Read Tutu's & Cowboy Boots (Part 1) Page 28

  Chapter 26


  Jade texts and calls, but I don’t answer. I’m still pissed. I try to call it an early night, but I know that when I wake up I’ll have to work with Barrick. Just great! I rack my brain for a way to get back at him in the morning, but I come up short. At some point I drift off to sleep, but my mind replays our kiss over and over, but in my dreams I don’t push him away.

  After a fitful night’s sleep, I hurry to the barn to get started when I notice that Barrick’s not here. I try to hurry, but become clumsy and spill some feed.

  “Let me help you,” I hear him say as I sweep up the feed.

  “Oh, I believe you’ve helped me enough,” I say.

  I hear his footsteps approach. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Jade. I didn’t realize it was a big deal. I know she didn’t think about it either. Be pissed off at me, but not her. I can’t stand to see her upset.”

  “What do you mean? She’s the one that didn’t tell me the truth.”

  “You’re the first person she’s actually herself around. I’ve watched my sister try and fit the Maddie mold for years. It’s like the girl I’ve known my entire life is finally around for the world to see. Cadence, the moment you nominated her for homecoming queen changed her life. She needed someone besides me to believe in her.”

  I take my hand and place it on my heart. “Awe, isn’t that sweet! Her big brother is sticking up for her,” I say sarcastically.

  “Yeah, because that’s what I do. I stick up for people I care about, and you need to find someone to do the same for you.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Every time someone gets close to you, you push them away. I’ve watched it since you got here. You keep Ms. Mae, your mom, and Jade at arm’s length. Just when I think you’re going to wake up and lose that chip on your shoulder, it shows back up sharper than a two-edged sword.”

  “You’ve got some nerve!”

  “Do I?” he asks as he walks past me and starts to work. As I continue to sweep up the feed, he’s soon standing beside me again. “I thought I said I could do it my damn self.”

  “You might have said it, but I’m not going to let you. It’s okay to depend on other people,” he says as he starts to help me, and I mumble under my breath. For some reason, I let him help me. Once it’s cleaned up, I deliver the feed and leave him alone to clean the stalls.

  When I finish, I see the grossest thing ever.

  “What are you doing to Daisy?” I scream at him.

  Barrick looks over his shoulder. “I’m checking her. She’s pregnant, remember?” I seriously think I’m going to puke.

  “Don’t they make ultrasounds for that?” I question.

  “Yeah, but that costs money,” he says as he walks to the sink and begins to apply soap and water like what he was doing was no big deal.

  “That’s gross!” I say as I turn and walk toward the house, but not before I hear Barrick telling me to call Jade. Just as his words leave his mouth, my phone rings. It’s Jade and I reluctantly answer my phone.

  “Hello,” I say, unenthused.

  “I’m soooooo sorry, Cadence!”

  “Look, I don’t need a sorry. I just need to know why you didn’t tell me,” I say to her.

  “Honestly, every time I tried I got interrupted, but I should have told you before Barrick got there yesterday. I had hoped my dad would pick us up. Honestly, after you told me about him kissing you I was afraid you’d hate me. I know you don’t want to hear an apology anymore, but I really didn’t mean it.”

  I take a minute and think about her words. As much as I want to stay pissed at her, I can’t. She’s the one person that I have been able to count on. She’s my dance partner, friend, and honestly the only person I know in town except for her brother. Brother? That’s just so weird.

  “Fine,” I say.

  “Really?” she says with excitement.

  “Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning. Oh and for the record, I still think he’s an ass.” She laughs and we hang up.


  This is the week I should be hanging out with Lauren in New York, dancing at my studio, and taking Dad’s credit card shopping on Black Friday, but I’m not. Instead, I’m stuck here working my ass off. I really thought I was getting used to being here, but I guess knowing I should have gone home this week is making life difficult. I just want a break. I want to blink my eyes and go back to a time when my family was happy. I don’t care if it doesn’t last. I want a tiny piece of what my life used to be like.

  I thought all the physical labor would work out my anger, but I feel like it just makes it worse. Thankfully, Barrick has kept to himself and not pulled any pranks on me. I’m sure he thinks I’m mad at him but, for once, I’m not.


  Cadence has been helping more at the barn with school being out and I’ve been keeping my distance. I know she’s angry and I don’t want to make things worse. I haven’t even pranked her this week.

  She’s huffing and puffing as she cleans out one of the stalls.

  “Hey Cadence, feel free to take a break if you need one,” I say.

  “What?” she asks, finally looking at me.

  “I said, take a break. You’ve been working hard all morning.”

  “Fine,” she says, throwing the shovel. I take a step to follow her, but stop myself. I think she’s made it pretty clear that she doesn’t want any help from me. Within a few minutes I hear music coming from outside the barn, I try to refrain from going to watch, but it’s impossible.

  As I hear the barn door slide open, I turn and am caught by Ms. Mae.

  “Boy whatcha doin’?” she questions.

  “I heard music and decided to check it out.”

  “That so. Well, let me throw this out there for ya.” I turn and give her my full attention. “Cadence isn’t a girl I’d sneak up on. I thought you knew that already,” she says.

  “I know, but…”

  “Don’t but me. I know you like her, but she’s got some stuff to work out.”

  “I don’t,” I reply as she places her hands on her hips like she doesn’t believe me. “Ms. Mae, she’s pissed about something and for once it’s not because of me. I just feel bad for her.”

  “Don’t pity her, but be there for her. She’s dealing with more than any teenage girl should have to. Now, get back to work.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I answer. When Ms. Mae leaves, I quickly finish my tasks and try to think of a way to cheer Cadence up. I get an idea but I’m unsure if it will work, so I text Jade to run my plan by her. She’s a little cautious, but says that anything is worth a try.

  When I hear the music fade, I slide the door open and walk out to talk to Cadence.

  “Um, Cadence you got a minute?” She looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “I’ve got all the time in the world,” she says, tossing her arms in the air.

  “What do you say we get outta here?”

  “What do you mean?” she asks suspiciously.

  “I’ve got an idea but I need you to trust me.”

  “No, I’m good,” she says as she starts to walk off.

  “I ran it by Jade and she said she thinks you’ll like it.” She stops in her tracks and turns around. “Go get ready. I’m going to run home. I’ll be back.”

  “Okay… can you give me a hint?”

  “No, just be ready to have a good time. I’ll be back in an hour.”