Read Two Little Women on a Holiday Page 2



  All through dinner time, Mrs. Fayre was somewhat silent, her eyesresting on Dolly with a wistful, uncertain expression. She wanted togive the child the pleasure she craved, but she had hard work to bringherself to the point of overcoming her own objections.

  At last, however, when the meal was nearly over, she smiled at herlittle daughter, and said, "All right, Dolly, you may go."

  "Oh, mother!" Dolly cried, overwhelmed with sudden delight. "Really?Oh, I am so glad! Are you sure you're willing?"

  "I've persuaded myself to be willing, against my will," returned Mrs.Fayre, whimsically. "I confess I just hate to have you go, but I can'tbear to deprive you of the pleasure trip. And, as you say, it wouldalso keep Dotty at home, and so, altogether, I think I shall have togive in."

  "Oh, you angel mother! You blessed lady! How good you are!" And Dollyflew around the table and gave her mother a hug that nearly suffocatedher.

  "There, there, Dollygirl," said her father, "go back and finish yourpudding while we talk this over a bit. Are you sure, Edith, you arewilling? I don't want you to feel miserable and anxious all the weekDolly is cut loose from your apron string."

  "No, Will; it's all right. If you and the Roses and Trudy, here, allagree it's best for Dolly to go, it seems foolish for me to object. Andit may be for her good, after all."

  "That's what I say, mother," put in Trudy. "Doll isn't a child,exactly. She's fifteen and a half, and it will be a fine experience forher to see a little bit of the great world. And she couldn't do itunder better conditions than at Mr. Forbes' brother's. The Forbes' area fine family, and you know, perfectly well, there'll be nothing therethat isn't just exactly right."

  "It isn't that, Trudy. But,--oh, I don't know; I daresay I'm a foolishmother bird, afraid of her littlest fledgling."

  "You're a lovely mother-bird!" cried Dolly, "and not foolish a bit!but, oh, do decide positively, for I can't wait another minute to tellDot, if I'm going."

  "Very well," said Mrs. Fayre, "run along and tell Dotty, and Bernice,too."

  Dolly made a jump and two hops for the telephone, and soon the wiresmust have bent under the weight of joyous exclamations.

  "Oh, Dolly, isn't it fine!"

  "Oh, Dotty, it's splendid! I can hardly believe it!"

  "Have you told Bernice?"

  "Not yet. Had to tell you first. When do we go?"

  "Next Tuesday, I think. Now, you tell Bernie, so she can write to heruncle that we accept."

  And then there was another jubilation over the telephone.

  "Fine!" cried Bernice, as she heard the news. "Lovely! I'd so muchrather have you two girls than any others. I'll write Uncle Jeffto-night that I'll bring you. And I'll come over to-morrow, and we'lldecide what clothes to take, and all that."

  Mrs. Fayre sighed, as Dolly reported this conversation.

  "You girls can't do a bit of serious study all the rest of the timebefore you go," she said. "Now, Dolly, I'll have to ask you to do yourlessons every day, before you plan or talk over the trip at all."

  "Yes, mother, I will," and Dolly started at once for her schoolbooks.

  It was hard work to put her mind on her studies, with the wonderfulpossibilities that lay ahead of her. But she was exceedinglyconscientious, was Dolly Fayre, and she resolutely put the subject ofthe New York visit out of her mind, and did her algebra examples withdiligence.

  Not so, Dotty Rose. After Dolly's telephone message, she flung herschoolbooks aside, with a shout of joy, and declared she couldn't studythat night.

  "I don't wonder," laughed her father. "Why, Dot, you're going on averitable Fairy-tale visit. You are quite justified in being excitedover it."

  "I thought you and Dolly didn't like Bernice Forbes very much," saidMrs. Rose.

  "We didn't use to, mother. But lately, she's been a whole lot nicer.You know Doll made her sort of popular, and after that, she helpedalong, herself, by being ever so much more pleasant and chummy with usall. She used to be stuck up and disagreeable; ostentatious about beingrich, and all that. But nowadays, she's more simple, and more agreeableevery way."

  "That's nice," observed Mr. Rose. "Forbes is not a popular man, nor avery good citizen; I mean he isn't public-spirited or generous. Buthe's a fine business man and a man of sound judgment and integrity. I'mglad you're chums with his daughter, Dotty. And you ought to have aperfectly gorgeous time on the New York visit."

  "Oh, we will, Daddy; I'm sure of that. What about clothes, Mumsie?"

  "I'll have to see about that. You'll need a few new frocks, I suppose,but we can get them ready made, or get Miss Felton to come for a fewdays. There's nearly a week before you start."

  "I want some nice things," declared Dotty. "You know Bernice haswonderful clothes, and I suppose her cousin has, too."

  "Maybe your wardrobe can't be as fine as a rich man's daughter," saidher father smiling at her, "but I hope mother will fix you up so youwon't feel ashamed of your clothes."

  "I think they'll be all right," and Mrs. Rose nodded her head. "I'llsee Mrs. Fayre to-morrow, and we'll find out what Bernice is going totake with her. You children can't need elaborate things, but they mustbe right."

  The Rose family spent the entire evening talking over the coming trip,and when Dotty went to bed she set an alarm clock, that she might riseearly in the morning to do her lessons for the day before breakfast.She did them, too, and came to the table, smiling in triumph.

  "Did all my examples and learned my history perfectly," she exulted."So you see, mother, my trip won't interfere with my education!"

  "Oh, you can make up your lessons," said her father, carelessly. "Iwouldn't give much for a girl who couldn't do a few extra tasks to makeup for a grand outing such as you're to have."

  "I either!" agreed Dotty. "But the Fayres are worried to death for fearDoll will miss a lesson somewhere."

  "Dolly learns more slowly than you," remarked her mother. "You have agift for grasping facts quickly, and a good memory to retain them."

  "You ought to be grateful for that," said Mr. Rose.

  "I am," returned Dotty. "When I see Dolly grubbing over her history, Ican't understand how she can be so long over it."

  "But she's better in mathematics than you are."

  "Yes, she is. She helps me a lot with the old puzzlers. She thinkswe'll study in New York. But somehow, I don't believe we will."

  "Of course, you won't," laughed Mr. Rose. "Why, you'd be foolish to dothat. A fine opportunity has come to you girls, and I advise you tomake the most of it. See all the sights you can; go to all the pleasantplaces you can; and have all the fun you can cram into your days. Thengo to sleep and rest up for the next day."

  "Good, sound advice, Dads," said Dotty; "you're a gentleman and ascholar to look at it like that! But I don't know as we can go aboutmuch; I believe Mr. Forbes is quite an old man, and who will take usabout?"

  "I thought the housekeeper would," said Mrs. Rose.

  "I don't know at all, mother. It seems Bernie has never visited therebefore, though she has been to the house. Her uncle is queer, and whyhe wants his two nieces all of a sudden, and his two nieces' friends,nobody knows. It's sort of mysterious, I think."

  "Well, it's all right, as long as you're properly invited. It seemsstrange Bernie's cousin didn't care to take a friend."

  "Yes; I wonder what she's like. Bernice hasn't seen her since they werelittle girls. She lives out in Iowa, I think. She's at school inConnecticut somewhere. It's all sort of unknown. But I like that partof it. I love new experiences."

  "I always do too, Dot," said her father. "I reckon when you come home,you'll have lots to tell us."

  "New York isn't so strange to me," said Dotty. "I've been there a lotof times, you know. But to go and stay in a house there,--that's thefun. It's so different from going in for a day's shopping with mother.Or the day we all went to the Hippodrome."

  "You'll probably go to the Hippodrome again, or some suchentertainme
nt," suggested Mrs. Rose.

  "I dunno. I imagine the old gentleman doesn't favour such gaiety. Andthe housekeeper lady will likely be too busy to do much for us. Wecan't go anywhere alone, can we?"

  "I don't know," replied Mrs. Rose. "You must be guided bycircumstances, Dotty. Whatever Mr. Forbes and Mrs. Berry say for you todo, will be all right. Make as little trouble as you can, and do asyou're told. You'll have fun enough, just being with the girls."

  "Indeed I will! Oh, I'm so glad Dolly can go. I wouldn't have stirred astep without her!"

  "No, I know you wouldn't," agreed her mother.

  Next day at school recess, Bernice showed the girls a letter she hadreceived from Alicia.

  "You know I haven't seen her in years," Bernice said; "I think she mustbe more grown up than we are, though she's only just sixteen."

  "Dearest Bernice:" the letter ran.

  "Isn't it simply screaming that we're to camp out at Uncle Jeff's! I'mwildly excited over it! Do you know why he has asked us? I'm not sure,myself, but I know there's a reason, and it's a secret. I heard auntand father talking about it when I was home at Christmas time, but whenI drifted into the room, they shut up like clams. However, we'll haveone gay old time! Think of being in New York a whole week! I don't wantto take any of the girls from here, for fear they'd bring back tales.Don't you bring anybody you can't trust. Oh, I've laid lots of plans,but I won't tell you about them till I see you. Bring all your bestclothes, and ask your father for quite a lot of money, though I supposeUncle Jeff will give us some. I can scarcely wait for the time to come!

  "Devotedly yours,"ALICIA."

  "What does she mean by a secret reason for your going?" asked Dolly.

  "I haven't an idea," replied Bernice. "My father knows, though, I'mquite sure, 'cause he smiled at that part of Alicia's letter. But hewouldn't tell me. He only said, 'Oh, pshaw, nothing of any consequence.It's very natural that a lonely old bachelor uncle should want to seehis little girl nieces, and it's very kind and thoughtful of him to askyou to bring friends.' He says Uncle Jeff is not fond of company, andspends all his time by himself. He's a scientist or naturalist orsomething, and works in his study all day. So, dad says, it'll be finefor us girls to have four of us to be company for each other."

  "It's gorgeous!" sighed Dotty, in an ecstasy of anticipation. "But whatdoes your cousin mean by bringing a lot of money? We can't dothat,--and our parents don't let us spend much money ourselves, anyway."

  "Oh, that'll be all right," said Bernice, carelessly. "We won't needmuch money. And if we go to matinees, or anything like that, of course,I'll pay, if Uncle Jeff doesn't. You two girls are my guests, you know.You needn't take any money at all."

  "All right," said Dolly, and dismissed the subject. Money did notfigure very largely in her affairs, as, except for a small allowancefor trifles, she never handled any. Nor did Dotty, as these two werestill looked upon as children by their parents.

  But motherless Bernice bought her own clothes and paid her own bills;and so generous was her father, that there was no stint, and as aconsequence, she too, cared and thought little about money as aconsideration.

  "I'm a little scared of that Alicia person," said Dolly to Dotty asthey walked home from school.

  "Pooh! I'm not. She's no richer than Bernie."

  "It isn't that. I'm not afraid of rich people. But she seems so grownup and--well, experienced."

  "Well, sixteen is grown up. And we're getting there, Dolly. I shall putup my hair while I'm in New York."

  "Why, Dot Rose! Really?"

  "Yes, that is if Alicia does. Bernice often does, you know."

  "I know it. I'll ask mother if I may."

  "Goodness, Dolly, can't you decide a thing like that for yourself? Whatwould your mother care?"

  "I'd rather ask her," returned the conscientious Dolly.

  Mrs. Fayre smiled when Dolly put the question. "I've been expectingthat," she said. "You'd better do as the others do, dear. If they twistup their pigtails, you do the same."

  "I'll show you how," offered Trudy. "If you're going to do it, you mayas well learn a becoming fashion."

  So Trudy taught her little sister how to coil up her yellow, curly mopin a correct fashion, and very becoming it was to Dolly.

  But it made her look a year or two older than she was.

  "Oh!" exclaimed her mother, when she saw her, "Where's my baby? I'velost my little girl!"

  "Just as well," said Dolly, delighted at her achievement andpirouetting before a mirror. "It's time I began to be a little grownup, mother."

  "Yes, I suppose it is. I felt just the same when Trudy put up her curlsfor the first time. I am a foolish old thing!"

  "Now, don't you talk like that," cried Dolly, "or I'll pull down myhair and wear it in tails till I'm fifty!"

  "No, dear; do as you like about it. And, if you want to wear it thatway while you're in New York, do. It's all right."

  More discussions came with the new dresses. Mrs. Fayre was for keepingto the more youthful models, but Mrs. Hose felt that the girls shouldhave slightly older styles. Bernice's frocks were almost young ladyish,but those were not copied.

  Dotty and Dolly always had their things similar, different in colouringbut alike in style. So their respective mothers had many confabs beforethe grave questions were settled.

  And the result was two very attractive wardrobes that were really rightfor fifteen-year-old girls. Afternoon dresses of voile or thin silk,and one pretty party dress for each of dainty chiffon and lace. Morningfrocks of linen and a tailored street suit seemed to be ample in amountand variety.

  Bernice had more and grander ones, but the two D's were entirelysatisfied, and watched the packing of their small trunks with joyfulcontentment.

  Dolly put in her diary, declaring she should write a full account ofeach day's happenings.

  "Then that'll do for me," said Dotty. "I hate to keep a diary, and whatwould be the use? It would be exactly like yours, Doll, and I canborrow yours to read to my people after you've read it to your family."

  "All right," agreed Dolly, good-naturedly, for what pleased one girlusually suited the other.

  They didn't take their schoolbooks, for it made a heavy load, and too,all agreed that it would spoil the pleasant vacation. The girlspromised to make up the lessons on their return, and so it seemed as ifnothing marred the anticipation of their splendid holiday.