Read Tunnel W Page 5


  That night Rebel sat against the wall across from the drawing that Sindi had scraped into the wall. She ran her mind down hallways, through doors, backwards and forward. She dumped herself in a room, and then closed her eyes memorizing how to get to other areas of the Center. There were so many rooms and twists and turns, she could not commit it to memory. She turned on her side and felt something jab her in her thigh. She found something to help her memory. Her eyes felt heavy and she decided to take her own advice and get some sleep.

  She woke with a stiff neck. Her throat felt like she had swallowed sandpaper, and her head was pounding. She looked around and the other Relos were still asleep. She stood, walked out to the tunnel, where she found a Relo sitting on a rock awake.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hi,” the Relo answered. He was staring into the blackness.

  "How long have I been sleeping?" Rebel asked.

  The Relo pushed a button on his wrist and blue light illuminated a watch face, "About 30 minutes or so, Thirsty?”

  “Read my mind,” Rebel said. The Relo handed her a metal can half full of liquid.

  “What is this?” Rebel asked.

  “Water or dirty water from the wall,” the Relo answered. “You get used to it. It hasn't made us sick that we know." Rebel sipped it enough to wet her throat and mouth.

  “Thank you, what is your name?” Rebel asked as she handed the can back.

  “Mack,” he answered.

  “Thank you, Mack,” Rebel said. “You on watch or something.”

  “Or something,” Mack answered. “You can't see anything, so it is more like on listen.”

  “I would say,” Rebel said. “How long you been here?”

  “252 days,” Mack answered. “But not a day more right?”

  “That's my plan at least,” Rebel answered. “So pack-up your pictures and memorabilia and get ready to go.” Rebel patted Mack on the shoulder. Mack flinched and then leaned into her hand.

  “That is the first time I have been touched in 252 days,” Mack said. “I can take the dark. I can take the bad food and drink, but not being able to touch someone for a year is unbearable.” With that Mack covered his eyes and his body shook. Rebel realized he was crying. She sat down beside him and put her harm around him.

  “Not one day more,” Rebel said. Mack pulled himself back together and Rebel shook his hand and went back to the alcove. Everyone was still asleep. The alcove was so quiet. Faint breathing could be heard. Amongst all the Relos and two Swabbies Rebel could not think. She walked passed Mack.

  “I am just going for a walk to clear my head,” Rebel said to Mack.

  “If they track you alone, they will get you,” Mack said in a panic.

  “They can't track me. I have no tracker,” Rebel answered as she held up her forearm.

  “Right,” Mack said. “Okay then be careful. Do you want this?" He held out a long stick.

  "I have stuff to keep me safe," Rebel said as she patted her pockets.

  Rebel walked a few feet down the tunnel. She then walked a few more feet. She walked far enough to feel alone. She thought about when she was outside the tunnels and in the dark. It was soothing, because nobody knew she was there. She alone knew where she stood. With the trackers, the Relos were not alone even in the dark. She paced back and forth, squatted against the wall, did a few push-ups, meditated, and paced some more.

  She thought of all the Relos in the various tunnels huddled in the same darkness. She had been here only 24 hours, and this is not something she wanted to get used to living. Her throat grew dry again. She had a plan. She needed to get working on it fast. She hoped this plan was good enough. It sounded okay to her now in her head in the tunnels. She reached down and tightened her boots, making sure they were double-knotted.