Read Turkey Trouble Page 1


  Chapter 1: Riley’s Secret

  Chapter 2: Gobble Gobble—Trouble!

  Chapter 3: Members Only

  Chapter 4: Stakeout!

  Chapter 5: Fowl Play

  Chapter 6: Truth in the Tooth

  Chapter 7: Petting Zoo Clue

  Chapter 8: Lies and Pumpkin Pies


  Riley’s Secret

  Popcorn?” Nancy Drew asked in the schoolyard. “At the first Thanksgiving?”

  George Fayne’s dark curls bounced as she nodded her head. “The Indians brought popped corn to the first Thanksgiving dinner,” she said. “I read it in a book!”

  “With all that popcorn,” Bess Marvin said, “they probably went to the movies, too.”

  George rolled her eyes at her cousin. “News flash, Bess,” she said. “There were no movies back then.”

  “I knew that!” Bess insisted. But she didn’t look too sure.

  Nancy smiled as she walked through the schoolyard before class with her two best friends. It was Friday and Thanksgiving was less than a week away!

  “Guess what?” Nancy asked. She swung her backpack by its straps as she walked. “Hannah said she’d bake a pumpkin pie for me and Daddy on Thanksgiving.”

  “Yummy!” Bess exclaimed. “Hannah makes the best pies in River Heights.”

  Nancy thought so too. Hannah Gruen was the Drews’ housekeeper. She had been living with them since Nancy’s mother died when Nancy was only three years old.

  “Hannah also wants to take us to a farm next Monday after school,” Nancy added. “It’s called ‘Heavenly Harvest.’”

  “A real farm?” Bess squealed.

  Nancy nodded. “They have pumpkins, apple cider, a petting zoo—”

  “Gobble, gobble, gobble!”

  And turkeys? Nancy wondered. She spun around and saw Jason Hutchings, David Burger, and Mike Minelli. The boys were usually making trouble in Nancy’s third-grade class at Carl Sandburg Elementary. But this time they were making turkey sounds.

  “Shh!” Jason placed a finger in front of his lips. “We’re on a turkey hunt!”

  “A turkey hunt?” Nancy asked.

  “Mr. Lizard’s Funhouse is having a Track a Turkey Contest!” Mike explained. “The first kid who brings a turkey to the TV station wins a bunch of neat prizes.”

  “And gets to dance the lizard dance on TV!” David added. “How cool is that?”

  “Way cool,” Nancy agreed. Mr. Lizard’s Funhouse was her favorite TV show.

  “I have an idea,” Mike told Nancy. “Why don’t you help us find a turkey? You’re a detective, aren’t you?” Mike asked. “And detectives are always great at finding things.”

  Nancy frowned. She was a detective. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to help the boys find a turkey.

  “Nancy has better things to do,” George explained. She pointed at the boys. “Besides, I see three turkeys already!”

  “Very funny!” Jason sneered.

  The girls giggled as the boys walked away. Nancy, George, and Bess started to talk about the farm again.

  “I can’t wait to see the animals in the petting zoo!” George exclaimed.

  “I can’t wait to pick pumpkins!” Nancy added excitedly.

  “And I can’t wait to wear my new corduroy jeans with the matching jacket,” Bess said. “It’s the perfect outfit for the farm!”

  Nancy knew that Bess had a closet full of pretty clothes. But today all three girls were dressed for the chilly November weather. They wore parkas, scarves, mittens, and hats.

  Suddenly someone tugged the pom-pom on the back of Nancy’s hat. She spun around and saw eight-year-old Katie Zaleski.

  Katie was in Mrs. Reynolds's third-grade class just like Nancy, George, and Bess. But this morning she was standing with Emma Lindstrom, a girl in the fourth grade.

  “Guess what, you guys?” Katie asked in an excited voice. “Emma asked me to join her new club!”

  “What club?” Nancy asked. She saw an orange giraffe pin on Emma’s parka. Katie wore a parrot pin on her own jacket.

  “It’s called ‘Kids for Animals’ and I’m president,” Emma replied. “We believe all animals should be free. That means no birdcages, fish tanks, or dog leashes.”

  “But dogs have to be on leashes,” Nancy pointed out. “It’s the law.”

  “How do you know?” Emma demanded.

  “I have my own puppy,” Nancy answered. “She’s a black Lab and her name is Chocolate Chip. She . . .”

  Nancy’s voice trailed off as Emma walked away.

  “Don’t worry, Nancy,” Katie said. “Emma just likes to think she knows everything about animals.”

  “What’s so great about that club anyway?” George wanted to know.

  “Come to our meeting tomorrow and see for yourself!” Katie answered. “We meet every Saturday at three o’clock sharp.”

  Katie scribbled Emma’s address in her notebook. Then she tore out the sheet and handed it to Nancy.

  Nancy wasn’t sure if she wanted to join Emma’s club. But it was nice of Katie to invite them.

  “Emma gave me my first club assignment this morning,” Katie told them. “And I can’t wait to carry it out.”

  “What do you have to do?” Bess asked.

  “Can’t tell!” Katie pretended to zip her lips. “It’s a club secret!”

  The school bell rang. Katie ran to catch up with Emma. Nancy, Bess, and George headed for the entrance.

  As they lined up to go inside the school, Nancy noticed Riley McArthur, the new girl in their class. Riley was stepping out of her father’s blue minivan in front of the school.

  “Riley seems nice,” Nancy said. “Maybe I’ll invite her to the farm on Monday. She probably wants to make some new friends.”

  “Good idea,” George agreed.

  The girls watched as Mr. McArthur pulled a huge crate out of the van. It was covered with a thick blanket. He placed the crate on a wagon and wheeled it toward the school. Riley skipped after him.

  “I wonder what that is!” Bess said.

  “Who knows?” George said. “But I think we’re going to find out soon.”

  The girls filed into Mrs. Reynolds’s classroom. Nancy saw their friend Rebecca Ramirez inside. It was Rebecca’s turn to clean the hamster cage. Riley was there too. So was the mysterious crate. It stood on the floor in front of the chalkboard.

  “Whatever’s in there smells funny,” Amara Shane said, squeezing her nose.

  “It’s making noises, too,” Orson Wong said excitedly. “Maybe Riley kidnapped an alien from some weird planet!”

  Nancy wished she could see through the blanket. What was underneath?

  “Class,” Mrs. Reynolds announced, “Riley has brought something in to show us. And just in time for Thanksgiving!”

  Brenda Carlton marched to the front of the classroom. “But Mrs. Reynolds!” she complained in a snooty voice. “I wanted to show my new laptop computer today!”

  “Sorry, Brenda,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “But Riley’s surprise can’t wait.”

  “Who cares about Riley?” Brenda grumbled as she plopped behind her desk.

  Nancy wasn’t surprised. She knew how nasty Brenda could be sometimes.

  “Okay, Riley,” Mrs. Reynolds said with a smile. “Show us what you brought.”

  Riley yanked the green blanket off the crate. Everyone gasped. Underneath was a live turkey inside a cage. “Ta-daa!” she announced. “Meet Martin!”

  Nancy brushed aside her reddish blond bangs so she could see everything. Martin’s feathers were mostly brown and gray. He had a black fuzzy beard on his chest with a red feather in the middle.

  “Cool!” David called out. “How did you get a real, live turkey??

  “My aunt and uncle own a farm,” Riley explained. “They lent me Martin for show-and-tell today.”

  Excited whispers filled the classroom. Riley unhooked the cage door. She pulled a few corn kernels from her pocket and held them out. Martin stepped out and pecked at the corn.

  “Eww!” Brenda cried. “Turkeys are yucky. I wouldn’t have one in my house!”

  “She’s just jealous!” Bess whispered to Nancy.

  “Are there any questions for Riley?” Mrs. Reynolds asked the class.

  “Gobble, gobble!” Martin screeched. He flapped his wings and began racing through the classroom.

  “Gobble, gobble, gobble!”

  Nancy gasped as Martin brushed past her legs. But the turkey wasn’t the only creature on the run. The class hamster had escaped from its cage too!

  “Martin is chasing the hamster!” Molly Angelo cried.

  “No!” Kyle Leddington shouted. “The hamster is chasing Martin!”

  “Wild turkey!” Orson yelled. “Wild turkey on the loose!”


  Gobble Gobble—Trouble!

  Gobble, gobble, gobble!” Martin cried. His wings flapped as he darted up and down the aisles. The little hamster scurried under the desks and the chairs.

  Everyone except Brenda chased the animals through the classroom.

  “Gotcha!” Riley yelled. She wrapped her arms around Martin’s big feathery body.

  Seconds later George scooped up the hamster and put him back in his cage.

  “Rebecca?” Mrs. Reynolds asked. “Did you forget to latch the door on the hamster cage this morning?”

  Rebecca’s dark eyes looked worried.

  “I must have left it open by mistake,” she said slowly. “Sorry, Mrs. Reynolds.”

  Using more corn kernals, Riley led Martin back into his cage. She shut the door and latched it.

  “Is that gross thing going to be here all day?” Brenda complained.

  “My dad is picking Martin up during lunch,” Riley explained. “First Martin is going to my house, then back to the farm.”

  “Will he be in a cage?” Katie asked.

  “Martin is kept in a pen at the farm,” Riley said. “With other animals.”

  “A pen?” Katie gasped. “But Martin should run free!”

  “Duh!” Jason groaned. “He just did.”

  “Okay, kids,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “Let’s thank Riley for bringing Martin to class. Then take out your math workbooks.”

  Riley smiled as everyone called out their thanks.

  “This was the best show-and-tell since Orson brought in his grandmother’s false teeth!” Kyle declared.

  Nancy was happy for Riley. She would have lots of friends soon!

  Martin sat quietly in his cage all morning. At lunchtime Mr. McArthur came to pick him up.

  Nancy and her friends watched from the window over their lunch table.

  “There goes Martin now,” Nancy said. She could see Mr. McArthur wheeling the cage to his car. Riley stood in the schoolyard waving good-bye.

  “If you ask me, Riley McArthur is a big show-off,” Brenda scoffed.

  “And I’m a big loser!” Rebecca sighed. “How could I forget to lock the hamster cage? How?”

  Nancy looked up from the egg salad sandwich she was unwrapping. “It was an accident, Rebecca,” she said.

  “I know,” Rebecca sighed. “But-”

  “Free Martin now!” Emma’s shouting voice interrupted. “Free Martin now!”

  “Free Martin?” Nancy asked. She turned her head and saw Emma and Katie. They were walking over to their table.

  “Read this!” Emma said. She looked serious as she handed each girl a paper. Nancy studied the paper. It had a drawing of a turkey on it. Underneath was the slogan FREEDOM FOR MARTIN!

  “Freedom from what?” Nancy asked.

  “His cage!” Emma replied. “Katie told me Martin was stuck in there all morning.”

  “A stinky cage!” Brenda added.

  “But Martin’s a bird!” George said. “And Katie keeps her parrot, Lester, inside a cage sometimes. Right Katie?”

  “I . . . um,” Katie gulped.

  “Is that true?” Emma demanded.

  “Only when I take him to the vet!” Katie blurted out. “Or in my mother’s car!”

  Nancy watched as Emma waved Katie on to the next table.

  “I can’t believe Katie likes that club,” Bess said. “Emma seems so bossy.”

  “Let’s hide the papers before Riley sees them,” Nancy suggested. “They might hurt her feelings.”

  Everyone slipped the papers under Nancy’s backpack just as Riley came over.

  “Hi!” Riley said. She was carrying her lunch in a bag. “May I eat with you?”

  “Sure!” Nancy said cheerily. “There’s a chair right next to Brenda.”

  Brenda grabbed her laptop computer and placed it on the empty chair. “Sorry!” she said nastily. “I’m saving this chair for my best friend, Alison Wegman!”

  “Alison is out sick,” Bess said.

  “So what?” Brenda argued. “She might feel better and decide to come in.”

  “Not fair, Brenda!” George scolded. “That seat is empty and you know it.”

  “It’s okay,” Riley blurted out. “I’ll sit at the other table. I don’t mind.”

  Everyone watched in silence as Riley walked to the next table.

  That does it, Nancy thought. Now I really want to be friends with Riley!

  • • •

  “Hey, kids,” Mr. Lizard said on television.

  “Next week is Thanksgiving, so get ready to gobble down all that food!”

  “Gobble—like a turkey!” Nancy laughed out loud. “I get it!”

  “Cute,” Hannah chuckled as she walked into the den. “But dinner will be ready in ten minutes. So go upstairs and wash up.”

  “Can I do the lizard dance first, Hannah?” Nancy asked. Her puppy, Chip, barked as Nancy jumped up and wiggled her fingers behind her head.

  Mr. Lizard always ended his show with the lizard dance. But this time he flapped his arms and strutted like a turkey. Nancy followed along.

  “My birdwatchers club has spotted lots of different birds in River Heights,” Hannah said. “But we never saw a turkey.”

  “I saw one in school today,” Nancy said happily. “And his name was Martin!”

  Hannah smiled and left the den. The telephone rang and Nancy picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

  “Nancy, it’s Riley!” a voice said. “I got your number from the class telephone list and I need your help!”

  Nancy blinked. Riley sounded upset.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I heard you’re a detective,” Riley said. Her voice cracked. “And I need a detective because Martin is missing!”

  Nancy was too surprised to speak.

  “Martin . . . missing?” she finally gasped.

  “My aunt and uncle were supposed to pick him up tomorrow morning,” Riley explained. “But his cage and wagon disappeared from my yard this afternoon!”

  “Oh, no!” Nancy cried. She felt sorry for Riley and wanted to help her.

  “I’ll be at your house first thing tomorrow morning, Riley,” Nancy offered.

  “Cool!” Riley said. She sounded relieved. “Can you bring Bess and George to my house too?”

  “Sure,” Nancy said. “Bess and George always help me with my cases.”

  Riley gave Nancy her address. “See you tomorrow. Bye, Nancy,” she said.

  Nancy hung up the phone. She was totally stunned. She had just seen Martin that morning in class!

  This doesn’t look good, Nancy thought. If Martin’s whole cage and wagon are gone, then he must have been stolen!

  “I don’t get it, Chip,” Nancy told her dog. She shook her head slowly. “Who would want to steal a turkey?”


  Members Only

  Can I see your detective notebook?” Riley asked Na
ncy. “Do you really record every case?”

  “Yes, I do,” Nancy said. She took out her notebook and showed it to Riley.

  “Cool!” Riley said.

  It was Saturday afternoon. Nancy, Bess, and George stood with Riley in her backyard.

  “Now, let’s get to work,” Nancy suggested. “Riley, where was Martin’s cage before it disappeared?”

  “Over there!” Riley said. She pointed to a corner of the yard. Nancy, Bess, and George searched the area for clues.

  “Found something!” Bess called. She held up a small silver object.

  Nancy studied the item. It was a silver pin shaped like a cow.

  “I never saw that in my life,” Riley insisted. “I don’t even like cows!”

  “If you’ve never seen it, then it’s a clue,” Nancy said to Riley. “Maybe this pin belongs to whoever stole Martin.” She dropped the pin into her parka pocket.

  Riley followed the girls as they looked around the yard. Nancy noticed a tall fence surrounding the backyard.

  “It would be hard to lift the cage and wagon over that fence,” Nancy decided.

  She looked down and saw tracks in the dirt. They looked like wheel tracks.

  “Whoever wheeled Martin away,” Nancy thought out loud, “wheeled him around the house to the front.”

  “You mean right past the house?” George asked, surprised. She turned to Riley. “No one in your house saw anything?”

  “No!” Riley answered. “We must have been busy.”

  “It’s possible,” Nancy said. She opened her notebook and turned to a clean page. First she wrote the words “cow pin.” Next she drew a picture of the wagon tracks and the house.

  “Two clues already!” Riley exclaimed. “What do we do next?”

  “We usually discuss the case,” Nancy replied.

  “Cool!” Riley exclaimed. “Can we discuss it over ice-cream sundaes?”

  Nancy, Bess, and George smiled.

  “Good idea, Riley!” Nancy said. “We’re going to like working with you!”

  All four girls got permission and rode their bikes to the Double Dip ice-cream parlor on Main Street. Once inside they ordered gooey sundaes and bubbly sodas.

  Nancy swallowed a spoonful of chocolate fudge. Then she carefully opened her notebook on the table.