Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 15

bleed all over the place before we can even shoot you down”. Jeff said as he rolled his eyes. “Not if you let me get my purse and handle my business, I’m starting to leak”. Clarissa said as she stared at him with bravery. “Fine go get your purse but this gun is gonna be on you so don’t try no funny stuff”. Clarissa was so relieved inside, she wanted to smile but she had to keep her composer and her sad look. “It will be a minute”. Clarissa said as she closed the bathroom door. “Don’t you worry I’ll be right outside this door with this here gun”. Jeff said as he sat in the chair by the bathroom door. Clarrisa knew she had to hurry, she searched through her purse and found the pepper spray she made sure that it worked by quietly spraying the can, as she looked around she realized there was no window in the bathroom, so the only way out was to attack. She sat on the toilet to think about how she would distract him before spraying him with the pepper spray and then she was ready. Clarissa spent a totally of seven minutes in the bath stalling for time to mustard up the courage to attack. “Hurry up in there, it don’t take all day”. Jeff said as he pounded on the door. “One more minute I’m just finishing up”. Clarissa said yelling. Clarissa remembered seeing the dead bolt locked, she knew she would have to spray him good in order to get that small extra time in unlocking the door. It was now or never, she had to go through with it she had to take the chance. Clarissa flushed the toilet and turned on the water to pretend she was washing her hands. She opened the door to come out and headed forward; as Jeff started to lean down to tie her hands again. Clarissa took the pepper spray which she hid by cupping her right hand and sprayed forcefully upward in Jeff face. It seemed like she empty the whole can out in his eyes and nose. “You stinking witch!” Jeff said as he screamed out and held his eyes. Clarissa didn’t lose ground she bolted for the front door and was relief to discover she was able to unlock the dead bolt and run out the door. She didn’t look back but did hear Jeff stumbling around and turning over things; Clarissa didn’t have on any shoes but ran quickly into the nearest store.

  Josh to the Rescue

  Josh headed for the teller at the bank, he happen to see a teller that just opened his window. “Hello, how may I help you today”? The teller said. Josh was barely able to crack a smile. “I um, I wanted to withdraw the money in my bank account”. The teller looked Josh and Allen over with suspension. “May I see some I.D sir”? The teller said as he watched Allen. “Sure no problem”. Josh said as slid his I.D to the teller. “Can you excuse me for one minute sir”? The teller said as he walked away with Josh I.D. “Okay why did he do that”. Allen said nervously. “It’s just procedure; he just wants to be careful that’s all”. Josh said as he loosened his tie. After a few minutes more the teller returned with a smile and handed back Josh I.D. “Mr. Stevens for security purposes we would advise you to come into one of our offices that we may be able to process your money in confidence”. The teller said still smiling. “Why not here”. Allen said nervously. “Well because it is such a large amount we feel that it would be more comfortable to count the money with a money changer and have Mr. Stevens in our presence to make sure his account is being properly taken care of, will you be coming with him sir”. The teller said as he looked Allen up and down. “Well, yeah he is my brother after all”. Allen said smiling. “Half brother!” Josh said rolling his eyes. “Please following me gentlemen”. The teller said as he smiled and beckoned them both toward a back office. Allen tugged on Josh shirt from the back and whispered in Josh ear. “Let see how smart mouth you are once I put a bullet up your nose little bro”. Josh stopped and clenched his fist ready to sock Allen right in the eye but the clerk turned and beckoned them both in a room. “Now if you gentlemen would have a seat in here and I will bring in my supervisor who will bring in the money dispenser to help count the money and then you can sign some release papers stating that you willingly closed your account Mr. Stephens”. The clerk smiled and closed the door behind him. “Let me tell you something you piece of trash, you won’t get away with this, you or your no good father, people like you never prosper”. Josh said staring intensely at Allen. “Oh I think we will prosper and if I were you I take it nice and slow, don’t forget we got your little irritating girlfriend”. Allen said snickering. “I just want to reach over and kill the worthless life out of you”. Josh said clenching his fist once more. “There there now Joshua, no need of getting bent out of shape over some broad, she ain’t as pretty as that sister of hers Crissy but boy she can kiss”. Allen said with a smirk on his face. Just as Josh was about to get out of his seat to hit Allen in the eye there was a knock on the door. Josh immediately sat down and in walks in a taller heavy set guy wearing a very bright red sweater vest and carrying a large duffle bag. “Gentlemen I am sorry it took me so long but it is not easy gathering nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars so quickly. The supervisor said as he dropped the heavy duffle bag on the desk. Allen whistled and stared blankly at the duffle bag. The supervisor unzipped the bag and pulled out the money dispenser that was inside the duffle bag and place it on the table and one by one he took out blocks of hundred dollar bills wrapped in plastic. Allen was so transfixed on the blocks of money that was on the table that he did not see the supervisor pull out a silver nickel plated gun coming up out of the bag and pointed right at him. The supervisor gave a short whistle to get Allen attention while Josh looked on. “What the…” Allen said as he started to get up. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you; now raise your hands high and lay face down on the ground before I push your ugly face in the floor”. The supervisor said as he kept the gun pointed on Allen. By this time Josh was smiling and standing up backing up by the door to get out of the cops way. Allen didn’t have a chance quick enough to pull out his gun on what was obvious now an undercover cop. So he got on the floor cussing underneath his breath. The cop proceeded to pat down Allen and remove the only gun he had on him and put on the plastic twist handcuffs. “Are you okay; do you want to take a swing at him while were in this room because when we get out there it’s all over”? The undercover cop said half smiling. Josh contemplated shortly to ram his foot right up Allen nose but he remembered Rissa and just wanted to concentrate on getting her back. “No, no just get that piece disposable trash out of my sight”. Josh said staring directly in Allen eyes. “Glad to do it”. The undercover cop said smiling. “This ain’t over, you haven’t seen the last of me; Joshua”. Allen said as he spitted on the floor. “Let’s go jerk”. The undercover cop said as he jerked Allen out the room. Detective Ingram entered into the room immediately after Allen was handcuffed and taken out. “Well kid, you did good, I actually thought you might have killed him before we got a chance to put him in cuffs”. Detective Ingram said as he pulled out a chair to sit down. “Another minute and I might have”. Josh said as he paced back and forth. “It took gust for you to do this; it could have gone another way”. “Detective Ingram what now, we still need to get Rissa out that lunatic way”. Josh said as he stopped pacing and pulled his hands out of his pocket. Detective Ingram looked intensely up at Josh and gave a smile and got up and patted Josh on his back. Josh was confused by the smile on the detective face. “What gives detective, what is with the smile hey”? Josh said stepping backward to see detective Ingram full face reaction. “Josh, while we were here getting ready to take down this clown, Clarissa had escaped and ran to the nearest store and the manager called the police and now she is at the police station. “What”. Josh said shockingly. “Apparently she tricked the father into letting her use the bathroom and when she came out of the bathroom she sprayed him straight in the face with pepper spray and took off running out of Allen apartment into of all places a bible book store but she is safe and at the police station and your dad is in police custody; so I guess both you are pretty brave people, come on I’ll take you to her”. Detective Ingram said as he patted Josh on his back and gestured Josh to follow him.

  The Healing Begins

  Clarissa and Crissy hugged for about te
n minutes and gave each other big wet kisses on the cheek. “Clarissa, sister my dear sister I thought I lost my best friend, I just blame myself, I truly blame myself; if I would have lost you because of me interfering I couldn’t live with myself, I just couldn’t”. Crissy said crying uncontrollable. “Crissy, Crissy stop; just stop, look I’m okay, not a hair out of place, I’m here; I’m home don’t cry any more its okay now”. Clarissa said consoling Crissy. Clarissa held Crissy hand and walked her over to the coffee table in the back office of the police station. “Look your shivering; I’ll make you some coffee”. Clarissa said holding her shaking hand. Crissy started to smile a little bit and gave a small chuckle. “Here I am an uncontrollable mess and you were just kidnapped and held against your will and now your offering me coffee, I forgot how strong you can be”. Crissy said squeezing Clarissa hand. “All I could think of was mom, dad and you; I dreamed dad saying fight Clarissa fight the enemy, don’t