Read Twice Driven Page 2

  Jackson snorted. “Only cup of coffee for forty fucking miles, but it’s a good one.”

  I laughed, somehow feeling more human in that moment with the two rough strangers on the side of the road than I had in months with Joe and my life back in Vegas. My eyes ran over the two men, and I blushed as I realized that for probably the fourth time since they pulled up, I was full-on checking them out. I mean they were gorgeous, in that road-hardened, masculine way - a way that had my pulse skipping a beat and a shiver running though my body.

  God, I bet they’re amazing in bed.

  I blushed as soon as I thought it, quickly dipping my eyes down the ground, even if they were hidden by sunglasses. What sort of person was I, standing on the side of a desert road checking out two strangers while on the run from my boyfriend.

  A free person, that’s what, the voice inside shouted indignantly.

  I took a breath, realizing I was just staring at the two bikers like a total weirdo. “Well, sounds like a great cup of coffee to me,” I said with a smile, feeling that flutter run through me agains as both men eyed me with broad grins on their faces. “I’ll have to check it out.”

  And weirdly, right them, I didn’t want them to leave. I was feeling better than I had in months there on the side of the road with the two of them, and I was suddenly worried about falling back into that pit of despair as soon as they left. They might be total strangers, and maybe even a little scary even as nice as they were being, but they were also treating me better than Joe ever had, and that was something.

  “, do you want to come get a cup with me?” I felt like an idiot the second I said it, and I actually cringed when the words slipped past my lips.

  “Sorry, I mean, only if you—”

  “We’d love to, darlin,” Jackson said with an easy grin, running his fingers through his dirty blond hair. “But we gotta take a rain check. Got some business we need to get to.”

  I could feel the heat blooming hot across my face and chest. “Oh, right, of course.”

  “We live in town though, well, outskirts,” Connor said in his gravely voice. “I’d sure take a rain check on that.” He winked at me, and I felt that same illicit little thrill I’d had early when thinking about the two of them in bed run through me once again.

  “If you’re staying at Marge’s motel, we’ll look you up there tomorrow if you’d still want to get that coffee then.”

  I felt my pulse quicken. “Definitely.”

  Jackson grinned. “Well, start ‘er up and make sure it’s running.”

  I nodded as I opened the door the car and slid in. The engine turned instantly, and the car rumbled to life. Connor nodded. “Should get you to town no problem, Abby.”

  His eyes lingered on me as he said my name, and I could feel the thrill of that gaze tingle over my skin. I closed the door and rolled the window down. “Again, I can’t thank you guys enough.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jackson said with another panty-melting smile. “You can pay us back by getting into town tonight in one piece.”

  “A cup of coffee tomorrow,” Connor added, winking at me again.

  “You bet,” I said with a smile as I put the car into drive and pulled out of the empty gas station, my eyes on the two men in my review mirror.

  Chapter 3


  20 minutes earlier

  I gunned the engine, feeling the Harley roar between my legs and Con and I barreled down the empty highway. We let the throttle out at same time, opening the bikes up to insane speeds as we hit the straightaway that let out past the west plains outside town. Well, insane maybe to the outsider, but Connor and I knew these roads like the back of our hands. We probably could’ve done this drive with our fuckin eyes shut, truth be told.

  We’d grown up here in Parker, Nevada. Con and I had been best buds from the get-go, and when both of us lost families early on, we’d stuck together like our own little family. Bikes were in our blood early on, but so was fierce independence, which is probably why we’d stuck around a town like Parker, which was home to more than a few outlaw and off-the-grid types, along with people who just wanted to be free.

  Suited us pretty good.

  We’d tried to patch in to a few clubs, but honestly, it’d never stuck. Guess we had a bit too much of that independent streak for even most bike clubs. So, we’d started our own two-man team. Con and I had grown up rough, and we weren’t afraid of the outlaw life. Drugs we stayed the fuck away from, but we had our fingers in pretty much everything else - ran some guns for a few cartels, did the odd security gig for underground card games, and maybe even the odd smack-down if the price was right.

  We weren’t going to get rich doing this shit, but it afforded us the life we needed. Gas for the bikes, drinks when we got thirsty, pussy when we needed it, and the freedom of the open road.

  How many fuckers with a nine-to-five job and a 401k can say they’ve got nothing tying them down?

  I could see the sign of the old Lux Oil station up ahead as we roared around the bend. The place had been empty for years, but Con and I had both had our first jobs changing oil and pumping gas at that place when we were kids. We still pulled in sometimes on our way back through town to take a beer break.

  Also a great place to bring chicks, I might add.

  Today wasn’t going to be one of those days though, because today we were on a job. I’d never really been a fan of the “find and retrieve” type gigs we got from time to time, especially when it was from those wannabe mob fuckers. It was also some poor shit-head who couldn’t pay his loanshark back, or some guy who’d looked a the wrong guy the wrong way, or some other macho bullshit like that. But the call we’d got last night from the guy who said he worked “for the family” had been too goo to ignore when he’d named his price.

  Fifty-fucking-grand was a lot of cash just to find some girl.

  I didn’t know who this chick was and why anyone would pay that kind of cash for her, but fuck it - wasn’t my job to think past finding the silver Honda she’d last been seen in.

  Like the fuckin’ one parked right there at the old Lux station.

  Holy fuck.

  Connor and I looked at each other at the same damn time as we roared past the place, and I saw him nod, his face grim. I mean what were the fucking odds that the very girl we were looking for would drive through Parker instead of taking the highway? I nodded back as we both slowed at the same time, before we pulled a turn in the road and started to head back. Hell, it might not be here, but damned if we weren’t going to check those plates and make sure. I reached back into the saddlebag on the bike behind me, loosening the pistol from the holster it was buckled into. The chances of having to use it were pretty fucking slim, but I always aired on the side of being prepared.

  I kept my hand on the gun as we pulled in and slowed to a stop. And then I almost had to grin as I saw the girl that matched the very description we were looking for, sitting in the car with the same damn plates we were looking for.

  Yeah, this was about to be the easiest fifty thousand buck we’d ever made.


  “So now what.”

  I took a deep breath as I watched Abby’s car pull out of the gas station and trail off down the road. I reached into my pocket and pulled my pack of smokes out, sticking one in my mouth as I glanced at Connor. “She doesn’t know.”

  He snorted and snatched the pack from my hand. “No shit, man. I mean now what the fuck are we gonna do.”

  I sparked my lighter, holding the flame to the end of the cigarette and inhaling before tossing it to Con. “Jesus Christ, what’s a girl that looks like that doing getting caught up with the fuckin mob?”

  And the bruises. I know we’d both seen them - the ones on her arms and the swelling around her eye she’d tried to hide with sunglasses and her hair - and I knew it hit a chord with both of us. We’d both come from families of men who hit women. My dad had the decency to develop a heroine addiction and di
e young, Connor’s had taken his mother and him both off the side of a highway doing one-twenty.

  Fuck that shit.

  The guys who’d called us had said this girl Abby had “wronged” the family, and “tried to hurt important members.” Yeah, I called bullshit on that. That girl hand’t tried to hurt anyone, and I knew we both damn well knew it.

  And of course, there was another thing I knew we both damn well knew.

  I hadn’t know what to expect when we rolled into that gas station, but the second she stepped out of that car - man, I was a goner. I’d seen and I’d certainly fucked my share of hot girls in my time, but fuck me, Abby was something else.

  “Jesus, man. She was perfect.” I nodded as I turned and cocked a brow at Connor. The look on his face said it all, and I got it because it was the same damn thing I was thinking.

  Floored. I couldn’t remember feeling an inch of what I was feeling inside about Abby with any other girl. Not ever. Here I was watching her drive away - the girl I was being paid to hunt down and apprehend - and I couldn’t remember feeling this light before.

  Course, I was also hard as a fucking rock inside my jeans. I’d been that way since the second she stepped out of that car. Something about her was so damn innocent, and wholesome, and yet captivatingly sexy at the same time. She came off as worldly and yet pure, and I’d never seen that in a woman.

  And I knew Connor hadn’t either, just looking at his face.

  Con was my best friend, and yeah, over the years, we’d certainly shared a few girls - more than a few at the same time. Shit, I mean the guy was like my brother - what was mine was his and vice versa. But just looking at his face and the way his jaw tensed as we watched her drive away, I knew this was a new development. Sure, we’d fucked girls at the same time before, but we’d never felt for the same girl.

  “We can’t do this job, man,” I said, shaking my head as Abby’s taillights dipped over the horizon.

  “Fuck no,” Connor growled. He turned to me. “Jesus fuck man, that girl got into me.”

  I nodded. “Same.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, no shit.”

  “So what do we do? Pretend we never saw her?”

  Connor shook his head. “I have to see her again.” He growled, his hand dropping to the front of his jeans and cupping the bulge there.

  I felt the same damn way. It was like she’d ignited some sort of fire in both of us - like she’d woken up the beast inside each of us, and that beast demanded more from her.

  “We’ll keep an eye on her. If she leaves tonight, that’s it, man. We’re not chasing this girl down or anything.”

  Connor shook his head. “Fuck no, she’s been through enough. But if she stays?”

  “If she stays, we make sure those fuckers didn’t send or pay anyone else to grab her.”

  Connor looked at me as he flicked his cigarette away, his eyes flashing. “Not gonna fuckin happen, brother.”

  I nodded. “Damn right. We’ll chill in town tonight, and see what happens tomorrow.”

  Chapter 4


  I’d left in a hurry, and even though my credit card was tucked inside my purse, I knew I couldn’t use that. Credit cards left trails, and trails were something I couldn’t afford to leave - not with a family like the DeMona’s possibly looking for me. So that left cash, and cash was going to run out sooner than later.

  “You okay, hon?”

  The middle-aged woman behind the desk of motel office who had to be the Marge that Jackson and Connor had told me about gave me a concerned look. Her gaze locked onto the bruising around my eye before I remembered it was there.

  I should get some concealer or something.

  I smiled as best I could at the woman. “Oh, yeah,” I rolled my eyes, forcing out a weak laugh. “Stupid mistake, really. I was painting, and I wasn’t looking where I was going, and-”

  “That’s okay, honey,” she said softly, reaching out and patting my hand and giving me a knowing look.

  Don’t cry, don’t you fucking cry.

  “Been there, honey,” she said with a motherly nod. She quietly shook her head and pushed the crumpled bills I’d given her for the room back across the counter-top. “Why don’t we say tonight’s on me, okay?”

  I shook my head. “No, really-”

  “I insist,” she said with another shake of her head, passing me a key.

  “I-” I could feel the lump rising in my throat. “I can pay you back.”

  “I said it was on me,” she winked before giving me a more serious look. “Anyone I should be looking out for and denying ever seeing you too?”

  I choked out a laugh. “I hope not.”

  “Well get some rest, sweetheart. Ring if you need anything at all, okay?”

  “I-” I took a shaky breath. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it, honey. Get some rest, and I promise you’ll feel a lot better.”


  Sleep wasn’t exactly going to come easy that night, I knew that much. But the hot shower and the robe on the back of the door felt divine. I sank down on the edge of the bed, finally letting myself exhale a bit more of the stress that’d been riding my shoulders since I’d left two nights before.

  I grinned when I saw the mini-bar.

  Fuck it. I’d never been one to even open mini-bars - I wasn’t even really much of a drinker. But that night? Yeah, consider me part of the club.

  The motel rooms all had these skylights in the ceiling up above the bed - which made sense since the place was actually called the “Full Moon Motel”. And so I turned the lights off as I cracked the little nip bottle of tequila from the mini-bar and dumped it over the little plastic cup of ice, and sat back in the bed to look up at the big desert moon.

  My thoughts were still jumbled from the events of the last few days, but the tequila quickly let me relax. And then before I could stop myself, I found my thoughts drifting back to earlier.

  Back to Jackson and Connor.

  I still felt strange thinking such - well, heated thoughts about other men so soon after leaving Joe. But I couldn’t help it. They were there, stuck my head, and I couldn’t get them out. I didn’t want to, either. I thought of Jackson, and his bright blue eyes blazing and his muscles rippling as he’d stepped towards my car. I thought of Connor and his pulled back hair, his rugged, rough beard. I thought of the swirls of dangerous and captivating ink trailing over their skin, and wondering what it looked like on parts of their bodies I hadn’t seen.

  In the heat of the motel room, my thoughts lingered on their faces, and on those hard, chiseled bodies, and my own began to respond.

  I closed my eyes as I let my hand trace down the front of my torso, and as it slipped under the seam of my simple cotton panties, I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth.

  There was sensation of release, of a clenching fist allowed to let go as my fingers glided over my moist lips, down into the folds of my pussy. I let my middle finger curl through the wetness there and slide gently up to tease the aching nub of my clit, bringing a soft moan to my lips.

  I knocked back the rest of my tequila and set the glass on the beside table. I rolled in my bed, on to my stomach as I arched my back and moaned quietly into the pillow. My eyes squeezed shut as I bit my bottom lip against the gasps bubbling from my mouth. I writhed, tangled in the duvet with my feet twisting the blankets into binds around my ankles. My hands and fingers pressed and swirled beneath me in slow deliberate circles, pressing gently against the throbbing button within my folds and sending electric shivers through my core.