Read Twisted Evil Page 1

Twisted Evil

  For the ones who still believe

  There’s more than this.

  © Wendy Lorraine Maddocks 2003

  Twisted Evil

  Other works by Wendy Maddocks

  Stand alone novels

  Twisted evil

  Into the darkness

  Short story collections

  The thrill of the Chase

  A Shade too young

  The Shades of Northwood series

  Running shoes

  Circle of arms

  Unfinished business

  Kiss at midnight

  Circle of the Fallen series

  Angels of America

  Poetry collections

  When I was young

  Before the dawn




  Student: dazed and confused

  Part One:

  Blood And Guns


  Robyn let out a mouse-like squeal as she flew into the concrete wall and grinned in sick pleasure. She pushed herself off the wall and crashed down to the wooden floor with a sharp scream. Her long red hair was tied in a loose knot between her shoulder blades and was streaked with dried blood from wounds inflicted days before. She had a long, wide bruise along the length of her cheekbone, but it didn’t seem to bother her. the dark-haired man straddled her and violently backhanded her across the face, the sharp edge of his golden signet ring creating an inch-long cut at the corner of her mouth. She giggled. “I love it when you do that.”

  “I know you do, baby. That’s why I do it.”

  Robyn tensed her muscles, threw him off of her and climbed on him. Putting her face close to his, she ran her fingers over the curves of his face, drawing blood from the side of his nose with one razor-sharp fingernail. “Do you love it when I do it?” She ran her finger over the cut, collecting most of the blood, and licked it off. “Mmm.”

  “Absolutely.” He smiled and clasped his hands behind his head. “You’re the only one can make me scream.”

  Robyn sat up and rested her hands on his chest. “Mm. I like the screaming.”

  The dark-haired man – his name was Mika – lifted her off him, as if she weighed no more than a feather, and sprang to his feet. He wiped the rest of the fresh blood from his face and sucked it from his hand. Robyn was more than happy to let the thin trickle of blood make its tracks down her neck, enjoying the sensation. Mika opened his eyes wider and watched with growing interest as the red liquid dripped down her skin. It was so red. And her skin was so pale. Even now, it was just an enchanting contrast.

  Robyn took the elastic band from her hair, snapped it around her wrist and brushed frantically at her flame coloured locks. It was amazing how shiny that hair could become within a few minutes, and how the bloodstains seemed to mostly flake out. She reached up and ran a hand through Mika’s brown hair – a rare show of friendly affection. “What’s wrong Mika?”

  “Nothing. I’m just looking.” He caught a handful of hair at the side of her head and moved it away. Mika nuzzled his face in her neck. “Listening. I can hear it in you, you know. Rushing around you.”

  “Can I go play with my toy?” Robyn whined in a tinny voice.


  “Can I? It’s been a whole day,” she reasoned. The tangy smell of blood was too much and her tongue flicked out at the corner of her mouth. The taste of her own blood disgusted her, but she couldn’t let anyone see her looking battered and injured. She followed Mika up a flight of stairs to the attic and banged the door open. He left her to play but left the door open.

  “Hello, puppy.” Robyn produced a key from the pocket of her long, full dress and unlocked the chains of the young man she kept in the room. His name was Leo Kent. The cuffs were taken off his wrists and he dropped to the floor. “Wanna play with me, Leo?”

  A tiny moan escaped from his lips as his head bounced off the floor. Leo had had his shirt torn off a long while before and deep claw marks ran the length of his torso. The wounds were congealed at the edges and had scabbed over in places. The dusty wooden floor beneath his body was spotted with brown, but no more liquid ran from his re-opened injuries. His face looked hollow and bruised, and tears had begun to appear in his paper-thin skin. Leo was a young man – in his mid-20s – but now looked aged beyond his years. His blue eyes were glazed over and semi-focused on something in the middle distance.

  Robyn let out a deep, throaty growl when he didn’t move and placed one hand on his cold chest, which she used to drive him back and pin him against a wall. Leo’s head lolled to one side. The woman bent down until she could look into his eyes and slapped him hard. When again there was no response, she let him crumple to the floor and straddled him. Her sharp fingernails dug into the soft flesh behind his shoulders as she shook him until his head struck the floor. “Why won’t you scream for me? I thought you loved me.” That much, at least, was true – Leo had once been infatuated with Robyn’s fleeting spirit. “You used to love me, you’d do anything for me. Give me anything I wanted – jewellery, clothes. Except what I really wanted. Then, you saw me for what I truly am… and, boy, did you scream. So loud and so long. Such a sweet sound.” She giggled manically for a few seconds. Frustrated by his pronounced lack of activity, she fastened one hand around his neck and carried him through to the study, where Mika was playing Solitaire on his computer.

  “Sodding game!” he grumbled as he ran out of cards and had to start over.

  Sulkily, she tossed Leo’s limp form into an empty swivel chair at the other end of the computer desk. The chair creaked under the sudden weight, but Mika didn’t take his eyes away from the screen, always clicking on the mouse. “The puppy doesn’t want to play,” she complained.

  “That’s ‘cos he’s dead, love,” he explained.

  “Dead. But, I wanted to play with it.” She twisted a lank lock of hair between he fingers. “He’s been my favourite all week.”

  “They always die, baby.” He grinned as Robyn bit into his neck and slid one delicate hand in his t-shirt. “Never stopped us though.” Angry at the computer for ruining his game, and desperately wanting to please his girl, he stretched out one arm and swiped his entire computer onto the floor, where it instantly burst into flames.

  “Oooh,” she cooed. “Fire… pretty.”

  “Does that make my little bird happy?”

  Robyn sank to the floor, giggling insanely, raised her hands above her head and hitched the skirt of her dress up to the top of her thigh. “What do you think? Now, come and get your reward.”

  Mika planted tiny kisses right up her leg, and pulled her to her feet by her crossed hands. “Not here in the fire. Wouldn’t want Leo to get jealous now, would we?” He reached over the flame, grabbed the dead mans wrist and pulled him into the fire. “Let’s watch him burn.”

  They watched for a few minutes, then Robyn turned to him and put her arms around his neck. “Mika. I’m hungry,” she whined. “Can we go eat now?”


  “But I’m hungry now,” she moaned. Robyn had never been known for having a long fuse, and had the same fiery temper as typically befitted a redhead.

  Mika hated to see her sad, and would do anything to satisfy her every desire. He did anything to make her happy, deriving almost as much pleasure at watching Robyn enjoy herself as he did for himself. Unease swept over him as the fire crept ever closer and he dragged the woman into the dark bedroom – he would put the fire out in a minute or two. Robyn, having a short attention span, seemed to have forgotten all about the blaze. Mika’s keen sense of smell picked up the acrid scent of sizzling flesh and he realised that he was also
hungry. “Tonight, we shall feed. And we’ll find you something new to play with.”

  “I’ll go and make myself pretty. Can we go to that French place in the city? They always have the best quality.”

  “We can go where-ever you want, baby.”

  An hour later, mere moments before sunset, Robyn flounced down the stairs dressed in a short, leather skirt and thin, lace-trimmed top. “Do you like?”

  Mika looked up at her from his position on the floor, and grinned, showing perfect white teeth. “You look good enough to eat.” His own classic outfit of black jeans and a white t-shirt was enough to blend the couple in as any other two youngsters who were out for a night together.

  Mika called a taxi and ordered the driver to take them where-ever the lady wanted him to. The minicab pulled up at the end of the street and they got out. Mika leaned in the drivers’ window and reached into his pocket as if searching for the correct change. “How much is that?”

  The driver glanced down at the meter. “That’s a tenner, mate. Plus tip.”

  Faster than lightning, he whipped his hand out of his pocket, gripped the back of the man’s neck and bashed his face into the steering wheel. “How much is that?” he repeated.

  “N-n-nothing, mate. It’s on the house.” He revved the engine and the car sped down the road.

  “Oh, you bad boy, Mika,” Robyn purred, slipping one arm through his. “I’m gonna have to punish you when we get home. It was my turn.”

  Mika smirked, knowing full well that she would be completely satisfied, her every twisted fantasy fulfilled, before they even thought about heading home. They sat down at an outside table and pushed the menus to one side.

  “Would you like anything to drink while you decide?” asked a waitress.

  Robyn raised an eyebrow and licked her lips in barely concealed anticipation of the coming meal. Mika put his hand on hers and smiled at her to calm her down. “We’ll have two glasses of champagne, please.” As the waitress jotted this down, Robyn opened her menu out in front of her. After a minute or two, Mika spoke again. “Seen anything you like?”

  “Uh-huh.” She pointed to a slim, blonde woman who was eating an unidentified dish. “That looks good. Juicy.” Robyn got that far away look in her eyes again and started to hum a made-up tune to the stars. “She’s important. To the plan.” She turned back to him, a glimmer in her eyes. “I want her. Let’s take her now.”

  “No, love. It’s too risky. There are people around here who know what we are. That’s why we have to lay low – operate undercover. Try to act like everyone else… until the very end. Or, at least until we’re out of sight,” he said, gently. There was logic to that. If they revealed their true natures in public…

  So they ordered a small meal each, and kept sight of the girl until she disappeared around the corner with her boyfriend.

  After a few minutes of tracking them by the scent the couple left behind, Mika realised that they were headed out to a nightclub in another part of the city. That wasn’t ideal but, with a little help from Robyn, he could work with it. Knowing exactly what to do, Robyn darted off down a dark, side alley whilst Mika kept following them at a safe distance. Robyn and Mika had done this several times whilst tracking people and Mika thrived on thrill of the chase. He knew he had to stay well out of sight until Robyn called out to him – and with her speed, it wouldn’t be long. She worked fast.

  Mika flattened himself against the shadow of a wall as the couple stopped to make out in the middle of the street. Metal garbage cans rattled around a corner and the young man went to see what had caused the noise. Mika watched as the blonde girl stood in the middle of the road, tapping her foot impatiently while she waited. It was so tempting to go up to her right now, but Robyn had told him that she was important to some plan or other. Robyn was usually right about these things, and Mika had learnt that it was never a wise move to go against her. When the man didn’t come back after five minutes, the girl went after him; Mika followed her. Robyn was perched on top of one of the bins with the boy kissing her, one hand firmly planted on her cold stomach beneath her top.

  “Hey, Ricky. Did you forget about me?” asked the young woman. “I’ve been waiting for, like, ever.”

  “Oh, shit,” he said as his girlfriend caught him with the redhead. “You better get out of here before things get ugly.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She slid off the lid and draped one arm over his chest. “I wanna watch.”

  “What the hell d’you think you’re doing with that slut?”

  “I’m serious. Get out of here.” Robyn made no attempt to move and stroked his chest with her fingers. “Carly, I can explain everything.”

  “Go on then. Explain why you’ve got your tongue stuck halfway down that slag’s throat.”

  Mika stepped out of the shadows, a frown creasing his pale face. “What are you seeing about my girl?”

  “You might wanna stay out of this, mate,” Ricky told him. “Could get dangerous.”

  “And you might wanna get the hell away from her,” Mika bargained. “Or I could get dangerous.”

  Robyn stared at him and nibbled Ricky’s ear. “Look at them, Ricky.” She wasn’t talking to Ricky, though she used his name. “So jealous and possessive. It’s all part of the plan.”

  Carly looked between the three of them, equally disgusted by them all. “Ricky, she’s a whore. She could’ve been anywhere – and you’re swapping spit with her.”

  “Okay, I’ve had enough with this bitching.” Mika whirled around on his heel and punched Carly in the side of her face. She fell to the floor, unconscious. “Never gets old.”

  “You hit my girlfriend!” Ricky wasn’t as bothered about it as he made out, circling one arm around Robyn’s tiny waist. “That’s unforgivable.” He clapped one hand over hers and kissed it. “I told you this would get ugly.”

  “Mmm,” she murmured. “I love it.”

  “I know you do, baby.” Mika sniffed the air hungrily as blood started to trickle from a small cut on Carly’s cheekbone where he had struck her. “So do I.”

  “Smell that?” whispered Robyn, seductively. “It’s life… power.” Her eyes fixed on the blood, as did Mika’s, almost entranced by it.

  “It’s blood!” Ricky spat. “You made my girlfriend bleed.”

  Mika bent down to the unconscious woman and licked the blood from her cheek. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

  “Mika. Save me some,” whined Robyn. It was so tempting…

  “You’re a freak.” Ricky turned to her and threw his arm off his chest. “Get away from me.”

  “I thought you really liked me.” Robyn stroked his neck with her fingers, able to feel the oxidised blood pulsing through him. His skin was so delicate, practically unblemished, and practically begging to be torn. “We just want a taste. It will be quick, I promise.”

  Ricky gasped as she stepped closer, and slapped her as hard as he could. He had always been taught never to hit girls, but this chick was crazy. As his hand hit her face with a resounding slap, she didn’t turn her head away and barely even flinched. Instead, she just laughed. “So young, so weak.” She grabbed one of his arms and twisted it up behind his back. He struggled to free himself from her grip but Robyn held firm, seemingly with no effort at all. In a fit of temper, Robyn head-butted him and pushed him across to Mika, who instantly folded him into an identical grip and sniffed his neck.

  “Right, I’m reporting you two to the police.”

  “I don’t think so.” Mika reached into his pocket, retrieved the mobile phone and tossed it to Robyn who snatched it out of the air and crushed it underfoot. He threw Ricky to the ground and he rolled to a stop next to his girlfriend’s side. “Now, I’ll show you how to treat my baby properly.” In a flash he was at her side and had swung by one arm so she was flying through the air. She crash landed on the hood of a
parked car, and her head went through the front window. Robyn broke into a smile and flipped back onto her feet. She stretched one hand behind her head, and brought it back into view covered in blood. Staring at it, the redhead giggled; Mika licked his lips and instantly found himself pinned to a large metal wheelie bin. Their combined strength made dents in the top and the reinforced edge crumpled like paper in his hands. Mika lifted her bloodied hands and sucked the cherry-coloured liquid from her knuckles.

  “I’m hungry now, Mika. Let’s eat.”

  Mika could sense Carly coming round, and could see Ricky watching them in horror. Grinning at his terror, Mika let him watch as he licked her hand clean. “Food,” he growled. “Now, which one first?”

  “Not her. She knows about the plan. We need her alive.”

  Seeing the pleasure the other couple took in hurting each other, Ricky scrambled to his feet and made a dash for the main street. If they could do that to each other, what might they do to him? Mika appeared in front of him, and Ricky skidded to a halt. With him in front, and Robyn right behind him, there was no way out. “What do you want?”

  “I smell fear. It makes my nose tickle, Mika.” Robyn dragged the young man into the shadows where she grabbed him in a stronghold. Mika followed.

  “What’s the plan then?” Mika demanded.

  “I don’t know. She’ll tell us though,” Robyn said. “Stop squirming.” She got bored of him and sank two sharp, pointed fangs into his throat. He was on drugs; something had infected his bloodstream and he tasted… wrong. Robyn resisted the urge to pull away from the contaminated life-force – if she wasn’t so hungry, Robyn would have thrown him away as being sub-standard, but not having fed properly for more than a week, she couldn’t leave the bitter-sweet liquid. After a moment or two, her hungry partner joined her, hating the sour taste of the drugged blood but finding it impossible to withdraw. When they were finished, Mika wiped the warm, sticky substance from his mouth with his arm and let the man’s corpse fall to the ground, out of the shadows. “I thought he was going to be your new toy.”