Read Two Little Women Page 9



  Dolly had learned as they came up the lake in the motor boat that therewas a footpath along the lake shore which led directly from the camp tothe railroad station. It was about a mile long and passed several othercamps, but Dolly felt sure that she could walk the distance, andallowing time to rest now and then could reach the station before sixo'clock, when the first morning train went through. The dim starlightjust enabled her to make out by her little watch that it was two o'clockwhen she started. She felt no fear of bears or wolves now, for her wholemind and soul were filled with the one idea of going home. She wouldhave started, had the road been lined with hot ploughshares, soindomitable was her will and so strong her resolution. She gave nothought or heed to possible difficulties or dangers. She knew the way,there was no chance of getting lost, and she had in her bag money enoughto buy a ticket home. She felt guilty and even ashamed at leaving herkind friends in this manner, but that thought was swallowed up and lostsight of in the terrible gnawing agony of her longing for home.

  So she set forth along the path at a swift, steady gait which promisedfair for the accomplishment of her design. As she walked along the starsseemed brighter and seemed to wink at her more kindly, as if willing todo all they could to help along a poor little homesick, mother-lonelychild. Though without hat or coat, her swift pace kept her warm enoughfor a time, but at last poor little Dolly grew very weary. She had notwalked much since her illness and her newly mended leg felt the strainand began to ache terribly. She sat down to rest on a flat stone and wassurprised to find that her leg ached worse sitting down than it hadwalking. Moreover, when she stopped exercising, she became very chillyand in addition to this she realised afresh that she was exceedinglyhungry.

  Poor little Dolly! She could scarcely have been more physicallymiserable, and yet her material discomfort was as nothing to her pangsof homesickness. She felt she could not pursue her journey, and yet itmade her shudder to think of returning to that awful camp.

  So after a time, hoping she had rested enough, she rose and plodded onagain. She kept up this means of procedure, walking until utterlyexhausted and then stopping to rest, until somehow she managed to coverthe distance to the station.

  It was half-past four when she reached the forlorn little building andfound it closed and deserted. But there was a bench outside and Dollysank upon this in a state bordering upon utter collapse. She fell asleepthere and was only awakened when, shortly before six, the station agentcame to unlock his office.

  "Bless my soul! who are you?" he exclaimed, and Dolly sat up blinking inthe early sunlight.

  "I'm a passenger," she said; "I want to take the early train."

  "Humph! a pretty looking passenger you are! Where's your hat?"

  "I don't always wear a hat in summer," and Dolly tossed back her goldencurls and looked at the man steadily. Her sleep had refreshed hersomewhat, and she had recovered her poise. Her determination was stillunshaken and she had every intention of going on that six o'clock train.

  But the station master was a knowing sort of man and he had before thisseen campers afflicted with a desperate desire to go back tocivilisation.

  "Didn't you come up here last night with the Roses?" he inquiredaffably.

  "Yes," replied Dolly, "but I'm going back to town to-day."

  "Pshaw, now, is that so? Don't like it, hey?" The station master had akindly way with him, and as he threw open the door he invited Dolly toenter the little waiting-room. "You stay here a spell," he said, "thattrain ain't due for fifteen minutes."

  He disappeared into the ticket office and closed the door. Then hecalled up Mr. Rose on the telephone.

  "Hello! what is it?" responded that gentleman sleepily, for he had beenroused from a sound slumber.

  "I'm Briggs, the station agent. That little yellow-haired girl youbrought with you last night is here in the station. Says she's goin'home."

  "Dolly Fayre! At the station? Impossible!"

  "Yep. She's here. And she's just about all in. You don't want I shouldlet her go on the train, do you?"

  "Good gracious, no! Keep her there somehow till I can get there."

  "I'll try, but she's terrible set on goin'."

  "Keep her somehow, Briggs, if you have to lock her in. I'll be downthere inside of half an hour."

  "All right, Mr. Rose. Good-bye." Briggs hung up the receiver andsauntered back to the waiting-room.

  "Best come over home with me, little Miss and get a bite of breakfast.How about it? My home's just across the street and my wife'll be glad togive you a snack."

  "Thank you," said Dolly, doubtfully, "but I don't want to miss thattrain."

  "Oh, land! she's likely to be half an hour late! Come along, I'll keepmy eye out for the train."

  Dolly hesitated. She was awfully hungry, but it was five minutes of sixand the train might not be late after all. Moreover, it seemed to herthat the station man was a little too anxious. Perhaps he wished todetain her, though she could see no reason why he should interfere withher plans. Unless it might be because she had no hat on. Still it wasnot a crime to go hatless in the summer time, though it might beunconventional when travelling.

  "Pretty good breakfast my wife cooks," said Briggs, temptingly.

  "Perhaps I would have time just for a glass of milk," said Dolly, "butno, I hear a locomotive whistle now!"

  "Aw, she's way up round the bend. Sound carries awful far 'mong thesehills. She won't be here for ten minutes yet. Come on."

  "What are you talking about? There's the train now!" And from thewindow Dolly saw the smoke of the approaching engine.

  "Why, so 'tis!" and with a strange smile on his face, Briggs whisked thedoor open, flew out and slammed it behind him and turned the big key,making Dolly a prisoner in the little waiting-room.

  For a moment she was too amazed to do or say anything. She stoodwatching the train draw nearer and stop at the little station.

  Then she realised what had happened and she flew to the door and poundedon it with her little fists, crying, "Let me out! you awful, dreadfulman, let me out!"

  But the door did not open, and after a couple of minutes the train wenton its way.

  Then Briggs unlocked the door and came in. "Bless my soul!" he said, "ifI didn't forget you wanted to go by that train! Well, it's too late now,so you might as well come on over to breakfast."

  "You didn't forget it, any such thing! You locked me in here on purpose!You had no right to do it, and my father will pers--persecute you,--orwhatever you call it!"

  "Well, anyhow the train's gone, and you can't get it back, so make thebest of things and smile and come along."

  From sheer lack of anything better to do, Dolly rose and walked withBriggs across the street to his little cottage.

  "Hello, Mother," he called out, as they entered, "I've brought a visitorto breakfast. Got enough to go round?"

  "Yes, indeedy!" and a fat, comfortable looking woman smiled pleasantlyat Dolly; "why, you poor baby, you're all tuckered out. Here sit rightdown and drink this fresh milk, it's a little warm yet. Take slow sips,now, don't swallow it all at once. Here's a nice piece of toast."

  Dolly eagerly accepted the fresh milk and the golden-brown butteredtoast, and was glad to follow Mrs. Briggs' advice and partake slowly.

  The warm, pleasant room and the appetising food made Dolly feeldecidedly better. A poached egg came next and more toast and milk and asboth Mr. and Mrs. Briggs were kind and cheery, Dolly's spirits roseaccordingly.

  No reference was made as to why she wanted to take the train, in factthe subject was not touched on, and Mr. Briggs was entertaining her witha funny story when the door opened and Mr. Rose walked in.

  "Hello, Dolly-Polly," he said, cheerily; "had your breakfast? Good foryou, Mrs. Briggs, glad you gave the little lady a bite. Come along now,Dolly, we must be on the move."

  Mr. Rose's face was so smiling and his manner so pleasant, that Dollyjumped up from her chair and ran to his side. He pu
t his arm round herand kissed her cheek and then with brisk good-byes and thanks to thehospitable Briggs, he whisked Dolly away.

  "Skip it!" he said, and taking her hand they skipped across the road anddown the long length of the pier. There was Mr. Rose's motor-boatwaiting, with Long Sam at the wheel.

  "Mornin' folkses," he said, unfolding his ungainly length as he rose tohelp them in. Long Sam, it was generally agreed, had the longest lengthfor the narrowest width of any man in the county. He grinned at Dollyand taking her hands helped her into the boat, while Mr. Rose followed.

  In a moment they were off, and the little boat scooted up the lake in ahurry. The sun was well up now and it was a warm day, so the lake breezewas most refreshing and the swift motion very exhilarating. Mr. Rosesaid no word whatever concerning Dolly's informal departure from hiscamp, but he was so gay and entertaining that Dolly herself forgot it.He pointed out various houses and camps along the shore, often tellingfunny stories of the people who lived there. He showed her the clubhouse and the casino and the picnic grounds and lots of interestingplaces, which had passed unnoticed on their trip up the lake the nightbefore. Sometimes Long Sam put in a few words in his dry, comical way,and Dolly found herself enjoying the morning lake ride immensely.

  Mr. Rose was in the midst of a funny story at which Dolly was shakingwith laughter as they reached the pier which belonged to Crosstreescamp.

  "Out you hop!" exclaimed Mr. Rose, jumping out himself and in a momentDolly was beside him on the pier. Mrs. Rose and the two girls stoodthere smiling, their arms full of bathing suits.

  "Hurry up, Doll," cried Dotty, grabbing her arm. "This is your bathhouseright next to mine and here's your suit. Scrabble into it, quick's youcan."

  And so almost before she knew it, Dolly was shut in to her little bathhouse and was hastily changing from her street suit to herbathing-dress.

  Just as she finished arraying herself, Dotty was pounding on the doorand she immediately opened it. Mrs. Rose put a bathing cap on Dolly'shead and tied a gay kerchief over that. The rest were all in bathingsuits and with gay laughter they all joined hands and ran down thesloping shore and into the lake.

  Dolly loved bathing and she pranced round with the rest, enjoying thedelightful feel of the cool ripples of the lake as they dashed againsther.

  The young people were not allowed to go out very far alone, but Mr. Rosewould swim out with them, one at a time, for a short distance and returnthem safely to shallower water.

  "Do teach me to swim," pleaded Dolly, who took to water like a duck. SoMr. Rose gave her her first lesson and she was so promising a pupil thathe declared she would soon learn to become expert.

  The bath over, they returned to the bath houses to dress and Dolly foundin hers, instead of her travelling suit, a serge skirt and middy blouse.She put these on, and when she went out she found Dotty similarlyarrayed. Mrs. Rose braided the two girls' hair in long pig-tails andtied their ribbons for them.

  "Now for a camp breakfast!" exclaimed Mr. Rose, as the group reunited.

  "I've had my breakfast," began Dolly, but Mr. Rose interrupted her,saying, "indeed you haven't! Just wait till you see."

  In a little clearing not far from the bungalow, Dolly saw a table ofboards with seats each side and here the family gathered.

  Such a breakfast as it was! Maria's flap-jacks had materialised and ofall light, puffy, golden delicacies they were the best. Then there wasbrook trout, fresh and delicious; a tempting omelet; and as a greattreat the girls were each allowed a cup of coffee.

  The trip up the lake and the invigorating bath had given Dolly aravenous appetite and never had food tasted so good. She didn't quiteunderstand why nothing was said about her running away in the night, butit was a great relief that the subject was not touched upon, and in thegay laughter and chatter of the Rose family, she finally forgot allabout it.

  "Now, who's for a tramp in the woods?" and Mr. Rose lighted a cigar ashe left the table.

  "Me!" cried Dolly, dancing up to her host; "when can we start?"

  "Right away quick," and Mr. Rose smiled down at her; "have you goodstout shoes?"

  "Yes, indeed," and Dolly showed her little tan boots.

  The whole family started off, each with a stout stick to help theirsteps in climbing, and each with a little basket, because, as Mr. Rosesaid, "you never can tell what you'll find to bring home."

  They started off briskly, Dolly and Dotty on either side of Mr. Rose andGenie and her mother following close behind.

  "Guess we'll try the Rocky Chasm path this morning," said Mr. Rose, whoacted as guide.

  Away they went, walking briskly, but not too rapidly. Though it was awarm day the path through the woods was cool and pleasant andoccasionally they paused to rest for a time. Presently the climbingbegan and this they took by easy stages, so that when at last theyreached their goal, Dolly was not at all tired.

  "What a beautiful place!" she cried, as they found themselves on top ofa high hill looking down into a rocky chasm.

  "Don't go too near the edge," warned Mrs. Rose as her husband and thetwo girls went to peer over the edge of the precipice.

  "No, indeed!" he returned, "but Dolly must see down in the chasm. Here,Dot, you show her how."

  So Dotty lay down flat on the rocks and wriggled along until she couldsee over the very edge while her father held tightly to her feet.

  "It's wonderful!" she exclaimed; "now you try it, Dolly."

  Somewhat timidly, but with full faith in Mr. Rose, Dolly lay down prone,and cautiously edged along till she could see over the shelving rock.She felt Mr. Rose's firm grip on her ankles, and she looked down withwonder at the sheer straight descent of rock and down at the very bottomof the chasm she saw a tiny brook tossing and foaming along.

  "Not yet!" she called as Mr. Rose advised her to come back. "Let me seeit a moment longer!"

  "Don't get dizzy!" called out Mrs. Rose.

  "No, indeed!" said Dolly, as at last Mr. Rose pulled her in; "I wasn'tdizzy a bit! I never saw anything so wonderful. That beautiful littlebrook way down there a thousand miles below!"

  "Oh, not quite so far as that," said Mr. Rose, laughing. "Come on; let'sgo down and see it from below."

  They picked up their baskets and following Mr. Rose's direction theyclimbed down a rocky ravine and, sure enough, found themselves rightbeside the little tumbling brook. Dolly sat on a rock and gazed upwardat the precipice, looking at the very spot where she had poked her headover.

  "Were we really up there looking down?" she exclaimed. "I can hardlybelieve it. Oh, what a lovely place this is!"

  "Yes, isn't it!" cried Dotty; "let's dig something, Daddy."

  "What can we find?" And Mr. Rose looked around. "Why, my goodness, mybasket is full already!"

  "What's in it?" cried Genie, scampering around to see. "Oh, goody!cookies and lemonade!"

  Though Dolly had really had two breakfasts, the mountain climb had madeher ready to welcome a little light refreshment and the bottles oflemonade and the box of cookies were rapidly disposed of by the party.

  "I see Indian Pipes," remarked Mr. Rose, and Dotty cried, "Where?Where?"

  "Those who seek will find," said Mr. Rose, smiling, and the girls set towork hunting.

  Dotty was the first to spy some of the graceful white blossoms undersome concealing green leaves, but a moment later Dolly found some too.With their trowels they carefully dug up the plants and put them intheir baskets to take home.

  Genie collected some odd stones, and Mrs. Rose found a particular bitof Eglantine that she wanted and soon the baskets were filled and theparty took up their homeward way.

  Mostly of a down-hill trend, the way home was easy, and as the basketswere not heavy the girls danced gaily along singing songs as they went.

  "Why, goodness, gracious sakes; it's nearly two o'clock!" cried Dolly asthey entered the big living room of the bungalow and set down theirburdens.

  "It sho'ly is!" and Maria's black face appeared in the doorway. "Isuttinly
thought you-all was never comin' home to dinner! I'se beenwaitin' and waitin' till everything is jes' 'bout spoilt!"

  "Oh, I guess not as bad as that, Maria," and Mr. Rose smiled pleasantlyat her. "We're not much behind time, and we won't grumble if things arecold."

  "Laws' sakes! they ain't cold! I'se dun looked out for dat. Yo' betterwash that mud off your hands and come along. Doan' waste no time now."

  The Roses were accustomed to Maria's good-natured scoldings and they ranaway to follow her advice.