Read Turning Point Page 14

Chapter 14

  We took an early flight Saturday morning to the US Virgin Islands because we had to time our arrival perfectly. The girls weren’t too happy about it but they, along with Karen, slept throughout the four hour flight. I read a couple of New York papers.

  I found two articles about the bomb that had been dropped by Planetary Foods the previous day. I also found a quote by Robert Decker stating that Horizon Chocolates was happy with their current ad agency and they were not looking to switch. He called the rumors false and unfounded.

  I didn’t read much more of the paper. Instead I watched an action movie on the small screen on the seatback before me. I noticed that I was beginning to get nervous about my upcoming wedding. I wasn’t scared and I still wanted to go through with it more than anything but my nerves still got to me.

  We had a car pick us up at the airport as that was part of the wedding package we had prepaid for. We checked into the hotel quickly but Karen and I didn’t go to our rooms. We sent our luggage up and left the girls to fend for themselves for a couple of hours while we went immediately into town to get our legal paperwork ready for our wedding. We were back within a couple of hours.

  After an hour nap Karen and I changed into shorts and polos so that we could go explore the resort. We had a quick bite at one of the casual restaurants before we started walking the well manicured lawns.

  The hotel itself was located on a gentle hill with the back of it and the restaurants overlooking the beach and the ocean. To the left, the right and the front of the hotel were several acres of lawns, shrubs and a couple of really nice areas. We figured some of these were used to have wedding ceremonies. Eventually we made our way down to the beach where we found some of the other hotel guests sunning themselves. A bit north of the center of the beach we stumbled upon Christine and Emily sunning themselves on the resorts loungers. Both of them had what looked like tropical drinks that we were sure were alcoholic. Karen took a picture of them lying there without them noticing.

  “Where did they get those bikinis? Have they always had those?” I asked.

  “No, those are new. Let them have their fun. We’ll tease them later about it. Come on; let’s go before they see us.”

  We went back to the suite where we locked ourselves inside our bedroom. The girls came in about an hour later while Karen and I were kissing. We got out of bed and went out to talk to the girls.

  “Mom, I have a headache,” said Christine.

  I had never heard Christine refer to Karen as mom. It was nice to hear it from her.

  “Alcohol and sun will do that to you,” replied Karen. “Drink a glass of water and take one of the headache pills I have in the bathroom.”

  “We weren’t drinking alcohol,” said Emily, looking rather innocent.

  “Yeah and while you were at the beach sunning yourselves in those new bikinis you didn’t charge those pina coladas to the room either,” I answered back.

  “And we got a picture of it too,” replied Karen.

  Christine and Emily just looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just keep the alcohol to a minimum and don’t get drunk,” I said. “Now shower and put on some clean clothes. Dinner is in an hour. No jeans, no t-shirts, dresses, skirts or knee length shorts and a nice top.”

  Dinner was very good as the restaurant had a varied selection including a large assortment of fresh seafood. After dinner Karen and I went down to the beach where there was an evening bonfire. The girls headed to a small dancing club on the far side of the resort’s property.

  After a short walk on the beach, Karen and I headed back to our room. We lay down in bed and watched a movie. Actually she watched it. I was just enjoying having her in my arms. I couldn’t remember ever being this happy.

  In the morning we slept in as we figured the girls would too. I was half awake feeling heavenly while Karen kissed me good morning.

  “Dad, were going out for breakfast and then to the beach.”

  Karen suddenly sat up and turned to me.

  “Did you hear that?”

  “They’re going to beach after they eat. Yeah, I got that,” I said sleepily.

  “No, not that. The dad part.”

  “Right, who was that?”

  “Emily, she called you dad. Come on get up, let’s shower. Maybe we can conserve water if we shower together,” Karen said as she tugged on my arm.

  “I’m sorry lady but I’m engaged to another woman and I’m due to get married tomorrow. No hanky panky for me, thank you.”

  “Come on lazy man, shower with me.”

  Karen was very conservative back home. She threw me a curve ball here and there but I mostly knew what she was going to do. Here in the Virgin Islands though she was letting loose in a way that I had never seen. It was surprising, unexpected and completely out of the blue. It made me love her even more.

  After breakfast we headed down to the beach were we rented some sea kayaks and snorkel equipment. We tried to find the girls to see if they wanted to come with us but we couldn’t locate them. We paddled to one location and snorkeled and talked. After about twenty minutes we decided to over to another location. I paddled the kayak to what I thought was an odd shaped piece of floating debris and I found another kayak paddle. Both of us stopped and looked around to see if we locate who it belonged to. About one hundred yards away we saw two other kayaks and they seem to be looking right at us. I waved my paddle and saw someone coming towards me. I told Karen to wait as I paddled over to meet the other person.

  The man I met said that the paddle did indeed belong to them. Apparently he and his wife had been trying to get away from their two sons and had come out here to find some solitude when they lost the vital piece of equipment. We talked for about five minutes before we both headed back to where we had come from.

  “What was all that about?” asked Karen.

  “That was Cory from Indiana. His wife lost the paddle while they were snorkeling. Anyway I made dinner plans with them, their two sons and us tonight.”

  Two sons, huh?”

  “Well I thought that since they were looking for some time together and we might want to spend our wedding night alone, we might want to introduce the guys to the girls. He said they’re fine young men, eighteen and nineteen years old and they wouldn’t mind having a night to themselves. I don’t know, it might work out.”

  “You are conniving, aren’t you?”

  After a morning of watching fish, a dolphin and a couple of sea turtles we headed back to return the kayaks. We had lunch with the girls and they were going to go back to the beach until they heard we were headed to massages. They wanted to do that also. They each got private rooms for their massages and I got a couples’ massage with my bride to be.

  I didn’t think I was as tense as I was. It was normal for me for my muscled to be as tight as they were. Massages and rubdowns were not a normal activity for me. Apparently the high stress job, the marriage and taking care of the girls had gotten to me. Karen sounded like she was having more fun than I was. When we were done I felt like a bowl of gelatin and I needed a nap. The four of us napped before dinner.

  After I was ready and as I was waiting for the women in the living room of the suite, Christine came out of her room and sat next to me.

  “Can we talk in private?” she asked.

  I asked her to hold on as I went to tell Karen to for her and Emily to meet me and Christine down in the lobby. I came back to my niece and we went to have our talk. We found a couch off to the side and sat down.

  “I wanted to talk to you about this whole ‘dad’ thing. I don’t know, it’s kind of weird.”

  “I understand, honey. I’m different for me too. Being an instant dad is tough. I’m still getting used to the fact that when Emily says ‘dad’, that she means me. Your mom initially told me the same thing that your dad said about you, that I should take care of you as if you were my own. About a month before she passed away your m
om was no longer asking me anything. She was telling me. She said I was now going to be both your mom and your dad. When she passed away I freaked out. I didn’t know what to do with you. I seriously considered sending you away to boarding school. It was Karen that calmed me down and helped me with you during those tense first months when you wouldn’t even talk to me. Remember that?”

  “Yeah, I was so mean to you. I really regret that. I didn’t realize you were hurting too.”

  “In some respects Karen gently stepped in and played the role of your mom. I remember you spending evenings and even nights over at her place. She taught me that I could no longer be your friend only. I had to toughen up and be your parent. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard that was. Now I got it, for the most part.”

  “You’re still goofy sometimes, but yeah you got it.”

  “Getting married is really what I want now. I love Karen like I’ve never loved another woman before. I’ve asked both you and Emily if you approve. I’ve even asked for your blessings twice. The second time you and Em decided that Karen and I should adopt the both of you. That was your decision, not mine. We have been working with lawyers for a while now to get that done and we should finalize within three to six months. Look Christine, you don’t have to call me dad. There’s no pressure from me or Karen that you do so. Do whatever makes you comfortable. This is a different experience to all of us. Maybe Emily adapts better than the rest of us or maybe she just adapts first. No matter what you call me, you will always be my girl.”

  The bear hug she gave me was nice. She kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. She eased on the hug but didn’t let go. And we stayed like that until I saw our guests from Indiana.

  I stood up and introduced Christine and myself to Mr. Johnson and his two sons, Joshua and Michael. Christine apparently had already met the boys at the beach and started talking to them. Mrs. Johnson was still getting ready and would join us shortly. Mr. Johnson whispered something to Michael, the younger of his sons and he pulled Christine away so they could sit and talk. She went happily.

  “Joshua, you’ve obviously met my daughters?” I asked.

  “Yes sir. We spent most of the morning with them at the beach.”

  “How would you and your brother like to go on a date with them?”

  “Yes sir, that would be great.”

  “Tomorrow night would be ideal for all of us, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Now your father tells me you’re both fine young men who will be respectful of the girls. Those two young ladies are my life. I’m sure you understand.”

  “They will treat the girls with full respect,” added Mr. Johnson, looking at his son rather than assuring me.

  “Mr. Thayer, sir, both my brother and I are ranked in martial arts in Indiana. You can rest assured that your daughters will be safe in our hands. We will be respectful.”

  I took out my wallet and handed Joshua a couple of hundred dollars bills.

  “Sir?” the young man said, looking at the money, puzzled.

  “Make sure both you and they have a good time. They don’t have a set curfew but please don’t keep them out past two in the morning. And try to keep them relatively sober. At the very least don’t get them too drunk. The girls will be busy until late in the afternoon tomorrow. Make plans with them that also include dinner. You can eat here and put it on my room’s bill or go out. The resort’s concierge will let you know where to eat outside the resort as well as the best nightspots to hit.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Just then Mrs. Johnson approached us with Emily and Karen not far behind. After further introductions, the eight of us made our way to dinner.
