Read Tunnel W Page 9


  Mack and Vizio were sprawled on the ground and staring into darkness once again.

  "Nice trip?" Rebel asked. "Tsk . . . tsk. . . 30 seconds late. You must not have been very motivated."

  "She better be okay!" Vizio yelled. "You left her with him!"

  "Whom?" Rebel asked.

  "You know whom, Crisper!" Vizio walked up to Rebel and raised his hand to swing. Mack tackled Vizio to the ground and straddling him started punching him left and right.

  "It feels good to be able to have some contact," Mack said.

  "Okay enough," Rebel said. Mack continued to punch. "Enough!" Rebel yelled. Mack stopped punching and got off of Vizio. "I have had enough of violence."

  Vizio got up and ran toward the alcove.

  "Sindi!" Vizio yelled. "Sindi!" He found Sindi sitting against the wall where he left her and Crisper holding one of the torches on the other side of the alcove. It was the only torch left. "Sindi," Vizio said as he ran toward her and fell to his knees. Sindi flinched at first because he was closer than 10 feet, but then relaxed when she did not get zapped. Vizio's hand fell in his head and he started to weep.

  "What happened?" Sindi asked. "You were not gone that long."

  "Are you okay?" Vizio asked.

  "Yes, just hungry as hell, and need a bath," Sindi answered. "What did you do?"

  "Nothing, nothing that I did not need to do," Vizio said. With that he took the de-tracker and used it on Sindi. "Now, we are both untraceable."

  "Why would you let us do such a thing?" Sindi asked.

  "Yeah, why?" Vizio asked.

  "That is a good question," Rebel answered. "Not that I am going to answer it, but for now let's give it back."

  "So off you go Crisper," Rebel said. "Thanks for babysitting. See you in the Center." Mack handed him the de-tracker and Crisper smiled a toothless grin and walked out of the alcove leaving the four of them there in the dark.

  "Okay I guess there is nothing left to do but take me in," Rebel said.

  "We all know that isn't going to happen," Vizio said. "I gave them my word. I gave Sam my word. That is punishable by death or the tunnels."

  "Yeah, because Sam is so good on his word," Mack said. "He said we have a deal, that I am out of the tunnels."

  "Congratulations Mack," Rebel said as she slapped him on the back. "We know that is not coming true."

  "Now what?" Sindi asked.

  "Well you will see your family soon, and Tunnel W will see the Center," Rebel said. "If you lay low when things get hot, I have a DEAL with the other Rebels that you will be left unharmed."

  "Fat chance," Vizio said.

  "Off we go," Rebel said back to the tunnels. The four walked in the direction they came. "You two walk ahead of us." Rebel ordered. Vizio and Sindi walked ahead and whispered back and forth as Mack and Rebel hung back. Vizio and Sindi could hear some scuffle behind them. It sounded like they were hoping, dancing or skipping.

  "What is going on?" Sindi called out.

  "Just playing hopscotch is all," Rebel called up. "Geez, you smell." Rebel stated to Mack.

  "More than 200 days without a shower will do that," Mack answered.

  "You got a point," Rebel said back. "Okay stop! Do you guys like Rock?"

  "Rock?" Sindi asked.

  "Or Folk?" Rebel asked. "What is your favorite song? Like if you had to have music to pump you up, or that was inspiring."

  "I don't have an idea. What the hell of a time to ask that question!" Sindi answered.

  "Rock," Mack said.

  "Yeah I don't know. It is hard to come up with one on the spot," Rebel answered.

  "This is ridiculous," Sindi said. "Here is the most famous villains of all time and she is absolutely crazy."

  "Hear that Mack?" Rebel asked. "The most famous villain of all time. I am so honored Sindi."

  "Not meant as a compliment," Vizio stated.

  "I'll take it as one," Rebel said. "All set, Mack?"

  "Yeah, couldn't have gone smoother," Mack answered. "I am not as rusty as I thought."

  "So what now?" Vizio asked.

  "You guys just stand there and look pretty," Rebel said. "And pretty soon you will be back to your life as you know it."

  "Doubt that," Vizio answered.

  "Just improvise, you will be fine," Rebel answered. They stood there in silence for a while. You could almost hear the walls breath.

  "Peace train," Rebel said.

  "What?" Vizio asked.

  "I was telling you guys that Peace Train by Cat Stevens. That is a good song," Rebel answered. "Probably too hippy for you Sindi."

  The silence in the tunnel ensued. The tunnel breathed, the grains of dirt sifting off the rocks could be heard, and their heartbeats were deafening.

  That is when Rebel began to sing, "Now I've been happy lately thinking about the good things to come. And I believe it could be something good has begun." Then there was silence, "Cause out on the edge of darkness there rides a peace train. Oh, peace train take this country come take me home again."

  Rebel walked over to Vizio and he felt a burn on his arm.

  "You are re-trackable," Rebel said. Footsteps ran down the tunnel toward Rebel. "Here you go. Wait until the raucous starts then use them. Not a second sooner."

  "Yup," a voice responded and ran back down the tunnel.

  "It should not be long. How many do you think they will bring? A dozen?"

  "I don't know," Vizio said.

  "For you?" Sindi said. "For you, I would send at least 25 Retrievers."

  "Another compliment," Rebel said. "I am going to miss you Sindi."

  With that there was a bright light and several Retrievers entered the tunnel in full battle gear. Sindi fell to the ground and covered her eyes.

  "Officer! Officer!" Vizio yelled as he shielded his eyes and stood over Sindi shielding her. One by one the Retrievers went down. Several more entered the tunnel and then the wall closed again. One by one they were knocked to the ground.

  "You're never going to beat them all!" Sindi yelled. "You should give up now!”

  They heard some rustling of some of the guards on the ground. They seemed to be trying to crawl away.

  “There are easily 50-100 of them on duty at any given time!" Sindi yelled to Rebel.

  "Then only about 90 to go!" Rebel yelled back. She did not even sound out of breath. The wall opened again and a canister rolled out. A gas emitted from it. Rebel grabbed a helmet of a nearby fallen Retriever and put it on. She grabbed one of their rifles and steadied it at the door. "Put these on!" Rebel said as she through more masks to Vizio and Sindi. "Keep your heads down. I want to keep my word and get you home in one piece." With that said, Rebel threw the strap of the rifle over her shoulder and climbed the wall.

  The wall opened again and 10 Retrievers entered the tunnel. Rebel now had a 40 foot vantage point. She opened fire and clipped a bunch of them in the legs. The wall closed again. The shooting stopped, and they could only hear the moaning of the injured Retrievers on the tunnel floor.

  "I have the Relo over!" a voice came from beside Sindi and Vizio. "Officers are you harmed!" The voice asked. "Officer Vizio and Officer Sindi report!" the voice commanded.

  "We are fine," Sindi reported. “Watch out Rebel is on the ledge up there!”

  With that the Retriever turned and shot up on the ledge. No fire was returned. He again shot up on the ledge, and nothing returned.

  “Did she run?” Vizio asked.

  "Center," the voice repeated. "Coast is clear, and I have the informant Relo, R.I.T." The walls opened and a Retriever stood between Vizio and Sindi and the Center. Mack was on his knees at the Retriever's feet. His green coat was covered in dirt and his head hung down. The Retriever exited the tunnel and into the glass enclosure. Vizio and Sindi followed still covering their eyes from the dimmed light.

  "You two okay?" the Retriever asked.

  "Yes, you?" Vizio asked.

  "I am unharmed," the Ret
riever answered. "I dove out of harms way into this one hiding against the tunnel wall."

  "De-track the Relo," a voice came from behind the glass.

  "He is de-tracked," the Retriever returned. "Oh, but you are not." With that the Retriever ran the de-tracker over Vizio's arm. "All clear." The Retriever called and entered the Center. Mack stayed on his knees inside the door.

  "Welcome back," the Chief walked up to Vizio. "No such luck with Rebel huh?"

  "Chief, can you please dim the lights?" Vizio asked. Chief motioned for the lights to be dimmed. "We did have Rebel with us, but she did seems to escape. She can't be far from where we just entered."

  "Well, at least we have this Relo,” Chief pointed to Mack still on his knees with head down inside the door. "I hope his information is good."

  "Me too," Vizio said.

  "Good job, Officer," the Chief looked over to the Retriever next to Mack. "That was quick thinking grabbing him."

  "Dumb luck, Maam," the Retriever answered.

  "The only good luck we have going for us," Chief said. "Tunnel W has been acting squirrelly all day. Look at them all over the place in clumps."

  "There plan was to come through the Center," Vizio said.

  "Is that so?" a man's voice said. Vizio and Sindi turned to see High Commander Sam Day standing there.

  "High Commander, sir," Vizio said. "I did not know you were here." He saluted him.

  "Yes, and what a disappointment no Rebel," High Commander said. Vizio lowered his head.

  "Sir, if you please," Sindi began. "Rebel could not be very far. Their plan is to storm the Center somehow. She has Tunnel W behind her, and she very loyal to them."

  Sam looked back and forth at Vizio and Sindi, "Storm the Center?"

  "She also has de-trackers," Vizio stated. "She could potential de-track all the tunnels."

  "Idiots!" Sam yelled. "Chief, get all your available men here immediately!"

  "Sir, we only have 50 in the building," the Chief answered. "How many in Tunnel W?"

  "50, Maam," an officer in front of a computer screen answered.

  "Call them from the perimeter," Sam ordered.

  "Sir, protocol states . . ." the Chief started.

  "From the perimeter," Sam ordered again. "They are not getting passed the force field. The worst that could happen is they could get into the open fields and then that would be like shooting fish in a barrel."

  "Yes, sir," the Chief answered. "Officer call in the perimeter, and bring down force fields for them to pass."

  "Yes, Maam," an Officer answered. The Retriever who brought in Mack stood behind the Officer calling in the perimeter, and then joined him in entering codes to de-activate doors in the force field.

  "Tunnel W, Chief," an Officer called. “They are all now converging on one part in the tunnel.”

  "That is Rebel," Sam said. "I just know it. You watch him," Sam ordered Vizio as he pointed to Mack. "Your life depends on him if we don't catch Rebel." Vizio stood over Mack who was still on his knees with his head down staring at the floor. Within two minutes 70 officers were in the Center. Their black uniforms and battle gear were a sharp contrast against the white computer screens, desks, and tile floor.

  "Listen, Rebel is in there. We go in and do an immediate push down both ends of Tunnel W," Sam began.

  "Sir?" an officer at the Tunnel W began. "They are disappearing."

  "They what?" Sam looked to the screen and saw the dots disappearing.

  "Sir they are de-tracking," Sindi said. "I suggest we go in now." Sindi grabbed a nearby helmet and rifle.

  "As I said," Sam started again. "Fan out, we will block off Tunnel W is a few miles of tunnel. She is armed."

  "She likes to climb," Vizio added. "She could be on the ledge."

  The 71 Officers marched by Mack and through the glass and into the tunnel. The Chief shut the tunnel quickly behind them. The Center was engulfed with the sound of computer towers hum, and a few Officers tapping on keyboards. Sam looked up at Tunnel W's screen and saw no blips.

  "Lock down Tunnel W!" Sam ordered.

  "Locked down," the Retriever that caught Mack answered from his computer.

  They all watched the screen. It was darkness. There were no blips. They listened. They heard no gunfire on the other side of the wall.

  "High Commander," the Chief said. "Shall we call for reinforcements?"

  "Nonsense," Sam answered. "We have 71 highly-trained armed officers in there with 50 weak, sick, unarmed Relos."

  "And an armed Rebel," the Chief answered. "Sir."

  "No reinforcements," Sam ordered.

  The Chief walked over to the wall and started to dress in battle gear. She packed her pocket with ammunition, and threw a rifle over her shoulder. Several Officers at their computers looked up at her, she winked and waived them over.

  "Just in case," she whispered to them. They each took turns putting on the gear. All except for the Retriever who was already in his battle gear. Vizio watched them as they geared up. They were all desk riders, and probably only fired a gun once in the academy. Vizio did not dare leave Mack's side. The officers sat back at their computers. Minutes passed.

  "Officers report," Chief called into the microphone.

  "Officer reporting," a voice called back. "We have found nothing when sweeping north in the tunnel. Heat registries not picking up anything. Group 2 report."

  "Group 2 reports the same," the voice calls back. "Nothing found. We are 200 yards from the exit."

  "How can that be?" High Commander asked. "If the tunnel is locked-down . . ." Sam turned toward the Retriever who brought in Mack and slowly walked toward him. "Officer did you lock Tunnel W?"

  "Sir, yes sir," the Retriever answered as he kept typing.

  "Stop typing, and address me accordingly!" High Commander Sam ordered. The Retriever typed a few more key strokes, pressed enter and turned to face the High Commander. He saluted him and the High Commander threw a right hook to his jaw sending the Retriever back into a glass gun case. "You salute with your right hand not your left Officer." He ripped off the Retriever's mask and it was Mack.

  "What?" Vizio said as he looked down at Mack. Mack's head turned up toward Vizio and smiled. It was Rebel. She had a taser and shot it into Vizio sending him to the ground. A bullet punctured the glass behind her, and she saw Chief looking down a rifle at her. She dove over a row of desks to avoid the barrage of bullets. She crawled on the ground closer to where Mack and Sam had stood. She saw Sam's leg's under the desk and chucked a knife at his legs. He fell to the ground and Mack jumped on top of him repeatedly slamming his head into the ground.

  Rebel dove under a desk through some glass. She grabbed a rifle that had fallen from the case Sam threw Mack into. She sprang up to come face to face with an officer who had been sitting at a computer. He pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. The safety was on. Rebel drove the bunt of the rifle into his head, and then crouched behind a line of computers.

  "Chief, looks like it is just us here," Rebel yelled.

  "Yeah, you better surrender," the Chief yelled out. Rebel looked up and could see her reflection in the ceiling. She held her gun steady, and her face read determination.

  "Chief come in," a voice was heard over the intercom. "Tunnel is clear do you want us back, over." The Chief grabbed for the intercom button and Rebel shot it out of her reach. Just as Rebel had the Chief in her sight, Rebel was knocked to the ground, and her hands were synched behind her back. She was turned over and Vizio was on top of her.

  "Gotcha," Vizio said. "Chief you okay?"

  The Chief grabbed another intercom microphone, "We have Rebel, repeat, we have Rebel back at the Center. Return to the Center." With that Mack stood and started for the door that led out of the Center.

  "Not so fast Relo," the Chief pointed her gun at him. High Commander lay unconscious on the floor. "Where do you think you are going?"

  "Out of here?" Mack answered.

  "He w
as promised that he could go," Rebel said.

  "Nobody gets out of the tunnels," the Chief said.

  "Oh really," Mack said as he hit a button on the keyboard in front of him. The screens above them flickered and changed from dormant dots to hundreds of red dots that were moving out of the tunnels, across the field, and through the force fields.

  "How? That can't be?" the Chief said.

  "Oh, it can be," Mack said. "Force field doors are open, and Relos are running free."

  "They won't get passed the perimeter," the Chief started.

  "You mean the perimeter that is now in Tunnel W?" Rebel repeated.

  "Put him in cuffs," the Chief ordered Vizio. Vizio got off of Rebel and hurried over to Mack. Rebel hopped to her feet and charged the Chief. The Chief fired two rounds that hit Rebel in the chest. Rebel slammed the Chief into the wall knocking her unconscious. Vizio turned toward the Chief and rushed over. Mack ran out the door, down the corridor, and out into the field with the other Relos.

  "Chief, open the door, over," an officer was heard. "Chief."

  One of the computer officers climbed from under his desk to the computer and started typing.

  "Open the door!" Vizio yelled.

  "I can't they are all jammed," the Officer yelled. "I . . . there is some sort of lock on it. It is going to take a while to crack through this."

  Vizio walked passed Rebel who was now sitting against the wall next to the Chief. The Chief was face down on the tile. Vizio checked for breathing and a pulse. She was breathing and had a steady pulse.

  "She alive?" Rebel asked.

  "Yeah," Vizio said.

  "I think I succeeded in not killing anybody today," Rebel said.

  "But you hurt a lot of people," Vizio answered.

  "Yeah but look, the tunnels are empty," Rebel said as she looked at the screens.

  "Can you call for reinforcements?" Vizio asked the Officer on the computer. "Let me see, no everything is jammed. Wait, there is this one opening. Got it!"

  A quiet acoustic guitar filled the room through its speakers.

  "Now I've been happy lately . . ." a males voice sang.

  "Peace Train," Rebel said. "Nice."

  "Oh, peace train sounding louder," the voice sang.

  "Chief, we hear music," an Officer called over the intercom. "It is filling our earpieces."

  "Everyone jump upon the peace train," the voice sang.

  "You are right this is too hippy for Sindi," Vizio said as he knelt in front of Rebel.

  "Cat Stevens," Rebel said. "That was going to be one of my next aliases."

  "Too bad you only have five fingers," Vizio said. Rebels head fell back against the wall.

  "Why must we go on hating? Why can't we live in bliss," the voice sang.

  "Now I have a Rebel army," Rebel said. "There wasn't one before it was all me. In the last few days, I traded my freedom for hundreds of Relos' freedom."

  "Thousands, over five thousand," the Officer at the computer said. “I think most of their trackers were de-activated before even leaving the premises. I am almost done breaking the code."

  "How did you do it?" Vizio asked. "How did you get the word to the other tunnels?

  "Remember in the movies, when the bad guys tell the good guys their plan? Plain idiotic."

  Present Day

  “So Rebel wrote on your hand, but how did that save you?”

  “That day people from Tunnel W ran through our tunnels. It was rare to have tunnel jumpers. They ran through our tunnel, and told us that Rebel was here and to follow them to freedom. We all followed them.”

  “Why did the writing on your hand help save you.”

  “Without the writing we wouldn't have followed. We wouldn't have believed them. Who else could have snuck into our tunnel, got by our night watchman, and wrote on us without waking us? People had writing on their hands, forehead, you name it. She must have had a grand-old time that night. It had to be Rebel.”



  “Wasn't that the beginning of the Rebellion?”

  “Yes it was.”

  “You were set free by Rebel?”

  “Yes, me and about 5,000 other people.”

  A Note from the Author:

  Tunnel W was written after Trail Swap, Off-Trail, and during another book that currently does not have a title but takes place in the Florida Everglades. Tunnel W started at an attempt to write a short story. As usual, my characters stole the show and decided to take matters into their own hands. I would not expect any less of Rebel.

  The story is set in the future when an random woman is captured by the city's police. The plan was that I would follow her capture and end at her being thrown in the slammer. It sounded simple, but it morphed into following Rebel into the tunnels. Once she was in there, she started trouble.

  Somehow during writing this, my fascination with Harriet Tubman and every real and fiction heroes and rebels jumped out at me. In no way is Rebel even close to Tubman or other real-life heroes. Rebel is a fun, witty, sarcastic character to get to know. She makes the novelette an interesting read.

  Happy Trails!

  - Michele M. Reynolds

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