Read Twenty and Jobless Page 5

  "Las Vegas strip everyone," chuckles the Driver. "The Mandalay Bay hotel and casino is coming up on your left."

  The sun roof rolls open. Kate grabs my hand and forces me through with her.

  "It's so beautiful, JayJay."

  I look at her big eyes light up with neon yellows and reds from the cars passing by. Her mouth wide open with a smile.

  "It really is, Kate. It really is."

  "And to your right is the MGM grand arena, famous for hosting the best boxing fights in the world."

  I shake my head and look to the right. A giant, golden lion statue growls back at me. "I can't believe it. My dad fought here once."

  "Your dad was a boxer?"

  "Yeah," I laugh. "Luckily the broken nose didn't pass down a generation."

  "Your father must of been one hell of a boxer, sir," says the Driver.

  "Nah, not really. He was more of a warm up act if anything."

  Kate tugs on my sleeve, "New York!"

  The towering skyline of New York City passes by on the left. It looks just like it, well, at least I think that's what it looks like. I've only ever seen pictures.

  "If you want to see the world in a day, you come to Las Vegas," shouts the Driver.

  A red sports car screams past quickly followed by a yellow one. Their brake lights screeching as they weave in and out of the sea of traffic.

  "So where you folks staying?"

  "We don't even know," beams Katie. "What do you suggest?"

  "Depends what your price range is."


  "Caesar's Palace it is then."

  Caesars's Palace? Isn't that where they...

  "Hey, JayJay. That's a little bigger than our city centre, don't you think," laughs Kate.

  The city centre to the right catches my eye, its glass towers flashing red and white as the cars flood past. I see the reflection of me and Kate in the limo. Our faces fixed with a permanent look of shock.

  I turn to her, a small tear of champagne running down her cheek. I pull my finger up and wipe it away. Her skin warm to the touch.

  Smiles at me. “I can't believe we're here, JayJay."

  "Me either, Kate. Me either."

  "Welcome to Caesar's Palace."

  The limousine spins off the main road, dodging the fountains spraying water several feet into the air, and stops right in front of the entrance.

  We climb out of the sunroof and slide down the side of the window. Crowds of people flocking through so we join them without hesitation.

  Kate grabs my hand, "Look at the statues and the waterfalls. I think I'm in heaven, JayJay."

  Marble statues encrusted in gold are everywhere. I feel like I've just stepped back in time. It's just like I imagined Rome to look like. Maybe without the endless lines of poker tables and slot machines, and the tourists flocking through with their cameras dangling around their necks.

  "The receptions over there," says Kate.

  We navigate our way around the fountains and approach the desk, a woman plastered with make-up waiting in anticipation.

  "Welcome to Caesar's Palace, are you returning or have you just arrived?"

  "We've just arrived," says Kate.

  "That's wonderful, I hope your enjoying yourself so far."

  "We are, it's so beautiful here."

  "I'm glad to hear that. So, are you interested in booking a room with us?"

  "Yeah," says Kate. "Umm, what should we have, JayJay?"

  "A room?" I say.

  "A normal two bedroom?" asks the Receptionist.

  "No, we should get a suite, JayJay."

  Before I can say anything, Kate interrupts, "We will have a two bedroom suite with the best view of Las Vegas you can get."

  "Of course, and how will you be paying today?"

  She flicks her gold credit card out again, grinning from ear to ear. I'm starting to think she enjoys doing that.

  "Right away, Mr and Mrs..."

  I'm about to say, we're not married when Kate butts in again.

  "Banks. Mr and Mrs Banks," she says, nudging me in the shoulder.

  I'm beginning to like the sound of it, even though I really can't believe nobody's noticed what the name actually says.


  We take the elevator to the top floor and arrive at our room.

  "I'm so excited," says Kate, stamping her boots against the floor. "Let's get in there."

  She rams the key card into the slot and the door swings open, along with Kate.

  Two spiralling staircases on either side of the balcony. A stunning stone crafted ceiling with, what I guess, pictures of different Roman gods holding golden swords and black axes.

  I stutter down the stairs with a massive grin on my face, my hand gliding across the highly polished banister, the slight smell of lemon catching my nose.

  Kate darts from one piece of furniture to the next, coming up with a different pose every time she reaches something new.

  "Look at this chair, and the bed, and this rug, oh my god, JayJay, why aren't you looking at the rug?"

  She's like a kid wired with too much sugar, eyes popping out of her head, beaming smile that won't disappear.

  "It looks good," I say.

  "Good? Is that it? We just got into the most expensive hotel in..."

  Everything goes silent. Her mouth drops. Eyes fixed behind me.

  "What is it?"

  I turn around to see the huge arched window behind me. The clear glass showing the whole of Las Vegas. Neon colours dancing across the skyline. Thousands of people scurrying down on the streets. Faint sounds of soft music vibrating against the glass.

  "It''s...just wow."

  I cast my eye at Katie, "I know," I say. "It really is something."

  She presses her finger against the window, eyes narrowing, "Is that the Eiffel Tower?"

  I shake my head and look to where she's pointing, "It says restaurant on it."

  My shoulder gets ripped down to my side. "We should eat there," says Kate smiling, her nails digging into my arm.

  "Okay, okay, relax," I laugh.

  She let's go of my arm, "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited." She looks me up and down, "I think we need to get changed first though."

  I take a glance down, my suit still as dirty as ever, "I have no idea what you mean. I look perfect."

  "I've got an idea," says Kate. She roots through her bag and pulls out a handful of squashed cash. "Go buy yourself a new suit and I'll meet you at the Eiffel Tower for dinner."

  "Where'd you get that money?"

  "I withdrew it while you were asleep on the plane."

  "How long was I asleep for?"

  She shoves the money in my hands, "I'll see you later, JayJay. About an hour, okay?"

  Before I can say anything, she's already up the stairs and out the door. Where does she get all this energy from? I feel so tired. That plane...wait? Did she say dinner? Is that a date?

  Chapter Ten

  I fidget in the chair beside the cornered window, looking out to the Vegas strip, rearranging the contents of the table with the tips of my fingers. Why am I so nervous. It's just Kate.

  My eyes flick up to the entrance of the restaurant. The man in a bow tie is taking down notes and pointing people to their seats. It's packed in here. Like sardines rammed in a tin.

  I readjust my collar, my sweaty palms making it hard to grip onto anything. Stupid suit. The man in shop said fitted looked better. Said it made me look sophisticated; if that’s even possible. He just failed to mention how unbelievably uncomfortable it is to wear though.

  Where is she? What if something happened to her on the way? Stop being nervous Jay. She'll be here. Just relax.

  "Mrs Banks. Table forty five, by the window at the back."

  I stretch my neck up to see Katie at the entrance dressed in a tight red dress, showing her legs up to the middle of her thigh. Her black high heeled shoes making her look a foot taller. At least I
think it's Kate. She looks different, stunning even. Not like the girl I met at the bus stop.

  She weaves in and out of the tables with ease, her hair straight and cut to the shoulder. It bobs up and down with her bright smile dispersing my nerves at first glance; the perfect cure.

  She reaches my table. I try to get up but I can't. My legs won't let me.

  "Hey," she whispers. "Can I join you?"

  "Er-erm, yeah, sure okay," I splutter.

  Why's my mouth dried up? I drank half of the jug of water while waiting. I scramble for the glass of wine I’d been saving and gulp down half of it as she sits down opposite.

  We wait in silence, the faint sounds of French violins playing in the background. C'mon, say something then Jay.

  "Welcome to Paris," I stutter. Is that the best you can come up with.

  "I know, who would of thought we'd see the world in a day."

  She flicks her eyelashes at me.

  "You look beautiful, Katie," I whisper.

  "Thanks, JayJay."

  My heart races. I lean forward and place my hand on hers. I think I'm starting to...I mean...I think I am in...

  "May I take your orders?" asks the waiter.

  I glare at him as he places the menus in front of our faces.

  "Thank you," I say through gritted teeth.

  "Would you like another bottle of wine?"

  "Yes, thank you," I say, still frowning.

  "Of course, sir. I'll be back with your drinks in a moment."

  He readjusts his towel on his forearm and trots off down the aisle.

  I look at the menu. French words everywhere. What the hell's an escargot?


  I peer over my menu. Katie's green eyes hiding behind hers.

  "What's an escargot?" she whispers.

  I start laughing, "I have no idea. What should we have?"

  "What about a fillet of trout," she says pouting like a fish.

  "Haha, I don't like fish, but I think I could make an exception for you, Nemo."

  "Thanks, JayJay. But seriously, I'm starving, what should we have?"

  I glance at the menu, then back up at Katie, "I really don't understand anything on this menu."

  "I've got an idea." She slides her chair around the table until it collides into mine, "Just like the airport. We will let fate decide."

  She places her soft hands over my eyes and whispers into my ear, "Point, JayJay."

  I can't help but laugh as I wave my hand around the air, feeling slightly stupid.

  "Stop," Kate whispers.

  She let's go of my eyes and I look at where my finger is pointing, "Escargot it is."

  "I guess so," she smiles.

  She goes to slide her chair back and I instinctively grab her arm. I don't know why. My hand just went without me saying.

  "Don't leave me," I whisper, the words escaping my lips without thought.

  She places her hand on my cheek and slides her thumb across my eyebrow, shivers running down my neck.

  "Your wine, Mr and Mrs Banks."

  A bottle of wine is thrust between us.

  "Thanks, again," I mutter.

  "You're welcome, sir," says the waiter without a single sign of emotion on his face. "May I take your orders now."

  "One plate of escargot, I guess."

  "Fine choice, sir." The waiter snatches the menus from the table and trots off down the aisle.

  "JayJay," she places her hand on mine. "I need to tell you something."

  "What's wrong, Kate."

  "The thing is, I mean..." She pauses. Her eyes darting from left to right. It's never good when someone’s eyes do that.

  "Your meal," shouts the waiter. He spins a metal plate on his hand and places it on the table. "Bon-appetite."

  He pulls off the lid and trots back off down the aisle again. I'm starting to think he's in the wrong job.

  The smell of garlic reaches my nose before my eyes get a chance to see the revolting dead bugs on the plate.

  "Are they snails?" says Katie, smirking.

  I take a closer look. Eight shells are placed in a circle, green stuff oozing out of them. A small piece of bread on the side.

  "I think they are."

  "You try one first," she smiles.

  "I don't think I want to."

  "Go on. I'll eat one if you do."

  She's lying. I'm a liar and I know when someone else is lying.

  "Let's do it together," I say.

  She reaches forward and grabs two shells, offering me the larger one, "Okay then. On three."

  I lift the snail to my lips, strong smell of garlic making my nose twitch.


  I scrunch my eyes shut and empty the shell into my mouth, trying to chew the rubbery slime in my mouth. It's vile. I give up and swallow it whole, banging my feet against the floor to give myself encouragement.

  "What did it taste like?"

  "Like eating someone else's snot," I say, gulping down some wine with it. Wait. Why's she asking me?

  I look at her. The shell still in the palm of her hand, two dimples appearing on either side of her cheeks. I knew she was lying.

  "You didn't eat it you little cheater."

  "Of course not. I can't even be in the same room as a spider. Did you really think I was going to eat a snail? Noway."

  I smile. "I'm glad you didn't anyway."


  "Because I want to kiss you later."

  Her eyes widen, "Kiss me later? Why wait till later?"

  I stroke my hand across her arm, "Because I don't want to be interrupted again."

  "Your check, Mr and Mrs Banks," says the Waiter, dropping a small plate in the middle of the table. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

  "No thank you," giggles Katie. "I think I'll wait till we get back."

  I grab the receipt and scan the list, "Twenty dollars for something I can find in the back garden. I hope you accept cards here."

  Chapter Eleven

  We stumble out of the restaurant laughing. "Which way was it again?"

  "That way," says Katie pointing towards the dark alley laced with green dumpsters, the hotel beaming in the background.

  I stick out my arm and bow, "We best get going then, my lady."

  "Why thank you, kind sir." She places her arm through and we laugh our way across the road, entering the alleyway.

  "I'm still hungry, JayJay."

  "Me too, I hope they've got room service."

  "I feel a bit...a bit...weak."

  Her body goes limp. She drops to the floor clutching her side.


  I fall to my knees, her face pale,"What's wrong? What is it?"

  "My medicine," she winces. "JayJay, quick."

  I grab her bag and tip it upside down, scattering the contents on to the gravel, my hands fanning out. Where is it! Where is it!

  "JayJay," she cries. "My...eyes..."

  I scramble the items across the floor, orange lid catching my eye under a bit of tissue with blood on.

  "I've got them, Kate," I say, still looking at the bloodied tissue. "Just hold on, I've got them."

  I pop the lid off with my thumb. It's empty.

  Her body collapses into my lap.

  "Kate? Katie! Stay awake!"

  I shake her. Nothing. I push back one of her eye lids. Green eyes rolled back into her head. My hand drops to her wrist. Slow, faint sound of her heart still beating. I don't understand. I need help.

  I scoop her up, hands trembling so much I can hear her silver bracelet tapping against the buttons on my sleeve.

  "Somebody help me!" I scream, warm tears dribbling down my cheek. "I need help!"

  The crowds of people at the end of the alley continue to walk by, not looking up for a second, chattering away, the music too loud for my voice.

  "What's wrong, brother."

  I snap my neck around to see a man with a straggly black beard emerge from the shadows.
  "She needs medicine. Call an ambulance," I say, looking back at Katie’s face. Her skin looks yellow. What the hell's wrong with you Kate? Is it your shoulder?

  "What medicine does she need?"

  "I don’t know," I stutter, searching my mind for the labels on the tubs. "Sorafenib, I think, and painkillers, codeine."

  "I can get that for you."

  "You can? Do you have it on you? I think she's..."

  "For a price," he growls.

  He moves out of the shadows, his stained brown trench coat dragging through the puddles.

  He smirks out the corner of his mouth, his stumpy hands combing through his hair with ease, "A generous price that is."

  "She's in pain you son of a bitch!"

  I hear a puddle splash behind me followed by the release of a warm snort across my neck.

  "Do we have a problem, Phil?"

  Another man appears out of the shadows, his jaw squared and nose bent. He towers over me, black hairs visible from his flaring nostrils.

  I hold Katie tighter to my chest and back up towards the wall, "What do you want? Just tell me, alright? I don't want trouble. She needs help."

  The man in front stops, kicking his boots into my shoes, "She's a pretty one, isn't she?" He reaches forward and strokes the back of his dirty fingers across her cheek.

  I snatch her away and step back, the sound of heavy breathing down my neck. "Watch where you're going, Romeo."

  Before I can move, I feel a sharp blade wedge into my neck and glide up to my chin.

  "She can stay here while you get our money," says the voice behind.

  "Fuck you," I croak. There's no way I'm letting her stay here.

  "Romeo's got balls, Harry," snorts the man in front.

  The man behind starts laughing, nipping my neck as the blade bobs up and down. I wince but quickly straighten my face. I'm not showing them it hurt. They'll only enjoy it.

  He pulls out a small knife and pushes the blade into Kate's wrist, "Now listen here, Romeo. It's gonna go down like this. You leave miss pretty here with my friend and me and you will take a walk to the bank."

  "What about the medicine?"

  "You'll get it when I get my money."

  "She'll die before then. Give me the codeine to ease the pain."

  He starts cackling, his chipped, brown teeth appearing through his split lips, "I think she needs the sorafenib first."

  He pauses, his eyebrow raised, "You don't know what it is, do you?"

  What's he talking about? What is sorafenib?

  "You fucking idiot," he laughs. "She gonna die no matter what you do, Romeo!"

  "Just give me the sorafenib then," I shout. "Give me something goddamit! I won't give you a single penny if she dies, you understand? Nothing!"