Read Twisted Affair Vol. 3 Page 4

  I crooked my finger at him, motioning for him to come to me. He smiled as he made his way through the crowd and that solidified my decision. A guy who refused to make the move would've been too arrogant and wouldn’t let me set the rules. I didn't much care who the initiator was sexually, but he needed to be clear on how this was going to work. No strings attached, nothing kinky and I wasn't sticking around for anything extra.

  “I'm Ty,” he said, leaning close enough that I could hear him.

  I opened my mouth and started to give him my name, but changed my mind partway through and Americanized it. “Lizzie.”

  “Can I get you another drink?” He moved even closer, until he was in my personal space. He wasn't touching me, but I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His aftershave was something rich and musky. Not what I'd want to smell all the time, but right now, it was exactly what I wanted.

  I shook my head and put my lips against his ear. “I am not thirsty.” I flicked his earlobe with my tongue. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him swallow hard. “Let us dance.”

  He nodded as I took his hand and led him out onto the dance floor. My heart pounded in my chest. I didn't do this. I never did this. But, I thought as Ty put his hands on my waist, Katka did things like this all the time. All I had to do was behave how I knew she would behave.

  That thought, along with the last of the alcohol working its way through my system, loosened me up enough to let my body move to the music. My hips swayed and when Ty pulled me closer, I let him. Our bodies pressed against each other and, if his movements here were any indication, he would pretty good moving other places too.

  His lips brushed against mine and I turned my head slightly, kissing his jaw and then down to his neck. I didn't really feel like kissing tonight. Ty didn't seem to mind. In fact, considering the sound he made and his hands sliding around and down to grab my ass, he enjoyed it when I sucked on his earlobe just as much as he'd have liked a kiss.

  “Your place?” I made it a question and a suggestion all in one.

  Ten minutes later, we were walking into a nice, but fairly inexpensive apartment building. I wasn't about to ask what Ty did for a living since I didn't want him to think this was more than it was, but based on his appearance and our surroundings, he had a stable income. That was good. If he hadn't had money, I'd have worried he would get clingy. If he had money, he might think I was for sale.

  I kept all of this to myself as we entered his apartment. He tossed his keys onto the kitchen table and then looked at me. I could read his thoughts on his face. He was wondering if I wanted a drink, small talk, some wining and dining before we went any further. It was his lucky night.

  I reached behind me and unzipped the dress. I kept my eyes on his face as he watched me slip it off and set it on the table. It would keep me from having to hunt for it later. I stepped out of my heels next. They were low enough that they didn't take much away from my height.

  “No strings attached,” I said. “I do not wish to know your last name or exchange phone numbers. Good, safe sex is all I am after.”

  He grinned. “That sounds good to me.” He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing as many muscles as I'd imagined would be there. He had a tattoo on his chest. Some initials. I didn't really care enough to look more closely. “Bedroom's this way.”

  I waited until we were in the bedroom before taking off my bra and panties, carefully laying them on his dresser. When we were done, I didn't want to have to go searching in the dark for those either. By the time I turned to him, he was naked as well. His body was exactly what I'd expected it to be. As he ran his hand over his slowly stiffening cock, the motion drew my attention down and I gave him an appreciative look. He was on the larger side of average, which meant he'd reach all the right places if he knew how to use it. On that, my sister and I agreed. It was less about the size and more about the man it was attached to. Before I could stop myself, I wondered how Blayne would measure up to Ty.

  “Like what you see?”

  His words brought me back and I almost cringed at the cliché, but settled for an amused smile instead. I wasn't here because he was a brilliant conversationalist. “I am hoping you know how to use it.”

  “Oh, I do.” He ran his gaze down my body and the heat in his eyes doubled. “You're gorgeous, Lizzie.”

  I walked over to the bed and sat down. As I made my way up to the head of the bed, I kept my eyes on Ty. His hand was moving slowly, with firm strokes that had him fully erect before I'd settled on the pillows. I had a feeling there wouldn’t be much foreplay, but that was fine with me. In my opinion, all of that was great for relationships, but I just wanted a fuck.

  I dropped one hand between my legs and put the other on my breast. He made a sound in the back of his throat as he watched my fingers begin their work. My nipple hardened as I rolled the sensitive flesh and I felt myself grow wet as the fingers rubbing my clit sent ripples of pleasure through me.

  “You ready for this?”

  Oh good, the clichés kept coming. It was a good thing he was hot and I was getting aroused. I slid a finger into my pussy, gently stretching myself as he rolled on a condom. At least I hadn't needed to remind him about that. I added a second finger and watched him climb onto the bed.

  “Damn, you're beautiful.” He slid his hands up my legs and I shivered at the sensation, but not from the words. I'd heard them before.

  At least his hands were nice. It had been too long since someone had touched me like that. I moved further down on the pillows and gave myself over to what I was feeling. Nothing personal or emotional involved. Just physical. His hands on my breasts. His mouth sucking on my nipples. His lips and tongue teased at my flesh, even as he positioned his cock at my entrance.

  I moaned as he entered me. I hadn't had anything bigger than my fingers inside me for at least a couple years and I'd forgotten how good it felt. The hard flesh filling me, stretching me. He moved with a slow, steady pace, each stroke designed to rub against me with perfect friction.

  But the pleasure I had been feeling started to fade rather than build. It didn't go away completely, but it wasn't enough to take my head out of things, to let me lose myself the way I needed to. I became aware of the little things. The sounds of traffic from outside. Neighbors arguing in the apartment below us. A slight, subtle squeaking of the bed every time Ty thrust into me. The weight of his body. The feel of sweat on our skin.

  Yeah, I wasn't going anywhere with this. I mentally sighed. No need to make Ty suffer for it though. He was trying and he seemed like the kind of guy who would keep going until I got off too. It just wasn't going to happen. I hooked my ankles behind his knees and raised my hips to meet each stroke. I tightened my pussy around his cock, quickening my breathing and hoped he would assume I was coming. I didn't like deceiving him that way, but I also just wanted him to be done.

  “I'm close,” he panted, the strain showing on his face.

  “As am I,” I lied as I slid my hands down his back to his ass, squeezing it.

  He came with a groan, burying his face against my neck. I moaned, putting a little catch in my voice that I hoped he'd interpret the right way. Or, I supposed… the wrong way.

  Based on the grin he gave me, he had bought my act. Now all I had to do was wait a few minutes to make a pretend recovery from my fake orgasm and then I could get up and go without risking him knowing I'd lied. If I dressed quickly and caught a cab back to the apartment, I could probably still be in my room before Blayne got back. A hot bath and a good night's sleep might be able to accomplish what Ty couldn't. If I was still preoccupied tomorrow, I would have to come up with a better plan. Otherwise, this was going to be a long three years.

  Chapter 6


  I was glad that Blayne felt comfortable enough with me to tell me about taking my sister to the event at the library Friday night. I wasn't jealous of the admiring tone he used when he spoke of her and how she'd charmed his family. Not exactly anyway.
The tightening of my stomach came from something that had nothing to do with sex or romance. I knew Blayne wanted me, that he was attracted to me sexually, but there was something in his voice when he talked about Livie. He liked her for more than her body. In fact, he never mentioned her body. Only how smart and poised she'd been.

  As we finished the last of our fine meal and sat on the hotel sofa, sipping the last of the champagne, I couldn't get those thoughts out of my mind and I knew why. I wasn't simply attracted to Blayne, wanting him in my bed. It wasn't that I thought he was fun to be around, even though we couldn't go out anywhere, or that he had the money to get us this amazing room and pay the staff for their discretion.

  No, it wasn't lust or friendship or anything like that. I wasn't so lucky. I was falling for him.

  I couldn't deny the way I felt when I looked at him. The warmth in my stomach was more than arousal. The tenderness I felt at moments like this, when he was simply sitting next to me. I studied the line of his jaw, watched the way his throat muscles worked when he swallowed. He hadn't shaved before our date and there was a faint hint of stubble on his cheeks. I reached out and brushed the back of my hand across the golden bristles.

  He grinned at me as he caught my hand, turning his head to press his lips against my palm. “You're being quiet, my Kat.”

  My heart did a flip. I liked that he called me his. More than I should have. He'd used that same endearment the first time we'd slept together – well, actually the third time, but it had been the first time he'd known it was me.

  “Just enjoying being here with you,” I said. That was the truth, if not all of it. “Knowing we have all night and do not have to worry about being interrupted.”

  His smile widened. “That’s crossed my mind.” He released my hand and cupped my cheek. “What do you say we move this into the bedroom?”

  I stood and took his champagne glass, setting both of them on the coffee table. I held out my hand, shivering as his palm slid across mine. We walked into the bedroom, but were barely through the doorway before he pulled me against him and claiming my mouth.

  I parted my lips eagerly, reaching up to bury my fingers in his hair as he plunged his tongue into my mouth. I moaned, curling my tongue around his. His fingers were busy at my back, searching for the zipper. I felt his fingers brush against my bare back as he lowered the zipper and goosebumps broke out across my flesh. If my eyes hadn't already been closed, I would've closed them then and enjoyed the touch of his hand as he splayed his fingers across my back.

  I swore softly as he released my mouth, his lips moving across my jaw and down to my throat. Flames burned across my skin, following his mouth as it trailed down to my collarbone. I felt my dress slide off and pool at my feet, but it was a secondary thought. Every fiber of my being was focused on the places Blayne was touching me. My bra joined the dress and then his hands were on my breasts, cupping and caressing. Fingers teasing my nipples even as he eased me back onto the bed.

  At some point, he must have removed his clothes because when he stretched out on top of me to take my mouth again, skin slid against overheated skin. My hardened nipples rubbed against his chest and I raked my nails lightly down his back. His body shuddered and I felt his cock press against me, only the thin layer of his boxer-briefs and my panties kept us apart.

  “I need these off.” I tore my mouth away from his and tugged at the waistband of his underwear. “Please.”

  He grinned at me. “Impatient, aren't we?” He pushed himself up onto his knees. “I thought you were all excited that we had all night.” He moved down my body. “I think someone needs a lesson in patience.”

  I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that. Then he was hooking his fingers under the elastic of my panties and sliding them down my legs. Arousal spiked as he spread my legs, the hunger on his face clear. He stretched out and, before I could try to figure out what he'd meant by that last comment, his mouth was on my pussy, tongue delving into me. My back arched and my hands fisted into the bedspread.

  Damn that man had a mouth on him!

  His hands wrapped around my thighs, long fingers digging into my muscles as I bucked my hips against him. His tongue worked up and down, circling my clit and then flicking against the top of it before dropping down to dip into my pussy. It was the most exquisite torture I'd ever felt. I cursed and thrashed, begging him to make me come. Each time I got close, however, he'd stop and look up at me with those storm gray eyes, smiling as I called him every name I could think of in English and Czech. Then, just as my muscles began to cease their trembling, as the pressure inside me started to fade, he'd do it all over again.

  When he finally took me over the edge, sucking on my clit until I came, screaming, everything went white. I didn't know how long the climax lasted, only that it felt the way I had always imagined eternity to be. Forever and an instant all at once. Beyond the concept of time.


  Blayne's voice drew me back and I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me. I saw the question on his face and knew what he was asking. I wasn't entirely sure I could manage anything coherent yet so I nodded, a weak wobble, but he knew what it meant and, a moment later, I felt him slide inside my pussy, the cool latex warming instantly with our heat.

  “Oh, my Kat,” he murmured as he slowly entered me. “You feel amazing.”

  If another man had said that, I might've laughed, but hearing the words from Blayne made me catch my breath. Then he was all the way in, rocking against me and I gasped for a completely different reason. Every inch of my body felt like it was twice as sensitive as it had been before and he was pressing against my throbbing clit. I whimpered as he drew back and then wailed when he snapped his hips forward. He kept going like that. Slow withdrawals. Quick, hard thrusts forward. Each one drove me higher, sending pulsing, pounding pleasure over and through me. I came a second time within minutes and could feel myself working towards another when Blayne began to move faster.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and held on as I came again. He swore as my body tightened around him, but it didn't slow him down at all. He rode me hard and fast until he buried himself deep, calling out my name.

  My name.

  Not hers.

  He wanted me.

  And I more than wanted him.


  Chapter 7


  As Katka snuggled closer to me, I wrapped my arm more securely around her and kissed the top of her head. It was funny, I thought. I'd never really been one for cuddling. I mean, there was always a couple minutes after a good fuck where legs weren't working properly or we both needed some time to breathe right again, but I didn't really consider that anything other than post-orgasmic down time. Even the odd time or two when I spent a weekend with a girl – the ones I remembered anyway – I didn't do the whole cuddle and talk thing. There was recovery, fucking and eventually, passing out from exhaustion. Awkward breakfast, more fucking. And usually a healthy dosage of drugs and booze.

  With Katka, it was different. I generally used the necessary clean-up as an excuse to get out of bed and go somewhere else for a while. Tonight, I'd been reluctant to even move. Then, once I was done, I hadn't even thought twice about climbing back in next to her. I actually wanted to hold her, enjoy just being with her. It was the first time we'd really had that.

  I knew this situation was totally fucked up. From the way we'd met to where we were now. We'd started with lies and misdirection and I'd known, as soon as I'd found out, I needed to end it. But I hadn't been able to do it then, and I sure as hell couldn't do it now. I'd slept with her once after I'd found out who she really was. I'd told myself it was a mistake and couldn't happen again.

  And then I'd found myself calling her. Thinking about her. I'd asked her to come to this hotel without even giving myself the excuse that I planned to break things off and this was the best place to do it. I'd finally admitted to myself that I didn't want to let her go. Until
just now, however, I hadn't acknowledged the whole truth. It wasn't only her body I wanted.

  I looked down at her, studying the curve of her lips, the cheekbones that could've made her a model too. She was beautiful, one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, and it wasn't only due to her physical appearance. There was a light in her, an energy and glow that drew me to her.

  On the outside, she was just like Livie. The differences were subtle. Katka wore her hair down, while Livie pulled hers back. Katka applied her make-up to enhance her beauty while Livie used only the barest amount. Their wardrobe was just as different. But all of that was superficial. If I'd only cared about appearances, there wouldn't have been any differences between how I felt about Katka and how I felt about Livie. They would've been equally attractive to me.

  While I admired Livie and enjoyed spending time with her, I knew I'd never be able to get close to her, and I didn't mean just physically. Livie had walls up all the time. I felt them every time we talked. Even when she'd confided in me about what had happened to her and Katka's parents, I had sensed a reluctance there. It was like she didn't want me to see how much witnessing her parent’s murder had affected her. I didn't know if she thought I'd think less of her or think her weak, but seeing her vulnerable wouldn't have done any of that. If anything, it would've made me see her as more human. The entire time she'd told the story, her voice had been flat. I supposed that was how she dealt with it, but it had been another example of how she appeared to not let anything touch her.

  I hadn't asked Katka about her parents. Now that I knew what had happened, I wasn't going to pry. She wasn't like Livie. I had a feeling if I opened that door, it would hurt her and I didn't want to do that. Katka was strong, but in a different way than her sister. I hadn't known her long and I knew there were still a lot of things to learn about her, but I'd seen enough to know she was an open book. If she felt it, she showed it. She didn't hide herself.