Read Trust in Me Page 21

“You can open your eyes now.” I kissed her cheek. “Or you can stand there with your eyes closed. I like that, too.”

  She laughed, and I knew the moment she opened her eyes. “Oh my God, Cam . . .”

  I’d decked out a fifty-gallon terrarium, complete with sand and rock bedding and foliage. Peeking out from a hidey-hole was a small tortoise, craning its neck, checking out its new home.

  She made a tiny, squeal-like noise.

  I chuckled. “You like?”

  “Like?” Shortcake pulled free and placed her hands on the glass. “I . . . I love it.”

  “Good.” I moved to stand beside her. “I thought Raphael could use a playdate.”

  She laughed as she squeezed her eyes tight and reopened them. “You shouldn’t have done all of this, Cam. This is . . . too much.”

  “It’s not that much and everyone needs a pet turtle.” I swooped down, kissing her cheek once more. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Avery spun around and threw her arms around me. She kissed me, stealing my breath. “Thank you.”

  I brushed my lips over hers. “You’re welcome.

  She slid her arms around my waist and leaned in. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “You know, I really don’t know. Supposedly you can tell by the shape of their shell, but hell if I know.”

  “Well, boy or girl, I’m going to name him Michelangelo.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Perfect.”

  “We just need two more.”

  This girl was fucking perfect. “So true.”

  She wiggled free, smiling. “Be right back.”

  Before I could say a word, she pivoted around and took off down the hall. While she was gone, I pushed the terrarium against the wall and turned the heat lamp on. Hearing her approach, I turned around.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day. It’s not as cool as your gift, but I hope you like it.”

  A card was shoved at my chest. Smiling, I took it and peered down at her. “I’m sure I will.” Carefully, I opened the card. There was a message written inside.

  You mean everything to me.

  I stared at the message for probably what was too long. My heart was pounding and warmth flooded my veins. I smiled—I smiled like I’d just been handed a million dollars. And that was before I even saw the tickets.

  I held them between my fingers. “This is an absolutely amazing gift, sweetheart.”

  “Really?” She clasped her hands together under her chest. “I hoped you’d like it. I mean, I know not playing soccer sucks and I hope this doesn’t make you sad going to the game and you don’t have to take me—”

  I caught the rest of her words with my lips and my tongue. I liked the tickets. The gift was great, but I’d never tell her that it was those five words that I loved. “Of course I’m taking you. The gift is perfect.” I nipped at her lower lip, and she gasped. “You’re perfect.”

  Those words replayed over and over in my hand as I clasped her hips and pulled her against me. I was fully aroused, which seemed like a constant state of being around her.

  My stomach dipped as she looped her arms around my neck. I didn’t have to say anything as I lifted her. Shortcake wrapped those legs right around my waist as I kissed her deeply, drinking her in and refusing to let her go. She moaned, and a painfully intense lust slammed into me.

  I was on a mindless autopilot as I carried her back to her room and my stomach was still dipping as I laid her on her back. I stared down at her for a few seconds and then I leaned back, tugging my sweater off and tossing it aside. I leaned over, planting my hands on either side of her head. My chest was rising and falling in uneven breaths. I needed her as badly as I needed the rush of taking a ball down the field, of scoring. Maybe even more so than that.

  She traced a delicate, slender finger over the flames surrounding the sun on my chest. “I love this tattoo. Why did you get it?”

  “You really want to know?”

  Her thick lashes lifted. “Yes.”

  “It’s pretty lame.”

  She continued to follow the design, sending a bolt of electricity through my body. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “I got it after the fight with Teresa’s ex.” I slid my hands under her shirt, smiling at the feel of her soft skin and when she lifted up so I could remove it. “I was kind of messed up for a while. Couldn’t go back to school, was stuck in my home, and I’d done that to myself. I was worried that there had been something wrong with me to lose it like I did.”

  She lowered her hands to her sides as I placed mine on her bare stomach, mere centimeters under the fragile clasp of her bra. My hair fell into my face as I leaned over, placing my other hand beside her head. “I was depressed. I was pissed off at myself and the world and all that bullshit.” I smoothed my hand down her belly, smiling when her hips lifted just a little bit. “I think I drank just about every liquor my dad had in his bar over the course of a couple of weeks. I knew my parents were worried, but . . .”

  The hollow between her raised breasts looked absolutely lonely and distracted me. Lowering my head, I pressed a kiss between them and did it again when she sucked in a soft breath. “Jase came to visit me often. So did Ollie. I probably would’ve lost my fucking mind without them.” Placing my fingers on the clasp, I looked up, my eyes locking with hers. “May I?”

  She nodded.

  “Thank you.” I lowered my gaze as I unhooked the clasp, leaving the rest in place. I’d never seen her bare there before. I wanted to take my sweet-ass time. “It was something Jase had said to me while I was drunk off my ass. Don’t know why, but it stuck with me.”

  Her chest rose as I dragged a finger up the center of her chest. “What did . . . what did he say?”

  “He said something like things can’t be that bad if the sun is out and shining. Like I said, that stuck with me. Maybe because it’s the truth. As long as the sun’s shining, shit can’t be that bad. So that’s why I got a tattoo of the sun. Sort of a reminder.”

  “That’s not lame.” She smiled.

  “Hmm . . .” It was pretty lame, but it had worked. I hooked my finger under the edge of her bra and pushed it aside, doing the same to the other cup.

  I devoured her with my gaze. The dusky pink tips of her full breasts immediately puckered, begging me. Staring down at them, I felt like I’d never seen breasts before. I wanted to touch them, lick them, and suck them. All at once.

  “God, you’re beautiful, Avery.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  I gently ran my hand over her breasts, marveling in the feel of them. Her back arched and my gaze flicked up to her face. “So perfect,” I said, the words a rushed, low growl as I captured a hardened nipple between my thumb and finger.

  I wanted to see more of her.

  Meeting her gaze, I lowered my hand to the button on her jeans. When she nodded again, it was like winning the fucking World Cup. I slid her jeans down, stopping at the skull-and-bones socks. “Nice socks. Very goth.”

  When her jeans and socks were gone, I slid the bra down her arms. Within seconds, she was in panties. Rocking back, I admired my handiwork. The length of her legs and the curve of her waist were only separated by a scrap of lace. I almost went to remove it, but instinct told me no.

  It didn’t matter what had happened in her past. Either way, I knew beyond a doubt she had no experience in any of this. All of these things—the kissing, the touching through clothes, being naked—all of it was a first for her. And I wanted to experience all of those things right along with her.

  I kissed her slowly as I skimmed my hand over her chest, following the swell with my fingers. She moaned softly when I left her lips, trailing a path of tiny kisses down her throat. I hesitated for only a second and then closed my mouth over the tip of her breast.

  Lust pounded like rain from a summe
r storm as her back arched and her hips moved. The taste of her went straight to my cock, blew a hole through my chest, and scattered all my thoughts. I twirled my tongue around the tightened tip as I slid my hand under the lace covering her.

  Her legs tensed beside mine as my finger brushed her clit and her head fell back as I moved to her other breast and then worked my way down her stomach. I raised my head, my gaze locking with hers as I slowly slid a finger into her slick wetness. God, she was so tight, so wet.

  “Is this okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  A smile played over my lips as I pushed with my finger. Her entire body reacted, trembling and flushing. I was shaking. As I held her gaze, I started a slow pace, thrusting my finger in and out.

  “You’re so tight,” I said.

  Lowering my mouth to hers, I kissed her as her hips moved against my hand. The feel of her chest against mine was a sensation I’d long remember. It wasn’t long when she cried out against my mouth and I felt her clenching around my finger. I almost lost it right then and there.

  I burrowed my head on her throat as she shook. “I love how you say my name.”

  Reluctantly, I forced myself to ease my finger out of her and to pull away, but before I could get very far, she surprised me. Sitting up, she placed her hands on my chest, rolling me onto my back. A second later, she had straddled me.


  Drawing in a sharp breath, I almost lost it right there at the sight of her, almost nude as she rose up. Totally unaware of how she appeared made it all the more seductive. I reached for her, but damn, Shortcake was quick when she wanted to be. She slid down, her fingers trembling as she fumbled with the button on my jeans. I started to help her, but then she got them unbuttoned and was sliding them down my legs.

  I clenched the comforter when her hand wrapped around me and her warm breath teased the head of my cock. My heart jumped. “Oh shit.”

  Her smile was pure woman. Then her head lowered and her hair slipped forward. I came off the bed, back bowing and hips jerking as her warm, wet mouth closed over me. Fire flooded my blood and I swelled as she gripped me and laved her tongue over the sensitive tip.

  I cupped her hand with mine and wrapped my other around the back of her head, holding her hair back. But as she took me deeper into her mouth, I couldn’t stop myself from pushing her down.

  My moans echoed through the room and it was mere minutes before my release was on me. I pulled her away before I came, hauling her up against my chest and kissing her as I pressed against her belly.

  Weak and totally spent, I collapsed onto my back and Avery did the same. Both of us were breathing raggedly. “This was the best fucking Valentine’s Day ever.”

  She laughed. “I have to agree.”

  I slapped around between us until I found her hand and squeezed. Several moments passed and while I wondered what to say, the stupidest thing came out of my mouth. “You hungry?”

  “No.” She yawned. “Are you?”

  I was an idiot. “Not yet.”

  Another stretch of silence fell between us and then she asked, “Stay with me? The night?”

  Rolling onto my side, I trailed a hand over her shoulder. “You don’t have to ask twice.”


  Winter hadn’t wanted to loosen its hold on West “by God” Virginia. The sun came out most of February and March, but the temps were brutal. Even over spring break. While most everyone headed south, Avery and I headed west. We spent most of the break at my parents’ house. Needless to say, Mom was happy that I’d brought a real live girl home again.

  As spring recess, or whatever the hell they were calling the four-day weekend in April, came into sweet, sweet view, it seemed like yesterday when Avery sat outside on the curb with a beer bottle and we’d made our way inside. I couldn’t believe how much time had passed.

  I couldn’t believe Shortcake was also skipping the rest of the day with me and had allowed me to make up for her birthday. On the eve of our mini-break from school, we’d spent the day in D.C. and had returned late.

  “Guess what?” I slid my hands up her sides until they rested under her rib cage. “Got another idea.”

  “Does it involve eggs?”

  I laughed as I tugged her hips against mine. “It doesn’t involve eggs.”

  Her eyes took on the glazed, unfocused quality that I had become familiar with over the last months. “It doesn’t?”

  “But it does involve something equally tasty.” I pressed my mouth to her temple, tracing her cheekbone with my lips. “And it involves you, me, a bed, and very little, if any, clothing.”

  “Does it now?”

  “Yes.” I moved my hands to her lower back, my fingers brushing the pockets of her jeans. I kissed her brow. “What do you think?”

  She tipped her head back, luring me in. The kiss started off slow, but then, like always, it turned into something different. Something hungry. Something that always wanted more.

  My hands found their way under her shirt and I pulled away long enough to tug her shirt off. Our mouths crashed back together—lips, tongues, teeth. We bumped into the couch and I lost my balance. I fell backward, half on the couch, half off.

  Avery’s laughter reached deep inside me and I captured her cheeks in my hands. Staring into her dancing eyes, the words formed in my thoughts.

  I loved her.

  That feeling had been there for a while, probably longer than I dared acknowledge. Maybe even from the first time she’d turned me down, I’d begun to fall in love with her.

  I was in love with her this very second.

  The realization shook me to the core. I stared into those warm, whiskey-colored eyes and I wanted to see my future there—our future there. Never in my life had I ever wanted to see that when I stared into a chick’s eyes, but with Avery Morgansten, I wanted nothing more.

  My brain turned off and everything I did from that point on was fueled by those three words. I loved her. My hands shook and I was surprised by how fast I got her jeans off.

  I cupped her breasts, running my thumbs over her nipples. Her muffled moan reverberated through me. I wanted—no, I needed to hear her call out my name. Dammit, I needed to hear her say those three words or at least feel them.

  Thrusting my hand under her panties, I palmed her, rubbing my thumb over the spot that always made her cry out and it did. She undid my jeans and slipped her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around me.

  The desire was almost too much. I thrust against her palm. “Avery.”

  She came apart at the sound of her name, throwing her head back, and it was fucking beautiful.

  I don’t remember standing, but she wrapped herself around me as I carried her back to the bed. After I placed her in the center, she watched me strip bare. Her lips parted, and I groaned.

  Crawling onto the bed, blood pounded in my ears as I hooked my fingers under her panties and waited for her to give me a sign that it was okay.

  She lifted her hips.

  I praised God and baby Jesus.

  Finally, after so long, there was nothing between us. Not true, whispered a voice in the back of my head, but it fell to the side as my gaze swept over her. I said she was beautiful a million times and I’d say she was beautiful a million more. From the dusky tips of her breasts to the sweet curve of her hips and the shadowy area between her thighs, she was fucking beautiful.

  I tasted my way down her body and back up, too far gone to really taste her. I hovered over her, letting her feel me between her thighs. Avery shuddered and I squeezed my eyes shut as she placed her hands against my chest.

  My body strained to be inside hers. “Do you want this?”

  “Yes,” she said, and it was like angels harking in my head.

  Our gazes met as I bent my head, kissing her as I lowered my body onto h
ers. Getting a condom was a distant thought but I couldn’t stop. The tip of my erection slid through and then into her wetness, causing my muscles to tense. The feeling was overwhelming. My kiss turned deeper and I eased my hips—

  Avery twisted her head to the side. “No. Stop.” She pushed against my chest with surprising strength. “Please stop.”

  Those words cut through the haze and I froze. “Avery? What the—?”

  “Get off.” Her voice pitched high, full of panic. “Get off. Please. Get off me.”

  I had no idea what was going on, but within an instant, I was off her and she was moving. Crawling across the bed, she grabbed the comforter and held it to her chest as she stood. She backed up until she hit the dresser, rattling the bottles and knocking some over. The skin around her lips was pale and her eyes were wide and dark.

  “Oh God,” she whispered hoarsely.

  Concern and horror warred inside me as I stared at her. “Did I hurt you? I didn’t—”

  “No. No!” She squeezed her eyes shut. “You didn’t hurt me. You didn’t even . . . I don’t know. I’m sorry . . .”

  I rested my hands on the bed. “Talk to me, Avery. What just happened?”

  “Nothing,” she said hoarsely. “Nothing happened. I just thought—”

  “You thought what?”

  She shook her head “I don’t know. It’s not a big deal—”

  “Not a big deal?” My brows shot up. Was she serious? “Avery, you just scared the shit out of me. You started panicking like I was hurting you or—” The next words tasted like ash and vomit as I spoke them. “Or like I was forcing you to do this.”

  “You weren’t forcing me, Cam. I liked what you were doing.”

  I didn’t understand what just happened. “You know I would never hurt you, right?”

  “Yes.” Tears filled her eyes.

  “And I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want to do.” I held her gaze. “You understand that, right? If you’re not ready, I’m okay with that, but you have to talk to me. You have to let me know before it gets to that point.”

  She nodded, but I didn’t feel any better. All I could hear was the terrified note in her voice when she had begged me to stop. Air caught in my lungs and what I knew about Avery flashed through my thoughts, all building to what I had already assumed, what I prayed wasn’t what had happened to her.