Read Tumbledown Page 6

  Chapter 6

  Once the three of them had reached their destination Dylan took charge.

  “You two wait here while I scout around to make sure that it is safe.”

  “I don’t think that is necessary, I am sure that I will be able to find my way back from here.”

  Dylan shook his head and moved on ahead.

  “I have not come all this way for you to be captured so keep your heads down until I get back.”

  It was quite some time before Dylan made it back and on a couple of occasions Maddie had contemplated saying goodbye to Lana there and then. The only thing that kept her from doing so was that she did not like the idea of leaving her in the woods at the edge of the village alone.

  “For some reason there is quite a flap going on around here and there are Cadets from the 50th everywhere.”

  “Do you know what is going on?”

  “No but it will be difficult for you to negotiate your way through them. The way you look is different and they will stop you on sight.”

  Maddie was determined to go on.

  “You two go back and I will wait until dark before trying for home.”

  Dylan gave this some thought before coming up with his own plan.

  “No that will not do, what you need is a distraction and we will provide it.”

  A stubborn Maddie knew that this was her best chance but still argued against it.

  “I will not have you put yourselves in danger just to help me, now please go.”

  A big smile from Lana showed that she was not afraid and had no intention of leaving her friend.

  “You saved me Maddie and now it is my turn to save you.”

  “No Lana they are looking for you and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I can’t imagine you inside this Juvinescence place.”

  A loud blustering laugh issued forth from Dylan.

  “Lana is only twelve years of age and Juvi is only for eighteen and above at worse Lana would be publicly flogged but more likely she would be given a work detail.”

  “Flogged what kind of barbaric world are you living in?”

  Dylan looked offended now.

  “We are living in a world that holds discipline and strength above all else. It is a world that I have called home all of my life and I doubt that your world is any different.”

  Lana jumped in between the two of them with the idea of changing the subject.

  “I know this place well I have played here since I was little and I think that I could find a way through if Maddie were to agree to follow me.”

  Dylan was not letting go of his plan that easily.

  “That could work but first we will set a little fire close to the Academy quarters and then we both follow Lana.”

  Maddie felt she had to point out one little thing.

  “You have not given much thought to how you are getting back.”

  Dylan had a wild look in his eye as he ran from the cover of the trees.

  “He is coming back isn’t he?”

  “Yes Lana he will be back after he has started his little distraction.”

  Reckless thought Maddie, the boy was acting like an adventurer with no responsibilities and had no business being the leader of anyone.

  “It is done, now Lana take us through.”

  Dylan had an irritating habit of coming up from behind people and Maddie did not appreciate it.

  “Next time give a girl some warning before you leave her and even more when you come up behind her or you might just get knocked on your arse.”

  Lana led the group through the smaller less travelled lanes of the village and it was all going well until.


  Turning back in unison the trio saw a small number of Cadets.


  Dylan whispered to the others.

  “When we get close I will take them out and then you scatter, if we make it we meet up back in the woods.”

  Maddie was not too sure of Dylan’s plan but it was bold and just might work; besides she did not have an alternative one to offer up.


  Just their luck the boy that Maddie had the tussle with was with them.

  “Cadets stand straight and stop your bellowing.”

  Maddie recognised the voice as soon as she heard it.

  “What is happening here?”

  As the voice came around the corner Maddie was shocked to see the sight of John Harrison in what appeared to be a similar uniform to the Cadets from the 50th.

  “It is a few Imps sir, we are dealing with them.”

  “I will be the judge of that Cadet.”

  The three carried on walking back until Maddie was face to face with John Harrison. Up close she could see that his uniform was of better quality than the other Cadets and had one other difference, the number 1 was emblazoned on its shoulders.

  “What do you intend to do with these three?”

  “Question them and punish them for attacking a fellow Cadet.”

  “I will take over from here; we have been looking for one that matches the description of the girl in the jacket.”

  The boy that Maddie fought looked extremely disappointed at being cheated out of his revenge.

  “But sir we need to make an example out of them.”

  A long hard look from John Harrison put the boy in his place.

  “Does anyone else wish to question a member of the 1st?”

  There was an awkward silence from the Cadets who would like nothing more than to question the boy in front of them but they knew better.

  “That is settled then and you go back to your quarters and consider yourself on report.”

  John Harrison waited and watched until the Cadets he had dismissed were out of sight.

  “We have to go now before they figure out that I am not really one of them.”

  Maddie was still trying to process the fact that John Harrison was in front of her when Dylan spoke.

  “I am not following you anywhere until I know who you are.”

  This seemed to snap Maddie out of her shocked state .

  “His name is John Harrison and I don’t think we have much choice but to get out of here now.”

  John looked at Dylan before answering his question.

  “And by the way I don’t want you to follow me; I was kind of hoping that you had somewhere to go.”

  John’s answer seemed to sit well with Dylan as he took the lead.

  “It is too dangerous to keep going so we go back and maybe you can try to get home at a later time.”

  It was not a question but more of a command and Maddie nodded in agreement.

  “I am game just as long as we get out of here in a hurry.”

  Dylan looked at John as if he did not care what his opinion was.

  “You can come along for now but at some point I will need to know how you come to be wearing the uniform of the 1st.”

  A smile from John and they were on their way back to relative safety of the woods.

  “How did you get here John?”

  Dylan interrupted Maddie abruptly.

  “This is not the time for a reunion chat, we need to keep moving.

  After this the four companions moved quickly and quietly until they reached the outskirts of the village.

  “Now that we are away from the 50th you can explain to me how you came to be dressed in the uniform of a 1st Cadet.”

  John had no intention of being pushed into telling this stranger anything.

  “Are you ok Phoebe I have been searching for you for such a long time?”

  Dylan and Lana looked at each other wondering who this Phoebe was.

  “I am fine and exaggerate much; I have been here less than a month.”

  Now it was John’s turn to look perplexed.

  “It has been a year since you left that night and I came straight after you to f
ind myself here.”

  “That can’t be possible I have not been here for more than three weeks.”

  Maddie caught herself there and then, who was she to say what was possible or not. This place was not possible but here she was and now she was not alone anymore.

  Dylan’s voice cut through the air as he said decisively.

  “This is going nowhere so I suggest we get back and sort out all of our questions later.”

  The silence and downward looks signalled to Dylan that they were in agreement.

  “Good let us get a move on, we are losing daylight.”

  “No I want to see if my parents are safe.”

  Lana stood her ground and stubbornly refused to move.

  “Lana it is not safe this day but we will come back I promise you.”

  Dylan was gentle but firm with the stubborn girl who still refused to move.

  “Draw me a map and I will go to see if they are ok, with this uniform I should be able to bluff my way through.”

  Maddie was surprised to see John offer to put himself in harm’s way for a complete stranger.

  “It is a bad idea and I have no intention of waiting here while you are off playing hero.”

  “I will go with you and if anyone says anything then you can say that I am your prisoner.”

  Lana made the offer primarily to see for herself that her Mother and Father were safe.

  “No Lana John will go alone and I will wait here with you.”

  An exasperated Dylan was not used to having his commands questioned.

  “You people are crazy there is no point in risking yourselves in this way. Lana you know they won’t be there and that in all probability they have been relocated.”

  Relocated it was a diplomatic way of putting it thought Maddie.

  “I have to know and I am not going back without finding out.”

  There was a determination in the girl’s voice that brooked no argument.

  “If you are going through with this folly then you will do it without my help.”

  John spoke for the two girls.

  “That is fine you can leave but we are staying and I am going to find out about your parents for you Lana.”

  Maddie could not believe the change in John Harrison, gone was the selfish boy that she knew, to be replaced by a slimmed down version of that wretched boy. A new John Harrison that reminded Maddie of a younger version of his father whom she respected, this John seemed to have empathy and courage.

  “I thought he would never leave what a party pooper.”

  Lana and John burst into laughter as Dylan disappeared from view.

  “I am glad you two think this is funny, Dylan maybe arrogant and bossy but he also knows the way back to the Imps.”

  Lana was still laughing when she said.

  “It is ok I can find my way back there and if you are feeling scared because our fearless leader has left then don’t worry I will protect you.”

  “Cute Lana very cute.”

  “If you two are finished with your routine I shall take my life in my hands and check out the situ with your moms and pops.”

  Such a drama queen thought Maddie but she could not deny John’s bravery.

  “Just be careful and get back here quickly or I might just leave you behind.”

  John feigned hurt and then winked cheekily at Lana before leaving.

  It was dark by the time that John returned with news.

  “It seems you two caused quite a stir last time that you were here, that is why the 50th is in evidence everywhere.”

  An excited Lana did not care why the Academy was out in force.

  “My Mum and Dad are they still at home?”

  “Yes Lana they are, I talked to your dad and he said calling justice to report you saved them from being removed from their home. Here he gave me this to give to you.”

  John took a small stuffed giraffe from his tunic and handed it to Lana.

  “Thank you for going it was very brave.”

  Maddie could see how much the scruffy toy meant to Lana and was relieved that her parents had not been punished.

  “Your dad told me that the Cadets have been put on high alert ever since a girl kicked one of their arses in public.”

  John was looking at Maddie with a mixture of pride and admiration when he said this.

  “Don’t look at me Lana here was doing just fine without me.”

  John knew the description given matched Maddie perfectly but said nothing when Lana chimed in.

  “That is right if not for Maddie getting in the way I might have hurt the poor little Cad.”

  As usual Lana had gone too far and Maddie shared a knowing smile with John.

  “It is too dark to go on now so I reckon we would be better off finding a place close to get our heads down.”

  John nodded in agreement and they both looked to Lana who was clutching her giraffe tightly.

  “There is an old abandoned windmill not far but they maybe guarding it.”

  “Well let’s go see.”

  John took Lana’s hand and propelled her to the front of their little group.

  “It is not that way silly, the mill is over yonder.”

  “Then a yonder we shall go, a yonder we shall go.”

  John said this rhythmically and with humour laced through his voice. Maddie was sure he was being whimsical for Lana’s benefit and she loved that he made the effort.

  “You are laughing at me John Harrison and I won’t have it, remember I nearly killed that Cad with my crazy skills.”

  John was happy to play along as they ventured closer to the old mill.

  “I do so apologise I forgot I was talking to a master of the fighting arts that could dispatch me with her little finger if she so chose to do so.”

  “It is not wise to forget who your superior’s are John Harrison, it could get you killed or worse.”

  As much as Maddie was enjoying their friendly banter and seeing Lana happy it occurred to her that they should be walking in silence.

  “Cut it out you two, we need to be quiet and Lana his name is John just John.”

  For some reason Maddie was finding listening to John’s full name all of the time irritating.

  “Don’t mind her she is just copying Dylan about the whole silence thing and I will call you John Harrison if I want to.”

  Maddie decided to ignore Lana’s last remarks and hope that they would indeed be the last.

  “Did my dad ask how I was?”

  “Yes Lana he was very concerned about you and wanted reassurance that you were safe.”

  Maddie thought that she had detected a tearful tone from Lana as she asked her question but it was too dark to see if there were any tears coming from the poor girl.

  “Now that we know they are ok you can come back and visit them when all of the commotion dies down.”

  Lana could not hide the excitement she felt at this idea in her reply.

  “Do you really think that Dylan will let me come back?”

  Maddie was surprised at this reaction as so far Lana had not let anyone dictate to her what she could or not do.

  “I don’t see how he could stop a raging tiger like you and besides I will be right beside you to back you up.”

  “That goes for me to I may not be a raging tiger, more of a wussy pussycat but I will be right there to.”

  Lana found this hilarious and could not help but give way to a fit of laughter.

  “John don’t make her laugh, there may be Cads close enough to hear.”

  Although Maddie pretended to be angry with John for making her friend laugh she was really happy to have the cheerful girl back.

  “There look over there behind the big oak that is the old mill.”

  John could only just make out the outline of the old building and Maddie was just pleased to be at the end of their journey.

  “Hurry you two let’s get inside and try to get some rest. We have a long way to go in the morning.”
  “Who died and made you the boss?”

  It was the irrepressible Lana with a cheeky grin plastered across her face.

  “Be careful young lady or it will be you that is the one that ends up as the boss and then where would we all be?”

  “We would be in a land of rainbows, laughter, honey and kindness.”

  “Sounds like hell.”

  Lana looked as though she had never heard the word.

  “Hell is the worse place in the world.”

  “You mean Juvi that is the worse place that you can ever go.

  Maddie noticed, and not for the first time, that Lana’s fear of Juvinescence was very real and although Dylan said she was too young to be sent there it still terrified her.

  “Yes Juvi is indeed hell and I would not want to be sent there myself.”

  It was John and Maddie was not sure if he was humouring Lana or if he actually knew more about this place than she did. If he had been there a whole year then he might just know a lot more than she did but how could he have been there longer than she had been there?

  “John can you tell me how my dad looked, they did not hurt him did they?”

  John sounded genuinely sympathetic as he reassured the nervous looking Lana.

  “He looked and sounded well Lana. His only worry seemed to be about how you were and I told him that you were fine.”

  Maddie thought it best to interrupt and took charge of the sleeping arrangements.

  “Lana you can sleep next to me and John can sleep over there in the corner.”

  “You two get some sleep I will keep watch for a time to make sure that we are not disturbed.”

  Maddie felt a little foolish for not thinking of keeping a watch through the night.

  “Yes you are right you should wake me in a couple of hours and I will take over from you.”

  A nod from John signalled his agreement and moments later Lana fell asleep close to where Maddie lay.

  “She must have been exhausted, it is the first time since I have known Lana that she has fallen asleep so quickly.”

  “The relief of knowing her parents are safe may have helped.”

  Maddie joined John who was standing at the window staring out into the darkness.

  “How did you get here John and how do you happen to be here for so much longer than me?”

  “I can only answer the first part of that question Phoebe.”

  It was the first time in weeks that anyone had called her by that name and it now sounded alien to Maddie.

  “Here I am called Maddie and please just tell me how you are here?”

  John paused before relating the story of his arrival in Valeria to Maddie.

  “The night that you ran out of our house I waited for an hour and when you did not come back I went to look for you.”

  Maddie wanted to correct John and say the night that you drove me out but kept quiet instead to let him continue.

  “It was dark and the rain was bad that night but I know the area inside out as I have lived there since I was a small boy. When I came across a pathway that I did not recognise I followed it hoping to find you at the other end. Instead I found a dilapidated cottage that I know was not there before, I have explored the whole area and that place did not exist before that night. I felt that I had to go inside to see if you had taken shelter there even though I felt queer about the whole place and once inside there was an old man standing there in the darkness of the kitchen.”

  Maddie waited for John to continue as he searched her face looking for any sign that could tell him what she was thinking.

  “Go on, who was this mysterious old man?”

  “He said that he was the caretaker Mr Didcot and that I was trespassing. I asked him if he had seen a young girl and he told me that you had scarpered out the back when he discovered you in the cottage a little earlier.”

  Maddie had only met Mrs Didcot and wondered why her husband would have lied to John like that.

  “I thanked him for the info and went to go through the back when he warned me off.”

  “What was the warning?”

  “He said that It was not wise to go through the back garden and that I should go around the front. As you can see I did not take heed of his words and here I am as to why I have been here so much longer than you that I do not know.”

  Maddie thought perhaps she had the answer.

  “You did not follow me here John, I followed you. It was not until the next morning that I walked out into the Didcot’s garden and found myself in this crazy place.”

  John thought about this and still could not really make sense of what Maddie had told him.

  “The difference of one night equates to a year, like most things about this place it is insane. Still I am glad to have found you now and if it had not been for your exuberant entrance I might never have seen you again.”

  Maddie looked confused.

  “Lana’s dad was not the first to tell me the story of the strange girl with the black jacket. You have become quite the legend in these parts and you have only been here for a few weeks.”

  Maddie still did not know what John was talking about.

  “You are talking in riddles now John, please explain yourself.”

  “Here you do not attack a Cad and you certainly do not do it to protect an Imp. You had quite an audience when you did this and the story has spread like wildfire. It is not always the same story sometimes you took out three of them before escaping with a young girl that they were beating on. In other versions the girl with the black jacket took a lektro from a lone Cad and gave him what he deserved before running off. The Imps have made you quite the hero and the Cads are looking for you everywhere.”

  Maddie could not believe it all she had done was stop a bully from hurting a young girl and now she was a fugitive in a land that she found to be both cruel and perplexing.

  “We can bring Lana back to Dylan and then leave; I do not want to put them in danger. We do not belong here and the sooner we get home the better it will be for everyone.”

  John turned away from Maddie to stare back out into the darkness.

  “What the hell is so interesting out there John?”

  As John turned back to look at Maddie she saw for the first time sadness in those deep dark eyes of his.

  “We can’t go back Phoebe there is no way home, I have tried and the cottage is no longer back there.”

  “But that is not possible, how can it not be there?”

  Maddie knew she was asking a question that John could not possibly have an answer to.

  “I only know that I have retraced my route here and there is no longer a dilapidated old cottage to go back to.”

  “It was not dilapidated by the time I came through it was a lovely place that you would be happy to live in.”

  John did not really understand what Maddie was telling him and was not sure if it had any significance anyway.

  “This world is messed up Phoebe and the people need help, you could be just what they need.”

  “They need something yes but what do you expect I can do for them?”

  “You have seen their suffering first hand and it is not just the Imps the Cads need help as well. You could help to ease their suffering and seeing as we cannot go back I think that is a noble way forward.”

  Maddie was suddenly reminded of what Mrs Didcot said, you can only come back when you ease their suffering was it just a coincidence that John had used the very same words?

  “I don’t know anything about this world John and I certainly have no idea of how to fix it.”

  An enthusiastic John began to explain his thoughts to Maddie.

  “You could become a rallying point for all of them to get behind, you have already reached the ears of the Capital or there would not be such a commotion in every village and town I have passed through. The State here does not tolerate any violation of its directives and people live in fear of any reprisals against them for the smalle
st infraction of the rules.”

  “John I am just one girl and this place needs some kind of revolution and that takes a leader someone like Dylan would fit the bill better than me.”

  “No you are missing the point; it needs to be an outsider someone that is not afraid to attack its core beliefs and values. Someone that is willing to tear this world apart to make it a better place.”

  Maddie thought that she saw the face of a fanatic in front of her and wondered if John had been here too long.

  “As I said we will bring Lana back and then we should try to figure a way out of this crazy place. Your mum and dad will be worried.”

  Maddie thought the mention of John’s parents would bring him down to earth but she still had Mrs Didcot’s words echoing through her mind.

  “You can only come back when you ease their suffering.”

  What if that was true and what if John was right?

  “I will stay with you until you drop off Lana as I need to talk to Dylan but then I will be getting back to the people that I have been with for the last six months.”

  Maddie was too tired to talk anymore and she had way too much on her mind to sleep.

  “Phoebe I am sorry about that night I was a complete pig and never should have talked to you that way.”

  John was totally sincere in his apology and Maddie almost felt sorry for him.

  “Yes you were and I am not sure that I can forgive you.”

  John nodded in understanding.

  “Can we sit and talk for a while please?”

  “I really don’t have anything to say.”

  Maddie was not going to make this easy for John, why should she he was a complete arse to her?

  “Then will you sit and listen while I talk?”

  “Ok but you don’t really have to say anything it is not as if we are friends or anything.”

  They sat down facing each other and John began to speak.

  “It has been a long time for me since that night and I have thought about it every day since. I treated you like scum from the moment you entered our house, I tried to belittle you at every opportunity. I thought at first it was because I was not consulted about having a stranger in the house and that you had ruined my plans for the summer but I know now that was never the case.”

  John waited for a response from Maddie but when he saw none was forthcoming he continued.

  “I liked you from the beginning and I did not know what to do with that. It was unexpected and confusing for me so I lashed out at you and acted like I hated you. If you really want to know I was attracted to you and did not have the courage to admit it to you or myself.”

  Where the hell was all of this coming from thought Maddie, only three weeks ago this boy was a thoughtless pig that she wanted to have roasted over an open fire.

  “You cannot be serious if you like someone you do not treat them like trash.”

  John did not try to defend himself.

  “You are right there is no excuse for my actions and I don’t expect you to forgive me. I do however hope that one day you will find a way to stop hating me.”

  Right at this moment Maddie was far from hating the changed boy in front of her in fact he was stirring up feelings inside of her that she was finding hard to fathom.

  “You have explained yourself enough for one night John and it is time for us to sleep.”

  John agreed and Maddie went back over to Lana knowing that she would be awake all night thinking of all that John had said to her.