Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 2

feeling would kick in but it never came, He knows he probably broke a lot of hearts but he really tried to see if something would change but again and again nothing ever happened, no sparks, no fireworks. Nothing, His buddies would make fun of him saying he was just a young man with an old bachelor soul. Josh of course didn’t see it to be funny, he started to feel like all hope was lost, even the most attractive woman was not keeping his attention, young, older, and dating different nationalities was not working either, what and why he was going through this phase he didn’t know. He thought about the day that Dan his buddy and he were playing basketball. “Look buddy why don’t you see a shrink”. Dan said as they walked off the basketball court. Dan was one of is best buddies and Dan would always give him good sound advice even if it hurt his feelings. “I dunno about a shrink, aren’t they for people with issues”. “Bro! This is an issue”. “Real funny”. Josh said as he punched Dan in the arm. “Look Josh, if you don’t find out why you’re not having any feelings for a woman, you might end up a lonely guy and you ain’t getting any younger”. Dan said as he laughed and stood up to put on his t-shirt. With that comment alone Josh decided to take Dan advice and go to one of the best Psychologist in Michigan that Dan suggested called Dr Nichols. Dr. Nichols was not an old frumpy looking man with a white beard and Santa clause glasses but instead a twenty-seven year old kid that look like he lifted weights for a living. (I couldn’t believe this young guy comes highly recommended, who are is patient’s preschoolers)How could this kid help him with his problems, the kid probably didn’t have any problems of his own yet. “Don’t let my looks fool you, I come highly recommended and I have the student loans to prove it”. Was the doctor first comment that he said to Josh as he watched Josh mouth drop wide open. Josh thought it through and decided to go on with the session, besides if this doesn’t pan out he could always blame Dan for sending him to a shrink. “Well Joshua what are you here for”. Dr. Nichols said pointing to a big plush chair. “No couch, I thought all shrinks…I mean all psychologist used couches”. Josh stated snickering. “Yeah well, it’s a bit over rated for me; I usually like to sit face to face with my clients”. Dr. Nichols said as he took a pen and pad out of his desk. Josh took a seat in the doctor’s plush red chair and to be honest the chair was very comfortable, he had to remind himself to get one for his place. “Well doc, I’m here because a buddy of mine suggested that I seek help on why I am finding it hard to fall in love”. Josh said as he fidgets in the chair. “I see, hmmmm, ummm, tell me do you have a problem in falling in love”. Dr. Nichols said as he looked up from his writing pad into Josh eyes. “I’m paying you hundred and fifty and hour for you to tell me”. Josh said shockingly. Dr. Nichols chuckled a bit and relaxed in his chair. “Joshua”. Said Dr. Nichols. “Josh please, I like the name josh better”. Josh said as he folded his hands in his lap. “Well Josh, the reason I asked that question is to see if you agree with it or not, that is the beginning of this process, so do you have a problem in falling in love”. Josh pondered for about a minute and lifted his head to reveal a look of confusion. “I guess I do, I mean well… I have been on plenty of dates and some were great and lasted a while but still nothing, I even forced myself to continuing dating the same woman just to see if something was there when I knew it wasn’t”. “Hmmmm… I see, did you have a puppy crush or secret crush on a girl in grammar school or high school Josh” “To be honest doc, I don’t think so….wait! No….no wait! Wait! I did have a crush on Megan Fox, she was the best looking girl in class, she had long red hair, the cutest freckles and the prettiest smile, yeah…I wonder how she is doing”. Josh stated as he drifted off into thought. “So you’re not showing any homosexual tendencies”. Dr. Nichols said as he wrote on his writing pad. “Doctor! Are you kidding…I’m one hundred percent man! I do and have and always will be interested in woman!” Josh said frowning. “Calm down Josh, it just one of the many things I need to mark off the list of why your not falling in love with a woman”. “I said I’m not falling in love with a woman is not the same as interested in a woman!” Josh said poking out his chest. Dr. Nichols chuckled. “Fine, let’s continue”. “How is the relationship with your parents Josh”? “What! My real parents”. Josh said as a matter of fact “Okay, now we are getting some where”. Dr. Nichols said. The session with Dr. Nichols was not as bad as Josh thought. “Sir, I hate to bother you but the café will be closing in ten minutes”. The male waiter said softly trying not to break Josh thought. “Um. Oh, I didn’t know it was that late”. Josh said as he looked down at his watch. “Yes sir, you’ve been here for about forty minutes, are you okay sir, can I call a cab for you”. “No, no I have my car out front but thanks anyway”. “ Sure sir, …by the way the girl that you were here with earlier, she sure is a beauty, I hope whatever you guys are going through that you guys can work through it, you don’t want someone like that to get away”. “No I don’t”, Josh said getting up from his seat and pulling out a ten dollar bill tipping the waiter. “Thank you sir! and goodnight”. The waiter said as he turned to leave. Josh had no idea that he was still at the café deep in thought. Josh had to get Clarrisa back he couldn’t lose her not after waiting for over forty years to find that right one. Finally someone he fell in love with and now she is gone. Josh couldn’t let that happen. He had to think of a way to get her back.


  Clarrisa and Crissy usually took their daily run in the park without their yorkies and this day was no different than the rest, same pathway, joggers and vendors but different topic of conversation. “ Rissa I don’t see why you won’t consider going out with this guy, you need to give yourself a change of pace, it’s been almost three weeks since you and josh stop seeing each other”. “No Crissy I stop seeing Josh”. Clarrisa said. “Whatever Clarrisa you’ve been seeing Ben&Jerry way to much!” Crissy said regulatoring her breathing. “Don’t forget Mr. Hagendas and Orville Redenbacher”. Clarrisa said as she tried to keep up with her sister. “Ah Ah, listen this is serious, I don’t want you sulking away in your room over Josh, remember you broke up with him and if he can’t change his beliefs then that’s his problem, you come first to me”. Crissy said as she paced herself to slow down to Clarrisa. “ Cris, I appreciate that but it’s not that easy getting over someone you fell in love with over a year and now to move on in three weeks…well ..I just cannot do it!” Crissy stopped and took a bottle of water from her Velcro sachet from around her waist. “Listen, you prayed about it and nothing as changed Clarrisa, he still doesn’t want to go to church with you, he won’t read the bible and he won’t pray if that doesn’t scream not changing what will”. “I know, I know but who is to say I am suppose to know the answer right away maybe it’s not time for me to know the answer”. Clarrisa said as she shared her sister water with her. “Rissa you are rationalizing this! Please Josh is a great guy yes I give him that but it doesn’t at all matter if he doesn’t believe in God, Listen what if you two were to get married and you guys have children, well you would want to take them to church but Josh doesn’t, now what are the children to do with two mixed up parents, it’s not fair to the kids and it is not fair to you”. Crissy said as she stopped jogging to turn to Clarrisa with sympathy in her eyes. “Your right but…” Clarrisa said as she put her hands on her knees to catch her breath. “No, Rissa listen you have talked to his parents, to his friends and yet nothing as turned up to why he has no belief in God, your little detective work has run dry”. Crissy said starting back jogging with full force. Clarrisa paced herself to keep up with Crissy but had to do longer strides. “Not so fast Watson, I did notice that Josh parents didn’t seem like they were telling the full truth to when I would ask them questions about Josh, it was like they would avoid certain topics”. Crissy started jogging in place. “What do you mean; you think they were covering up something”. Crissy said increasing her speed in place. “I think so but I never push the issue because I wanted to keep the peace but I think it something more to his life tha
n what he is telling me”. Clarrisa said has she trotted right next to Crissy. “This you realize a year later”. Crissy said. “Hey what can I say I was in love”? Clarrisa said as she started jogging the pathway again. “You’re still in love if you ask me”. Clarrisa shrugged her shoulder to the comment and continued to jog and this time she was out jogging Crissy maybe because she didn’t want Crissy to take away her ray of hope. “Rissa are you saying that you would take him back if you knew what the problem was”. “Well no, I am saying maybe if I get an answer maybe I could understand why he’s not a believer in Christ, that’s all”. “Well I hope so, you know how mom and dad would feel about you marrying an unbeliever, God rest their souls”. “I know Crissy, I know”. Crissy and Clarrisa continued to jog along the pathway to take in the fresh air and beautiful scenery that enveloped the park. Clarrisa thought that maybe if she would dig a little deeper there might be a chance of