Read Turning Grace (The Turning Series, Book 1) Page 19

  Chapter 16

  The Details

  “That must be Mark. I phoned him to meet us here,” Mom said as she headed towards the front door.

  “Wait,” Tristen whispered. “You should look out of the window first. It could be the police.”

  “You two, go over to the kitchen.”

  We scurried to the kitchen and waited by the door while mom peeked out the window.

  “Are you okay?” Tristen spoke in a low voice into my ear.

  “I don’t know. I’m just happy I’m finally getting answers.”

  He softly swiveled my face towards his. Our lips were inches apart. “Remember what I said. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I nodded and listened closely as my mother opened the front door.

  “Oh thank goodness, Mark. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Is it bad?”


  I grabbed Tristen’s hand and headed out to the living room.

  Dr. Roberson smiled at me. I couldn’t quite place it, but there was something off about his demeanor. He strode over in my direction, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Grace, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling confused. Worried. Anxious to know what the hell is wrong with me.”

  “Grace,” Mom scolded.

  “It’s okay, Veronica.”

  Another question could be answered. “Wait, is that even your real name?” I asked.

  “Let’s sit down,” Mom insisted.

  We all sat in the living room. “Well?”

  “My real name is Eve Manning.”


  “Yes,” Mom continued. “I kept your name. Grace Elizabeth. I just changed your last name. It was part of moving away and starting fresh.”

  “Dr. Mark. How can you help us?” Tristen asked. His tone was clearly just as anxious as I felt. He was ready to get the bottom of everything.

  “Um…and who are you?” Dr. Roberson asked.

  “He’s Tristen. And he stays with me,” I answered.

  “Fair enough.”

  “Mark, I was just explaining to Grace everything that has happened up to this point.”

  “Well, up until why I want to eat cats and humans,” I clarified.

  “I see. Well, Grace. Your condition is something that we have been studying since the moment we realized what the side effects were.” Dr. Roberson jumped right into it.

  “Serum Z was injected into you to resuscitate you. The result was supposed to revive you from a lifeless state. It would restore blood circulation and restart your heart. You expired for twenty-three minutes. In most cases, a brain wouldn’t last this long without having some kind of brain damage after the subject is revived. If we had brought you back to life through CPR or defibrillation, you would have most likely been brain dead. By injecting Serum Z, every function in your body was restored. Your brain was intact, your circulation was restored, and your heart beat again. However, there were some complications. The serum only worked halfway.”

  “Halfway?” I asked.

  “Serum Z restored only certain parts of your body. And altered others. Your heart still beats. However, your blood is not circulating at its normal potential. Therefore, your heart beats slower than it should. And because your blood circulation is low, it affects everything in your entire body.”

  “How does eating humans fix that problem?” Tristen asked.

  Mark grabbed the rim of his gold-framed glasses and pulled it closer to his face. “Have you eaten today?”

  “It happened,” Mom interjected.

  “I see.”

  “Yes, it happened. I killed and ate someone,” I murmured.

  Mark inhaled deeply. “Right now, I’m sure you feel completely alive and normal, correct?”

  I nodded.

  “When your mother and I discovered the affects that eating human meat and flesh had on your body, we continued to give you what was obviously making you better. Over the years, I have worked day and night to understand why. I am still learning those reasons why, merely because the functions of the human brain and body are mysteries in some cases,” he chuckled.

  I gave him a look.

  Mark cleared his throat. “But simply put, your body is trying to replace what it needs. It is constantly looking for something to allow it to work at its highest potential. The human flesh is replacing what you don’t have.”

  “But why am I wanting it more and more?”

  “When was the last time you have eaten?” he asked.

  I hesitated, knowing that if I answered that question out loud, I would be choking it out. Tristen sensed my hesitation and answered for me. “It was about four this morning.”

  “Since I’m assuming this was a very big meal, it pretty much quenched your thirst.”

  I wanted to punch Dr. Roberson right in his throat. “Yes, it was a lot,” I murmured.

  “And you feel better than ever?”

  I nodded.

  “The food your mother was giving you is no longer suitable for your needs. What she was feeding you was that of a deceased person. You are beginning to require fresh nourishment. And as you get older, so does your body. What happens when people get older and older? Eventually they expire. Because Serum Z did not completely restore you, your body has been deteriorating. And at a faster rate than it would normally. You need to eat more and more, fresh food, to remain in a living state.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I asked, leaning in closer as if I hadn’t heard what Mark said. “A living state? You mean, if I don’t eat, I will die.”

  Mark and my mother glanced in each other’s direction, making it completely evident that what I was going to hear next was the icing on the cake.

  My mother decided to answer. “Gracie, if you do not get what you need in your body, you…” She paused. I could see her throat gliding up and down which was an indication to me that she was stifling back tears.

  Dr. Roberson finished. “One of the major focuses of my research on Serum Z is its ability to grant a subject with immortality.”

  My jaw dropped as I furiously fought with my brain to ask what the hell he meant. But I couldn’t find the words.

  “But, how do you know that if you have only been working on it for a little over a decade?” Tristen asked.

  “The third subject to be injected with the serum was one hundred and two. She expired due to a heart attack. She is now one hundred and fourteen. As long as she gets the right nourishment, her body shows no sign of deterioration,” Mark explained. “She remains in a living state.”

  “But what if I don’t get the right nourishment? I die, right?”

  “I have explored this, and no. You won’t die. But your body will remain in a dead state.”

  “A dead state? You mean, I am going to walk around…like a zombie.”

  “Essentially, yes. You will not have any brain functions, except that of the desire to replace what you have lost.”

  “How is that possible?” Tristen asked. I was guessing he too was just as horrified as I was.

  Mark chuckled. “Well Son, that seems to be the million dollar question.”

  “A zombie. I’m a zombie,” I mumbled.

  “Grace, you are not a zombie. There are no such things as zombies,” Mom stated.

  I stared off into space, internally picking up all of my puzzle pieces and placing them together. There was a large amount information thrown at me in the past forty-five minutes. And although I finally got the questions I wanted answered, and I finally knew what was wrong with me, all I could think was that I was a zombie.

  My whole life I had been infatuated with the possibilities of a great horror movie actually becoming real. I watched the classics like Halloween and Friday the 13th and realized that sure, those movies could certainly come true because the villain was simply a man in a mask running around brutally murdering people with a knife. Serial killers were real. Gacy and Bundy. Serial killers.

  And the
n I watched horror movies about ghosts and witches and zombies. People believed in ghosts. Some people even practiced witchcraft. However, there had yet to be a real-life zombie situation. Was I the first? Is this the beginning of an apocalypse? A time in history that people a hundred years from now will remember when the undead roamed the streets, killing and eating everything in their sight…

  Maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself.


  I turned toward Tristen, who was waiting patiently for me to answer. And Sonny came to mind.

  “Oh my God! Sonny! I bit her! Will she become…like me?” I asked Dr. Roberson in a panic.

  “No. Grace, this is not some movie. If you bit someone, they won’t turn into you. Your condition is only caused by Serum Z. It has to be injected into a subject in order for it to alter anything.”

  “But I pretty much am a zombie. At least, part zombie.”

  “Well, we do not refer to our subjects as such,” Dr. Roberson stated.

  “What does the Z in Serum Z stand for then?” Tristen asked.

  “Mark, you don’t have to,” Mom responded.

  “No, it’s okay, Eve.” He removed his glasses and rubbed an eye with his finger before continuing. “Z stands for my son, Zack. He died a few years prior to when your initial illness occurred. CPR and defibrillation was performed on him, but he didn’t make it. And that is when I began my search for a more efficient way of reviving someone.”

  “What did he die of?” I asked.

  “Grace, that is something Mark doesn’t want to talk about.”

  “He drowned,” he answered.

  Silence filled the room.

  “You know what? We should really get going. Mark, are they waiting outside?” My mother asked, standing up from the loveseat.

  I glanced over to my mother. “Is who waiting outside?”

  Dr. Roberson responded as he stood up from the loveseat, “When your mother called me, I assumed that it was going to be bad news. I know that I asked you if you were willing to come to the island. However, because of the situation and the consequences that have occurred due to your condition, I believe it would be best if you do come.”

  “So, you are going to take me against my will?” I asked, surprised.

  Dr. Roberson turned to my mother, mentally pushing her to answer the question.

  “Gracie, this is only for the best.”

  “What about Sonny, and Eric and Phoebe?” Tristen asked.

  “I have my team taking care of those things now. It shouldn’t be anything you have to worry about.”

  “Nothing I have to worry about?” I asked, raising my tone. Was this guy for real? “I mean, someone is injured and two people are dead. How can I just run away from all of this without anyone finding out it was me?”

  Dr. Roberson leaned down to my level and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Grace, I have a very intelligent and powerful team of doctors, professors, agents, and government personnel. They are taking care of any loose ends left behind as we speak. Now, the island is going to provide you with everything you need, in addition to the medical attention that you will soon need because it has been a few hours since your last meal. You need to trust me. Can you do that?”

  I stared into his steely blue eyes, searching desperately for some sort of sincerity. Some sort of comfort. But there was something about Dr. Mark Roberson. Something that I couldn’t quite place. It felt cold and empty. It felt fake.

  I looked over to Tristen. “What about Tristen?”

  “Unfortunately, he will not be able to accompany you. I’m going to be honest with you, Grace. When we first arrive on the island, there will be tests taken. Nothing that you will have to worry about, but we will need your full attention. This is only so that we can treat you effectively. But, you will be able to communicate with him via web cam.”

  I shook my head. “No, that isn’t going to work. He needs to come with me.” My eyes stayed on Tristen’s, and I felt his hand find mine. He smiled and I knew it was what he wanted too.

  “I’ll tell you what, as soon as you are done with testing and settle in, we will arrange transportation and have Tristen come visit.”

  I turned back to Dr. Roberson, searching his eyes for some truth. Nothing.

  I scanned over to my mother, who was silently crying. I wished I knew what she was feeling. I knew she didn’t want her daughter to go, but I also knew that this was out of her hands now. She did what she could, and unfortunately, it was getting out of control. Her daughter murdered someone. What could any mother do? But to be very honest, I had never been more pissed off at her. She lied to me all these years. About everything. A part of me wanted to understand, and I felt like I could, but my anger and disappointment in her was overwhelming.

  I took a deep breath. “Okay. I will go.”

  Dr. Roberson smiled and stood up. “Great! I have to make a call and let my team know we are on our way. Eve, will you please accompany me outside so that we can discuss when you will come visit and what will happen next?”

  Seeming as if she was defeated, although she was agreeing to this all along, Mom nodded and stood up from the loveseat.

  “Mom, I’m just gonna go pack some things. Tristen can come help.”

  “Okay, dear. I will be outside.”

  As Dr. Roberson and Mom headed out to the porch, I grabbed Tristen’s hand and headed upstairs to my bedroom. Once inside, I closed the door. Tristen walked slowly to my bed, clearly not too happy about my decision.

  “Do you need help packing?”

  I reached my window and pulled the blinds up. After opening it, I glanced around my backyard.

  “What are you doing?” Tristen asked.

  “We are getting out of here.”

  “What? Grace, you’re leaving. We have to get you packed.”

  I turned around. “No, we are leaving,” I said, gesturing the two of us with my fingers. “I will pack a small bag with some essentials. I have some of my dad’s old t-shirts and sweatpants I can pack for you.”

  Tristen stood up, complete confusion expressed on his face. “Grace, do you think this is a good idea? Where will we go?”

  “Anywhere but that damn island,” I answered as I pulled some clothes out of my dresser and stuffed them into my backpack.

  Tristen grabbed my shoulder, prompting me to stop what I was doing and turn toward him. He obviously had some reservations about this. Did he even want to go with me? Was I jumping the gun with his feelings for me?

  He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand. “Grace, as much as I don’t want you to go through this alone, I think it might be for the best. Dr. Roberson and his team can help you.”

  I shook my head, protesting to what he was saying. “No, something is off about him. I don’t trust what he is saying, Tristen. Something is just, not right.”

  “Are you afraid?”

  I looked up at him. “Of course,” I mumbled. “Wouldn’t you be?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, I would. Especially if I was alone.” His thumb grazed my cheekbone, all the way down to my lips. His head tilted to one side, and his eyes softened.

  I closed my eyes, taking in every feeling his touch left behind on my skin. I braced myself for what was coming next. I felt it in my heart that this was going to be his goodbye. He was going to tell me that I had to go, and that he would make sure to keep in contact with me. That he would write me and video chat with me. That he would come visit me when he could. That he would wait for me. That he would wait for me to come back home.

  But he wouldn’t.

  A tear escaped, leaving behind a cold trail on my cheek. His warm thumb wiped it dry, and I looked up at him again.

  “Grace, this isn’t goodbye. You know that, right?”

  No, I didn’t.

  I nodded.

  “If you stay, I won’t be able to help you get better. Sure I could watch over you and make sure you eat as much as you needed to, but what if you
got worse?”

  “You mean, what if I ate you,” I said.

  “Well, you had a chance to. But you didn’t. Hey, am I not good enough for you?” he asked playfully.

  I contemplated on that for a moment. Why didn’t I go for Tristen last night? He was sleeping right next to me.

  I smiled back.

  “Listen to me. You have to go get better before something else happens. We both know how out of control this can get. We’ve seen it. But Grace, ever since I’ve been around you, I never want to be away from you. I’m falling hard for you. And you have to know how much I don’t want you to go. But I will be here. And when they allow me to go, I will be there. With you.”

  “But we can be together now. You’re right, I haven’t eaten you. Or tried to. We can find a cabin in the woods and live there and you can hunt for me and everything will be fine. Tristen, I need you. I can’t do this alone,” I admitted.

  Tristen’s lips leaned into mine, forcefully. His hands found my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I tried to hold back my tears, but they came anyway as the realization that this was the last time I would kiss him set in. He wasn’t going to wait. He wasn’t going to come see me.

  I pulled away and continued to fight back the tears that came streaming down my face anyway.

  “Grace, you need to do this. And I know you can. You will be okay. And I will be here waiting for you. I would wait forever for you.”

  I stared into his eyes, analyzing him just as I did Dr. Roberson, trying to find some truth in what he was saying to me. The fact was this: We hadn’t been together long. Hell, I didn’t even know what we were at that moment. But I was leaving to some place far away. And he would be here, continuing on with school, deciding one day to go see Sonny and how she was doing, and then it would happen. They would be together once again, just as they have always found each other again after a breakup. And I would be forgotten, or at the very least remembered as the Creepy Zombie Girl that could have killed him but instead killed someone else and caused him to murder someone too. He would move on because that’s what he probably should do.


  “I have to finish packing,” I said. I carefully let go of him and turned toward my dresser. He didn’t say another word.

  After painful silences and packing, we headed back downstairs. Mom and Dr. Roberson stood up from the couch and walked over to the door. My mother wiped her eyes with a tissue.

  “Are you ready to go, Grace?” Dr. Roberson asked.

  I ignored him, and walked straight over to my mother. I wrapped my arms around her tight, and buried my face into her neck. I didn’t fight back my tears. I wanted her to know that I still loved her. But instead of telling her that, I whispered into her ear, “I will never forgive you. I thought that we were in this together. But I guess I was wrong.”

  She pulled me away from her and assessed my face. She was distraught and not expecting what I just said. Hell, I wasn’t expecting to say it. But it was what I felt. And she needed to know just how much she hurt me.

  I backed away from her, giving her one last look. She wasn’t breathing, and continued to watch my every move as I walked away from her.

  Mom stayed on the porch, wiping away her tears as Dr. Roberson walked over to the black SUV that was parked in the street. A tall man dressed in a black suit stood stiffly with his hands crossed in front of his groin. Very secret agent-like.

  I stopped on the sidewalk and turned toward Tristen.

  “Tristen. I just want to say…thank you. Thank you for not running away. Thank you for sticking this out with me.”

  “Grace, you don’t have to thank me.”

  “No, I do. And I have to apologize. I’m sorry that this will probably be a bad memory for you. I’m sorry that you had to do what you did last night.”

  “Grace, I did what I had to do to protect you. I’m not sorry for that. And you won’t be a bad memory.”

  I cut him off. “I want you to know that I will never forget you. I will always remember what you did for me. But, we can’t do this. I can’t put you through this. And I won’t make you wait for me.”

  “Grace. What are saying?” he asked, gripping my hand into his. He was confused.

  I let go, suddenly losing the desire to touch his skin. I didn’t want to. I would never feel it again.

  I turned around and took a step toward the car. Sure I felt like a coward, but what else was I supposed to say? It was over. If I was choosing to leave, I didn’t want to pine over him the entire time I was away, which would probably happen anyway. But most importantly, I didn’t want him to worry, or feel pressure, or angry because I wasn’t here, or feel guilty when he decided to move on. I had to let him go because I had no idea what my future was going to be like the second I got into that SUV.

  The tall Secret Agent Man opened the back door for me and before I stepped into the SUV, Tristen grabbed my arm. I turned around. His eyes were filled with tears and the second he blinked, one escaped his eye.

  “Grace, I won’t forget you. I won’t move on without you.”

  “Tristen, please,” I whispered and pulled away. “I have to go.”

  “I won’t let you go, Grace Watkins. This isn’t over.”

  I gave him one last look, and stepped into the car. The windows were tinted and I knew he couldn’t see me.

  I glanced over at my mother, who was now in the frame of the front door. And then to Tristen, who stood motionless on the sidewalk, staring at the tinted window. I closed my eyes, allowing all the tears I held back for him to finally fall.

  The Secret Agent Man stepped into the driver’s seat and Dr. Roberson motioned for him to begin the drive.

  We pulled away, and I didn’t look back. I couldn’t bear to see their faces again.

  Was I making the right decision? I was leaving behind all I knew. My best friend, whom I had killed and eaten. Were they going to bury her properly? What about her family?

  My mother, who worked my entire life to keep my disease a secret and did unimaginable things to keep me alive and going. Could I ever forgive her for lying and keeping it all from me?

  And Tristen, who murdered someone for me. Whom I still barely even knew, but professed to me that he was falling in love with me. Even after he found out who I really was. Will I ever get over him?

  “Grace, we have a jet waiting for us at the airport. You must be getting hungry. We will have food there for you.”

  As if on cue, a familiar pain shot through my torso. I didn’t look up at him.

  There was a moment of silence, and then Dr. Roberson turned his body toward me. “Grace, I know you are scared. But you made the right choice. We will take good care of you.”

  I didn’t answer, and he turned back around.

  I stared at my hands on my lap, suddenly feeling a sense of loss wash over me.

  I had no idea what was going to happen on that island. But I knew I had to get through it. Alone.