of mine. The idea ispreposterous. Bless me, how amused the girls will be at your suspectingtheir old playfellow!"

  "I hope I may be mistaken, sir," Harvey said, "but Harold's opinion ofhim agrees with mine; and, in talking it over last night, we both putour finger on him as the man who fired the rocket. Well, now, we must bepushing on. We are bound for the ford where Morgan's horse must havecome over, and shall hear from our fellows there whether they rodestraight here after crossing, as, if so, there can be no doubt whateverthat the rocket was a signal."

  Upon arriving at the ford they found that Morgan's horse had onlycrossed an hour before the time at which they arrived at Mr. Jackson's.One of the scouts had instantly taken word to the nearest cavalryoutpost, but the enemy had recrossed the river before these had arrivedon the spot.

  After three days on duty at the front, the party returned to theirlines, and the next time that the young men rode out to their friendsthey took with them Jake and Peter, to whom they related thecircumstances.

  The scouts proceeded on foot and separated from the others a mile beforereaching the house, having arranged that Peter should scout round it,while Jake should proceed to the plantation of Mr. Chermside and keep asharp lookout there.

  They had arranged with Mr. Jackson that no mention of the rocket shouldbe made to anyone, however intimate with the family.

  "I am glad to see you again," the host said, as they entered the roomwhere the family were assembled, "although I own that these two raids ofMorgan's horse have made me uneasy. The girls have been immensely amusedat your suspicions of young Chermside."

  "How could you think such a thing?" Isabelle said. "He was here on thefollowing evening, and was as indignant as we were at the thought oftreachery being at work. He quite agreed with us that the coming of theYankees could hardly have been accidental."

  "You said nothing about the rocket, I hope?" Harvey asked.

  "No, we kept quite silent about that, as you made such a point of it;but it seemed ridiculous with him. But I shall be in a fright, now,every time you come."

  "We have brought two of our men with us," Harvey said, "and they arescouting round, so we shall hear if another rocket goes up; and, even ifthe person who let it up suspects that the last was seen,--as he mightdo from our having left so suddenly,--and tries some other plan to warnthe enemy, we can trust our men to fire a shot and so give us warning intime. We have told the groom not to take the saddles off the horses, aswe may stop but a short time."

  At eight o'clock a disturbance was heard outside, and Jake entered theroom, dragging with him by main force the young planter.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Mr. Jackson asked, as they rose fromtheir seats in surprise.

  "Me tell you, sar," Jake answered. "Me had orders from Massa Harold towatch outside ob de house ob dis feller and see what going on dere.About half an hour after me got dere a nigger come along running fromdis direction. Dat no business of Jake's, so he stood in de trees andlet him pass. He go into de house; five minutes afterward dis feller hecome out and he walk away. Jake follow him bery quiet to see what himafter. He walk more dan a mile, den he get on to de oder side of dat bighill; den me see him stop, and Jake tink it time to interfere, so he ranup and catch him. He had put dis ting against a stump of a tree, and hadhim pistol in him hand, and was on de point of firing it close to disting, so as to light him."

  As Jake spoke he held out a rocket. Several times while Jake had beenspeaking the planter had tried to interrupt him, but each time Jake, whohad not released his hold of him, gave him so violent a shake that hewas fain to be silent.

  "This is a scandalous indignity," he exclaimed furiously when Jakefinished. "What do you mean, sir," he demanded of Harvey, "by settingthis nigger to watch my abode? I will have satisfaction for thistreatment."

  "It seems, sir," Mr. Jackson said, signing to Harvey to be silent,"that you have been detected in a gross act of treachery. My friendshave suspected you of it, but I indignantly denied it. Could webelieve, I and my family, that you, whom we have known as a child,would betray our guests to the Americans? Loyalists and republicans arealike welcome here. I do not ask my friends their opinions. My house isneutral ground, and I did not think that anyone who used it would havehad the treachery to turn it into a trap; still less did I imagine youwould do so. These gentlemen would be perfectly within their right didthey take you out and hang you from the nearest tree; but, for my sake,I trust that they will not do so; but should the American cavalry everagain visit this house under circumstances which may lead it to besupposed that they have been brought here to capture my guests, I shalllet them punish you as you deserve. No word of mine will be raised inyour favor. Now, sir, go, and never again enter this house, where theloathing and contempt that I feel for you will, I know, be shared bythe ladies of my family."

  At a nod from
Harold Jake released his hold of the captive, who, withouta word, turned and left the room.

  Not a word was spoken for a minute or two after he had left. Theyoungest girl was the first to speak.

  "The wretch!" she exclaimed. "To think that Herbert Chermside shouldturn out such a mean traitor! Papa, I would have let them hang him atonce. It would have served him right. Now he may do us all harm."

  "I do not know that you are not right, Ada," Mr. Jackson repliedgravely. "I am far from saying that I acted wisely. Young Chermside hasmany friends among the Americans, and it is possible that he may work usharm. However, my position as a neutral is well established. Officers onboth sides have at times been welcomed here, and his report, therefore,that our friends here are often with us can do us no harm. Henceforth hemust be regarded as an enemy, and there will always be danger in thesevisits. So long as the American outposts are within an hour's ride hecan have the road watched; and, although he is not likely to ventureupon signaling with rockets, he may send or take word on horseback. Abonfire, too, might be lit at the other side of the hill to call themover. Altogether you will never be safe from home except when you have astrong body of your own troops between this and the river."

  "I am glad to say," Harvey said, "that in consequence of the news ofMorgan's raids on this side a body of 200 infantry and a troop ofcavalry are to move to-morrow and take up their position by the ford, sowe shall be safe from any surprise from that direction."

  "I am very glad to hear it," Mr. Jackson said. "It will relieve me of agreat anxiety. But pray be watchful when you are in this neighborhood.You have made a bitter enemy, and, after what he has proved himselfcapable of, we cannot doubt that he would hesitate at nothing. Iunderstand," he went on with a smile toward his eldest daughter, "whatis at the bottom of his conduct, and, as I have long suspected his hopesin that quarter, I am not surprised that he is somewhat hostile to you.Still, I never for a moment deemed him capable of this."

  The next day Mr. Jackson learned that his neighbor had left hisplantation, and had told his servants that he was not likely to returnfor some time.

  Shortly after this a series of bad luck attended the doings of theBritish scouts. Several parties were killed or captured by the enemy,and they were constantly baffled by false reports, while the Americansappeared to forestall all their movements. It was only when enterpriseswere set on foot and carried out by small bodies that they were eversuccessful, anything like combined action by the orders of the officersconstantly turning out ill.

  "There must be a traitor somewhere," Peter said upon the return of aparty from an attempt which, although it promised well, had beenfrustrated, to carry off a number of cattle from one of the Americandepots. "It aint possible that this can be all sheer bad luck. It aintno one in our company, I'll be bound. We aint had any new recruitslately, and there aint a man among us whom I could not answer for. Theremust be a black sheep in Gregory's or Vincent's corps. The enemy seem upto every move, and, between us, we have lost more than thirty men in thelast few weeks. There aint no doubt about it--there's a traitorsomewhere and he must be a clever one, and he must have pals with him,or he couldn't send news of what we are doing so quickly. It beats mealtogether, and the men are all furious."

  "I've been talking with some of our men," Peter said a few daysafterward, "and we agree that we are bound to get to the bottom of thismatter. We're sartin sure that the traitor don't belong to us. What wepropose is this, that the hull of us shall go up together, withoutsaying a word to a soul, and scatter ourselves along the river at allthe points where a chap going with a message to the enemy would belikely to cross. The night we go out we'll get the three captains all togive orders to their men for an expedition, so that whoever it is thatsends messages from here would be sure to send over word to the Yankees;and it'll be hard if we don't ketch him. What do you say?"

  "I think the plan is a very good one," Harold answered. "If you like, Iwill go with my father and ask Gregory and Vincent to send their men."

  Captain Wilson at once went to these officers. They were as muchirritated and puzzled as were their men by the failures which had takenplace, and agreed that, next evening, an order should be issued for themen of the three corps to act in combination, and to allow it to leakout that they intended to surprise an American post situated near theriver, twenty-one miles distant. Captain Wilson's scouts, instead ofgoing with the others, were to act on their own account.

  On the day arranged, as soon as it became dark, the forty scouts quietlyleft their quarters in small parties and made their way toward theriver, striking it at the point where a messenger would be likely tocross upon his way to give warning to the American post of the attackintended to be made upon it. They took post along the river, at adistance of fifty or sixty yards apart, and silently awaited the result.Several hours passed and no sound broke the stillness of the woods. Anhour before dawn Peter Lambton heard a slight crack, as that of abreaking twig. It was some distance back in the woods, but it seemed tohim, by the direction, that the man who caused it would strike the riverbetween himself and Jake, who was stationed next to him. He noiselesslystole along toward the point. Another slight sound afforded him a sureindication of the direction in which the man, whoever he might be, wasapproaching. He hastened his steps, and a minute later a negro issuedfrom the wood close to him. He stood for an instant on the river bankand was about to plunge in, when Peter threw his arms around him.

  Although taken by surprise, the negro struggled desperately and wouldhave freed himself from the grip of the old scout had not Jake run upinstantly to his comrade's assistance. In a minute the negro was boundand two shots were then fired, the concerted signal by which it would beknown along the line that a capture had been effected. In a few minutesthe whole body was assembled. The negro, who refused to answer anyquestions, was carried far back into the woods and a fire was lighted.

  "Now, nigger," Peter said, taking, as captor, the lead in the matter,"jest tell us right away where you was going and who sent you."

  The negro was silent.

  "Now, look ye here, darky, you're in the hands of men who are nojokers. Ef you tell us at once who put ye on to this trick no harm willhappen to you; but ef ye don't we'll jest burn the skin off your body,bit by bit."

  Still the negro was silent.

  "Half a dozen of yez," Peter said, "as have got iron ramrods shove theminto the fire. We'll soon find this nigger's tongue."

  Not a word was spoken until the ramrods were heated red-hot.

  "Now," Peter said, "two of yez clap your ramrods against thisdarky's flanks."

  The negro struggled as the men approached him, and gave a terrific yellas the hot iron was applied to his sides.

  "I will tell you, sars--oh! have mercy upon me and I will tell youeberything!"

  "I thought," Peter said grimly, "that you'd find a tongue soon enough.Now, then, who sent you?"

  "My massa," the negro answered.

  "And who is your master?"

  The negro was again silent, but as, at a nod from Peter, the men againraised the ramrods, he blurted out:

  "Massa Chermside."

  The name was known to many of the scouts, and a cry of anger brokefrom them.

  "I thought as much," Harvey said. "I suspected that scoundrel was at thebottom of it all along. Where is he?" he asked the negro.

  "Me not know, sar."

  "You mean you won't say," Peter said. "Try the vartue of themramrods again."

  "No, no!" the negro screamed. "Me swear me do not know where him be. Youmay burn me to death if you will, but I could not tell you."

  "I think he is speaking the truth," Harvey said. "Wait a minute. Haveyou done this before?" he asked the negro.

  "Yes, sar. Eight or ten times me swim de river at night."

  "With messages to the Americans?"

  "Yes, sar; messages to American officers."

  "Have you any written message--any letter?"

  "No, sar, me never take no letter. Me only c
arry dis." And he took outfrom his hair a tiny ball of paper smaller than a pea.

  It was smoothed out, and upon it, were the words, "General Washington."

  "Where I go, sar, I show dem dis, and dey know den dat de message can bebelieved."

  "But how do you get the message? How do you see your master?"

  "Master's orders were dat me and two oders were to meet him ebery night,after it got dark, at a tree a mile from de place where de soldiers are.Sometimes he no come. When he come he gibs each of us a piece of moneyand tell us to carry a message across the river. We start by differentways, swim across de water in different places, take de message, andcome back to de plantation."

  "A pretty business!" Peter said. "Now you must come back with us to thepost and tell your story to the commanding officer. Then we must see ifwe can't lay hands on this rascally master of yours."

  Upon the news being told, the general in command sent a party out, who,after searching the house and out-buildings of the plantation in vain,set fire to them and burned them to the ground. The negroes were allcarried away and employed to labor for the army. The town and all thesurrounding villages were searched, but no trace could be obtained ofthe missing man. One of the men of Gregory's corps of scoutsdisappeared. He had recently joined, but his appearance, as a man withbeard and whiskers, in no way agreed with that of the planter. He might,however, have been disguised, and his disappearance was in itself noproof against him, for the scouts were under no great discipline, andwhen tired of the service often left without giving notice of theirintention of doing so. It was, moreover, possible that he might havefallen by an enemy's bullet.

  The strongest proof in favor of the deserter being Chermside was that,henceforth, the scouts were again as successful as before, oftensurprising the enemy successfully.

  Now that the ford nearest Mr. Jackson's was strongly guarded, the youngmen had no apprehension of any surprise, although such an event was justpossible, as the cavalry on both sides often made great circuits intheir raids upon each other's country. That Chermside was somewhere inthe neighborhood they believed; having, indeed, strong reason for doingso, as a rifle was one evening fired at them from the wood as they rodeover, the ball passing between their heads. Pursuit, at the time, wasimpossible. But the next day a number of scouts searched the woodswithout success. Soon after they heard that Chermside had joined theAmericans and obtained a commission in a body of their irregular horse.

  Harvey was now formally engaged to Isabelle Jackson, and it was settledthat the wedding should take place in the early spring at New York. Whennot on duty he naturally spent a good deal of his time there, and Haroldwas frequently with him. Since he had been fired at in the woodsIsabelle had been in the highest state of nervous anxiety lest herlover's enemy should again try to assassinate him, and she begged Haroldalways to come over with him, if possible, as the thought of his ridingalone through the wood filled her with anxiety.

  Although he had no order to do so, Jake, whenever he saw Harold and hisfriend canter off toward the Jacksons, shouldered his rifle and went outafter them to the house, where, so long as they stayed, he scouted roundand round with the utmost vigilance. Very often Harold was ignorant ofhis presence there; but when, after his return, he found, by questioninghim, how he had been employed, he remonstrated with him on suchexcessive precaution.

  "Can't be too cautious, massa," Jake said. "You see dat fellow come oneof dese days."

  Jake's presentiment turned out correct. One evening when, with severalfriends, the young men were at Mr. Jackson's the sound of the report ofa rifle was heard at a short distance.

  "That must be Jake's rifle!" Harold exclaimed.

  "Quick, Harvey, to your horse!"

  It was too late. As they reached the door a strong party of Americancavalry dashed up to it.

  "Surround the house!" an officer shouted. "Do not let a soul escape!"

  The young men ran upstairs again.

  "We are caught," Harvey said. "Escape is cut off. The Yankee cavalry areall round the house. Good-by, Isabelle. We shall meet one of these daysagain, dear." The girl threw herself into his arms.

  "Be calm, love!" he said. "Do not let this scoundrel have thesatisfaction of triumphing over you."

  A moment later Chermside, accompanied by several soldiers,entered the room.

  "I am sorry to disturb so pleasant a party," he said in a sneeringvoice, "but if Americans choose to entertain the enemies of theircountry they must expect these little disagreeables."

  Mr. Jackson abruptly turned his back upon him, and no one else spoke,although he was personally well known to all.

  "These are the two men," he said to the soldiers--"two of the mostnotorious scouts and spies on the frontier. We will take them toheadquarters, where a short shrift and two strong ropes will betheir lot."

  "The less the word spy is in the mouth of such a pitiful traitor asyourself the better, I should say," Harvey said quietly; and, walkingforward with Harold, he placed himself in the hands of the soldiers.

  No one else spoke. Isabelle had fainted when she heard the threat ofexecution against her lover. Ada stood before her with a look ofsuch anger and contempt on her young face that Chermside fairlywinced under it.

  "To horse!" he said sullenly, and, turning, followed his men andprisoners downstairs.

  The troop, Harold saw, numbered some 200 sabers. They had with them anumber of riderless horses, whose accouterments showed that theybelonged to an English regiment; most of the men, too, had sacks ofplunder upon their horses. They had evidently made a successful raid,and had probably attacked a post and surprised and driven off thehorses of a squadron of cavalry, and were now on their return towardtheir lines.

  "This is an awkward business, Harold," Harvey said as, in the midstof their captors, they galloped off from the Jacksons'. "Of courseit's all nonsense about our being hung. Still, I have no wish to seethe inside of a prison, where we may pass years before we areexchanged. Once handed over to the authorities we shall be safe; butI shall not feel that we are out of danger so long as we are in thisscoundrel's hands. Fortunately there are officers of superior rank tohimself with the squadron, otherwise I have no doubt at all that hewould hang us at once."

  Such was indeed the case, and Chermside was, at that moment, fumingintensely at the chance which had thrown his rival in his hands at atime when he was powerless to carry out his vengeance. He had, indeed,ventured to suggest that it would be less trouble to hang the prisonersat once, but the major in command had so strongly rebuked him for thesuggestion that he had at once been silenced.

  "I blush that I should have heard such words from the mouth of anAmerican officer. It is by such deeds, sir, that our cause is too oftendisgraced. We are soldiers fighting for the independence of ourcountry--not lawless marauders. Had these men been taken in theircivilian dress over on our side of the river they would have been triedand hung as spies; but they were on neutral ground, and, in fact, in therear of their own posts. There is no shadow of defense for such anaccusation. Should I ever hear a similar suggestion I shall at oncereport your conduct to General Washington, who will know how to dealwith you."

  "I wonder what has become of Jake," Harold said to his comrade. "I trusthe was not shot down."

  "Not he," Harvey said. "He made off after firing his rifle, you may besure, when he saw that there was nothing to be done. The fellow can runlike a hare, and I have no doubt that, by this time, he has either gotback to the village and given the alarm there or has made for the ford.There are 100 cavalry there now as well as the infantry. Jake will bethere in an hour from the time he started. The dragoons will be in thesaddle five minutes later, and it is just possible they may cut off ourretreat before we have crossed the river. Peter is on duty there, and,if he happens to be at the post when Jake arrives, he will hurry up withall the scouts he can collect."

  Jake had taken flight as Harvey supposed. He had, after firing hisrifle, taken to the wood, and had remained near the house long enough tose
e which way the cavalry rode when they started. Then he made for thepost at the ford at the top of his speed. It was less than an hour fromstarting when he arrived there, and three minutes later the cavalrytrumpets were blowing "To horse!" After giving his message to theofficer in command Jake went into the village, where the sounds of thetrumpet brought all the soldiers into the street.

  "Hullo, Jake! is that you?" a familiar voice asked. "What the tarnalis up now?"

  Jake hastily related what had taken place.

  "Tarnation!" Peter exclaimed. "This is a bad job. They're making, nodoubt, for Finchley's Ford, fifteen mile down the river. With an hour'sstart they're sure to be there before us."

  "What are you going to do, Peter? Are you thinking of running widde cavalry?"

  "Thinking of running to the moon!" the scout said contemptuously. "Youcan run well, I don't deny, Jake, but you couldn't run fifteen mile withthe dragoons; and, if you could, you'd get there too late. Yer bellowsare going pretty fast already. Now don't stand staring there, but hurrythrough the camp and get all our boys together. Tell them to meet by thewater side. Get Gregory and Vincent's men as well as our own. There'stwenty or thirty altogether in the place."

  Without asking a question Jake ran off to carry out the orders, and, ina few minutes, twenty-four men were collected together on the bank.

  "Now, you fellows," Peter said, "we've got to rescue these two chaps outof the hands of the Yankees. Them who don't want to jine--and mind youthe venture is a risky one--had better say so at once and stop behind."

  No one moved.

  "What I propose is this: we'll take the ferryboat, which aint no goodto no one, seeing as how the Yankees are on one side of the river andwe the other, and we'll drop down the stream about ten mile. Then we'llland on their side of the river and strike inland, hiding the boatunder the bushes somewhere. They'll halt for the night when they'resafe across the river. There's five or six hundred of their infantrycamped on the ford. There's two hundred on our side, but the Yankees'llride through in the dark and get across before the redcoats are awake.Now, I propose that, after we've landed, we make a sweep round until weget near the Yanks' camp. Then the rest'll wait and two or three ofus'll go in and see if we can't get the young fellows out of whereverthey've put 'em. Then we'll jine you and make a running fight of itback to the boat."

  The others assented. The boat was amply large enough for all, and,pulling her out into the stream, they dropped down, keeping undershelter of the trees on the British side. Half an hour after they hadstarted they heard the faint sound of distant musketry.

  "There," Peter said, "the Yanks are riding through the British camp,close to the ford."

  A few more shots were heard, and then all was silent. The stream wasswift, for it was swollen by recent rains, and at three in the morningthe boat touched the bank about a mile above the ford. The partydisembarked noiselessly and, fastening the boat to a tree, moved alongtoward the camp.

  When they were within four or five hundred yards of the village Peterchose Jake and two others of his band, and, telling the rest to remainwhere they were, ready for action, he struck inland. He made a _detour_and came in at the back of the camp.

  Here there were no sentries, as the only danger to be apprehended wasupon the side of the river. Peter therefore entered boldly. In front ofthe principal house a sentry was walking up and down, and he, in thefree-and-easy manner usual in the American army, gladly entered intoconversation with the newcomers.

  "All pretty quiet about here?" Peter asked. "We're from the West, andhave jest come down to do a little fighting with the Britishers. Ireckon they aint far off now?"

  "They are just across the river," the sentry said. "Have you come far?"

  "We've made something like two hundred mile this week, and mean to havea day or two's rest before we begin. We've done some Injun fighting, mymates and me, in our time, and we says to ourselves it was about time weburned a little powder against the redcoats. Things seem quiet enoughabout here. Nothing doing, eh?"

  "Not much," the sentry said; "just skirmishes. Some of our cavalry cameacross through the redcoats late to-night. I hear they have got aquantity of plunder and some fine horses, and they have brought in acouple of the British scouts."

  "And what have they done with 'em?" Peter asked. "Strung 'em up,I suppose."

  "No, no; we aint fighting Indians now; we don't hang our prisoners. No,they are safe under guard over there in the cavalry camp, and will betaken to headquarters to-morrow."

  "Waal," Peter said, stretching himself, "I feel mighty tired and shalljest look for a soft place for an hour's sleep before morning."

  So saying he sauntered away, and the sentry resumed his walk.

  Peter and his three companions now moved off toward the spot where, asthe sentry had indicated, the cavalry were encamped. They were not intents, but were sleeping wrapped up in their blankets. Two tents hadbeen erected, lent probably by the infantry on the spot. One was muchlarger than the other, and sentries were placed before each. They hadsome difficulty in making their way, for the night was dark, and thecavalry had picketed their horses without order or regularity. In theirsearch they had to use great caution to avoid stumbling over thesleeping men, but at last they saw the tents faintly against the sky.They crawled cautiously up. There were two sentries on the smaller tent.

  "Now, Jake," Peter whispered, "you're the blackest and so had better dothe trick. Don't cut a hole in the tent, for they'd be safe to hear thecanvas tear. Crawl under. It's been put up in haste and aint likely tobe pinned down very tight. They're safe to be bound, and when you've cutthe cords and given them time to get the use of their feet, then crawlalong and jine us."

  Jake did as he was instructed. One of the sentries was pacing up anddown before the entrance, the other making a circuit round the tent. Thecircle was a somewhat large one to avoid stumbling over the tent ropes.Jake, watching his opportunity, had no difficulty in crawling up andsqueezing himself under the canvas before the sentry returned.

  "Hush!" he whispered, as he let the canvas fall behind him. "It's Jake."

  Both the captives were fast asleep. Jake, feeling about in the darkness,found them, one after the other, and, putting his hands on their mouthsto prevent them making an exclamation, he woke them, and soon cut thecords with which they were bound hand and foot. Then in whispers he toldthem what had happened. They chafed their limbs to produce circulation,for they had been tightly tied, and then, one by one, they crawled outof the tent.

  Harvey went first and was safely across before the sentry returned.Harold followed; but, as he went, in his hurry he struck a tent rope.

  "What's that?" the sentry in front asked sharply. "Bill, was that you?"

  "No," his comrade replied. "Something's up. Look into the tent."

  And, so saying, he ran round behind, while the sentry in front rushedinto the tent and, kicking about with his feet, soon found that itwas empty.

  Jake, on hearing the exclamation, at once crawled from the tent; but, ashe did so, the sentry, running round, saw him and leveled his rifle.Before he could fire a shot was heard and the man fell dead.

  Jake started to his feet and joined his friends. The other sentry alsodischarged his rifle, and the whole camp awoke and sprang to their feet.The horses, alarmed at the sudden tumult, plunged and kicked; menshouted and swore, everyone asking what was the matter. Then loud crieswere heard that the sentry was shot and the prisoners had escaped.

  Running closely together and knocking down all who stood in their way,the fugitives hurried in the darkness until at the edge of the camp, andthen started at full speed.

  The trumpets were now sounding to horse, and several shots were firedafter them. Many of the horses had not been unsaddled, and mounted menat once dashed off. Several had seen the little party rush away, and thehorsemen were speedily on their track. The six men ran at the top oftheir speed and were soon close to their hidden friends.

  "This way! this way! I see them!" shouted a voice, w
hich Harold andHarvey recognized as that of their enemy, who, a minute later, gallopedup with half a dozen troopers. It was not until he was within a fewyards that his figure was clearly discernible; then Peter Lambton'srifle flashed out, and the planter fell from his horse with a bullet inhis brain.

  Jake and the other two men also fired, and the horsemen, astonished attheir number, reined in their horses to await the coming up of more oftheir comrades.

  In another minute the fugitives were with their friends, and, at a rapidtrot, the whole ran up the river bank toward the spot where they hadhidden their boat.

  The country was covered with brushwood and forest and, as the cavalry,now swollen to a considerable force, advanced, they were greeted by soheavy a fire that, astonished at this strong force of foes upon theirside of the river, and not knowing how numerous they might be, theyhalted and waited for the infantry to come up. Long before the enemywere prepared to advance against the unknown foe the scouts reachedtheir boat and crossed safely to the other side.

  Shortly after this adventure Mr. Jackson and his family moved for thewinter to New York, where, soon after their arrival, the weddingbetween Harvey and Isabella took place, the former retiring from thecorps of scouts.