Read Tumbledown Page 4

  Chapter 4


  The bellowing voice woke a bleary eyed Lana who looked to Maddie to see what was going on.

  “Maddie where did that voice come from?”

  Seeing how tired Lana was Maddie reassured her that everything was alright and told her to go back to sleep.

  “Ok Maddie if you say it is alright then it is alright.”

  Turning to Dylan who looked very proud of himself as he threw the dead rabbit next to the fire Maddie gave him a disapproving look.

  “You look unhappy new girl is there something wrong?”

  Maddie had the idea that he knew exactly what was wrong and was just humouring her.

  “Lana here has had a long day and it would have been considerate of you to keep your boasting at a much lower level.”

  Dylan smiled a smile that took over his whole face.

  “I did not see that she was asleep and around here the sight of food is a reason to celebrate no matter how tired you are.”

  Not quite an apology, more an explanation of his behaviour thought Maddie.

  “Your blonde friend seems to think that you will want to ask us some questions.”

  Another smile from Dylan followed by a shake of his head said otherwise.

  “Ah Lissa, always so thorough when it comes to security and of course she is right to be so but it is late and like your friend, we should all get some sleep.”

  There was no talk of where they should sleep so Maddie took her jacket off and put it over Lana to make sure that she did not get a chill in the night. After keeping the fire going for a while longer Maddie lay down to sleep her-self. It was not a peaceful sleep for Maddie as her restless mind tried to cope with everything that had happened during the day.

  Feeling the kick against her back Maddie swung around to grab the foot as it travelled towards her for a second time. Pulling it upwards and sweeping the owners other leg from under them, Maddie jumped to her feet and was surprised to find Lissa on her back. The tall blonde girl was smiling as she slowly rose to her feet and faced Maddie.

  “Nice move but I was just trying to wake you, Dylan wants to see you. Oh and by the way next time you put your hands on me it will be a very different story.”

  Maddie believed the tall well-toned girl when she intimated that she could easily beat her in a full on fight but that did not mean that Lissa would not know that she had been in a fight.

  “Kick me again and you will lose a foot blondie and that is a fact.”

  Lissa laughed and it appeared that Maddie’s threat did not worry her in the slightest.

  “You have the spirit Maddie but I can see you do not have the skills to fight me so I advise you to back off.”

  Maddie thought that she could detect a note of admiration in Lissa’s voice as she said this but maybe she just wanted that to be true.

  “Come on Dylan is waiting and he is not known for his patience in the morning.”

  As she walked behind the Impressive girl Maddie thought she could detect a touch of the military in the way she walked and it would certainly account for her arrogance.

  “Over there, you will find Dylan in there.”

  Lissa was pointing at a large dome shaped construction made of wood, leaves, mud and anything else that they could scavenge from their surroundings. It looked to Maddie like a Native American wigwam that she had seen on a documentary at home, her dad had loved to watch documentaries. It was bigger than all of the other makeshift tents in the camp by a long way, it was at least 15 centimetres in diameter, it was also constructed to a better standard than the rest of the homes in the camp.

  “Good morning Maddie, it is Maddie isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is and how gracious of you to remember a lowly servant such as I.”

  A dark frown from Dylan told Maddie that he was not used to being mocked.

  “You have a prickly hide Maddie and I am not your enemy.”

  Who talked like that thought Maddie? She had no enemies just people she liked or did not like and she just ignored the latter.

  “So pleased to hear that we are not mortal enemies and that I do not have to slay you with my longest fingernail.”

  For some reason Maddie could not help but taunt the boy-leader of the Imps.

  “You insist on talking to me with such disrespect and I believe that I have been nothing but hospitable to you, why is this?”

  Dylan’s argument was calm, reasonable and put Maddie to shame.

  “I am sorry, it is just the situation. I find it unbelievable to be in a place like this and with a band of kids that look like they are playing at, well I am not sure what you are playing at.”

  “We are not playing at anything all we are doing is our best to survive in a world that has rejected us and branded us non-citizens.”

  It sounded like a well-rehearsed speech that Dylan gave to new recruits to his rag tag band of child warriors.

  “Look Dylan you sound sincere and I know that Lana believes in this place so I would appreciate it if you could take her in and I will be on my way.”

  After a thoughtful pause from Dylan which Maddie thought a little theatrical he spoke quietly almost reverently.

  “Of course Lana is welcome to stay she is one of us and as for you I certainly have no intention of keeping you here against your will. I would ask you a favour before you leave and that is for you to stay a few days longer until Lana is settled? I can see that she looks up to you and it would be easier for her if you were close, I understand if this is too much to ask.”

  Maddie heard all that Dylan had said but could not help but think he had an ulterior motive for wanting her to stay.

  “Lissa was a Cad wasn’t she?”

  Why she asked this question of Dylan so bluntly Maddie could not think and she certainly did not expect an answer.

  “Yes for three years until she was thirteen she attended an Academy as did I.”

  Dylan’s honesty threw Maddie for a moment until she had a realisation.

  “You were both Academy 1.”

  If Dylan was shocked by this outburst he did not show it.

  “You see a lot Maddie, just as I see you do not belong, you are neither Imp nor Cadet.”

  Maddie felt a kind of relief at Dylan’s words but was still not sure that she could trust this boy.

  “That is right I am not from around here and I would like to get home.”

  “A word of advice Maddie if you are caught by the Cadets do not tell them what you have just told me as they will think you some kind of spy, they are a paranoid bunch.”

  Maddie was feeling a little more comfortable in Dylan’s company so boldly asked.

  “So what made you leave Academy 1? From what Lana tells me they have it better than anyone else in this crazy land of yours.”

  A wide grin and a truly remarkable look of pride from Dylan was followed by.

  “Apparently I have authority issues, I really don’t know what they mean, I love being in command.”

  Maddie found herself smiling back at the jubilant boy and boldly stepped out again.

  “Lissa belongs to you doesn’t she?”

  A shake of the head later and Dylan put her straight.

  “Lissa belongs to no-one, she belongs with me. Lissa is the freest spirit, the strongest heart and the most beautiful soul. Oh and if I were you I would not call her that, her name is Lysette.”

  Maddie was beginning to be impressed with this boy-leader that had poetry in his heart when it came to Lissa and was unafraid to show his love for her.

  “I will stay for a few days as you ask and then I must find my way home.”

  “That is good. I think the young girl will appreciate it, I also think she is more fragile than she appears.”

  Once again Maddie was impressed by Dylan and could only agree with his assessment of her young friend.

  “Do you have a place for her to sleep; it was not very comfortab
le last night by the fire.”

  “Find George, she will help you build a small dwelling for two, never mind I will instruct her to find you.”

  It seemed to Maddie that members of Academy 1 were conditioned to expect their commands to be obeyed and this showed with both Dylan and Lissa.

  “You really do enjoy being in command don’t you?”

  “It beats the alternative but that doesn’t mean it comes without responsibilities, I will find you later and show you what the reality of being a leader is like.”

  It was later that evening when Dylan came to find Maddie.

  “That looks great, George does good work.”

  “I helped to build it and Maddie watched.”

  A look of faux reprimand from Maddie made Lana giggle hysterically.

  “It seems that you have the knack of delegation Maddie, a very good quality in a leader, you must trust those you command.”

  “To be fair Maddie did as much as anyone else to build their home, although at times she lacked basic skills that I would expect from someone of her age.”

  It was George’s assessment of Maddie’s performance that Dylan truly respected and not the make-believe tale that Lana told.

  “If you will come with me Maddie I would like to show you something?”

  Maddie was happy to leave the grinning Lana to go with the earnest young leader.

  “This is what being a leader is all about Maddie; you see before you the outcasts of our society. The ones left behind by a system that deems them of no value.”

  Looking around her Maddie was horrified by the plight of the poor wretches that surrounded her.

  “We give them food and what medicines we can steal but still more come and we cannot save them all.”

  There was genuine sadness in Dylan’s voice as he continued.

  “There is never enough of anything and it is my responsibility to see that we save as many as possible. We have to ration our supplies and I have to decide who is more deserving of them.”

  “You mean that you play God with people’s lives.”

  “I am not a Dev and have no belief in any kind of God or higher power.”

  Here we go again thought Maddie, another word that meant nothing to her, she decided that she would ask Lana later what the hell a Dev was.

  “Still what gives you the right to decide?”

  “If not me then who else is there? Lissa would let them all die.”

  It was not a criticism of Lysette just a fact by Dylan.

  “It is horrible to think that some of these people will die for the sake of a little food or basic medicines.”

  “Yes that is the right word for it, does this not happen where you come from?”

  It was the first question Dylan had asked of Maddie about where she came from and she dearly wished that her answer could be a big fat no. Instead she thought of all the children that were starving in the poorer parts of her world, she thought of the disease ridden communities and the filthy water that these children were forced to drink. Her thoughts made her feel ashamed for never having the courage to face the problems in her own backyard. Just like those around her Maddie buried her head in the sand and worried only for her-self.

  “Your silence has answered my question for me Maddie.”

  Dylan was at least trying to do something, it may not be enough but shouldn’t she applaud him for caring enough to try? Maddie knew that she should be more practical and that saving some was better than none but something told her that all of this was wrong and it needed to change.

  “I guess there is suffering everywhere Dylan and my land is no different. I just have never seen it on this scale and so close up before.”

  Seeing how deeply affected Maddie was by the suffering that surrounded her Dylan walked her back to the centre of the camp but not before a heavily pregnant young girl grabbed his arm.

  “Thank you Sir, I was starving. I had not eaten for days.”

  Dylan gently removed the girl’s hand which had gripped tightly round his arm.

  “You are welcome to share what we have, have you decided a name for the baby?”

  “I dare not for I fear that it will not survive.”

  “You must not think like that, be strong and your baby will be healthy. Now go and get some extra rations tell them Dylan said it is ok.”

  The girl thanked Dylan again and quickly went back in line to receive second helpings of what Maddie considered not very generous portions of slop.

  “Do you think that her baby will be alright?

  “I have no idea if she or her baby will survive but I know that she needs hope as much as she needs food and shelter.”

  “So you gave her false hope.”

  “Hope is hope, how can it be false? I told her what she needed to hear and she is the better for it. Would you have me tell her that she and her baby will not survive the coming winter?

  Maddie thought about this before answering.

  “I would have you tell her the truth.”

  “Here the truth is a shifting line that is buried beneath our feet. I do not know if she will survive or not but I do know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is and I am no prophet.”

  Words thought Maddie just more words to hide the lies that Dylan told himself.

  “A lie breeds more lies and before you know it you have forgotten what the truth is.”

  It was clear to Dylan that he was not going to convince Maddie of the wisdom of keeping hope alive with half-truths.

  “Come on it is getting late and I should get you back to Lana. I am sure that she is missing her friend.”

  Their discussion was over and Maddie was relieved as she was not nearly as sure of her ground as she had made herself sound to Dylan.

  “Goodnight Maddie, just one thing before I leave you. Unlike the State we value every-one of our people and will fight to protect them, the strong will always protect the weak here and we will leave no one behind. We all fight here, Lissa fights to keep us safe, George fights to keep us sheltered, Lana will fight to keep us fed and if you stay then you too must learn to fight for more than just your own survival but for the survival of others.”

  Just one thing thought Maddie; she would hate to be around when he really had something to say.

  The small dwelling that George had helped build earlier could barely accommodate two and as Lana was already inside with George it was a bit of a squeeze for Maddie when she arrived back.

  “Maybe we should have made the place a little larger if we are going to be having guests over!”

  Taking it as a criticism George looked offended.

  “I will leave you to it then, goodnight.”

  Maddie, seeing the disappointed look from the girl that had spent all day erecting their shelter, apologised.

  “I am sorry it was just a bad joke and the place is great, please stay and chat for a while. I have questions and we would love to have your company.”

  A large smile from George gave Maddie her answer and the girls made themselves as comfortable as possible.

  “So come on you two, what the hell is a Dev?

  Lana and George exchanged a look then burst out laughing. It was George that was the first to recover and answer Maddie.

  “The Dev’s are a cult or what used to be called a religious sect before they were outlawed by the State. They believe in a higher power than the government and that the fate of citizens is governed by this power.”

  “It is a strange thing to call your organisation, why the Dev’s?”

  Lana answered in the middle of more giggling from the two girls.

  “You really don’t know anything do you Maddie? They are called Devotees, everyone just calls them Devs.”

  “You shouldn’t worry about them, they are a ridiculous bunch and no-one takes them seriously these days.”

  It was strange thought Maddie, a world where religious freedom was outlawed. Never having any such beliefs herself this of course did not affect her dir
ectly but still it seemed somehow wrong to her.

  “Are there any other groups that I should know about? So far I have joined the Imps, upset the Cads and I am told to dismiss the Dev’s.”

  “You should watch out for the Lana’s they are a fierce tribe of warriors that are feared throughout the land and they are partial to young, tender human flesh.”

  The mischievous smile on Lana’s smiling face was irresistible and they all fell about laughing at the young girl’s foolishness.

  After another hour or so of talking George decided it was time to retire to her bed.

  “I should go it is getting late.”

  “I really am grateful for all of your help today George and if there is anything I can do to repay you then let me know.”

  George stood there for a moment in hesitation before turning to leave.

  “Wait a moment George, there is something isn’t there? I can see that you want to ask something of me.”

  It looked as though George had lost her tongue until Lana interrupted.

  “We heard that you knocked Lissa on her ass and George and some of the others want you to teach them how to fight.”

  It was George’s turn to interrupt.

  “Lana I told you not to call her that, her name is Lysette and she only allows Dylan to call her Lissa.”

  Maddie did not want to refuse George but did not feel qualified for the favour she was being asked.

  “George I think that I got lucky and took her by surprise, the point is that I don’t really have the skills to teach you.”

  “Taking Lysette by surprise is Impossible and it has not been seen since I have been at the camp. I understand if you don’t want to help and I will not bother you with it again.”

  The disappointment in George’s voice was unmistakeable and Maddie felt compelled to agree to her request.

  “I will give you all of the time I have and I will also show you how to stand up for yourself. I warn you though I am not a trained fighter like Lissa and so do not have her skills.”

  George left Lana and Maddie with a contented look on her face but not before remarking.

  “Love the dress Maddie.”

  “We should get some sleep now Lana, it seems that I have a busy day tomorrow.”

  An excited Lana looked like the last thing she wanted to do was sleep.

  “It is great here isn’t it? I mean everyone is so nice and they are all just like us, except Lysette she seems mean.”

  Maddie would not have used the words just like us as she had never felt more of an outsider and she had not felt this alone since the death of her father.

  “Go to sleep Lana and yes I agree Lissa seems mean.”

  “You have to stop calling her that or she will get mad if she hears you.”

  Maddie could not help it, for some reason she could not bring herself to call the tall Imposing blonde anything but Lissa.

  “Let me worry about Lissa and now you must sleep Lana.”

  Maddie turned her back to Lana as thoughts of her attack on John Harrison filled her mind. She had attacked wildly with no plan and her blows were easily deflected by the tall, chubby boy that had angered her so.

  It was her anger that had made her attack so ineffective and she knew that it was stupid to become so emotional in a fight. Maddie had never before felt that way at a few insults and she had been taunted by far nastier people than John. He had a way of getting to her without even trying and Maddie could not let that happen again, this would be the first thing she would teach George and anyone else who turned up in the morning.

  Maddie’s night was interrupted by a sobbing Lana who climbed into her bunk and snuggled up close to her. Not knowing what to say to the distressed young girl Maddie pretended to be asleep as she felt Lana cry herself to sleep.

  “Come on Maddie they are waiting for you.”

  It was Lana back to her enthusiastic self.

  “You won’t believe it Maddie but I think the whole camp has turned out.”

  Maddie did not believe it as she thought that only George and a few others would come out of curiosity.

  “Are you sure they are all waiting for me Lana?”

  “Yes I am sure so come on get a wriggle on, I will wait outside with the others.”

  This was getting out of hand thought Maddie as she readied herself to face the awaiting Imps.

  “As I told George last night I am not a trained fighter but I can show you some things that I have learned over the years.”

  The twenty or so strong crowd in front of her only made up a small percentage of the camp and for once Maddie was glad of Lana’s tendency to exaggerate.

  “There are some basics that I would like to cover first.”

  Maddie waited until she had all of their attention before continuing.

  “1) in a fight if your opponent is larger than you find something to level the odds, anything that can do them damage.

  2) if you are up against more than one opponent run.”

  A voice of dissent came back at Maddie from the centre of her audience.

  “Lysette would never run.”

  Maddie identified the boy who had spoken and spoke directly to him.

  “Do you have Lissa’s training and skills because I do not?”

  The boy remained silent as Maddie turned away from him and continued.

  “3) remain calm and do not let your fear or anger get the better of you.”

  Maddie paused as she waited for the last one to sink in before carrying on.

  “As hard as it is to control your emotions is, it is also critical to your success in defeating your opponent.”

  The single sound of applause drew Maddie’s attention away from the group and her eyes met those of Lysette.

  “Thank you Lissa it is nice to have your approval.”

  Turning back to the group in front of her Maddie called forth George.

  “George here is well built and almost as tall as me and yet I know that I can get the better of her in a fight. To demonstrate this I want you to attack me George.”

  “I can’t do that I have never been in a fight in my life.”

  “You wanted to learn and the only way to learn is to do, so come at me or get back in line and let someone with some courage take your place.”

  George just stood there glaring at Maddie.

  “I will attack you for being such a mean fat bully if you don’t leave her alone.”

  It was Lana and she looked genuinely mad.

  Maddie beckoned the usually smiley Lana to come and take George’s place.

  “No I don’t need anyone to defend me; I can do this stay in line Lana.”

  “I am waiting; I guess we are all waiting.”

  George ran at Maddie putting all of her force and weight behind her fists only to find herself on the ground with blood pouring from her nose.

  “You see the way George lunged was wild and lacked any purpose other than to knock me over, at least I think that was her plan.”

  “You didn’t have to hurt her like that.”

  It was of course Lana that had to put her viewpoint across.

  “Yes Lana I did and if George does that to anyone else she may just get very badly hurt. You need a plan of attack, you need to find your opponents weaknesses and you need to know where to hurt them.”

  “That is why we asked you to teach us not damage us.”

  George’s speech sounded muffled due to the blood clogging up her nostrils.

  “That was your first lesson George and now I want you all to find a partner, you stay with me George.”

  As the group paired off Dylan joined as Lissa continued to watch with interest.

  “She is Impressive don’t you think?”

  “She wouldn’t last five minutes against a Cadet from the 1st and you know it.”

  “Maybe not but she commands there respect and has some useful moves.”

  “The girl lacks technique, discipline and has the finesse of an ele
phant. She will fit in well with the rest of the Imps.”

  Dylan couldn’t resist calling after Lissa as she turned and walked away.

  “So you’re Impressed then?”

  Once Lissa had disappeared from view Dylan continued to watch as Maddie demonstrated what he considered to be basic defensive techniques.

  “I think that is enough for today, if any of you want we can pick it up again tomorrow at the same time.”

  As the group dispersed Dylan approached Maddie.

  “Well done you are a natural leader, even Lissa was impressed.”

  “I was watching Lissa and if that is how she looks when she is Impressed then she needs to inform her facial muscles so that they can change her expression.”

  “I have known Lissa since we were children and I know when she has admiration for someone and I see it when she looks at you.”

  Maddie was not totally convinced by Dylan’s words but what the hell, they sounded genuine enough.

  “Thanks I really think I am out of my depth when it comes to showing them how to fight.”

  “You are not trained like Lissa and I but that does not mean that you cannot show them a thing or two and you do seem to have a natural talent for it.”