Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 17

and honestly we really did not think that they were going to make it; they both were shot in their backs; Rebecca your sister was near death because of the bullet that entered her back temporarily paralyzing her and the bullet coming out inches away from her heart, yes Rebecca was a miracle; not only did she over come near death of a bullet inches away from her heart but she over came being paralyzed, the doctors says it was nothing but a miracle that she is even breathing and walking. Well your mother was more better off she recovered quicker and headed off to court some time after her recovery reliving her nightmare all over again. She testified against Jeff put him in jail, went into protective custody in a new city but not before trying to get you back, at that time no one had any idea on where you were but eventually once you were found she learned that you were already with a family; the family service arranged for her and your adoptive parents to meet but once she saw how in love they were with you and how much time passed she just couldn’t tear you away from them. So she decided that the only way that they could keep you is making sure that your adoptive parents keep her in the loop on every and anything in your growing up, your mother have all types of pictures of you from the time of you tenth birthday all the way up to your master and doctrine, there was not anything that your real mother missed out on; she knew every thing that went on in your life, even your marriage proposal to Clarissa”. Detective Ingram said as he sat behind Dr. Nichols desk. “So during all this time of you growing up she meets my dad and the two decide to get married and have me, I can’t say I had a happy childhood; it was pure torture seeing my mom get abused, to hear your own father call your mother every horrible name in the book, to watch him hit her and choke her with all his might; a woman so weak and gentle, Josh I tell you I couldn’t take it any more, so when I was about eight I decided to run away from my dad, I knew I loved my mother and I adored my older sister but I couldn’t bare to watch night after night him abusing her. Well of course I didn’t get no further than the three blocks before the neighbors decided to call my dad and boy did I get a bad beating that night, well the next day my mother decided to move into a shelter for abused women, she told me that she couldn’t bare losing another son, that day I realized I had a older brother. Dr. Nichols said as he sat comfortably in his chair. “This is where I came in at, so your mother, Rebecca and Cannon were in the shelter and I happened to stop by to check on a victim that was suppose to go to court and there in the lounge area I saw the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on and I said to myself who could possibly hit somebody this gorgeous. Well of course your not suppose to congregate with the women at the shelter so I had to wait over a year before I could find out who she was and by me being the detective that I am, I did my research and allowed her to meet me on her own terms and she did; seven months later she married me, oh don’t think that your mom wanted to marry me she was very apprehensive but I wine, dined and treated her like the world was hers and no one else. I didn’t want her past to ruin her future and I knew I could treat her so much better and here we are today still married, no abuse, no hatred just love, tenderness and kindness”. Detective Ingram said as he hugged the shoulder of Dr. Nichols. “I never really knew my dad because I did every thing I could to stay away from him, now my dad lives in New York some where but I don’t care Patrick has been like a father to me and has a matter of fact he adopted me and Rebecca on my eleventh birthday, so there we are a real family now, a family that has love, respect and peace and as I got older I wanted to know who my older brother was and so my mother told me all about you and continued to show us pictures of you. After I graduated I moved here and decided to get my clinical license of psychology; opened up a small office and started a new life here, I never knew how to approach you or how you would react but has things happened your friend Dan goes to the same gym I do and well he was telling me about his friend and I didn’t know it was you until you walked into my office that day. Of course I called mom on the phone and she said that God is answering her prays in bringing us back to together as a family and well the rest is as you see today”. Cannon said as he smiled at Detective Ingram. Detective Ingram got up and clapped his hands so loud it startled Josh. “Don’t you see Josh, every thing has come together to get us to this point, God knew that Clarissa would be in troubled, he knew that your were seeking help in solving your past; don’t you understand Josh; can’t you see how every thing worked it self out”. Josh got up to stretch and pace the floor. “I am trying but I just am not getting it”. Josh said waving his hands in the air as to say I surrender. “Look big brother, mom never stopped praying for you, she never stopped believing we would be together as a family and even though the events that happen were not pleasant, God made sure that we would be together, look God sent mom a husband who is a detective, to help in bringing Clarissa back and to give back mom her trust, God bless me to go to school and become a psychologist and move here because he knew we were going to meet and Dan your friend just happen to go to the same gym I did told me all about you and I didn’t even know it was you he was talking about”. Dr. Nichols said standing grabbing the shoulder of Josh to reassure him that it was ok not to understand. “I get it, I do I really get. You know I didn’t want to believe in God anymore, I didn’t want hear about God, because I thought that pray didn’t work but clearly it does, it may take a while and some times a long while but God will answer prayer, so yes I do I really do understand now and I do believe God and I am willing to trust again”. Josh said as he broke down in tears and hugged Cannon. Detective Ingram smiled and squeezed in and the three bonded from that moment on.

  A New Life and Fresh Start

  I feel more nervous to meet Josh real mother than his adoptive mother, I just want everything to go well and I want her to really like me. “Clarissa are you still nervous”. Crissy said as she looked at Clarissa twirling her hair around her index finger. “You do know me well sis, I just want Josh mother to really like me and I really want to like her too”. Clarissa said as she examined her sundress in the mirror. “Why wouldn’t she like you, your smart, beautiful, kind and you have good morals; you’re the perfect daughter in law”. Crissy said as she fluffed out the stuff animal she was holding. “You know Crissy, this horrible experience that we had to endure brought about a super miracle, it’s just incredible. All year long I have prayed that God would make Josh believe in him and to open up more but for a whole year I got no response but little that I knew that God was working behind the scenes, true it was not what I had expected but everything came together in the most bizarre way but now we know why Josh never like to be called Joshua and why he didn’t believe in God and why he would have bad dreams, God even gave him closure by revealing that his mother and sister are still alive”. Clarissa said as she fell back against the pillows. “Not only that but now Josh and you are finally meeting his family together, the wedding is back on and Dan and I are now dating”. Crissy said as a matter of fact. “I kind of figured something was going on with you two, you both have very strong personalities, your both funny, his charming and you’re the female version of charming”. Clarissa said as she headed downstairs to wait for Josh. “Gee, thanks sis, anyway remember just relax and everything will go well”. Clarissa looked at her sister and remembered why she was not only her sister but her best friend. “Thanks sis”. Clarissa said hugging Crissy.

  A Fresh Start and a New Beginning

  Before Josh went to ring the doorbell of Clarissa, he sat in his car staring blankly at the steering wheel wondering how he would react to seeing his real mother after all of these years, he wondered if he would be joyful or full of hurt, angry and bitter after all it was her decision for me to stay with my adoptive parents but then she only wanted the best for me and then there was Rebecca, boy what a annoying little sister but she is all grown up now, how would she react to me; after all she had to play big sister to a new brother, would she be accepting of me. Josh had so many questions, so many emotions and so little time to embrace them all, one
thing that Josh knew was that he had a whole new family that he is ready to love and another family that he wants to forget; a new family that he wants to begin with Rissa. Josh made up his mind to go forward and not to look back, to take life by the horns and hold on tight and most of all he had a beautiful sidekick to do it with. Josh got out the car to get Rissa with an optimistic view about the whole new life that he was ready to embrace. Clarissa saw Josh walking up to the house from the hallway window and ran down stairs to open the door and greet him. “Yeah handsome, come on in I am almost ready I just have to figure out which shoes would be the best to wear with my new sundress; I do want to make a good impression with your mom”. Clarissa said hugging Josh. Josh pulled down Clarissa arms from around his neck and held her hands in his. “Sweetheart, listen I know this has been a whirlwind of a ride for you but I just want to let you know that I am so grateful that you stuck by my side and I know that God sent you to me; I