Read Turbulence Page 13

  I kindly asked for the glass of Sprite from 12C, replaced it with a plastic cup and finished serving the remaining drinks for first class.

  I double checked the manifest for the passengers’ dinner requests, made sure the overhead bins were locked shut, and watched the other two flight attendants take their time doing their jobs.

  They were supposed to be assisting the last boarding passengers in business and economy, but they kept finding random reasons to come to the front of the plane to step into the cockpit. To ask Jake meaningless questions or “make sure” it was a Coke he wanted to have for a lunch beverage.

  “You’ve flown with him before?” The blonde, a woman who’d introduced herself to me as Elizabeth, whispered.

  “I wish.” The redhead, Janet, stared straight ahead. “I would definitely remember him. Trust me.”

  “Is he wearing a wedding ring?”

  “No. First thing I noticed.”

  “No tan line where one should be either, just in case?”

  Before she could answer, Miss Connors appeared and loudly cleared her throat. “When the two of you get done playing Cockpit Connie, would you kindly return to doing the job you get paid to do?”

  The two of them blushed and quickly walked away.

  I glanced toward the cockpit as Jake and the first officer looked over their weather reports and vowed not to look anymore once the door was locked.

  The second boarding was complete, I completed my checklist and strapped myself into a jump-seat, grateful that this was one of the newer, more luxurious planes. There was no need for all of the flight attendants to stand in the aisle and demonstrate the safety procedures, since every headrest held its own television that played a prerecorded clip.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking...” Jake’s deep, sexy voice came over the speakers as we pushed back from the gate and rolled toward the runway. “On behalf of the flight crew, let me welcome you aboard Elite Flight 1505 to Heathrow-London. Our estimated flight time is eight hours and fifty-five minutes, and we expect this to be a very smooth flight,” he said. “If there’s anything you need during our trip, the flight attendants aboard are here to make you as comfortable as possible. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.”

  I waited to hear him say the remainder of the Elite Airways spiel, especially the mandatory “I love flying for Elite and I hope you’ll love it as much as I do,” but it never came. The only sounds that came next were a beep and the sudden silence that always came before the plane ascended toward the sky.

  Shutting my eyes, I tapped my fingers against my dress as the plane flew higher, as the sound of air pressure hitting the metal rushed against my ears. No matter how many times I flew, takeoff was always the most nerve-wracking part for me.

  When the plane finally leveled and the seatbelt sign was turned off, I opened my eyes and unbuckled my seatbelt. Knowing Miss Connors would soon be critiquing my every move, I figured I might as well start the wine and cheese service early.

  Stepping into the galley, I took out a tray of wrapped gourmet cheeses, nearly dropping them to the ground when I saw Jake standing in front of me. He was staring at me intently, those stark blue irises playful, yet watchful.

  “May I help you with something, Captain?” I asked. “It’s a bit early in the flight for you to be out here.”

  “You don’t need to call me that.” He took the cheese tray from my hands and set it on the counter.

  “Are you here because I didn’t bring you your Coke yet, Captain?” I needed to remain professional. “I’ll have to bring it you after the wine and cheese service, or my supervisor won’t be happy with me.”

  “This will only take five minutes.”

  “I can only give you five seconds.”

  “Fine.” He looked at me. “I need to fuck you again.”


  “You heard me.” He stepped close, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I need to fuck you again. Preferably the second we land in London, but I’m not opposed to doing it after you get finished serving either.”

  It took everything out of me not to say, ‘After I get done serving would be fine,’ so I swallowed, trying to get my thoughts together. “I thought we both agreed that it couldn’t happen again. Besides, now that we’re in this situation, it really can’t happen again. It’s against company policy.”

  “You’re the last person who ever needs to talk about following company policy.”

  “Well then, I’ll just say no thank you. Even if I was interested, now that I know you’re a pilot, you couldn’t pay me to sleep with you again. I’m sure you have plenty of other flight attendants at your disposal. Sleep with one of the ones you’ve slept with before.”

  “I’ve only slept with one flight attendant,” he said, his eyes on mine. “Although I’m not sure she counts since she lied when we met and told me she was a pilot.”

  “Maybe she was just trying to be mysterious.” I could barely hear myself. “Regardless, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a pilot.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “What do you have against pilots? Something you’ve experienced?”

  “Something I’ve heard.”

  The plane shook suddenly and I braced my hand against the wall as the seatbelt sign turned on. I tried to lean forward to grab the cheese tray, but Jake held it still—looking calm as ever.

  “Don’t you think you need to return to the cockpit?” I asked. “Or do you not feel the plane shaking right now?”

  “It’s only light turbulence. It’ll stop once we get out of the clouds.”

  As if on cue, the first officer’s voice came over the speakers.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for the light turbulence you’re currently experiencing. We’re cutting through a patch of clouds, so it should only last a few more seconds at most, and I’ll turn off the seatbelt sign again here shortly. Hope you’re enjoying the flight.”

  The beep sounded and Jake’s eyes returned to mine.

  “So, back to our conversation about pilots—” His fingers trailed my lips. “What have you heard?”

  “A lot...”

  “Then tell me,” he said. “Tell me exactly what you’ve heard.”

  “I’ve heard that pilots can’t be trusted, that your occupation practically calls for each and every one of you to cheat.” I paused as his free hand strummed against my waist. “The ones who aren’t married have a woman in every city and they fuck whoever, whenever they want. They even sleep with some of the passengers from time to time.”

  “Is that all?” He pressed his forehead against mine.

  “No. No, that is not all.”

  “Okay.” He looked as if he was holding back a laugh. “Continue.”

  “I’ve also heard that all of you—”

  “Some of you.” He cut me off. “The word ‘all’ is a bit presumptuous.”

  “Fine. Most of you are emotionally distant and cold. What you see is what you get. It’s all you get. Even the rare pilots, the good guys who almost seem capable of being faithful are...”

  “Are what?” he asked. “What have you heard about them?”

  “They almost always have a flight attendant for a mistress.” I moved my head back before he could lean in any further. “Is any of that true?”

  “If it was,” he said, looking slightly amused, “I would’ve agreed with you. Contrary to your uneven and untrue arguments, a man’s profession has nothing to do with his degree of fidelity.”

  I opened my mouth to object, but he pressed a finger against my lips.

  “That’s only my first rebuttal,” he said. “Second, if a pilot is single and does have a woman in every city, that shouldn’t be a problem since he doesn’t owe anyone anything. I’ll agree with you on your last point, though. What you see is definitely what you get, but I have no interest in having a flight attendant as a mistress.”

  “Too scared your girlfriend wi
ll find out?”

  “We’ve discussed this.” He pulled me close. “I don’t do girlfriends.” His lips were suddenly on mine, coaxing and warm, then demanding and hot. His teeth punished my bottom lip with a soft bite and I couldn’t help but kiss him back.

  Slipping a hand under my dress, he whispered against my mouth. “You don’t want this again?” He tugged at my soaked panties and pressed his thumb against my swollen clit, sensuously rubbing it in circles as he trailed his tongue against my neck.

  “No...” I lied, holding back a moan.

  Everything around me became a hazy blur as his fingers continued to mercilessly tease me, as his tongue swirled against my exposed skin. I wanted to give in, to admit that he could bring me to pleasure like no one else could, but I knew having him again would only affect one of us.

  “Gillian.” His mouth returned to mine. “Say yes to fucking me at landing.”

  “No.” I bit his lip and stepped back. “I can’t.”

  He looked completely confused. “And why is that?”

  “Because if I were to sleep with you again, I’d have to be your only one.”

  “My only what?”

  “The only woman you have sex with.”

  “Come again?” He let go of my waist.

  “Like I told you before, I don’t normally hookup...The first time we had sex was fine, because it was a one-night stand, but the second time was a mistake.”

  “Having multiple orgasms is never a mistake.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not the type who would be okay with having sex with you one night, while knowing that you could possibly be having sex with Sally tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know any women named Sally.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I honestly don’t.”

  “No matter how much you claim that you ‘need’ to fuck me again, and no matter how many times I might’ve thought about it, too...”

  “You’ve definitely thought about it, too.”

  “In spite of that, even though the last thing I want right now is a new relationship—”

  “Monogamous fucking sounds exactly like a relationship.”

  “It isn’t, but the next time I have sex—whenever that is, it will be with someone who’s fucking me and only me. So, if you can’t handle that or agree, you should just walk away.”

  He stepped back, and without saying another word, he walked away.

  GATE B10


  In flight—> London (HTW)

  I’d heard a lot of bullshit in my life, but “I have to be your only one” might’ve secured itself in the number one spot.

  I stared straight ahead from the cockpit, wondering why the hell this woman I barely knew was having any type of effect on me. Twice, after walking away from her, I’d ventured into the cabin for a restroom break and caught her smiling and entertaining a male passenger. Each one was a Wall Street type.

  The asshole in 3A told her a joke about “the mile-high club.” She’d laughed at him, and even though I could tell it wasn’t genuine, I knew she wasn’t lying when she told him she’d never had sex on a plane. The color on her cheeks gave her away.

  The asshole in 4C kissed her hand after she brought him a glass of wine. Then he caressed it as he flirted with her for a least three minutes. (I fucking counted.)

  I was seconds away from walking over to him and saying something, but I came to my senses at the last minute and returned to the cockpit—vowing to stay put for the rest of the flight.

  Her demands for monogamous fucking were unfair and completely unrealistic, but as we coasted through another patch of clouds, I briefly contemplated if an arrangement like that could work. Temporarily, at least.

  Yes, I’d been unable to seal the deal with most of the women in my contact list for weeks, but I didn’t expect that to last forever. Before running into Gillian on the SkyLink, my London contact was texting me about “desperately” needing sex again, but she was insisting that I take her out on a real date beforehand.

  I had yet to respond because I knew if we had one date, she would want two. Then there would be random “I’m thinking about you.” “What are you up to?” text messages late at night, and ultimately a conversation about wanting more. It always ended with someone—always the woman, wanting more and that’s why casual sex didn’t need to be consistent with just one person. It didn’t need to resemble anything like a relationship.

  I didn’t need to think about Gillian’s “only one” demand any further.

  She’s out of her goddamn mind...

  GATE B11


  London (HTW)

  “Flight attendants, prepare for landing.” Jake’s deep command came over the speakers minutes before the descent, making me walk through the cabin one last time to make sure all the seat belts were fastened.

  The two men who’d flirted with me hours ago were both thankfully staring out the windows, so there was no time for me to accept either of their offers for a date at landing.

  The landing came smooth and fast several minutes later, and as the plane parked at the gate, I waited for the ground team to open the door. When all was clear, I took my place near the exit door with Miss Connors.

  “We have two days of rest here,” she said. “So I suggest you soak up as much time in the hotel robes as possible, and find the time to unpack your brain so you can bring it aboard our next flight.”

  I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond to that, so I simply nodded and turned away from her.

  “Have an amazing time in London!” Her voice instantly became chirpy for the departing passengers. “Thank you for flying with Elite! Come see us again!”

  I started to say farewell to them as well, but I felt Jake stepping between the two of us.

  “Nice speech, Captain Weston.” She looked up at him. “Are you not saying the mandatory Elite words and being non-friendly because you’ve forgotten how to be, or are you purposely doing it in hopes that I’ll record it and have you written up?”

  “I’m hoping I’ll be written up.”

  “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today.” She glared at him. “The next time we fly together, I can guarantee that I won’t be.”

  “Looking forward to it.” He glared back at her until she turned away and resumed her over-the-top farewells.

  Unlike the other pilots I’d flown with, he didn’t chime in with us to wish the passengers well. Instead, he stood there silent and brooding, as if the passengers couldn’t get off the plane fast enough.

  When the final passengers departed, I expected him to say something, to at least look at me, but he addressed the first officer, then he addressed us all.

  “Until next time, ladies.” He pulled on the handle of his luggage and said a few more words to the first officer before heading down the jet bridge.

  I grabbed my bag and rolled it far behind him, catching bits and pieces of the lusty compliments the other flight attendants were throwing his way.

  We all walked through the terminal and to the ground transportation dock where a designated white van was waiting for us. The first officer and Miss Connors shared the front row, I claimed the middle, and Jake sat behind me with Janet and Elizabeth.

  “So, Captain Weston...” Elizabeth purred, keeping her voice low so Miss Connors couldn’t hear. “How long will you be staying in London?”

  “Just tonight.”

  “Oh!” Janet cleared her throat. “Since you only have one night, would you like to join us at the bar this evening?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “What’s there to think about? Did you already have plans?”

  “I did,” he said, and I could feel him staring at me. “But the arrangement seems a bit too challenging, so I may have to completely cancel.”

  “I see. Well, that’s good for us then.”

  I felt a sudden pang of jealousy as he spoke to them, something I’d never felt when seeing my previous
lovers or boyfriends casually talk to women. Hell, Ben had entertained an ex-girlfriend twice a year via his polo club reunions, and back then I never even gave it a second thought. Never felt a remote sense of concern or envy.

  But now, this man who had only been inside of me twice, was pushing me closer and closer to the edge of turning around and saying something.

  For ten minutes, and five highway exits, I sat and helplessly listened as my coworkers laid their charm on thick. As he practically returned their charm with equal interest.

  The second the van pulled in front of the hotel, I opened the door and nearly jumped out. “I’ll check us all in,” I said, rushing inside the door with Miss Connors rushing to catch up to me.

  “Something wrong, Miss Taylor?” She sounded genuinely concerned. “Are you okay?”

  “No, just really tired. That’s all.”

  She furrowed her brow, but she didn’t say anything further.

  The desk agent quickly located our crew packets and checked our IDs before handing us our room keys.

  “Sunday at ten, Miss Taylor,” Miss Connors said. “If you’re so much as a millisecond late, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

  “Got it.” I walked away just as Jake and the rest of the crew walked through the hotel doors. I headed straight for the elevators, but since I didn’t want to have to deal with seeing any glances exchanged or hear any sexual innuendos, I walked across the hotel’s atrium and headed toward the emergency steps.

  Passing through a windowed hallway, I rolled my luggage to the first flight of steps and suddenly felt someone gripping my waist from behind, someone spinning me around.

  “I need to set some rules and conditions of my own for this shit.” Jake’s blue eyes stared into mine, wanting and possessive.

  My back hit the window and my luggage fell to the floor.

  “If I agree to this,” he said, his jaw clenched. “There will be no late night emotional talks, no mention of the words ‘more’ ‘us’ or ‘relationship’, and I won’t be taking you out on any dates.”

  “I didn’t ask you to take me out on any dates.”