Read Trust in Me Page 2

  “That’s fine. I can’t stay long. My shift starts soon.”

  When she didn’t say anything, Rich smiled at her and the familiar twinkle lit his eyes.

  “You just came by ‘cause you missed me?”

  That broke Roni out of her sex-crazed daze. She rolled her eyes at him and snorted. “That’ll be the day. Actually, I came by with a proposition.”

  “Even better,” Rich said, his grin widening at the look on her face.

  “You wish,” Roni retorted. “I’m talking about a business proposition.”

  “Okay,” Rich said with one last wink, before the flirty smile left his face. “Shoot.”

  “I know you’re planning to use the space to offer different classes to the kids and the community. I want to start off by saying that I think it’s a wonderful idea, and all joking aside, I love that you’re actually doing it.”

  “Thanks,” Rich said with a sincere smile. “I appreciate that.”

  Thrown off temporarily by his change in demeanor, Roni cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and laid out her proposition.

  “I’m a dancer. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to train, but I’ve danced since I was a little girl. I’d love to open up my own studio, since there isn’t one in town. Since you have all of this space, and are looking for ideas of classes to offer, I thought I would bring my proposition to you.”

  She paused to look at him momentarily, so she could gauge his reaction. He looked intently at her and nodded for her to go on.

  “My long term goal is to own my own studio, but that just isn’t plausible right now. I thought maybe you could rent space to me here. I don’t want to just be hired on as a teacher; I want to own my own business. I want full creative control to use the space as I see fit. Of course, since it’s your building, and I would be renting from you, I would consult with you. But I want to be fully in charge of the studio and what I do with it.”

  Roni breathed in deeply again, holding her breath in as she waited for his response.

  “I didn’t realize that you’re a dancer,” Rich began. “Kent told me he knew someone I could contact about instructing, but never mentioned it was you.”

  He paused to consider that for a moment before continuing, “First of all, I’ll say that it sounds like a great idea. You’re right, I do want to offer dance lessons here at the center. I hadn’t thought about renting space, but that doesn’t mean I object to doing it.”

  Roni chewed on her lip as she waited for him to continue.

  “This is a lot to take in and I know you have to get to work… Can I get back to you?”

  Roni exhaled and nodded.

  Rich continued, “I have to talk to a few people and I’ll think over your proposal. I’m having auditions/interviews in two weeks for the people who are interested in setting up classes here. I can set up a time for you now, or you can wait until I get back to you on the rental idea.”

  “Now would be good,” Roni said with a small smile. “I appreciate you considering my idea.”

  They settled on a time for the interview and Rich walked her outside to her car.

  “Thanks,” Roni said again, as she opened her car door.

  “Anytime,” Rich said the saucy grin back on his face. “I look forward to seeing the way you move.”

  Roni rolled her eyes at him as she got in her car, but she waited to drive away until she’d enjoyed the view of him walking away.

  Chapter Three

  Rich stood under the shower and let the hot water massage his aching muscles. Eyes closed, he allowed himself to think about Roni and the proposition she’d brought to him. She’d looked so pretty standing amidst his cluttered room. He’d wished briefly that he could throw her over his shoulder and ravish her long, lean body on his sorry excuse for a bed, but he’d controlled himself when he heard what she had to say.

  Now that he was alone, he could take a little time to remember how her shirt had been snug in all the right places, and her little skirt had swayed slightly, flirty toned legs that seemed to go on forever.

  When his body started to stiffen, he changed the course of his thoughts and admitted that her idea was a good one. He stepped out of the shower and toweled off. He hung the towel on the rod, and walked out into his room to find something to wear.

  “Jesus, man,” Kent said as he watched his friend stride into the room.

  Rich just looked at him, a cocky smile on his face. “Guess you shoulda knocked.”

  “There’s a freakin’ work crew out there,” Kent exclaimed, gesturing towards the men on the other side of the door. “I didn’t think you’d be prancing around with your door open, naked as the day you were born.”

  “I ain’t got nothin’ they haven’t seen before,” Rich said with a chuckle as he pulled on a pair of jeans.

  “Shit,” Kent laughed. “And he’s going commando.” This he said with his eyes rolled upward.

  “What can I do for you?” Rich asked as he picked up a t-shirt, smelled it, then pulled it over his head. “Other than the free show.”

  “I was wondering if you were up for a beer later. I was driving by on my way to the paper, and thought I’d ask in person. Gives me a chance to see the progress on this place.”

  “Actually, I was gonna call you later. Colin and Bree are coming in for the weekend, and Colin asked about us getting together tonight. Just the guys. You mind if he comes with?” Rich asked as he looked around the room for his keys and wallet.

  “Yeah, that’s perfect actually. I’d love to get both of your opinions on something,” Kent smoothed his hands over his dress shirt, as if to assure himself that he didn’t look as disheveled as Rich. “You guys okay to come by my house and hang out, rather than go to the bar. I don’t want a lot of ears around.”

  Rich slipped on some flip flops and looked at Kent curiously. “Sure, man. I’ll let Colin know. Everything okay?”

  Kent smiled at him and said, “Yeah, everything’s great. You do realize you’re wearing flip flops… In December.”

  Rich looked down at his feet, then back up at Kent, “Yeah, I’m just running to my folks for a bit, then by the bank. No dress code.”

  Kent shook his head at his friend as they walked out of the warehouse.

  “Alright, man, I’ll see you tonight. Let me know if you guys want me to order some pizza or something.”

  “Will do,” Rich said as he got into his Charger. “Later.”

  He murmured to the car as he started her up, then headed a few blocks down to his parents’ house. He’d been home a few days, and knew his mother was going to be salty that this was the first chance he’d had to stop by.

  When he opened the front door to his childhood home, the smell of baking cookies greeted him, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  “Somethin’ sure smells good,” he yelled as he took off his shoes and made his way towards the kitchen in the back of the house.

  “Hmmm, that sounds suspiciously like my long lost son,” his mama said with a hint of sarcasm. “Can’t be though, because my son would have come by the second he’d gotten back to town.”

  “Now, Mama,” Rich said as he dropped a kiss on the top of his mother’s head, snatching a cookie as he narrowly missed the back side of her wooden spoon. “I told you I wanted to get settled at the warehouse first.”

  She gave him a wry look that made him chuckle. He bit into the peanut butter cookie and moaned as the flavors hit his tongue.

  “I swear you make the best cookies in the state of Texas,” Rich said with a wink.

  As he knew it would, the frown fell from his mother’s face, replaced by a big grin. She was the most wonderful person he’d ever met. The site of her familiar grin warmed his heart and reminded him of how happy he was to be back home.

  Trying to keep the grin off of her face she said, “Boy, don’t you try to butter me up with that charm of yours. You know it shouldn’t take three days for you to unload your boxes.”

the boy alone, Martha,” Rich’s dad, Frank, said as he walked in from the back porch. “He doesn’t need you laying guilt at his feet; he’s a grown man now. With a place and a business of his own.”

  Martha shook her head and went back to plating cookies, as Frank smacked Rich on his back.

  “We’re real proud of you and what you’re doing over at the old warehouse, Son.” Frank smiled around the toothpick that was always in his mouth.

  “Thanks, Pop,” Rich replied. “They’re making headway already; you’ll have to stop by.”

  “How about some food?” His mom asked, “Have you eaten anything yet today?”

  “That’d be great, Ma,” Rich said as his stomach grumbled in anticipation. “I haven’t had a chance to eat anything yet. I worked out this mornin’, so I could eat a small cow.”

  “Well, you’re kind of in between meals,” Martha said as she eyed the clock. “You in the mood for breakfast or lunch?”

  “I’d kill for some of your biscuits and gravy.”


  “You know it,” Rich said with a grin.

  “Come on back, I’ll show you what I’m working on,” his dad said as he headed towards the back door.

  Rich paused to grab his mother in a big hug and kiss her on the cheek. “I’ve missed you, Mama.”

  Martha squeezed him back and patted him on the cheek. “I’m happy you’re home. Now go on outside with your daddy, this food won’t cook itself.”

  Rich followed his dad out into the backyard. He’d missed this. He’d missed them. He really was happy to be back home. Funny, he’d always thought he wanted nothing more than to get away from here when he was growing up. Now he knew there was nowhere else he’d rather be.

  Chapter Four

  Roni was leaning against the hostess stand talking to Kara when her brother walked into the Bar & Grill.

  “Hey, handsome,” Kara said with a grin as she walked around to pull Kent into a quick hug. “How’ve you been? We haven’t seen you around much lately.”

  “I’m good, getting everything squared away with the paper,” Kent gave her a quick grin and lifted a hand in greeting to Pete, who was tending bar. “How’re you?”

  “Things are great here too. Pete’s been itchin’ for a guy’s night though, you gonna have a poker night anytime soon?”

  “Actually, Rich and Colin are stopping by tonight, I was gonna ask Pete if he was busy,” Kent said, then looked at his sister. “I need to talk to Roni first though, then I’ll see what he’s up to.”

  Roni looked up at him, curious, “What’s up?”

  “Can you take a quick break?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I haven’t had my break yet, and it will be at least a half an hour before we start getting busy for dinner. Let me go tell Pam.”

  Roni walked back and told the manager she was going to take a break. Kara said she’d keep an eye on the door, so Roni followed Kent outside.

  Kent walked over towards the outdoor seating, pulling a chair out for her before sitting himself.

  He was smiling, but Roni noticed that his leg was bouncing up and down and he was picking nervously at his shirt. She began to worry that something was wrong.

  “What’s going on, Kent? You’re kinda freakin’ me out.”

  Kent reached out and grabbed her hand. He let their hands rest on the table and smiled broadly at her. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay,” she prodded, wishing he would just spit it out already.

  “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’m actually gonna talk to the guys about it tonight, but I wanted to talk to you first. Get your opinion.”

  Roni nodded her encouragement for him to go on.

  “I know I haven’t been with Nicole for that long, but I know I’ve never met anyone like her, or felt this way about anyone before her. Mom and Dad weren’t the best role models, and I know neither of us hold much stock in the sanctity of marriage, but Nic does. I’m going to ask her to marry me.” His grin got so big; it looked like he was beaming from the outside in. He chuckled lightly and continued, “I know it’s crazy, but I think we can make it work. I don’t care about getting her parents’ blessing, and Lord knows, I couldn’t care less what our parents think, but I wanted to make sure that we have your blessing. Do you think I’m crazy?”

  Roni felt her throat tighten and the tears begin to form, as her heart beat wildly in her chest. She’d never seen her brother so happy, and although she was surprised at how quickly their relationship was progressing, she trusted Kent’s instincts more than anyone she’d ever known.

  “You’re not crazy, Kent. Of course you have my blessing. I love Nicole, and I think the two of you are perfect for each other. I know you’ll have a marriage that lasts. It’ll be nothing like Mom and Dad’s, or mine for that matter. It’s wonderful. Nicole is going to be thrilled. When are you going to propose?”

  “I’m taking her away this weekend. I have the guys coming over tonight, and I’m going to have them help me get everything set up. I can’t wait to see the look on her face.” Kent reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. “This is the ring I picked out for her; do you think she’ll like it?”

  Roni gasped and put her hand over her mouth, “It’s beautiful.”

  She reached for the box, so she could look more closely. The platinum ring had a petal design with diamonds all along the band. It was delicate and beautiful, and would fit Nicole perfectly.

  “She’s going to love it.”

  “You think so?” Kent asked eagerly.

  “Absolutely,” Roni couldn’t help the pang in her stomach. Seeing that ring reminded her of her engagement to Hank, or lack thereof.

  It had been the day before her high school graduation. She and Hank were sitting in his car after having pizza, and she was telling him that she wasn’t sure what she was going to do next. Her parents were going to kick her out, and she didn’t want to leave Hank, but she had nowhere else to go other than Kent’s. Hank said he didn’t want her to leave, and suggested they move in together. She’d told him that she wasn’t sure her parents would allow her to live with him. Although they didn’t want to support her, she was pretty sure they would go crazy if she attempted to move in with Hank.

  She’d never forget that moment as long as she lived. Hank had shrugged his shoulders, took a drag of his cigarette, and said, “I guess I’ll marry you then. Make it legal.”

  She’d been young and in love enough to be excited by his statement. Now she realized how foolish she’d been. Looking at Kent, seeing his excitement and obvious love for Nicole, she saw everything that had been missing from her relationship with Hank.

  Roni shook the memory off and looked into her brother’s bright eyes. “Congratulations. You deserve to be happy, Kent. I’m so excited for you.”

  Kent got up and walked around the table to pull her up into a big hug.

  “Thanks, Roni. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He pulled away and looked into her eyes. “You’ll find someone who deserves you, don’t worry.” He ran a hand over her hair and put his finger under her chin, lifting it so he could look her in the eyes. “You will find your happily ever after. In the meantime, don’t spill the beans to Nicole.”

  Roni smiled up at him, nodded and said, “I promise.”

  Kent pulled her into another hug.

  “Alright, I’ll let you get back to work. I’ve gotta go get ready for the guys tonight and make sure everything is set for this weekend. Wish me luck!”

  “You don’t need it,” Roni assured him.

  She laughed as she watched him walk away with a spring in his step. It felt great to see him so totally happy.

  As he drove off she sat back down in the chair and slowly tore apart a napkin. She couldn’t help but feel envious of Nicole and Kent’s relationship. It was so different than her relationship with Hank.

  She’d been young and stupid. Totally
disillusioned. And she’d paid a price for it. Not just the broken bones and surface injuries, but she was worried that she’d never be able to trust herself again.

  She’d been so wrong about Hank. She’d always wanted a happily ever after.

  Chapter Five

  When Rich walked into the Bar & Grill, his eyes automatically sought out Roni. She was walking back from seating a party in the center of the room, a small smile played across her lips. He felt the lust pool in his belly. Just watching her walk across the room turned him on. He’d been thinking about her way too much, for way too long. The kicker came when she noticed him standing by the hostess stand. She seemed to miss a step, started to fidget with the ring on her right hand, and her smile was replaced by a scowl. God, she was sexy.

  “Hey, Sunshine,” Rich said with a cocky grin. “Happy to see me?”

  He got the eye roll he’d been hoping for and leaned over onto the stand, purposefully invading her space. As she grabbed two menus from the slot underneath, he grabbed her free hand and brought it to his lips. Roni froze and stared at him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Rich let his lips linger for a moment, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. He inhaled deeply, letting the scent of strawberries fill him momentarily.

  Roni broke out of the temporary shock and pulled her hand away.

  “Just wanted to say hi, sugar,” Rich drawled as he stood up and gave her space.

  “You can say hi without touching me,” Roni said between clenched teeth.

  Rich couldn’t help but grin at her. Roni liked to act like he made her skin crawl, but he was sure she couldn’t be completely immune to him. The tension was palpable, at least on his end. She had to feel the chemistry between them, didn’t she?

  The door opened behind him and he turned to see Colin walk in.

  “Hey, brother,” Rich said, slapping Colin on the back. Then he turned to Roni and said, “It’s just the two of us.”