Read Two Little Women on a Holiday Page 18



  Next morning at breakfast, each of the four girls found a note at herplate. The notes were all alike, and they read:

  Mr. Jefferson Forbes, because of his great delight over the discoveryof his lost piece of property, invites you to a celebration occasion,to-morrow, Thursday evening. Mr. Forbes would say, also, that he hasobtained the consent of all interested parents, that you may stay tillSaturday. Mr. Jefferson Forbes will be glad of suggestions as to whatform said celebration shall assume.

  They all laughed at the formal style and stilted language of the notes,and were amazed at the information that they were to make a longervisit than they had thought.

  Mrs. Berry smiled at the shower of questions that followed the readingof the notes, but she only said, "Don't ask me, my dears. Afterbreakfast, Mr. Forbes will meet you in the reception room and discussit."

  So a merry group of four awaited the coming of their host in the prettylittle reception room.

  "Good morning," he said, cheerily, as he entered, "What an attractivebunch of humanity! Four smiling faces and eight bright eyes! I greetyou all."

  With an old-fashioned bow, he took a seat near them, and asked, "Didyou receive certain important documents?"

  "We did," replied Bernice. "May we have further enlightenment?"

  "You may, and first I will remove that anxious look from Dolly's face,by saying that her mother is perfectly willing that she should stayhere the rest of the week."

  "Oh, goody!" cried Dolly. "How did you ask her? By telephone?"

  "Yes. So pleased was I over the developments of last evening, that Itelephoned all the powers that be, and arranged for an extension to ourhouse party. Are you glad?"

  "Indeed we are," chorused the girls, and Uncle Jeff went on.

  "Now, our celebration is to be just whatever you want. And if you don'tall want the same thing, you can all have different things. So juststate your preferences."

  "I know mine," said Alicia, "it is to go to Muriel Brown's party onFriday night. She asked us, and I'd love to go."

  "That's one," said her uncle. "Of course you can all go to the party.Now, Bernice, what do you choose?"

  "I'd like to go to the opera," said Bernice. "Grand opera, I mean. I'venever been but once, and I'd love to go."

  "Good! We'll go to-night. If you all agree?"

  They certainly did agree to that, and then Mr. Forbes asked the two D'sto choose.

  "I want to go to the Metropolitan Museum,--with you!" said Dolly, halfafraid to ask such a boon. But Mr. Forbes seemed pleased, and declaredhe would be delighted to go with her, and explain the exhibits and theothers could go or not, as they liked. All decided in favour of going,and then Dotty was asked to choose.

  "Don't laugh at me," said Dotty, "but I'd like to have a party. Only,not a big one. Just us four girls, and the four boys, that we know thebest; Geordie, Ted, Marly Turner and Sam Graves. I like that sort of aparty better than the big, dressy ones."

  "Why, Dot Rose!" exclaimed Alicia, "I thought you liked the big dances."

  "So I do, if I knew the people. But I think it would be lots of fun tohave a few, and have a less formal party. I'd like to ask Muriel Brown,and two or three of those girls we met with her, the other day, andthen, have a few more boys; but not a hundred, like Muriel had."

  "A good plan," said Mr. Forbes, "because you couldn't invite a largeparty on such short notice. So, make out your list, Dotty, and invitethem by telephone at once. Mrs. Berry will help you, and will arrangeall details. Let me see, you can have that party to-morrow night; go tothe opera to-night; go to Muriel's party on Friday night, and go homeon Saturday. The museum we can visit any afternoon. I thank you foryour kind attention."

  "Oh, Uncle Jeff, we thank YOU for your kindness, all of it," criedAlicia. "You have been so very good to us, and now you are doing a lotmore for our pleasure."

  "Have you enjoyed it all, so far, Alicia?" and her uncle looked at herinquiringly.

  "Oh, yes, sir, indeed I have! I was troubled about the lost earring,but that was not your fault."

  "Nor the fault of any of you girls," said Mr. Forbes. "As I have hintedto you, I have a reason for this visit you are making me, beside adesire to give you pleasure. I am considering a serious matter and thisstay of yours in my house is helping me to a decision."

  "What can it be, Uncle?" cried Bernice. "Tell us, so we can help youmore, and more intelligently."

  "I will tell you Saturday morning," he returned with a smile. "Perhapsin that time other developments may occur that will alter my finaldecision in the matter."

  "It sounds most mysterious," laughed Dolly, "can't we guess what it'sall about?"

  "You may guess, if you like, but I don't promise to tell you if youguess correctly. And I don't mind adding, that I feel pretty sure youcouldn't guess correctly, if you tried!"

  "No use trying, then!" said Alicia, gaily. "Oh, I'm so glad we're goingto stay longer. I want to do a lot of things beside the celebrationswe've just planned. I do think you're the best and kindest uncle in thewhole world! I've got a secret, too, and some day I'm going to tell itto you all."

  "Secrets seem to be the order of the day," laughed Dolly; "we'll haveto scrape up one, Dot."

  "Well, it's no secret that we're having one grand, glorious, goodtime!" said Dotty. "What's on for this morning?"

  Mr. Forbes went off to his own room then, and the girls planned out allthey should do for the rest of their stay in the city.

  There was some shopping, some sight-seeing and some errands yet undonebut they at last agreed on a programme that would suit everybody.

  Dotty's party, as they called it, took place on Thursday night, and shehad her way about having it a small gathering. There were about twentyin all, and according to Dotty's wishes it was not only a dancingparty. There were games as well as dances, for Dotty loved games.

  Some of the city young people were at first inclined to laugh at theidea of games, but when they began to take part in these that Dotty hadplanned they became exceedingly interested.

  One was an "Observation Test," up in Mr. Forbes' museum.

  At Dotty's request, he had allowed the collection rooms to be opened tothe guests, and this very special dispensation was so appreciated byall that they were most exceedingly careful not to handle the rarespecimens or touch the exhibits.

  This state of things lent itself beautifully to the game. Each playerwas asked to walk about for half an hour and look at the curios andtreasures, and at the expiration of the time, to return to the drawingroom, and spend ten minutes writing down the names of such objects ascould be remembered.

  This game, most of them had played before, with a table full of lessinteresting exhibits. But in the wonderful museum rooms of Mr. Forbesit was quite another story.

  So eagerly did the young people observe and examine the things, thatthe half hour allotted for that purpose slipped away all too soon.

  And then they sat down to write their lists, and that too proved anabsorbing occupation.

  Our four girls wrote lists, just for fun, but did not compete for theprizes, as, knowing the exhibit so well, that would not have been fair.

  Muriel Brown took the first prize, and the hostesses were glad of itfor it was pleasant to have Muriel so honoured.

  The prize was a gold penholder, and the boys' prize, which Marly Turnerwon, was a similar gift.

  After it was over, another game was played. This was ribbon cutting.

  Girls and boys, stood at either end of the long drawing-room. To eachgirl was given the end of a piece of long, narrow ribbon, and a pair ofscissors. The other end of each ribbon was held by a boy, who likewisehad a pair of scissors.

  At a signal, each player started cutting the ribbon straight throughthe middle. If the scissors slipped and cut through the selvage, theplayer was out of the game. It was not easy, for the ribbon was narrow,and there was a strong impulse to hurry, which made for crookedcutting. The middle o
f each piece of ribbon was marked by a knot, andwhoever reached the knot first, was the winner of that pair. The onewho finished first of all, received a special prize.

  The game caused great laughter and sport, and the city young peopledeclared they enjoyed it quite as much as dancing.

  Then the feast was served, and very beautiful and elaborate it was. Thecelebration, Mr. Forbes had said, was to be especially for the two D's,as it was Dotty's choice, and Dolly's choice of a visit to the museumprovided little opportunity for gaiety.

  The table showed two great floral D's, one at either end. Dotty's wasmade of red roses, and Dolly's of pink roses. Every guest had as asouvenir, some pretty and valuable little trinket, and at every placewas a small D made of flowers.

  Cakes, ices, jellies, and all such things as could be so shaped, werecut in the form of D's, and our two girls felt greatly honoured to seetheir initial so prominently and beautifully displayed.

  In the centre of the table was a huge French Doll, of the finest type.It was dressed in silk covered with polka dots, and its hat and parasolwere of silk to match.

  Everybody laughed when Mr. Forbes pointed out that it was Dotty Dolly!And all agreed it was a most clever and appropriate symbol.

  After supper there was dancing, and a fine orchestra furnished themusic. Our girls liked dancing pretty well, but often they sat out adance talking to one or another of their guests.

  Once, as Dolly passed along the hall, chatting with Geordie Knapp, theyheard rather loud voices behind the closed door of the little receptionroom.

  Rather surprised that the door should be shut at all, that evening,Dolly paused involuntarily, and Geordie stood by her side. They had nointention of eavesdropping; indeed, Geordie thought perhaps some newgame was about to be announced.

  But to Dolly's amazement, she heard Alicia's voice saying, "Oh, Icannot! I dare not!"

  The tones were quivering with emotion, and Dolly couldn't helplistening for the next words. She feared Alicia was troubled aboutsomething; indeed, she didn't know what she feared.

  And, next came a voice that was unmistakably; Marly Turner's, saying,"Do, dear! Oh, TRUST me,--_I_ will take care of you!"

  "But it is a desperate step!" exclaimed Alicia, "if I should everregret it!"

  "You will not regret it, dearest," Marly said, "I will never LET youregret it! Your own mother eloped; it is fitting you should do so, too."

  Dolly looked at Geordie, her face white with horror.

  Alicia, planning an elopement! And with Marly Turner! She laid her handon the knob of the door.

  "Don't!" said Geordie, "don't you get mixed up in a thing like that! IsAlicia Steele that sort of a girl?"

  "I don't know," faltered Dolly. "I heard Bernice hint once thatAlicia's mother did elope with her father,--but, Alicia! Why, she isn'tseventeen, yet!"

  "Well, that's old enough to know what she's about. I advise you, Dolly,not to go in there. Tell Mr. Forbes, if you like."

  "Oh, I couldn't tell on Alicia!"

  And, then, as they still stood there, too fascinated to move away,Alicia said, "Yes, to-morrow night. I will steal out after the house isquiet,--oh, my hero! my idol!"

  "My angel!" exclaimed Marly, in a deep, thrilled voice, and Dollyturned away, sick at heart.

  "I don't know what to do!" she said to Geordie, as they went on to thedrawing room, where the dancers were.

  "Don't do anything," he advised. "It's none of your business. ThatSteele girl isn't like you, she's a different type. If she wants to cutup such didoes, don't you mix in it. Let her alone. I knew Marly likedher,--he said so,--but I didn't suppose he'd do such a thing as that!But I shan't say a word to him. We're good friends, but not chums.Marly's a good chap, but he's awfully anxious to act grown up, and mystars! he's doing so! Elope with the Steele girl! Jiminy!" "I can'tbear to tell on Alicia," said Dolly, "and yet, I can't think I ought tolet her go ahead and do this thing. She's so fond of romance, andexcitement, she doesn't realise what she's doing."

  Later on, Dolly saw Alicia and young Turner emerge from the receptionroom, and saunter toward the drawing room. They were talking earnestly,in whispers. Alicia's cheeks were pink, and her manner a littleexcited. Marly looked important, and bore himself with a more grown upair than usual. Dolly and Geordie looked at each other, and shook theirheads. It was only too evident that the two were planning some secretdoings. They went off by themselves and sat on a davenport in a cornerof the room, and continued to converse in whispers, oblivious to allabout them.

  Dolly and Geordie purposely walked past the other pair, and distinctlyheard Marly say something about a rope ladder.

  "It's part of the performance," he urged, as Alicia seemed to demur.

  Then she smiled sweetly at him, and said, "All right, then, just as yousay."

  "It's perfectly awful!" said Dolly, as they walked on. "I've simply gotto tell Dotty, anyway."

  "Oh, I wouldn't," expostulated Geordie; "I don't believe they'll pullit off. Somebody will catch on and put a stop to it."

  "Maybe and maybe not," said Dolly, dubiously. "Alicia is awfullyclever, and if she sets out to do a thing, she generally carries itthrough. And her head is full of crazy, romantic thoughts. She'd ratherelope than to go back to school, I know she would. She told me she'd doanything to get out of going back to school."

  "That makes it look serious," agreed Geordie. "Still I don't think youought to mix yourself up in it, unless you just tell the whole story toMr. Forbes."

  "I hate to be a tattle-tale," and Dolly looked scornful. "But if it'sfor Alicia's good, maybe I ought to."

  "Look at them now! Their heads close together, and whispering likeeverything!"

  "Yes, they're planning for their getaway!"

  During the rest of the evening, Dolly watched Alicia, feeling mean todo it, and yet unable to keep herself from it.

  At last the guests went home, one and all exclaiming at the good timethey had had. Marly Turner bade Dolly good night, with a smiling face."I've had the time of my life!" he declared.

  "I've not seen much of you," said Dolly, pointedly.

  "I know it. Too bad! I wanted to dance with you oftener, but the timewas so short."

  "And you found another charmer?"

  "Well, Alicia sure is a wonder, isn't she? You know she is!"

  "Yes, she is," said Dolly, and for the life of her, she couldn't frownon the happy-hearted youth.

  Marly went off, and the others followed.

  "I'm not going to talk things over to-night," said Dolly, when the fourwere alone. "I'm tired, and I'm going straight to bed."