Read Tutu's & Cowboy Boots (Part 1) Page 35

  Chapter 33


  I wake early to do my part on the farm before I leave, but I mostly want more time with Barrick this morning. I make sure to apply my makeup perfectly before going to the barn.

  I notice that Barrick’s early and has already gotten started when I walk into the barn. He looks up when he hears me and I’m unsure I like the look on his face.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “No reason,” I say as I start to help him.

  As we work, he doesn’t say much and it’s obvious something is on his mind. When I can’t take it anymore, I stop what I’m doing and walk over to him.

  “Will you tell me what the hell your problem is?” I say with my arms crossed.

  “I’m fine,” he says and everyone knows that fine doesn’t mean fine. I stand there and stare at him. “What?” he questions.

  “When I saw you yesterday you were normal Barrick, but today you look like you’re mad at the world. What’s going on?”

  He continues to work and I continue to stand there. “I’m not moving until you talk to me.”

  “Won’t you miss your flight?” he says with an attitude.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothin’,” he says as he stands to walk toward the sink and I follow.

  “Oh it means something. How can you go from asking me out to giving me the cold shoulder in less than twenty-four hours? What did I do?” I demand.

  He takes a deep breath and turns to me. “I overheard Jade talking to you last night.”

  “Okay,” I say and rack my brain for something that would have made him mad. I can’t come up with anything. “So you were being nosey and you’re mad at me? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he says.

  “Yes, it does. Just tell me what you thought you heard. I’m not leaving here until you tell me.”

  He looks me straight in the eye and asks, “Why was Jade talking about a tux? I don’t need a tux for New Year’s.” Then it hits me. He overheard me talking about Lauren’s plans for Jack Moore.

  “Are you serious right now? For starters, you just asked me out on a real date twenty-four hours ago. How do you have any claim to me yet? Maybe I’ll decide I don’t like you that much.” He looks hurt so I take a deep breath and start to explain. “I have to go to a party tomorrow night. It’s super fancy. I was telling your sister about my friend, Lauren. She’s got the hots for Jack Moore. His parents are throwing the party. She couldn’t believe that people actually get that dressed up for a party. That’s all.”

  He stands there as if he doesn’t believe me. “Barrick, I don’t know what’s going through your mind right now, but I can assure you that I don’t want anything to do with him. He’s just like my dad. All of them are, and I don’t want anyone that is anything like him,” I say as I take a step forward and look into his eyes. “I promise,” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Cadence!” I hear Mom yell as I jump out of Barrick’s arms. “You about ready?” she questions.

  “Yeah, just a minute. We’re almost finished,” I say as I look back at him. “I promise,” I say and he smiles.

  “You better go,” he says.

  I turn to walk out of the barn but glance back over my shoulder to find him watching me. I can’t wait for New Year’s Eve.

  Walking to the house, I get my suitcase and when I return to the foyer Barrick is standing there. “Let me get that for you,” he says with a smile. The four of us walk to the front porch. Barrick takes my suitcase to the Suburban while I tell Gran bye. I didn’t think leaving her would be this difficult. Mom and I walk to the truck. Barrick is still standing there and I look at Mom, who gives me a nod. I tell him thank you and give him a kiss on the cheek goodbye. He gives me a smile and I tell him I’ll see him in five days.

  I can tell Mom is nervous as she drives me to the airport. She tries to act as if this isn’t a big deal, but I know she’s worried I won’t want to come back.

  “Mom it’s going to be fine,” I say as confidently as I can.

  “I know. I just worry about you traveling alone.”

  “I’m a big girl,” I say with a laugh.

  “Don’t remind me,” she says.

  When we get to the airport, Mom helps me get my suitcase then she hugs me tightly. I promise to call her once I’m through security and again when I land. I walk inside and see her pull away.

  Once I’m through security I do as promised and call Mom and then text Lauren that I’m one step closer to seeing her. She sends me overly-excited emojis. Before long they are calling for passengers to board the plane. We’re in the air and on the ground before I have time to finish my book.

  As I power on my phone, I see a message from an unknown number letting me know they are here. I guess Bimbo has arrived. I tell her I’m on the ground and will be out soon, then text Mom and Lauren. Placing my phone in my purse, I stand to grab my carry-on bag when I hear a new text message alert from a number I don’t know.

  Unknown: I stole your number from my sister. Hope you had a great flight.

  I quickly save his number and then reply.

  Me: Sneaky are we! I just landed.

  Walking to the baggage claim, I look for the bimbo. I hear my phone again. It’s her and of course she’s waiting outside.

  Rolling my eyes as well as my luggage, I walk outside to look for her. I spot her in a brand new SL Roadster. I’d bet my entire savings that my dad bought it. She doesn’t bother to get out she just pops the trunk instead. I place my stuff in the trunk then slide into the passenger seat.

  I quickly adjust my sunglasses so I don’t have look at her directly. “How was your flight?” she asks.

  “Good,” I state.

  “Great! I’ve got an awesome afternoon planned for us. We’re going to get mani-pedis and then we’re going shopping. Your dad has given me strict instructions to buy you whatever you want.”

  “You’re joking?” I question.

  “Not at all,” she says as she floors it and we drive to an upscale salon. She walks in like she’s important. “Reservation for Lewis.” What did she say?

  The cute girl that welcomed us tells us to follow her. We take a seat in massage chairs for our pedicures. “Mrs. Lewis, would you like a glass of wine?” I quickly turn my head and almost break my neck.

  “Excuse me miss, but I’m Miss Lewis, not her,” I say with attitude.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she says and Bimbo gives me a go-to-hell look. I can see she hasn’t changed.

  We are civil to each other from this point on, but we both know that this is just for appearance. We go our separate ways as soon as we get to the mall. I find a ton of clothes, but can’t bring myself to buy most of them. There’s no way I’ll wear them in Delight. However, I can’t resist a new designer gown for tonight and an outfit for New Year’s Eve. I text several pictures to Jade to see what she thinks. Of course she loves them, and jokingly tells me to bring her something back. I must have read her mind because I already picked out a designer necklace for her to go with one of those awful monogrammed vests she wears.

  I meet up with Bimbo and check out. She doesn’t say much, but when we are almost to Dad’s she gives me a speech about being nice and not giving my dad any trouble. When have I ever been trouble?

  Dad is waiting for us by the front door with a glass of scotch in his hand. He sets it down and gives me a hug. He takes a step back and looks at me.

  “You look beautiful, Cadence.” He turns and looks at both of us. “We don’t have long before the party. You might want to get ready.”

  “Of course,” I say as I take my things to the guest bedroom.

  Before I take a shower, I make a quick call to Lauren letting her know I made it through the afternoon with Bimbo and that I can’t wait to see her.

take my time getting ready. I want to look flawless for my dad. He expects nothing but the best. I slide into the new Halston Heritage cocktail dress, which fits perfectly. I love dressing up. I slide on the matching high heels and look in the mirror once more before leaving with Dad.

  A valet stand is set up in front of the Moore’s home and a valet assists me out of the car. Bimbo loops her arm around Dad and I do my best not to trip her. As we enter the main room, I look around for Lauren or some other teen that I know. Dad sees me scan the room and tells me to stay with him for now. We make our rounds and he introduces me to new faces, and when we’ve made our rounds he dismisses me like a servant.

  Taking a glass of sparkling juice, I walk toward my group of friends. I take a big gulp when I see Jack Moore turn toward me. He gives me a wide grin and I smile back as I walk toward him.

  “You look amazing, Cadence,” he says.

  “Not so bad yourself,” I say. “Lauren!” I yell as I see her coming through the doorway. I run around Jack and hug her tightly.

  “Was Jack talking to you?” she questions.

  “Yeah, but he’s all yours,” I wink.

  For the next three hours I talk with Lauren and all my other friends from my old school. They tell me the scoop on everyone and as the evening comes to an end, Dad approaches me to tell me it’s time to leave. Lauren and I have already schemed for me to go to her house. It takes a little bit of effort, but he finally gives in. The only request is that I come home by noon tomorrow. No problem.

  I tell him bye and leave with Lauren and her parents. As soon as we are at her apartment, we change clothes and have a full-out gab session on everything that has been going on. When we are no longer able to laugh, cry, or keep our eyes open, we fall asleep.

  I wake up before it’s daylight, and I can only assume it’s Gran’s fault. I toss and turn and then decide to check my social media. No one else is up and I don’t want to wake them so I try to close my eyes. I doze off, but at eight thirty I’m up again and need to get up. I hear someone stirring. I quietly leave Lauren in the bed and make my way to the kitchen where I find her mom.

  “You’re up early,” she says.

  “I’ve been up before it was light.”

  “Did you not sleep well?” she asks with concern.

  “Oh, no. Since I’ve been at Gran’s, I’ve had to get up to work.”

  “Work?” she says with confusion.

  “On the farm. It’s nothing I enjoy but I have to if I want to stay on Gran’s good side.”

  She gives me a slight smile and then pours me a cup of coffee. “Morning, sleepy head,” I say to Lauren as she shuffles into the kitchen.

  “When did you become a morning person?” she asks.

  “Don’t ask,” I say with a laugh. “Are we going to the studio today?” I question.

  “I thought you had to be back at noon.” I shrug my shoulders as if I don’t care.

  We eat breakfast and I tell her mom about life at Gran’s. Watching her expressions is like a horror movie, especially when I tell her about milking a cow by hand, but when I tell her about the monogramming she looks as if she’ll die. Believe me, I feel her pain.

  Lauren and I get dressed and I seriously want to go to the studio, but she insists that I do as Dad wishes. I take the subway to Dad’s house and am angry that he’s not home. I could have just stayed at Lauren’s. I send him a text and walk to the studio.

  Opening the double glass doors, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I’m so happy to be back. Several of my friends greet me and tell me how much they missed me as I walk back to Madame’s office. She welcomes me with a hug and I fill her in on my life. She acts as if she’s listening, but I can see that her mind is elsewhere.

  After two hours on the floor, I make my way back to Dad’s. I feel like an outsider because there is nothing that reminds me of our family except for one picture on his desk from my recital last year.

  I shower and take a moment to see what Jade is up to. She quickly tells me that her brother looks like a lost puppy and that makes me laugh. She tells me that everyone at the studio has asked where I am, and that she’s excited about going out for New Year’s.

  I text Lauren to see what she wants to do tomorrow. We come up with a plan and then she informs me that Jack Moore has been blowing her phone up. I’m so excited for her; it’s like a dream come true. I take a moment and relax until I hear Dad come home.

  While we eat dinner he asks about my plans for the remainder of my stay, and then we retreat to the living room. Dad asks if I want to watch a movie, and it feels like old times. I can’t help but say yes.

  “Can we watch The Game Plan?” He smiles and Bimbo looks confused.

  “Isn’t that a kid movie?” she questions.

  “So?” I say to her. “Dad and I always watched it together. Didn’t we?” I turn to him.

  “We did, and I think that sounds like a great idea.”

  We get all comfy in our chairs and I notice Bimbo is actually paying attention. I’m so happy to have a few hours where I don’t have to worry about life. I just get to enjoy a glimpse of what my life was like when Dad was always with me.

  As the credits roll, I see that Bimbo has fallen asleep, but Dad is still wide-awake.

  “Cadence, want to go get some coffee?” he asks.

  “Sure,” I say. Dad and I leave Bimbo in the chair, and walk down the street to the closest coffee shop. We order and take a seat while we wait.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he says.

  “Me too. I miss it here,” I say to him.

  He gets quiet as they call our names to get our coffee.

  “I’m sorry about how things have been. It’s been difficult to figure out a balance.”

  “Are you serious?” He nods. “I thought you were going to apologize for screwing around on Mom,” I say bluntly.

  “Cadence! I thought we were past that.”

  I laugh at him. “Oh, I can see that you are, that’s for sure, but no worries I’m sure Mom and I will get there. I also thought you might apologize to your only daughter for uprooting her, screwing up her future and forgetting to call her.”

  Standing, I no longer want to be here. Dad stands as well and we walk back to his apartment. The living room is empty when we walk in. Dad tries to apologize, but I don’t want to hear it. He offers to take me shopping tomorrow. He’s joking right? He can’t use money to fix this. I hatefully tell him goodnight and go to my room.

  I pick up my phone and call Mom. She answers with concern in her voice. I tell her that I want to come home now, but she refuses to let me. I get angrier by the minute. She tells me to calm down and to call her in the morning. She believes that if I sleep on it I will change my mind as she reminds me that I’ve wanted to be in New York since I’ve left. Taking a deep breath, I know she’s right. I calm down and tell her I love her.


  Cadence has barely been gone twenty-four hours and I’m going crazy. I can’t forget the comment about not being official or whatever. Heck no we’re not official, but I dare tuxedo boy to touch her. I’d go redneck quick. Unable to shake it, I decide to talk to Jade.

  “Come in,” she says as I knock on her door.

  “You got a minute?” I ask her.

  “Always for you,” she says as I take a seat on her bed.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her, knowing it’s quite obvious.

  “Painting my nails. Would you like me to do yours?” she asks, moving closer to me.

  “Nah. Purple isn’t my color.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Do you think Cadence misses this place?”

  “I have no idea. She’s texted me a few times, but seems to be having fun.”

  “Did she mention anything about that party?” I ask, fishing for answers.

  “Yeah, she said it was fancy. She hung out with her old friends and spent the night
at Lauren’s. Oh my gosh, she sent me a pic of the dress. Barrick, it was amazing.” She grabs her phone and shows me. Holy shit. The way the red complements her hair is the second thing I notice. The dress is short as hell, and her legs go on for days. “Stop drooling, Romeo.” She giggles.

  “I’m not,” I say, but she just gives me a look. “Did she mention anything else?”

  Jade pauses and looks at me. “If you are wondering if there was a date or guy, the answer is no. Stop being such a worrywart before I paint that on your forehead,” she says, holding the nail polish too close to me.

  I run my fingers through my hair. This girl, who I haven’t even been on a real date with yet, is driving me crazy. “You promise not to get mad if I tell you something?” I ask her.


  “I listened to you talking to her the other night before she left. I heard you talking about a tux. I asked her about it. Of course she got an attitude, but then told me I had nothing to worry about. Do you think she’s telling the truth?”

  “Okay, I can see that me being friends with your wannabe girlfriend is going to be tough. From what she told me and without breaking girl code, you have nothing to worry about. Now if you’re done asking me twenty questions, I want to get back to painting my nails and watching Party Down South.

  I can’t believe she watches that crap. Leaving her room, I go to mine, and do my best to believe what my sister has said. The next ninety-six hours are going to feel like an eternity.