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  Chapter IX

  The soft silvery radiance which this planet seemed to feature, bathedthe metal hallway as Kirk marched stolidly toward the slim arcingstairway that led toward Naia's floor. This was certainly a strangebuilding, he thought. The architects of Mythox knew how to use curves.They utilized them for utility and beauty to a point where a straightline was something to be surprised at. Pretty smart people, theMythoxians--in more ways than one.

  And Kirk, for no apparent reason, thought of a phrase common amongchildren during his own childhood, "Who died and left you boss?"

  He counted the markings over one door. He had seen those markingsbefore. Naia North lived here.

  And Naia North was in. Kirk walked softly across the large foyer roomand quietly pushed open a door to the left. Naia, clad as always, inbeauty, lay sleeping on a bed that stood out from the wall on two narrowrods of metal and needed no other support.

  As Kirk opened his mouth, Naia awakened, so she was looking calmly athim as he spoke. "Up, baby. You've got a date with a hot electrode a lotof light years from here. It's a hike, so rise and shine."

  Naia sat up very slowly, very gracefully. She was what men dream offinding in bed beside them. What they marry to keep in bed beside them.

  "You must be mad."

  "As a hatter, baby. Into your duds." He saw her glance at the door jambof the bedroom entrance, saw the shadow of disappointment in her lovelyeyes. "You didn't put those Joe Louis light rays in your bedroom, didyou?"

  Naia set her feet on the floor and drew herself to her full height. Shewore light blue, a gown that hung as had that of Guinevere, as that ofthe Maid of Shalot.

  But Naia was contempt. She was contempt clothed in cold blue, thencontempt naked as she allowed the gown to fall to the floor. A fewminutes later, she was contempt clothed for the street in tight britchesand a loose blouse.

  "You go first," Kirk said. "And do as you're told. You may be aMythoxian, but this .45 doesn't know that. It puts big holes inanybody."

  As Mala walked serenely toward the hall door, there was only a touch ofsullenness at the corners of her mouth. She turned her head to speakover her shoulder. "Hiding behind a woman, brave Earthman?"

  "Yes and no. I'm hiding behind a woman from those damn straight-leftrays; and I'm not a brave Earthman. I spend most of my time scared todeath. That's why all of us are getting back to Earth quick, so I candraw an easy breath."

  "All of us?"

  "Oh yes. Didn't I tell you? You're taking me to the places I can findAlma Dakin and Orin. We're going to have witnesses and testimony. Andthe party who gets burned isn't going to be Paul Cordell."

  "I won't--"

  "Hold it, honey."

  Kirk had picked up two items upon leaving Naia's apartment. A pair offilmy silk stockings and a white scarf. He jerked Naia's hands behindher back in somewhat of a surprise move. Before she recovered, herwrists were tightly bound. She gasped, "You--madman," just before hedeftly pulled the scarf across her mouth and twisted it into aneffective gag. He stepped back to admire his handywork.

  "Now we're all ready. Orin and Alma."

  Naia shook her head in a slow negative, Kirk pushed her gently into thehall and rounded to face her. "Yes, baby," he said. "You ought to knownow I won't be stopped. I need Orin to fly that space buggy. If I don'tget him we can't go. Then there'd be nothing left for me to do but eventhe score for Paul Cordell. He'll have to go but you'll keep himcompany."

  Naia stood like a statue, apparently considering. Then she moved slowlydown the corridor in the opposite direction from which Kirk had come.Down three curving flights and stopping finally in front of a dooridentical to her own. Kirk stepped forward and leaned firmly on theknob. The door opened. He knew where the bedroom was in these apartmentsnow. He pushed Naia ahead of him, into the bedroom and saw Alma lyingwith her eyes closed.

  Kirk whirled, just in time to level his gun and bring Orin to a deadstop. "Over by the bed, high-born." As Orin complied, Kirk leered atNaia. "That was clever, but I had it doped. I spotted them for husbandand wife or the Mythox equivalent quite some time back. A good chanceshot to hell."

  "What do you want here?" Orin demanded.

  "A chauffeur. We're heading Earthward on the first ship. That's the oneout in the jungle."

  "But you talked to Tamu. I thought--"

  "I'd been suckered? No, no my friend! On the force they called me the boywith the one-track mind."

  "I can see what they meant," Orin sighed.

  "I thought you would. Tell your wife to get dressed. We're getting anair-sled."

  "You might have the decency to--"

  "I won't turn my back. You can stand between us. That's the best I cando."

  * * * * *

  Alma dressed swiftly in a costume similar to Naia's. When they wereready to leave, Kirk said, "Now let's get it straight once and for all.I'll stand for no fast moves. It's Earth, or some quick slugs. Do youfollow me?"

  They did not speak but they evidently believed Kirk because, fifteenminutes later, the party of four stood beside the ugly ship while thicktrees and grasses whispered around them.


  In the corridor, Orin stopped and turned as though having thought of aconvincing argument he was bent upon trying. Kirk poked him sharply inthe ribs with the barrel of the .45 and he moved on after the womentoward the ladder and thence to the motor room.

  Once inside, Orin turned and spoke sharply. "Won't you reconsider?"

  "Push the levers, Jack. The right ones."

  "Tamu is a reasonable man. We could talk to him again. He would makeeven a more generous offer."

  "I'm waiting."

  "Certainly you did not refute the logic of his argument? We are in theright. Our case is just. The galaxies must be protected from--"

  "The right levers, Jack."

  "--from those who through ignorance, stupidity, or ferocity woulddestroy it."

  "One more minute of this and there'll be dead people aboard this ship."

  "You're helpless, really. You can't fly this ship without me. Thereforemy life is safe. I merely refuse to launch it."

  "Would you like a dead wife?"

  Orin whitened perceptibly.

  "She may be a wife to you, but to me she's just a doll who helped lie aman into the chair."

  "You wouldn't do it! You haven't got the nerve to shoot down a man or awoman in cold blood."

  Kirk looked steadily into Orin's eyes. "You don't believe that do you,bud?"

  Orin held the gaze for a long time. Then he dropped his eyes. "No. Idon't believe it."

  "Then get to work."

  "One last offer. Won't you reconsider. Join us?"


  "Very well."

  And Orin, a fixed, taut look on his face, reached forth his hand andtouched a button on the panel board. It was a very special button.

  A button for use only when all hope was gone.

  The exploding space-time ship lighted the countryside to blindingbrilliance.

  * * * * *

  A.P. Jan 21st--Shortly after midnight today, Paul Cordell, convicted killer in the famous "woman from Mars" case, was put to death in the electric chair at the state penitentiary.

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