Read Tumbledown Page 20

  Chapter 20

  Jerome had received news of Maddie’s incredible feat at Juvi from Mira; the first reports were sketchy but Kara who worked in the communications building in Diverton knew the State would put out their own version cleaned up version later. So she was quite satisfied that the early reports were the most accurate and was happy to relate them to Jak.

  After Mira reported back to Jerome he could not really believe that Maddie had been successful but then there were whispers from everywhere that there had been an escape from the prison. The story from the Capital seemed to be that a few Devs had attacked the guards but were quickly contained but underneath this there were rumours that there was a mass escape and that many inmates had lost their lives.

  Jerome trusted the information that he was given by Mira and shared it with the village to ready for them for what was to come.

  “I have gathered you all here to tell you that Maddison has broken out of Juvi and is Marching to the Capital with the Majority of the poor souls that have been languishing in that hell hole for years. When the time is right I will lead those of you here who wish to come with me to join her and together we will enter the Capital to negotiate a fairer deal for all on your behalf.”

  Most of the village cheered at this news but Lana had more questions.

  “When will we join Maddie?”

  Jerome was irritated at the question and her use of the name Maddie.

  “When the time is right that is when we will join with Maddison and the others.”

  Lana was about to ask another question until Raea put her hand upon her shoulder and shook her head.

  “But he did not really answer me.”

  “I know and he has no intention of giving out any further information or answering any of your questions.”

  Lana was not quite so easily deterred and once the meeting was over she followed Jerome to try and find out more.

  “Is Dylan with Maddie and how far away is she?”

  “Lana you have not co-operated with me all of the time you have been here and refused to answer any of my questions, tell me why should I answer any of yours?”

  “Because Maddie is my friend and when she gets here she will want to know that you have been kind to me.”

  Jerome was not impressed by Lana’s argument.

  “You have a place to sleep, food and as far as I can tell you are doing very well in which case I think you have been treated with great care now run along.”

  Lana was beginning to hate this big man that would not tell her what she wanted to know and was not afraid to tell him.

  “You are just a big liar and I would not believe a word that you told me anyway and her name is Maddie no matter what you call her.”

  Lana stormed off after this little tantrum and went to find Raea.

  “Have you heard anything more Raea that big ape won’t tell me anything?”

  “You were foolish to think that he would my little friend but I have had a talk with Tariq and he says that we will be joining your friend when she sends word to do so.”

  “Is that all he told you?”

  Raea was reluctant to tell Lana everything but thought she deserved the whole truth.

  “He said that she had a small army following her that numbered in their thousands and he also said that a lot of people were killed during the escape from Juvi.”

  Lana hoped it was none of her friends from Dylan’s camp who for some reason she imagined were there with Maddie when she escaped.

  “How long do you think before she gets close to us?”

  “That I do not know and I don’t think Tariq knows either or he would have told me but if I were to guess I would say three to four days.”

  Raea was not far off in her guesswork for it was five days from then that Jinn and George walked into the village of Fermar.

  “We are looking for Jerome we have a message from Maddison for him.”

  The excited young girl that Jinn was speaking to took him straight to Jerome.

  “They say they have news from Maddison and I brought them straight to you.

  “Thank you Dexie now leave us and tell no-one else that they are here.”

  As soon as Dexie was out of Jerome’s sight she began to tell everyone she met of the two strangers and how they had come from Maddison with news.

  “How have you all been and is Maddison safe?”

  Jinn and George looked at each other before deciding which of them should answer.

  “My name is Jinn this is George and Maddison sent us to tell you that she is waiting for you this side of Diverton.”

  His duty done to Maddie Jinn continued by asking the question that both George and he really wanted the answer to.

  “Is Lana well?”

  The question was short but it was asked urgently and the time it took for Jerome to give his answer seemed to last forever.

  “She is doing well and has been up and around for days now.”

  The relief from the two strangers was palpable and Jerome found it hard to believe they cared so much about this annoying girl.

  “We would like to see her and get back to Maddison with news of her good health as soon as possible.”

  “If she is well enough why don’t we just take her with us Jinn?”

  Jinn was delighted at the thought of all three of them travelling back together.

  “I really think it would be better if you waited until we were all ready to leave and then come with us, it would be safer for everyone.”

  Jerome’s plan did not go down very well with his two guests.

  “No it is our orders to bring back news of Lana immediately to Maddison.”

  It was a harmless lie thought George and she was sure that Jinn would back her up on it.

  “Yes Maddison was very specific about this.”

  Faced with this Jerome capitulated after all what did it matter to him if they wanted to leave with the girl?

  “If that is what you want I will send for Lana and you can be on your way, tell Maddison it will take a day for us to reach her.”

  Lana burst into the room where they were talking and upon seeing George threw her arms around her.

  “It is very rude to just barge into someone’s home Lana.”

  Lana ignored Jerome and was even pleased to see Jinn.

  “What are you doing here Jinn? I thought you would just sneak out of Dylan’s camp at the first sight of trouble.”

  It was unkind of Lana to say this but Jinn recognised that she would normally have been right.

  “I thought I should hang around and save everyone’s butt although why I really don’t know.”

  Boasting again thought Lana, well that was Jinn for you and he just would not change.

  “Do you know anything about John and Lissa? They won’t tell me anything here.”

  Lana was looking directly at Jerome when she said this.

  “As far as we know they are being held in the Capital and we are going to fetch them.”

  This bravado coming from Jinn sounded hollow to Lana who had already decided that he could not tell the truth no matter how hard he tried.

  “Yes Jinn you are just going to walk in and politely ask if you can have our friends back.”

  George was beginning to get annoyed with Lana’s attitude to Jinn.

  “Jinn, Dylan and Maddison walked out of Juvi together Lana.”

  Lana could not think of the scrawny little Jinn as being heroic in such a way.

  “Were you there George?”

  “No I joined later when it was safe and there were no guards with guns ready to shoot me.”

  Lana knew George was trying to tell her that Jinn was more than she thought but she could hardly believe it.

  “When do we get to see Maddie?”

  Jinn had gone silent, was not enjoying seeing Lana as much as he thought he would.

  “Jinn and I are heading back straightaway if you want you can come with us.”

  Lana jump
ed at the opportunity.

  “Anything to get away from here and his high and mightiness.”

  Knowing this was directed at him Jerome played along with the image Lana had of him.

  “It is such a shame to see you go Lana, it has been such a pleasure to have you here.”

  Lana looked at him and hearing the heavy sarcasm in his voice decided she could not wait to get away from him.

  “We will tell Maddison that you will join us soon.”

  “Not you too Jinn it is Maddie and you know it.”

  Jinn ignored Lana and continued to talk to Jerome.

  “Maddison and Dylan are prepared so we will march on the Capital as soon as you are with us.”

  Now that Jinn had found his voice again Lana could not help but notice that he had grown in confidence and was impressed by the authority in his voice.

  “I understand and as I have said it will take us a day to get to you.”

  Jerome did not like the idea of anyone Marching on the Capital and wanted to get to Maddie as soon as possible to stop such a thing happening.

  “I have to say goodbye to Raea before I leave.”

  It was Jinn that nodded in agreement and Lana was getting the idea that he was the one in charge here and George was just along for the ride.

  “Please don’t be long Maddison is worried about you and I want to give her the good news as soon as possible.”

  It was not quite an order from Jinn and that was just as well because Lana did not like the idea of being ordered around by anyone.

  “It will take as long as it takes and you will wait for me.”

  Jinn was beginning to wonder why he liked Lana and was losing patience with her.

  “You have ten minutes if you are not ready by then we are leaving with or without you.”

  This was a very different Jinn thought Lana and she was not sure that she liked the new not so improved version.

  Jinn and George waited for Lana to say her goodbyes.

  “We should leave she can follow with Jerome.”

  “It has not quite been ten minutes yet, just give her a chance Jinn.”

  Jinn began to pace up and down until he finally said.

  “It is time to go I am not waiting a minute longer.”

  “There she is coming I told you she would be along.”

  Lana was coming alright but she was deliberately walking at a snail’s pace in protest at being rushed.

  “If you continue to walk that slowly then you will be left behind and I think it better that you stay behind.”

  Lana was finding it difficult to keep up the slowness of pace anyway.

  “Whoever put you in charge made a big mistake and I intend to tell them so when I see them.”

  “Maddison trusted me with this mission and you can tell her what the hell you want just don’t speak to me again.”

  The anger in Jinn’s voice was unmistakeable and made Lana think twice about baiting him further.

  “George are we really going to march into the Capital? It sounds a little crazy.”

  George took hold of Lana and pulled her into her arms.

  “It is so good to have you back we all thought we had lost you and yes we are marching on the Capital and yes it is more than just a little crazy.”

  Jinn looked on and could only hope that one day he would get to hug Lana like George was doing although there were moments where he could quite easily throttle the girl.

  “Come on you two Maddison will be eager to have us back.”

  Lana could not get used to Jinn telling her what to do but for once kept quiet and set off arm in arm with George.

  Jerome was not surprised at the news that Maddie had made it through Diverton as Jak had taken the initiative and left to return home after he watched them March through the garrison town.

  He had been expecting a messenger from Maddie and was prepared to move at a moment’s notice but the idea of Marching into the Capital was sheer madness and he would need to do some quick talking to dissuade her from this course of action.