Read Trust in Me Page 4

  Rich couldn’t help but become enthused along with her.

  “That sounds great, Roni.”

  “Can you show me the space you were thinking of? I’d be interested in including a resale section, where I can sell dance attire and accessories, if possible.”

  Rich led her towards the largest studio space, which he’d had finished with the dance studio in mind.

  “Well, there is a small room off the back of the studio, which I figured could be used as an office, it’s not really big enough for resale. However, we will have a resale section here at the Center. We will offer attire, equipment, and accessories for the different classes we have here. I planned to get with each instructor and see what items they wanted to have available for resale to start. As time goes on, we can add or takeaway items as needed. You would have a say in what is sold, if that works.”

  Roni grinned up at him, “You’ve thought of everything.”

  Rich smiled back at her, pleased that she seemed to share his enthusiasm. “I really hope so.”

  They stood there, smiling at each other for a moment, until Rich realized that he was still conducting an interview.

  “Let me show you to the locker room. You can change and meet me back in the studio.”

  Roni nodded and followed him to the women’s locker room, which was on the other side of the room he was staying in.

  “Did you pick a room next to the locker room on purpose?”

  That made Rich chuckle, but he just shook his head and walked away, giving her time to get ready.

  Rich moved the chairs back out of the way, placing his in the back corner, in order to give her access to the entire space.

  When she walked in, his breath caught and his entire body seemed to stiffen.

  Her hair was piled on top of her head, black boy shorts showcased her long, lean legs, and a small black tank molded to her slender form. Her feet were bare. For some reason that last bit of bare skin made Rich feel like he was going to lose his mind.

  She padded softly across the wood floor to the radio and hooked her iPod in. She stretched languidly in front of the mirror, seeming to have forgotten Rich’s presence.

  With each stretch, Roni became more limber, and Rich became harder. He was starting to think this audition was a terrible idea.

  Terribly awesome.

  When she was finished stretching, she pressed play on her iPod and positioned herself in the center of the room. As Christina Perri’s voice filled the room, Roni began to move.

  Rich couldn’t have uttered a sound if he wanted to. He was completely, and utterly mesmerized.

  Her body seemed to be made for this. The movement was so natural, so sensual, Rich had to focus on keeping himself in the chair… his entire body seemed to scream at him to get up and go to her.

  As the music stopped, Roni turned to him, her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath.

  “That’s the contemporary. It’ll be for the advanced classes. I can show you the basic ballet and tap steps for the younger classes if you’d like.”

  Rich tried to speak, but squeaked instead.

  He felt his face grow warm as he cleared his throat and tried again, “Um, no. That won’t be necessary.”

  Roni stretched a bit as she walked towards him, a puzzled smile on her face.

  “You okay?”

  Rich stood, willing his legs to hold him as he tried to look cool and unaffected. “Yeah, I’m great.”

  Roni stopped in front of him, looked shyly at her foot, then back into his eyes. “Did you like it? Can I rent the space and work here?”

  A stray piece of hair fell from her bun, down the side of her face. Without thinking, Rich reached over and tucked it behind her ear, his hand stopping as it touched the side of her face. He watched as Roni’s pupils dilated and her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.

  Shit, he thought, this was going to be harder than he’d anticipated if the state of the throbbing in his pants was any indication.

  “I loved it. You’re an amazing dancer,” Rich said, his hand gently caressing her cheek. “You can rent the space.”

  She surprised him by launching into his arms and throwing hers around his neck. She hugged him hard, then pulled back with a laugh. “Sorry, I’m all sweaty.”

  He may have whimpered at that, but he’d sure as hell never admit it. Instead he smiled back at her and nodded, then pulled away from her until he could no longer feel the glorious slippery heat of her skin.

  Roni gathered up her stuff and bounded out of the studio with a shout of joy. She said she’d see him later as she walked out the door, leaving him hot and hard, as he turned and headed towards the men’s locker room.

  He was going to need a cold shower. Glacier cold.

  Chapter Eight

  Roni still felt the adrenaline pumping when she walked into the Bar & Grill to meet her friends. She’d felt great during the audition, although the thought of Rich watching her did make her self-conscience, it had also been invigorating.

  She walked up to the table where Nicole, Briana, and Kara were already sitting, and was greeted by a chorus of “Hello’s”.

  Nicole was showing off her engagement ring when Roni scooted in next to Briana. She gave the other woman a hug and said, “It’s good to see you again Bree.”

  “You too,” Briana said as she brushed her dark hair out of her face. “I’m so happy we could come home for the holidays.”

  Briana looked up and smiled when the door opened again, she waved at Rich as he walked in. Roni watched as he walked over to where Pete was tending bar. As he said something to Pete, the new bartender, Claire sauntered over to him.

  She was a beautiful, bawdy redhead that had been on the job for about two weeks. She seemed intent on showing Rich all of her assets. Roni could hear the deep tenor of Rich’s voice as he said, “Howdy, darlin’.”

  Roni rolled her eyes and turned her focus back to the girls.

  Rich was nothing but a flirt.

  Briana, Nicole, and Kara were all watching her, then looked pointedly at Rich.

  “Whatchya lookin’ at?” Kara said with a saucy grin.

  “Just Rich, doin’ what Rich does best,” Roni replied dryly.

  “Oh… He’s pretty good at that, but I wouldn’t say that’s what he does best,” Kara said with a big laugh as she nudged Briana.

  Roni narrowed her eyes at the two of them. “What do you mean?” She asked.

  “Let’s just say, there is a very good reason that the ladies love Rich,” Kara replied. “He knows how to treat women.”

  “You’ve slept with him?” Roni asked in a whisper as she leaned over the table towards Kara.

  “Sure,” Kara shrugged. “Before Pete, of course. You can always count on Rich for a good time.”

  “Kara,” Briana warned in a low voice, “You know that’s not all Rich is… A ladies man.” She looked over at Roni and smiled. “I mean, it’s the truth, he does know his way around the female form, but he’s so much more than that.”

  Roni choked on the water she’d just sipped, “Wait a minute… You too?” She looked around at her friends. “Is there anyone he hasn’t slept with?”

  Nicole raised her hand, causing them all to laugh.

  “Roni, Rich has been single for as long as I’ve known him. He makes sure that the girls he’s with know that he isn’t looking for anything serious. He’s not a heartbreaker or a dog, he’s just a man that loves being with women,” Briana explained.

  “Hey, whatever he wants to do is his business, not mine,” Roni said, all of her suspicions about Rich had just been confirmed by her friends.

  “He’s a great guy, Roni,” Kara said.

  “The best,” Nicole agreed.

  “Don’t hold his past against him,” Briana added.

  “Guys, there’s nothing going on between Rich and I,” Roni said.

  Just then, Rich turned to see them all staring at him. He grinned broadly and Briana waved her fingers at
him. He gave them a wink, said something to Pete and Claire, then walked over to their table.

  “This must be my lucky day,” Rich drawled as he got closer. “Such a beautiful group of women.”

  “Hi, Rich,” Nicole, Kara, and Briana said in unison, causing them to giggle and Rich to raise an eyebrow.

  He looked over at Roni, “Hello again.”

  Roni just said, “Hi.”

  “You coming to the party at Kent’s on Christmas?” Nicole asked him.

  “Absolutely, what time are ya’ll lookin’at?”“Around four. That will give everyone time with their families, then we can have some drinks and apps before dinner.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Rich said. “Do you need me to bring anything?”

  “Well, we figured we’d pull names for gifts, so I’ll text you with the details. Other than that, just bring yourself,” Nicole replied.

  “Great,” Rich said. “Well, I gotta get back, so I’ll leave you ladies to your meal. Oh, and Roni, thanks again for the dance earlier. You were magnificent.”

  That said he gave them each a smile, then walked back out the door. Once he was gone, they all turned to look at Roni.

  “The dance?” Nicole asked with a big grin.

  “I had my interview and audition today,” Roni replied. “I’m going to rent space at the Rec Center and open a Dance Studio.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Briana said. “This Rec Center is really turning into something great. I’m so happy for Rich, and for you. I can’t wait to see what they’ve done so far. Especially in the kitchen.”

  “What I saw today looked amazing,” Roni admitted. “What’s this about Christmas?”

  “That’s what we were talking about when you walked in, before we were all distracted by Rich’s hotness,” Kara said with a laugh.

  “I just talked Kent into it last night,” Nicole said. “I thought it would be fun for us to all get together and spend Christmas with each other. Have a nice meal and exchange gifts. You in?”

  “Of course,” Roni said. She loved Christmas.

  They all started talking about the holidays and the Rec Center. Roni couldn’t help but think about what everyone had said about Rich. Lord knew he was hot. There was no denying that. Nor could she deny the attraction she’d been having to him lately. With everything she knew about him though, she didn’t think she could ever act on it.

  She just wasn’t interested in a guy that was so obviously opposed to commitment, and who’d been with so many women.

  He was he exact opposite of what she needed, wasn’t he?

  Chapter Nine

  Rich broke down the last box, grabbed the bag of trash and the rest of the boxes, and headed out back to the dumpster. He’d finally finished unpacking his room. There wasn’t a lot to it, but it felt great knowing that it was all his.

  The small space held his bed, his speed bag, and had a flat screen mounted on the wall. With the small bathroom attached, the amazing kitchen a few feet away, and his office in the front of the warehouse, he figured he had everything he needed. Add to that the access to his own fitness center and boxing ring, and one might say he was living the dream.

  After unloading his trash, he entered the warehouse through the back by the boxing ring; he stopped in when he noticed Jason using the equipment.

  “Hey, man,” Rich said to his new friend and manager of the boxing/fitness portion of the Rec Center. “How’s the equipment?”

  Jason kicked the heavy bag one more time, then turned to Rich, “It’s great, Rich. I used the weights, tried out the cardio equipment yesterday and today, and have been in here for the past hour. Everyone’s gonna love it. I know I do.”

  Rich went over to the mini fridge and pulled out a water for himself and Jason. He held onto the water as Jason ran a small towel over his face, and his short jet black hair, then handed him the bottle.

  “I’m getting really pumped for the grand opening,” Rich said. “Everything is coming together and we are on track for the opening on January 2nd. I can’t believe it’s only a couple weeks away. I have some friends coming in for a tour in a bit, then a couple more interviews this afternoon. If you wouldn’t mind taking a look at the web page I’ve been working on, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Sure thing,” Jason replied. He paused then asked, “Hey, I was just wondering, did you hire that tiny brunette?”

  “Who, Alex?” Rich asked. “Yeah, I did.”

  “What’s she gonna teach? Art or something?”

  Rich chuckled, “No, Karate.”

  Jason looked surprised, then smiled, “No, shit?”

  “Why you askin’? Interested?”

  Jason looked at Rich, then down at his own arms, which were covered in tattoos. “Yeah, right. I’ve seen her around town; she works for the Mayor’s office. I don’t think she’d be interested in a guy like me.”

  “What, you mean a smart, good-looking boxer, with the pre-requisite “bad boy” tattoos and motorcycle? Yeah, doubt she’d find that attractive,” Rich said dryly with a smirk. Then he looked at his friend seriously, “Don’t sell yourself short.”

  Jason nodded at him and slapped him on the back, then turned back towards the bag and started kicking.

  Rich headed out towards the office and was almost there when the door open and his friends came piling in. He smiled at their ooohs and aaahs.

  “It looks beautiful,” Briana said as she gave him a hug.

  “I can’t believe how great it looks,” Nicole said as she waited her turn for a hug. He obliged, then turned to give the hand-clasp, half-hug to his friends.

  “I’m glad ya’ll could come by,” Rich said. “There are still a few spots that are under construction, but you’ll get the idea.”

  Briana jumped up and down, “Can we see the kitchen first?”

  “Hold your horses, shorty,” Rich said with a chuckle. “We’ll start here, then make our way around the Center.”

  “O-kay,” Briana said with a mock pout.

  They started with the office. It held two large dark oak desks with leather chairs. There was a sofa along one wall and a large white board along the other. It was simple and uncluttered now, but would surely be the hub of the Rec Center.

  “Hey, my dad said he talked to you the other day. Said you called to set it up,” Colin said as he looked around the room. “How’d that go?”

  “Great. I figured who better to get advice about opening a business in this town, than your father. He’s been running the store for years. He gave a lot of insight,” Rich answered his friend.

  “That’s good. He's very smart and one helluva business man,” Colin said. “It was smart of you to contact him.”

  “I have my moments,” Rich said with a chuckle as he led them out of the office and towards the kitchen.

  Briana started to squeal when she caught her first glimpse of steel, and took off running for the kitchen.

  Colin laughed at his girlfriends’ excited shouts. He turned to Rich, “She’s going to want to cook in there every day until we go back to Austin.”

  “You won’t get any complaints from me,” Rich said with a smile. “I’ve been living on frozen meals and bar food.”

  They walked in to find Briana running her hands along the stainless steel countertops and gazing lovingly at the appliances.

  “I can’t wait to break it in,” Briana said.

  “Just let me know when you’re ready,” Rich replied.

  After a few minutes of adulation, Briana allowed Rich to continue with the tour. They went into the women’s locker room, where the girls voiced their appreciation of the separate showers with shampoo and conditioner dispensers and the sauna.

  They poked their heads into Rich’s personal space briefly, then made their way to the studios.

  “Is this the one that Roni will be using,” Kent asked.

  “Yup,” Rich answered. “There is a small room in the back that she can use as an office.”

  “I’m sure she??
?s thrilled,” Kent said with a smile. “I can see her in here. If you guys haven’t seen Roni dance, you’re in for a treat.”

  “She’s amazing,” Nicole added. Rich just nodded his head in agreement, then ushered them out of the space.

  He gestured down the hall back towards the entrance, where the construction crew was working. “That will be a large resale area. I’ll talk to the instructors for input on things that clients will need for their classes, as well as items they think would sell well.”

  “Oooh, goody,” Briana said, her eyes brightening at the idea. “I have some catalogs I can show you.”

  Rich chuckled at her enthusiasm and said, “Sounds good, Bree.”

  He showed them the section that the construction crew would work on last. It was where the rooms for the other classes, such as Art and Music, would be built. They walked back towards the fitness center and Boxing area. Rich was excited about showing them his favorite part of the Center.

  This time it was the guys turn to make sounds of pleasure and stroke the equipment lovingly, while the girls stood back and laughed.

  “Would you like us to leave you alone,” Briana asked in jest.

  “Hey, we let you have your moment with the kitchen, give us ours, “Colin responded.

  They walked around and tried out some of the equipment before heading back towards the basketball court.

  “The guys bathroom is a mirror image of the women’s, so we don’t need to go in there,” Rich said as the passed it. They stopped at the doors of the court and peaked in the windows. “They just laid the flooring and will put up the baskets before adding some bleachers.”

  “I am totally amazed at everything you have accomplished here," Kent said as they made their way back towards the entrance. “I think it’s going to be wildly successful. I know I’ll be first in line to join that gym and check out the boxing area. You should be really proud of yourself, Rich.”

  “Thanks, man,” Rich said. “I wanted to ask if we could do an interview about the Rec Center for the paper. And take out an advertisement for the Grand Opening.”