Read Two Geeks and Their Girl Page 16

  She smiled. “Just be nice. Don’t play the I’m Smarter Than You game with them on their first day. And definitely no falling in love with them.”

  Rhys laughed. “Do you honestly think anyone could ever tempt us away from you?”

  “I certainly hope not.”

  “They’d be stupid to try,” Korbin said after leaning in for a kiss. “You’d kick their ass.”

  “Got that right.”

  “Ooh, I love it when she gets all possessive,” Rhys teased.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After dinner, she thought maybe they’d want to unwind by playing a video game or watching TV.

  She was pleasantly surprised to discover that after they cleaned up the kitchen for her, they wanted to head right for bed.

  And sleeping was the last thing on their minds.

  Rhys laid his glasses on the bedside table and winced a little as he pulled off his shirt. The sight of the fading bruises on his back infuriated her all over again.

  She walked over and helped him, gently trailing kisses along the backs of his shoulder. He held still, tension draining from his body under her ministrations. Gingerly, she wrapped her arms around him and laid her cheek against his back.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to keep you safe,” she quietly said.

  He covered her hands with his. “Love, it was my idiotic choice to go home. You told me to go to a hotel, but I thought I knew better. I completely underestimated the motives of the people who were up against us.”

  “I should have made sure you went to a hotel. Or kept you here with me.”

  He turned in her arms and forced her to look up at him. “Manny, if it wasn’t for you, I might be dead. Look at the broader picture. Had it not been for you, they might have succeeded in their plans. They might have taken not only me, but Korbin as well. We both could have been dead.”

  She stared up into his sweet brown eyes as she ran a hand through his unruly mop of hair. “I can’t lose you guys. Especially not like that.”

  “Not like what?” Korbin asked as he emerged from the bathroom.

  Rhys glanced over at him. “She’s still feeling guilty.”

  Korbin snagged her arm and pulled her to him. “Then let’s see what we can do about turning off that beautiful brain of hers.”

  “Sounds like a great idea,” Rhys agreed.

  Korbin smiled down at her. “Sick of us yet?”

  She draped her arms around his neck, giving him a little bump and grind with her hips. “Not even close. I don’t think I could ever get sick of you two.”

  Rhys stepped behind her, pressing her into Korbin. She felt both of their hard cocks through their pants. Rhys bent his head to nibble along her neck. “We plan on doing our best to make sure you don’t,” he said, his breath hot against her flesh before he started nibbling again.

  If nibbling on her neck like that was part of their plans, she knew she’d have no problem spending the rest of her life with them. Something about the way he did it totally melted her knees and started her juices flowing.

  They maneuvered her over to the bed, leaving a trail of clothing in their wake. With Rhys still sore, she made him lie down on his back before crawling between his legs to go down on him.

  The feel of his hands stroking her hair reassured her, soothed her shattered security. Life was so fragile, and to almost lose him before they had a chance, to go through that a second time in her life, she didn’t know if she could stand it.

  Licking and sucking his cock, which had no problem getting hard for her, helped her soul feel at ease. He was there and okay and real and not going anywhere.

  Behind her, Korbin slid two fingers into her cunt while reaching around her and playing with her clit with his other one. She closed her eyes and let her body flow between them, the passion Korbin stoked inside her transferring from her mouth to Rhys’ cock.

  “That’s it, love,” Rhys said. “You suck my cock so well.”

  “Yes, she is good at that,” Korbin agreed.

  Korbin picked up the pace, reading her body and soon triggering her first orgasm. As she moaned around Rhys’ cock, she felt his member grow harder and hotter against her tongue.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, his tone growing deeper. “You know what to do.”

  She lost track of time, her world centered around the pleasure she was giving and receiving. She also lost track of how many times Korbin made her come before his hands disappeared.

  Her eyes flew open and she let out a disappointed whine that made Rhys chuckle. “He’s coming back. Don’t worry.”

  Korbin did return, kneeling between her legs and grabbing her hips to position her before feeding his cock into her cunt.

  Her eyes closed again and another low, rolling moan vibrated through her. Each stroke Korbin took drove her deeper onto Rhys’ cock.

  “I won’t last long,” Korbin gasped.

  Rhys cradled her head in his hands and started thrusting his hips against her, taking over and speeding up the tempo until she was simply along for the delicious ride.

  Then Rhys went rigid and his cock exploded in her mouth.

  Korbin fucked her hard and fast, triggering one more small climax inside her even as she swallowed every bit of cum Rhys pumped out. When Korbin finally fell still, the only sound in the bedroom was the three of them trying to catch their breath.

  Until Rhys’ stomach let out a growl.

  Manny giggled and pried her eyes open to meet his gaze.

  He smiled. “Sorry, love.”

  “At least he didn’t fart,” Korbin snarked as he untangled himself from Manny, climbed out of bed, and headed for the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A couple of weeks after her assignment ended and life settled into some semblance of normal, Manny felt a little pang that she wasn’t working with her guys anymore.

  That pang completely disappeared, however, when she realized it meant no more forced technology. At least, not unfamiliar technology. She still had to deal with Rob and even her dad trying to jam electronics down her throat. But at least she could hold her own in the office with the systems she was already used to.

  Although now that Korbin and Rhys had patiently showed her how to work the scanner software, she did admit it would make things a hell of a lot easier for her and her dad in terms of her taxes.

  It didn’t hurt that she was usually scanning paperwork in the evenings at her desk now set up in the corner of the dining room at Rhys and Korbin’s house. All the clean-up and repairs had been finished, and the men wasted no time beginning the moving process.

  Now it was her home, too, although they still had several days’ worth of packing and schlepping to get her completely moved out of her apartment and into the house.

  The men had ordered a large king-sized bed and cleared out some of Korbin’s things into new dressers in what was formerly Rhys’ bedroom so she could have all her clothes right there.

  Where the three of them slept together every night.

  It didn’t hurt that she’d announced to her father her new relationship with the men and immediately followed it with the news of her scanner being operational and getting her paperwork ready for him.

  By the time he finished telling her how to set up the categories for him, he’d mostly forgotten the news about her unconventional relationship.

  Although he did end their conversation on a fatherly tone. “Are you happy? Are they treating you right?”

  She glanced out into the living room, where the two men were unwinding from their day with a round of Wii racing. “They treat me like a princess, Daddy. And I’m happy for the first time in as long as I can remember.”

  He cleared his throat. “Well, then good. Love you, Manny.”

  “Love you too, Daddy.”

  The next night, moving her entire CD collection proved to be a point of contention for the men. They didn’t begrudge her the books, but they put their feet down at CDs.

>   “We have to rip them,” Korbin insisted. “It’s pointless to have to shuffle through all of these to find what you want.”

  “How can you even keep track of them?” Rhys asked.

  She tried not to let her face redden but she couldn’t help it. “I just do, okay?”

  They let it drop.

  The night after that, she arrived home before they did. They called her before leaving work to tell her they’d be late getting home, but not why, and that they’d bring take-out for dinner.

  She used her time waiting to scan more paperwork and change into something sexy for them. Tonight she was wearing one of Korbin’s long-sleeved shirts, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, only the bottom three buttons done, and nothing else. It hung down just to her ass, barely covering her pussy.

  From the bulges tenting the front of both men’s shorts whenever she wore something like that, whether Korbin’s or Rhys’ shirt, it appeared to her that they approved of her attire.

  When they finally arrived home bearing Chinese food and several white plastic drawstring shopping bags emblazoned with the Apple Store logo, she got nervous.

  “What is all of that?”

  The men set the bags down behind the sofa and wouldn’t let her see the contents. “That’s none of your business, love,” Rhys said as he steered her toward the sofa. “That’s for after dinner.”

  Korbin spread the food out on the coffee table. “Don’t worry. We’ve got painless plans for our favorite little technophobe.”

  It turned out they bought her a Mac laptop, as well as an iPod and an iPhone. They spent the rest of the evening showing her how to set up, use everything, and rip her CDs to the music player.

  “I thought you guys didn’t like Macs.”

  “We don’t,” they parroted. They glanced at each other before Korbin continued. “But we also know you’re not dumb. You just need a machine that thinks more like you do. This is our treat to you. We thought maybe if you got more comfortable with these, it might help you out in other areas.”

  “I truly think,” Rhys said, “that a lot of your problems with gadgets stem from you getting frustrated and not believing in yourself. Then it becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. You have convinced yourself they are against you. Therefore, they are.”

  “And now we can text you,” Korbin said.

  Rhys grinned. “And you can sext us naughty pictures.”

  She laughed, hugging both of them. “I’ll do my best, but don’t be surprised if you get more pictures of my thumbs than my boobs.”

  When she finished transferring her first CD to the iPod all by herself she grinned. “So I can fit all my CDs on this?”

  Korbin looked at the several boxes full of them, still packed and sitting along the living room wall. “Probably most of them. But rip them all in. That’s why we got you the external hard drive. You can store everything there as a backup and shuffle stuff around any way you want.”

  “And we’re getting you a new radio for your Jeep,” Rhys said. “One with an auxiliary jack so you can plug the iPod into it.”

  “You guys are great.” She grinned. “How can I ever show my appreciation?” She slowly unbuttoned one of the few buttons holding the shirt closed.

  She knew exactly how she could show them her appreciation, but she loved teasing her men. She also loved how their confidence—and their dominance in bed—had soared over the past couple of weeks. As they learned all the ways to disconnect her brain from her body via pleasure, her trust in them had also grown.

  Now she couldn’t imagine life without them.

  In fact, over the past couple of weeks she’d grown quite adept at teasing the men by wearing various bits of their wardrobe and little else when home alone with them, now that she’d overcome her anxiety over her scars. It was obvious to her they couldn’t care less about them.

  If they didn’t care about that, then neither would she. They told her they thought she was beautiful, scars and all.

  “I think you know exactly how you can show your appreciation, love,” Rhys said as he set his glasses on the coffee table.

  She did, but she loved kicking them into their dominant bedroom personas.

  She loved everything about her two geeks, and wouldn’t change a thing about them.

  Especially what they did to her in bed. And now that they had the health issues out of the way, they didn’t have to use condoms anymore because she was on the pill.

  She slid the shirt down her shoulders. “Like this?”

  Korbin smiled. “Exactly.” He leaned in and took one nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue and gently sucking. Rhys took over the other one, and together each pull of their warm mouths sent jolts of pleasure and need straight to her clit.

  Predictably, her cunt grew wet. Something about them always did that to her, especially once her body realized how good they were. Just thinking about making love to them sent her libido into overdrive.

  She leaned back on the couch and they moved with her, neither relinquishing his hold on her. The men reached between her legs, Rhys playing with her clit while Korbin slowly finger-fucked her.

  “You are wet, baby,” Korbin mumbled. “If we’d known getting you a Mac would do that to you, we would have done it sooner.”

  She managed to raise her head enough to look at them and spot their playful smiles before Korbin’s teeth gently grazed her nipple and she let out another moan. Her head dropped back to the couch while they had their way with her.

  With her fingers buried in their hair, she closed her eyes and worked her hips in time with their fingers. She knew what they wanted and had no problem giving it to them. They loved making her come first and frequently before taking their turns.

  And there was absolutely nothing geeky about the way they made love to her.

  Korbin’s fingers found that perfect spot inside her, ripping a loud moan from her. He focused on it, her juices flooding her cunt as he slowed and timed his strokes perfectly with what Rhys was doing to her now swollen and throbbing clit.

  The first orgasm plowed through her and drew another loud moan from her. She felt her body clamping down on Korbin’s hand inside her, increasing her pleasure.

  Only after making her come twice more did they both sit up, taking turns planting kisses on her mouth.

  “Good?” Korbin asked with a lopsided grin.

  She grabbed his hand and sucked his fingers into her mouth, tasting her juices on him.

  Rhys laughed. “I think that’s your answer.”

  Both men quickly stripped. She thought maybe they’d want to move to the bedroom, but Korbin knelt over her on the sofa, his cock within reach of her lips, while Rhys positioned himself between her legs. She eagerly opened her mouth while staring up into Korbin’s blue eyes.

  He grinned. “Damn, that makes me even harder when you do that.”

  Both men loved her oral techniques and never failed to take advantage of them when she was in the mood. For her part, she loved the way they reacted, loved knowing what she could do to them, how she could turn her two brains into puddles of jelly just with her body.

  Of course, they did the same to her, so fair was fair.

  Rhys hooked his arms under her knees and sank his cock deep inside her the same time Korbin lowered his cock so she could suck it into her mouth.

  All three of them let out a synchronized moan, followed by gentle laughter.

  They laughed a lot, together. In bed and out.

  In fact, it’d been years since she’d laughed this much.

  She loved it.

  Her eyes dropped closed as she tried to focus on Korbin’s cock. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head, drawing another moan from her.

  They knew exactly what she wanted and were more than happy to give it to her.

  She relaxed as he slid his cock between her lips, slowly fucking her mouth, in control.

  Rhys started fucking her, going deep with every stroke, his balls slappin
g against her ass. Her body hit that downward slide she loved, surrendering to them, letting them drive her body where they wanted it and pulling pleasure from her at their will, not hers.

  Not that she could say no to them. Neither could her body.

  It wasn’t long before she felt another series of tingles starting deep inside her, signaling the start of another orgasm. Korbin and Rhys sensed it, able to read her body in a scary good way.

  “You know you want to, love,” Rhys said. “Give us another one.”

  That’s all it took to flip the switch inside her. Cascading pleasure rolled through her as she moaned around Korbin’s cock.

  “There you go,” Korbin said, picking up speed.

  They fucked her at both ends as she laid there and enjoyed it, wanting them to use her for their pleasure in the same way they brought her pleasure.

  “I’m close,” Rhys grunted.

  “Me, too,” Korbin said.

  Rhys finished first, triggering one last spasm inside her as his hips slammed into her before he fell still. Korbin followed, his cock twitching in her mouth as his balls emptied his cum into her mouth.

  He reached down and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Such a good girl,” he whispered.

  They’d not only unlocked the secrets of her body, but of her heart and soul, too. She nuzzled his hand as she forced her eyes open again to look up into his face.

  He smiled and blew her a kiss.

  “Did we wear her out?” Rhys asked.


  They untangled themselves from her. Each man grabbed an arm and helped her up off the couch. “Ready for bed, love?” Rhys asked.

  She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder as, together, they headed for the bedroom.

  If this is the rest of my life, I’ll never complain again.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Rob Sawyer leaned against her office doorway. “Did you look at the revamped website?”

  She didn’t look up from her computer, where she was entering a report to send to a customer. “Yes. Please tell Tom I said thanks.” She glanced up at Rob. “Seriously? Why didn’t you tell me our names and pictures were on the website before?”