Read Twice Lost Page 9



  My dreams were as miserable as my waking thoughts. I fancied that I sawthe bush rangers carrying off Edith and Pierce, who in vain struggled torelease themselves; then the wretches hurled the children over thecliff, and shouted as they saw them falling; then the sea rolled up andswept them away, as they held out their hands in vain for assistance.

  I awoke before daylight, and as I had no wish to go to sleep again Idressed and went out. The first person I met was Paddy Doyle.

  "I'm after thinking, Master Godfrey, that friend Pullingo will be ableto help us in finding the dear young childher," he said. "I can soonmake him understand that they are lost; and though he hasn'tbook-learning, he's got notions in his head which would puzzle some ofus. The thought came across me in the night, when not a rap more sleepcould I get; and I've been waiting till daylight to visit the blacks'camp."

  "By all means," I said. "I'll go with you, for I am sure my father willapprove of your idea."

  As a ruddy glow was already appearing in the eastern sky, precursor ofthe sun, Paddy and I at once set off. As we drew near he shouted,"Pullingo, Pullingo." Directly afterwards we saw the black crawl out ofhis hut. "Our friend doesn't take much time to dress in the morning,"observed Paddy, "seeing he hasn't a large amount of clothing to put on,and isn't over particular about the use of soap and water."

  The black quickly understood that we had some matter of importance tocommunicate, but it took much longer to make him comprehend what wewanted him for. Paddy, however, succeeded at length; and he set offwith us for the village.

  On arriving, that there might be no mistake, I took Pullingo into thehouse and showed him the children's empty beds, and then pointed alongthe shore in the direction they were supposed to have taken. He thoughtfor some minutes, and then looking about, found a piece of rope: he soonmade us understand that it was much too short for what he wanted, andseemed highly pleased when we took him into the store-house, where he atonce selected a long coil. He then touched Mudge, Burton, Doyle, and meon the shoulder, and signified that he wished us to accompany him.Before setting out, however, he made signs that he should like somethingto eat, and seemed highly pleased when we gave him some broiled fish,--which he quickly swallowed, though he had had a quantity of kangarooflesh on the previous evening.

  My father would have accompanied us, but was unwilling to leave mymother. "I entrust the search to you, Mudge," he said; "and I am surethat you will spare no effort to recover the children, should theirlives have been mercifully preserved."

  Pullingo having inquired by signs whether we were ready, we set out.Instead, however, of taking the way along the shore, he turned up theriver towards his own camp, and then ascended the cliff.

  "I wonder, after all, whether he really understands that we are insearch of Edith and Pierce," I observed to Paddy Doyle.

  "No doubt about it, sir," was the answer; "you'll see when we get to thetop that he'll go along the cliff. Maybe he knows some way down that wehaven't discovered; or there is some place or other into which he thinksthe children have tumbled and can't get out again."

  On reaching the top of the cliff, however, Pullingo, instead of keepingclose to the edge, started off in a direction which would lead us, Isaw, to a spot some way along the coast, beyond the point, I calculated,where the bushranger had fallen over. Had I not been so anxious aboutthe fate of my brother and sister, I should have been amused at the airof importance with which the savage strutted on at the head of theparty, evidently feeling himself infinitely superior to us. He held alance in his left hand; a tall feather was stuck in his bushy hair; notan article of clothing had he on, with the exception of the very smallkilt which he wore round his waist.

  I joined Mudge, and went on ahead with him, close behind our guide, theother men following, and carrying the coil of rope between them.

  "I can't fancy that the children could have got so far round the coastas the point we shall reach if we continue on as we are going," Iobserved to him.

  "As the tide was low and the sand smooth, they were probably tempted togo on without considering how far they had got," said Mudge. "I amsurprised, however, that your sister Edith should have ventured, and notrecollected that the tide would again rise, and that they would not beable to repass many of the places they had previously got over withoutdifficulty. Still, I feel sure that they did go forward, and that theblack knows where they are."

  His remarks somewhat cheered me. We went on and on; and it seemed to methat we must be near the part of the cliff over which the bushranger hadfallen. We discussed the probable cause of his death.

  "At all events, horrible as was his death, it was better than dying ofstarvation, as is the fate, I fancy, of a large proportion of theconvicts who take to the bush," observed Mudge; "though dreadful must bethe fate of his companion, who is now doomed to wander alone throughthese wilds, without daring to hold any intercourse with white men forfear of being betrayed; and, probably, equally dreading the blacks, who,if he were to be found unprepared, would speedily put him to death."

  We went on for nearly two miles, when we reached a fissure in thecliffs, the ground sloping on either side towards it. The blackadvanced cautiously; and following him, we found ourselves on the edgeof the cliff, which appeared to hang over the water. We descended theslope I have mentioned, till we reached a broad ledge, about a quarterof the way down. Signing to the men to uncoil the rope, the end ofwhich he allowed to fall over till it apparently reached the bottom, henow by gestures inquired which of us was ready to descend.

  "We must first secure the upper end, my friend," observed Mudge; amatter the black did not appear to have considered.

  Each of us had fortunately brought a stout staff to serve us as awalking-stick; by forcing these together into the ground, we formed apost of sufficient strength round which to secure the rope, one man inaddition holding on to it.

  "I wish to be the first to descend," said I.

  "No, no, Mr Godfrey; if there is danger, it is not you should run it,as it would be a sad thing if you were to be lost as well as yourbrother and sister," exclaimed Paddy Doyle. "If Mr Mudge will give meleave, I'll be the first to go; and if I get safe down I'll shout out,and you can follow."

  "Doyle is right," said Mudge; "let him go first."

  Without waiting a moment, Paddy threw himself over the cliff, holding onby the rope, and began to descend. It must have been somewhat tryingeven to his nerves, for the rope swung backwards and forwards, being ata considerable distance from the cliff. How the black came to conceivethat we should venture down, it was difficult to say; as he himselfcertainly could never have climbed up or down such a rope, it must havebeen a perfectly original idea with him. He had seen the rope in ourcamp, and formed a just opinion of its strength; and he must have arguedthat as he could climb a thin and lofty tree without branches, so couldwe get up and down a stout rope.

  On hearing Doyle's voice I was going to follow, when, to my surprise,Pullingo approached the cliff, and seizing the rope, began to descend asfearlessly as Doyle had done. I waited till he had reached the bottom,and then, not without some feeling of anxiety, followed their example.I found that we had reached a narrow beach, which extended some way upin the hollow formed between the two sides of the cliff. I lookedabout, half expecting to see Edith and Pierce.

  Pullingo observed my disappointment, and beckoned Doyle and me to followhim. He turned back--that is to say, to the northward of the spot wherewe stood--and made his way along an exceedingly narrow ledge, a few fe
etonly above the water, which beat with a hollow sound beneath our feet.Sometimes I had the greatest difficulty in making my way; and when atlength we came to a broader place, Doyle stopped and pulled off hisshoes, which he put into his pocket. I followed his example, and wasthen able to get on somewhat better. The cliff was too smooth to affordany hold to our hands; and a slip would have plunged us headlong intothe sea.

  At length the black stopped at a somewhat broader place, which allowedus to join him; when, turning round, we looked down into a shallowcavern, in the centre of which we saw Edith and Pierce, kneeling downside by side, and gazing towards the sea. We had approached sonoiselessly that they had not heard us. I easily leaped to the level onwhich they were kneeling, and uttered their names. They both sprang totheir feet, and throwing their arms round me, burst into tears.

  "We were praying to God for help, but thought it would come from thesea," exclaimed Edith, as soon as she could find words to speak. "Howdid you know we were here? And poor mamma, how frightened she must havebeen at not seeing us! That made us more unhappy than anything else allthe night long. We had brought some food, so we were not hungry; andsee! there is a spring of water issuing from the cliff, and that gave uswhat we wanted to drink. But we have been very frightened, and knowthat we have been exceedingly naughty in coming so far by ourselves. Wegot as far as this, and were sitting down, very happy, when we began tothink it was time to go home; but we had not got far before we found thewater close up to the cliff, and we could not pass. It rose higher andhigher, so we ran back and got into this cave just before the seareached the part of the beach by which alone we could gain it. At firstwe thought that it would perhaps come right up into the cave and drownus. On and on it came, and we got farther and farther back; and oh, howthankful we were when at length we saw it stop and come no higher!"

  I did not scold Edith or Pierce; and I felt very thankful that theweather had been so calm, for had there been any wind the surf wouldhave broken into the cave, and certainly have swept them away.

  We had now to consider how we were to return. I proposed to Doyle thatwe should wait till the tide had gone down, and then get along the beachby the way they had come.

  "But maybe the tide won't go down as low as it did yesterday; and if itdoesn't, there are many places you will be unable to get across," saidDoyle.

  "Then the best thing we can do is to send round for the boat," Iobserved. "If you will climb up to the top of the cliff, I will staywith my brother and sister."

  "To confess the truth, Mr Godfrey, it's just the thing I don't think isas aisy as it looks," said Doyle. "I'll try to do it, to please you;but I rather think our friend Pullingo, though not brought up to thesea, will do it more aisy."

  "But how is he to make them understand that we have found the childrenand want the boat?" I asked.

  "Haven't you got a pencil and paper!" exclaimed Edith. "Just write anote to Mr Mudge, and get him to take it up."

  "A bright idea," I observed; and taking out my pocket-book, I wrote afew words, explaining the plan we proposed.

  Pullingo at once understood that he was to carry up the bit of paper,and did not appear to hesitate about ascending the rope. I remainedwith Edith and Pierce, while Paddy went back with the black. He soonreturned to the cave, when he told me that Pullingo had, withouthesitation or the slightest appearance of fear, grasped the rope andbegun the ascent, showing as much activity as a monkey, or, as heobserved, as if he had been born and bred at sea. He watched him tillhe had climbed safely over the top of the cliff; when a shout from abovetold him that my note had been received.

  We now sat down, watching the tide, which was still flowing.

  "What if it should rise higher than it did yesterday?" I observed; "weshould be somewhat cramped for space."

  "I don't think Pullingo would have left us here if he thought that wasgoing to happen," said Doyle; "he knows all about it. He is a wonderfulfellow; how he came to find out that the children were here, is morethan I can tell."

  "We saw his son as we came along yesterday, and perhaps he guessed wherewe had gone," said Pierce, thus accounting for the black knowing whereto find the children.

  Still, I did not feel altogether comfortable as I saw the tide risinghigher and higher, and I began to consider that, after all, it mighthave been better to have tried to go up by the rope.

  Edith sat quite calmly. "I am very sure that it will not come higherthan that," she said, placing a stone on the ground.

  "And why do you think so?" I asked.

  "Because God rules the waves. He can stop them just where he wills,"she answered with perfect calmness.

  She was right; the water came only a little higher than the stone, andthen began to recede.

  The children had brought an ample store for their picnic, and had thusenough food to prevent them suffering much from hunger. They wantedPaddy and me to take some, but of course we would not touch it, though Iconfess that by this time I was somewhat hungry.

  At length, greatly to my satisfaction, I caught sight of the boatpulling with four oars rapidly towards us. Feeling her way, she gotwithin twenty yards of where we were. Burton, who was in her, tuckingup his trousers waded on shore, and taking up Edith carried her onboard; while Paddy got Pierce on his back, and soon placed him by herside. I followed, when the boat shoved off, and we made the best of ourway to the river. I was thankful to hear from Mudge, who also had come,that my mother was much better.

  Our father received us at the landing-place, and not a word of reproachdid he utter to Edith and Pierce--feeling that they had beensufficiently punished for their thoughtlessness; while our poor motherwelcomed them back with tears of joy.

  "O mamma, mamma! how very sorry I am that we should have alarmed youso," exclaimed Edith, as she threw her arms round our mother's neck."We fancied that we were doing something very heroic in exploring thecountry, and expected to find another river or beautiful harbour, littledreaming of the danger we were running."

  "We may thank God, my child, that you are preserved," answered ourmother. "From what I hear, had a storm come on you would inevitablyhave been lost."

  She did not think at the moment how narrow an escape they had had.Scarcely had we landed when the general appearance of the sky towindward changed, clouds dark as ink rose above the horizon; and beforean hour had passed, one of those fearful gales known as black hurricanesor black squalls, which occasionally blow on the Australian coast, beganto rage.

  It was far more furious than the one which burst on us soon after welanded. The sea came rushing into the river and drove back the ebb witha power which rapidly made the water rise; and as we watched it gettinghigher and higher, we began to fear that the whole of our peninsulawould be flooded. Huge boughs were torn off the trees, which bentbefore the gale, and every instant we expected some of them to fall.

  Night coming quickly on, increased the horrors of the scene. Severaltimes my father went down to the edge of the water to ascertain how highit had risen, leaving Burton to watch, and report to him should it riseabove a certain point. In a short time the flood would set in; if so,we might expect the water to rise very rapidly. Of course, no onethought of going to bed; my mother and Edith sat dressed for a journey,and every one was ordered to prepare to start at a moment's notice. Weeach had our guns and as much ammunition as we could carry, for on thatour existence might depend should we be deprived of our stores. We hadalso a small quantity of provisions, a second pair of shoes apiece, anda few articles of clothing, packed up in readiness for a move.

  "I should have despatched a party with provisions and ammunition to aplace of safety up the side of the cliff, had I not hoped that beforethe flood set in the gale would have abated," observed my father; "and Ieven now think that it might be the most prudent course. I will go downonce more and ascertain if the waters are still rising; and if they are,it will be wise to start at once, though I regret that you and Edithshould be exposed to the rain and wind."

  My father said this as we were collected in the sitting-room of ourhouse.

  Mudge just then came in, the rain pouring off his hat. "I have securedthe boat with a long warp," he said, "and loaded her with as many of ourstores as I thought she could safely carry, so that when the waterssubside I trust that these may at all events be preserved. I am afraid,sir, that we must make a start; the water has got to within a foot ofthe top of the bank, and if a heavy sea were to come rolling up from themouth of the river it might sweep over the whole settlement."

  "We will no longer delay, then," said my father; "tell the men to getready."

  We all of us accordingly, loading ourselves with the packages we hadprepared--my mother, indeed, insisting on carrying a pretty heavybundle--followed my father out of the house. Mudge summoned the men,who were ready to set out. Before proceeding, however, my fatherordered them to secure all the doors and windows, so that should thebuildings not be carried away by the flood, the articles within themmight be preserved, though they would get damaged by the water. Myfather supported my mother; Mudge took charge of Edith; and I heldPierce by the hand. The rest of the party pushed on close behind--andfrom the remarks they made they evidently expected the whole peninsulato be overwhelmed in a few minutes.

  It was with difficulty we could see our way. "Let me go on ahead, yerhonour," sang out Paddy; "I'm a fine pilot in the dark; and it's betterthat I should tumble into the river than that you and the misthressshould come to harm."

  Paddy had supplied himself with a long stick, with which he felt the waybefore him. We managed, by keeping close together under his guidance,to get across the narrow neck of land, and then continued our coursealong the bank of the river. As it was somewhat higher than thepeninsula, we had no great fear of the waters overtaking us till wecould reach a place of safety.

  We were exposed, however, to another danger, from the masses of earthand rock which, loosened by the wind, came falling down on our left;while branches of various sizes, wrenched off the parent stems, werewhirled through the air, and often fell close to us. Even Paddy hadgreat difficulty in finding the part of the cliff which was accessible.Happily, a short distance up there was an overhanging rock. As therewas no danger of the waters rising so high, and as it seemed perfectlysecure, my father directed us all to take shelter beneath it. We werehere, at all events, safe from the branches hurtling through the air,and from the pieces of rock which came bounding down the cliffs. Mymother, Edith, and Pierce were placed in the most sheltered part, andthe rest crept in on either side or in front of them. Here we all satthe livelong night, anxiously waiting for day, and wishing that thehurricane would cease.

  "Such furious gales as this seldom last many hours," observed my father."I trust that it will prove the clearing storm, after which we may lookfor fine weather. And we must make up our minds to move in the upperdowns should we remain in the neighbourhood; though, unless we hear fromSydney, I believe that we shall act wisely by commencing our journey tothe southward. We are a sufficiently large party to resist any attackwhich the natives may venture to make on us; and as we have an abundanceof ammunition, we shall be able to supply ourselves with food on theroad."

  The subject my father spoke of was of interest to us all.

  When we were not talking, I dozed frequently off; and thus the nightpassed away with me more rapidly than I could have expected. Sometimes,when I awoke, I heard the storm still howling and raging, and the wavesroaring on the shore; then there came a lull, and for some time I lostall consciousness.

  On starting up I saw that several of the party were on foot. The skyoverhead was blue, and the first rays of the rising sun were glancing onthe tree-tops sprinkled with moisture, which now no longer waved to andfro in the breeze.

  "Let us return to our village: and I trust that we may find that lessdamage has been committed than we expected," said my father.

  We all anxiously followed, looking towards the spot where we had leftour houses standing, and wondering whether they would still be there.

  "I see their roofs," cried Pierce, who, with Tom, had darted on ahead;"hurrah! hurrah!"

  He was right, and in a short time we reached the isthmus. We expectedto find the garden, at all events, destroyed and everything uprooted.The water had indeed washed over the greater part of the peninsula, andhad filled a trench dug round the garden, but could scarcely have donemore than just cover the ground. It had entered the cottages, whichwere a little lower down; but it had risen but a few inches, andeverything was in its place. Even in the storeroom, the articles alonewhich were on the lower tier had got wet. The boat was also secure,with her cargo undamaged. We had, indeed, reason to be grateful toProvidence, that the waters had been arrested at the moment when theymight have destroyed everything in the settlement.

  We had to wait some time for breakfast--till the wood we could collectwas dry enough to light a fire; and in the interval we employedourselves in cleaning out the floors of the houses, which were coveredwith slime. Our narrow escape, however, made my father determine not towait beyond the expiration of the four months, should a vessel fromSydney not appear to carry us off.

  By puffing and blowing Paddy at last succeeded in kindling a fire, whenour tea-kettle was boiled and we had breakfast.

  Soon afterwards I was looking with a spy-glass towards the coast on theopposite side of the river, from which direction a gentle breeze blowingwafted a far from pleasant odour towards us, when I observed a largedark object lying on the beach. On looking at it with my naked eye, Ihad till then supposed that it was a rock--though I could not helpfancying that no rock had formerly been there. I now discovered that itwas a huge dead whale, which, partly decomposed, had been thrown up bythe waves during the night. It was likely to prove anything but anagreeable neighbour, however, and would certainly become worse andworse.

  I pointed it out to Mudge and the rest. "We must hope that the windwill change before long, or even at the distance it is off it will driveus away from this," said Mudge.

  A number of sea-birds were already hovering over the carcass, showingthat they had scented it from afar. Though the smell was unpleasant,still I was anxious to have a nearer view of the monster; so Mudge,Harry, Tommy, and I agreed to go over.

  Having taken the things out of the boat, we pulled across the river,which was still somewhat swollen, and had just landed when we caughtsight of several natives rushing on with headlong speed towards thewhale, having apparently come from the interior. We drew back, andconcealed ourselves behind the trees; and they, evidently from havingtheir eyes fixed on the whale, had not seen us. The country towards thewest was open, and as I turned my glass in that direction I observed astill greater number running on as fast as their legs could carry them.The sound of their wild shouts and shrieks, as they clapped their handsand kicked up their legs with delight, reached our ears. On they came.

  We had no notion that anything like the number of natives we saw existedin the neighbourhood. How, indeed, they came to discover that thecreature, to them so great a prize, had been cast on shore, it wasdifficult to say--unless, like the birds of prey, they had scented itfrom afar. Over the hills they came, some appearing at the entrance ofa valley, others making their way along the shore. Already we saw thatsome had arrived; and through my glass I recognised our friend Pullingoas the principal figure by the feather at the top of his head, thebundle of lances in one hand, and an axe which we had given him in theother. Some of the natives carried huge drums, which they beat withmight and main, forming the bass to their shrill shrieks. All seemed soeager to reach the scene of action, that even had we been much nearer weran little risk of being discovered.

  On they came in troops, till nearly two hundred must have beencollected; then joining hands, they formed a large circle round thewhale, while Pullingo mounted along the tail to the top of it, where hestood flourishing his axe, and apparently making a speech to theassembled multitude. Its tenor we should not have understood, even hadwe hear
d his words distinctly; but it was replied to by the shouts andcries of the people below: then the drums set up a thundering rattle,and the blacks reiterating their shrieks and cries, men, women, andchildren began to dance round and round, throwing themselves into thewildest and most extravagant postures, all trying to vie one with theother who could leap, and kick, and twist their bodies and arms about inthe most grotesque fashion. Whether it was simply to show their joy, orwas some religious ceremony, we could not determine.

  The dance, if so it could be called, continued for some time, Pullingostill remaining the central figure on the top of the whale, whensuddenly he dug his axe into the creature's back; on which, picking uptheir stone knives or other instruments, which they had placed on theground, the savages rushed forward and began hacking away at the body ofthe whale in a most ferocious fashion.

  I was very glad that we were at a distance, for even as seen through atelescope the spectacle was one of the most disgusting I ever witnessed.As they cut out pieces of the flesh, they rammed them into theirmouths, tearing them with their teeth like a pack of famishing wolves;some of them literally forcing their way into the carcass, out of whichthey emerged carrying huge pieces of dripping flesh, covering theirbodies with blood. Even the women, some of them young, and, as seenfrom a distance, far from ill-looking, attacked the whale in the samefashion as the men, and appeared again dripping all over with blood.When I thought of the putrid state of the flesh, it made me almost sickto look at them, and disgusted at seeing human beings so degraded.Under ordinary circumstances they were not pleasant neighbours, buthorrible must have been the effluvium arising from them after they hadthus gorged themselves.

  Not having any wish to get nearer the scene, we returned to the boat;and in a short time afterwards we saw that they had lighted fires in theneighbourhood of the monster, intending apparently to cook the flesh,and to stay there till they had eaten it up.

  The presence of so large a number of natives in our vicinity, made myfather consider seriously whether it would not be prudent to leave ourpresent position without further delay, nearly four months havingelapsed since the departure of the long-boat. He forthwith invitedMudge and Burton to hold a consultation on the subject, at which I alsowas present; and where Mudge remarked that two days only remained tocomplete the four months.

  "If no vessel appears in that time, I think we may conclude, either thatthe long-boat has unfortunately been lost, or that Mr Brown has beenunable to succeed in obtaining a vessel to come to our relief," observedMudge. "While the whale lasts, I don't think we need fear a visit fromthose unsavoury gentlemen; but when they have recovered from the effectsof their banquet, and begin to feel the pangs of hunger, they are verylikely to become troublesome; and though we should be able to hold ourown against them, we might find it dangerous to go out hunting singly orin small parties. I therefore advise that at the end of two days weshould proceed up the river as far as the boat will carry us, and eitherpitch our camp there, while we make further preparations for ourjourney, or push on southward at once. I prefer an inland route to onealong the coast, because in the latter case we should have to follow itsvarious sinuosities, and have to cross the rivers at their mouths, wherethey are probably the broadest; whereas by keeping inland we may steer adirect course, and are more likely to find game and obtain fresh water."

  "I am of Mr Mudge's opinion," observed Burton. "By keeping near thecoast, if the natives are inclined to attack us we should only have oneside to defend. But then, again, if we move quickly on they will seethat we are merely travelling through the country, and not wishing tointerfere with them, and so are not likely to annoy us. I, however,would advise that we should make all preparations before leaving this,and begin our overland journey directly we leave the boat."

  "I agree with all you have said," observed my father. "I will get you,Burton, to explain the plan we propose to the other men; and I hope thatall will be satisfied that what we suggest is for the best. I should beglad, however, if, before starting, we could manage to communicate withPullingo, as he would prove invaluable as a guide across the parts ofthe country with which he is acquainted; and I think, after the way wehave treated him, that he may be trusted."

  "Paddy Doyle would be the best person to try and get hold of him," Iobserved. "It would be pretty trying to any one of us to go near thewhale, but I suspect that the Irishman would not be very particular; andas Pullingo knows that we can always supply him with food, he might bemore willing than the rest of his tribe to leave the horrible mass offlesh on which they are gorging themselves."

  "You must speak to Paddy, and see if he is willing to go," said myfather. "In the meantime, we will make packages of the necessaries weare to take with us; and I should advise each person to manufacture forhimself a pair of canvas leggings, and a broad-brimmed hat of the samematerial."

  Before separating they discussed other points, and made out a list ofthe different articles it would be advisable to take with us.

  As soon as I told Doyle, he immediately agreed to visit the blacks'camp. It was too late to set off that night; but next morning Burtonand I, with one of the other men, took him across to the opposite shore.We watched him as he made his way towards the camp, which, in spite ofthe odour proceeding from the carcass of the whale, was pitched close toit. The only shelter the natives had provided for themselves consistedof some slabs of bark three or four feet in length, either stuck in theground or leaning against a rail, with their fires in front.

  They were still, apparently, all fast asleep, overcome by their debauchof the previous day and night. Doyle, who wisely carried his musket andpistols, went on without hesitation. How he found out Pullingo'ssleeping-place I do not know, as there was nothing to distinguish itfrom the rest. For some time he was lost to sight behind the carcass ofthe whale.

  We waited and waited, and began at length to wonder that he did notreturn. Before starting, he had said that he would fire off his pistolshould he require assistance, though he had little fear on that score.

  "I hope that nothing has happened to poor Paddy," observed Burton.

  "I can't fancy it, unless he has been overcome by the odour of thewhale," I answered; "it is bad enough even here, and sufficient to breeda fever among the blacks, even if it does not make us sick."

  "No fear of that," observed Burton; "they are accustomed to it. Hurrah!here comes Doyle, and our friend Pullingo with him, rubbing his stomach,as if he found walking a trouble."

  "I've got him," exclaimed Doyle as he approached; "but we must keep himwell supplied with food, or he'll be off again to have another blow-outof whale's flesh. Faith, it's rather high flavoured; but it's to theirtaste, I suppose."

  Pullingo hesitated before stepping into the boat, and cast a wistfulglance in the direction of the whale.

  "Don't think about that, old fellow," said Paddy, patting him on theshoulder; "we'll give you as much good grub as you can want. So comealong with us;" and taking his arm, he induced him to step into theboat.

  I did not find him a very pleasant neighbour; but I held my nose, andendeavoured not to think about the matter. As soon as we got him onshore, we tried to make him understand what we wanted: that we purposedmoving southward, and that we would reward him handsomely if he wouldact as our guide. We could not clearly make out whether or not he waswilling to go; and as we could not start for a couple of days, Mudgeoffered to go up the river as far as it was navigable in the boat, withDoyle and Harry and me, and one of the other men, and to take him withus. We should thus be better able to judge whether he understood whatwe wished him to do.

  There was no risk, in the meantime, of the natives leaving their feast;and the wind fortunately now blowing from us towards the whale, we wereno longer annoyed by the disagreeable odour. One thing was certain,--that the boat could not carry us all, with our provisions and stores,and that we should, at all events, have to make two or three trips. Myfather, therefore, thought that the sooner we set off the better. Weaccordi
ngly put on board the boat a supply of provisions, ammunition,and some other articles, which we intended storing near thelanding-place at the head of the river. We also took with us such toolsas we should require to build a hut. These arrangements being made, wewished our friends good-bye, and pulled away up the river.

  The scenery, as we advanced, became highly picturesque, and in someplaces the banks on either side were fringed with trees; in others,perpendicular cliffs rose sheer out of the water to a considerableheight; while numerous points projected into the stream, some rocky,others covered with the richest vegetation.

  We had been curious to know how Pullingo and his family had crossed theriver; but we had not got far when we caught sight of a veryrough-looking canoe hauled up on the bank. We pulled in to examine it,and found that it consisted of a single large sheet of bark bent up, theends roughly sewed together, lumps of clay being stuffed in to preventthe water from entering, while the centre part was kept open by severalpieces of stick fixed across the upper edge. Such a canoe could nottake many minutes to form; and we agreed that it would be well to copythe natives when we had rivers to cross, and to form similar canoes, asthey would be more quickly constructed, and could be guided with lessdifficulty, than a raft. Pullingo made us understand that this was hiscanoe, but that he would leave it where it was for the use of his wifeand family.

  As the tide had just begun to flow when we started, we made rapidprogress. We saw numerous birds, ducks and geese, which skimmed overthe surface, seeking for their prey, or flew off, startled by ourapproach. We pulled on till the shadows which spread over the streamshowed us that night was coming on, and that we must ere long look outfor a place to encamp. As, however, the sun's rays still tinged thetopmost boughs of the more lofty trees, we continued our course, anxiousto get as high as possible before bringing up.

  "Avast pulling," cried Mudge; "I think I hear the sound of a waterfall."

  We obeyed him. I could distinctly hear the rushing noise of a body ofwater coming from the upper part of the river. We again gave way, andsaw before us a mass of foam produced by the water running over a ledgeof rocks some six or eight feet in height, stretching directly acrossthe river. This would effectually bar our further progress; and not tolose more time, we pulled in to the right or southern bank, towards aspot where the tall trees receding afforded an open space on which wemight encamp. In other parts along the bank the vegetation was of anunusually dense character for Australia: numberless creepers hung fromthe branches of the lofty trees, bearing star-like flowers, some white,others of a yellow hue, shining like gold, contrasted with the darkgreen foliage; while the ground below and more open spaces were carpetedwith a rich sward but seldom seen in that country, and produced,probably, by the spray from the waterfall cast over it when the windblew down the river.

  Pullingo, by his gestures, leading us to suppose that he considered it agood place for encamping, we accordingly landed. We found the groundharder than we had expected, as the soil, which was only a few inchesdeep, rested on a bed of rock, which had prevented the trees from takingroot. We quickly set about forming our camp; some of the partycollecting sheets of bark, aided by Pullingo, while others picked upbroken branches for our fire.

  While we were thus employed, a flight of the magnificent cockatoos Ihave before described settled on some of the branches close to theriver. Pullingo, who had brought his boomerang, at once eyed themeagerly. Paddy and I, who were near him, ran for our guns; but he madea sign to us not to shoot, letting us understand that he had a far moreeffectual way of procuring our supper. We followed him cautiously, soas not to frighten the birds as he stole towards them. As theyclustered thickly on the boughs, it was evident they intended to restthere for the night. They sat talking away to each other at a greatrate for some minutes; then, having placed their sentinels and wishedeach other good-night, they put their heads under their wings andprepared for sleep. They little thought of the subtle foe in theirneighbourhood.

  Having got close under the tree without being perceived, Pullingo drewhis boomerang from his belt, and retired a few paces from his shelter;then running forward, to give power to his arm, till his feet touchedthe margin of the stream, and throwing his right hand, which held theboomerang, over his back, he cast it directly before him with all theforce of his arm. These different movements had scarcely occupied threeseconds. The sentinels, meanwhile, had given a warning sound, and thebirds seemed to be aware that all was not right. When, however, theysaw the weapon flying towards the surface of the water, they appearedsatisfied that it had nothing to do with them.

  But instead of dropping into the stream, as might have been expected, itsuddenly took a new direction; and flying up into the air withirresistible force, came turning round and round in the mostextraordinary manner, with a whizzing sound, into the very midst of thecockatoos' roosting-place, continuing its course among them--killing oneoutright, breaking the wing of another, sending another squalling to theground, cutting open their heads, and committing all sorts of damageamong the feathered inhabitants of the trees. In vain the unfortunatecockatoos, overcome with astonishment, uttered their cries of despair;in vain they endeavoured to escape the awful blows of this apparentlyenchanted piece of wood; the boomerang continued its eccentric course,not ceasing its gyrations till it had knocked over nearly a dozen birds,and had fallen close to the spot where its owner stood ready to receiveit.

  It was the first time I had ever seen the boomerang used, and I couldnot have believed it capable of such performances had I not witnessedthem. Before the birds had recovered from their fright, the boomerangwas again in their midst, whizzing round and round, as if endued withlife, and committing almost as much damage as before. Pullingo waspreparing to throw it a third time, when the survivors of the cockatoos,discovering that this was no secure resting-place for them, took toflight, uttering mournful cries for their lost companions--several ofwhom, having been roughly plucked, were speedily roasting on spitsbefore the fire.

  "Much obliged to you for the good supper you've procured for us, MrPullingo," observed Paddy; "but it surprises me that you, who can get asmany well-tasted birds as you like by throwing that bit of stick, canbring yourself to eat such horrible food as that putrid whale's flesh.However, we all have our tastes; though I can't say I admire yours."

  These remarks were made while we were seated round the fire, andPullingo was gnawing away at the whole body of a cockatoo, which he hadtaken for his share. Though he could not understand a word the Irishmansaid, he seemed to have an idea that he was referring to his gastronomicpowers, and he complacently stroked his stomach, to show that he wasenjoying his food.

  Having finished our meal, we prepared ourselves for sleep, each of ushaving placed a piece of bark on the ground to serve as a mattress,under shelter of the upright pieces, according to the native fashion.Pullingo was quickly snoring, showing his confidence in us; but Mudgethought it would be wiser to keep watch, in case any strange nativesmight pay us a visit during the night. We knew that we had no danger toapprehend from savage animals, as even the dingo, the only carnivorousquadruped in the country, will not attack a human being able to offerthe slightest resistance. We could not, however, tell what a pack ofsuch brutes might do should they find us asleep.

  I kept my watch very faithfully; but I suspect some of the rest of theparty followed Pullingo's example, and went to sleep. No seriousconsequences ensued, but the sun was up before any of us awoke.

  We immediately set to work to relight the fire and cook our breakfast.Mudge and Paddy Doyle then tried once more to ascertain whether Pullingowas willing to accompany us to the south; and after such conversation asthey could carry on, they were satisfied that he would undertake to actas guide--as far, at all events, as he was acquainted with the country.What had become of his big son, his wife, and small children, we couldnot make out; but he apparently intended to leave them behind.

  "Now, lads," said Mudge, "we will store the goods we have brought up,an
d then make the best of our way down to the camp; but as it would notbe safe, I suspect, to leave them without protection, are any of youwilling to remain? If we carry our black friend back within scent ofthe whale, I am afraid that he will attempt to return to it. Do youthink, Doyle, that you could manage to keep him here?"

  "I'll try, your honour; and I'm ready enough myself to remain, ifanybody will stay with me," answered Paddy.

  "I will," said Harry, who observed that the other men did not answerreadily.

  "So will I," I said, "if you wish it, Mudge."

  "No," he answered; "two are sufficient, and you may be wanted to bringup the boat. As we have the tide with us, we may reach the camp and beback here soon after nightfall; and we now know the river sufficientlywell to pull up in the dark."

  Mudge desired Doyle to place the goods on a bed of bark slabs, and tobuild a hut over them of the same material, so that, should rain comeon, they might be preserved from wet. Pullingo, on seeing that we leftour goods behind us, was perfectly ready to remain; and wishing ourfriends good-bye, we pulled rapidly down the river. As we had a strongcurrent with us we made good way, and in about six hours reached theencampment.

  "Has the vessel appeared?" I asked of Tommy Peck, who had come down tomeet us, as I sprang on shore.

  "Not a sign of one," he answered. "The captain has gone up to the topof the cliff to have a better look-out; and if none appears, I think hewill be for moving."

  My mother and Edith, on hearing from Popo that the boat had arrived,came out of the house and gave me the same report. They had been busilyengaged for the last two days in preparing for our intended journey, ashad also the men in the camp.

  On my father's return he expressed himself satisfied with what we haddone, and accepted Mudge's offer to go back again at once with anothercargo of goods; while he himself proposed to remain with Pierce, Tom,and one of the other men; and I was to bring back the boat, which in herlast trip was to carry up my father and mother and Edith, and theremainder of the goods and chattels we intended to remove.

  We accordingly lost no time in again starting, as we did not wish tolose any of the daylight. For nearly two hours we had to pull on in thedark, and frequently it was so difficult to see our way that we had toadvance cautiously. I sat in the bow, endeavouring to pierce the gloom,so as to catch sight of any danger ahead before we were upon it. Verythankful I was when I saw a bright glare cast over the water, and on theboughs and trunks of the surrounding trees, by Paddy Doyle's camp-fire,and he and Harry answered my hail.

  We soon made our way to the bank, when we found that they had beenexpecting us, and had prepared an ample supper of roast parrots anddoves, with a pot of tea, and some cakes cooked in the ashes. They hadalso got ready our sleeping-places; so without loss of time we lay downto rest, intending to start again an hour before dawn, that we might, ifpossible, return before the close of the day.

  I was so anxious to be off in time that I awoke even sooner than wasnecessary. I found Pullingo sitting up--not keeping watch, but stowingaway in his capacious inside the remains of our supper, which I hadintended for breakfast. Several birds which had been killed theprevious day were hanging up, so I plucked and spitted them. I thenaroused those of my companions who were to form the crew. We hurriedover our breakfast; and making our way to the boat, began our downwardvoyage. As before, we had to proceed cautiously till daylight returned;we then made such good play that we reached the camp even before myfather expected us.

  He had just returned from a last trip to the downs. "No vessel anywherein sight," he said. "I very much fear that Brown and his party arelost; they must have encountered the gales we felt so severely here. Iwarned them of the danger they would run, but they would not believe me.Nevertheless, I am heartily sorry to think that they have probably beenlost."

  I found that during our absence my father had done his utmost to securethe property we were to leave behind from being plundered by thenatives. He had barricaded the doors and windows, both of the huts andthe store-house, with pieces of timber fixed firmly in the ground andhorizontal bars nailed across them, which we had hopes that the nativeswould not venture to remove.

  The remainder of the articles we intended to carry with us were neatlydone up in packages. We also took all our arms and ammunition, of whichwe had not more than would last us, we calculated, till we could hope toreach the settlements; indeed, it was the fear of this running shortwhich made my father determine to commence our journey to the southwardwithout further delay. While that lasted, we might amply supplyourselves with food, and with due precaution set the natives atdefiance; but should that be exhausted, they, with their long spears andformidable boomerangs, would be superior to us in weapons of defence,while we should have no means of obtaining provisions. Had not thebushrangers carried off so much of our powder, we might have remainedanother month or two.

  The boat was loaded without delay. Our last act was to collect all thevegetables fit for use in the garden, that we might have a supply ofgreen food--at all events, for the first few days of our journey. Notwithout regret did we bid farewell to the spot which had afforded usshelter for so many weeks.

  "Shove off," said my father, as he seated himself at the helm, with mymother and Edith by his side, while the faithful Nanny crouched at mysister's feet; and giving way, we commenced our voyage up the river. Wetook a look through an opening in the trees in the direction of thewhale, round which the natives were still collected in vast numbers; andthankful were we to get away from them, for we had no doubt that as soonas they had eaten up the monster they would become troublesome. Weshould have been glad had we been able to penetrate farther to the westby water, as a glance at the map we had with us showed that we shouldstill have a considerable amount of westing to make in our course toSydney.

  My mother was cheerful, notwithstanding the arduous journey on footwhich she was about to undertake. Edith laughed and talked as usual,not troubling herself about the matter; indeed, she thought that itwould be very good fun to walk on all day through a new country with aconstant change of scenery, and at the end of it the amusement offorming a camp for the night. She thought, indeed, it would be asuccession of picnics, only with more excitement than ordinary picnicsafford. We none of us said anything to damp her spirits, though I couldnot help fearing that she would get tired before long of this style oflife. We had, however, every reason to hope that we should enjoy fineweather, as the rainy season was now over; and that would be much in ourfavour.

  We met with no adventure worth recording, and having pulled on all daywithout cessation, we reached the head of the navigation soon aftersunset. Our friends, having a fire blazing up cheerfully and provisionscooking at it, were collected on the bank to welcome us. As soon as theboat was unloaded we dragged her up the bank some way from the water,where we intended, before starting the next morning, to house hercarefully over, so that she might be protected from the sun and wet, andbe ready for use should we be compelled from any cause to return.

  Our camp was formed at some distance from the water, on the side of abank, where the ground was drier than the spot we first occupied nearthe river. It was truly a wild woodland scene: the trees of giganticgrowth towering up to the starlit sky, their branches thickly interlacedwith countless creepers, which hung down in festoons, bearing flowers ofvarious hues, some of enormous size, others so minute as scarcely to bediscernible except when massed in clusters. Those only, however, werevisible, which, hanging low down, shone in the light of the blazingfire.

  Mudge had thoughtfully arranged a bark hut for my mother and Edith,while lean-tos served for the rest of the party. Considering ourcircumstances, we were very merry as we sat round the fire enjoying agood supper, for, having an abundance of provisions, there was nonecessity to stint ourselves; indeed, we possessed more than we couldcarry, and should have to let some remain _en cache_, as the Canadianscall it.

  Pullingo had, according to his own idea, become one of us; Mudge
havingdressed him up in a shirt and trousers, which made him far morepresentable among civilised people than he had hitherto been. He hadtried to get him into a canvas jacket; but he made signs that it was toohot, and that he should sink with the weight;--though one would notsuppose that it could have made much difference. I observed that atnight he took off his new clothes, and merely threw his skin-rug overhim; probably he would otherwise have been unable to go to sleep.

  But I must now hurry on, and merely give the chief incidents of ourjourney.