Read Two Loves and One Decision Page 9

recognize the voice so to play it safe he thought it would be better to go down and see what was going on. “I’m on my way down anyway so I will see you in the lobby”. Josh said. In the lobby Josh notice the concierge and another man in the lobby and since he knew who the concierge was the other person had to be detective Ingram. “Detective Ingram”. Josh said as he held out his hand to shake in confidence. “Joshua Stevens, pleasure; I hope I am not taking up to much of your time”. Detective Ingram said as he widens his stance. “Actually I am going into the office but I am very curious of why you would like to see me”. Josh said puzzled. “Well Mr. Stevens it wasn’t easy tracking you down but with the help of the F.B.I it wasn’t hard after that”. Detective Ingram said smiling. Josh couldn’t believe he was being delayed by a man claiming to be a detective, what in the world would they want from him, the taxes are legit, his real estate company is legit, Josh couldn’t understand what it could be. “Detective Ingram, can you tell me why you stop by”. Josh said anxiously. The detective cleared his voice and handed Josh some papers he pulled out from the inside of his blazer jacket. “Mr. Stevens I came to inform you that your father is being released from prison and I wanted to drop off the paper work of his where about and his release information from the correctional center”. Josh stared in unbelief, did he just hear the detective right, is this really for real, Josh had to ask him to repeat what he just said in order to grasp realization to start kicking in. “I know that this is a shocker to you Mr. Stevens, especially since all detail of your dad was withheld from you since you were a small tot but we have to disclose to everyone when their attacker is being release from prisoner and your no different”. Detective Ingram stated. “Well I guess this was a waste of a trip for you because I can care less where the scum bag is and I don’t want any paperwork on him either so thanks but no thanks”. Josh said as he turned out to leave. “Mr. Stevens we have reason to believe that he may want to contact you as well, so we want you to be fully aware”. Detective Ingram said irritated. “Detective Ingram like I said before I don’t care, let him find me, I am not a tot anymore”. Josh said sarcastically as he turned to leave out the door. “Do you care about your mother and sister?” Detective Ingram said sarcastically. Josh turned around quickly and walk toward the detective quickly as to pounce on him. “Detective you’re stepping on a very fine line with me”. Josh said nose to nose with the detective. The detective suddenly knew that Josh was hurting from the story that he remembered on how he was a kid and went through losing his parents and sister. “Mr. Stevens your mother and sister are alive”. Detective Ingram said compassionately. At that moment it felt like a truck just slammed into Josh chest, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, was he even conscience, was he still sleep. “What...I …I…detective what are you saying”. Josh said barely able to speak. “Josh, your family is alive and well… but unfortunately I can’t tell you more than that for what now”. “Detective you just sent me on an emotional roller coaster, you gotta tell me, you just got to”. Josh said grabbing him by his shoulders. Josh started pacing back and forth trying to find answer within him self. “Mr. Stevens please calm down, look why don’t you come down to the police station on market street, I’ll be there for the next day or two getting some paper work together but if you can’t make it then here is my card if you need anything, don’t hesitate”. Detective Ingram gave Josh a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Josh took the detective card and stood in the lobby for a total of twenty-minutes with the detective card in his hand unable to move from the shock of information that was given to him. “Mr. Stevens, Mr. Stevens are you alright; do you want me to call you a cab or do you need assistance back to your condo”. The concierge said slightly holding Josh up gently. “I…no, no I am okay just let me sit down for a moment”. Josh went over by the cushion lounge chair in the lobby; he nearly sat there for thirty minutes before realizing that he haven’t moved. “Mr. Stevens I am really concerned, why don’t you let me have someone take you back to your apartment”. Said the concierge. “No but can you call a cab for me I don’t think I am in a position to drive”. Josh said as put his head in his hands. Josh shortly called Dan his best friend to meet him at the office. “Yeah bro, you want believe this, I need you to meet me at my office ASAP, no I’m fine I’ll tell you about it when I get there”. A FREE MAN AGAIN

  Jeff Stevens new that one day he would be a free man but he never knew freedom would feel so good, the moment he stepped out the maximum security center, the air was sweeter than honey. “Well, well look at what the jail spit out, it’s good to see you”. Allen said as he pulled his step father towards him. “It’s good to be out for the second time boy”. Jeff said has he rustled Allen hair. “Have you been keeping our little miss pretty happy”? Jeff said as he walked over to the car to get in. “Well we only been out a couple of times but she still crazy about that Joshua”. Allen said as he rolled his eyes. “Say pop all long do I got keep up this Mr. Perfect crap, I mean I’ve trailed her from day one, even sat in church just to make my appearance look good and now I gotta keep spitting out sweet sonnets just to keep her dangle on the hook, I tell you I’m pretty nauseated by it and to be honest I like her sister better than her”. Allen said as he rolled his eyes and started the car up. “Allen you got a lot to learn, didn’t I teach you one thing; if you dangle the bait out long enough you’ll catch a fish, if she sounds anything like you said being young and naïve she’ll lead us right to Josh, you know son you’re my favorite, I only wish your mother was around but you can’t bring her back from the dead son. If I was only there that night instead of seating in jail, I could’ve saved her, I told her time and time stop working that bar”. Jeff said as he took a revolver out of the glove compartment. “Pop, she was in the right place at the wrong time; it’s those men that are going to pay”. Allen said as he clutched the steering wheel as he pulled off. “Don’t worry son, I got my payback list and as soon as I take care of that Josh for having me to go to jail, we’ll take care of the rest”. Jeff said as he made sure that the bullets were in the gun.


  As Josh leaned back in the cab his mind started to race back that night in the woods, he just knew his mother and sister were dead, how could it be true; did they survive the gun shots and if she was okay why didn’t his mother come for him, he just couldn’t wrap his head around it; he knew he had to see that detective to get the truth but first he needed some support, he needed his friend Dan to help him in case he lost his cool. The cab driver took all but thirty minutes to get to the office that normally would take Josh twenty minutes but he gave the cab driver a tip any way. Josh rushed in the building and into his office to see his best pal waiting in the lobby flirting with the receptionist. “Good morning Janette could you please hold all calls and clients until further notice, if anyone insist just give them over to Todd, Dan I need you in my office asap”. Josh said as he whisk passed the both of them. Dan flirted for a mere minute more to get the new receptionist phone number before going into Josh office. “So what’s going on my friend, where is the fire”. Dan said as he sat in the leather chair. “Dan my buddy I have not been honest with you all the way and I don’t think I can keep this up, I gotta tell the truth even to Rissa”. Josh said as he sat in his leather chair and rested his Italian shoes on his desk and rested his head against the chair”. Dan was truly a best bud, they have know each other ever since he moved in with his adopted parents, they have gone to grade school and even college, plenty of parties, double dates and both have been there for each other from the beginning. Josh has always been up front with Dan about everything excluding his adoptive parents and his past but these things he has hid from everyone until now, Josh knew he could no longer hold back the truth about his past and if he had to tell Dan then he knew he would have to tell Rissa. “The truth about what, your not a Russian spy or something”. Dan said chuckling loudly. “Get serious for a minute Dan”. Josh said as
he got up and paced the floor of his office. “Well spill it dude, what’s the deal”. Dan said as he picked up a business magazine. “Well first I am adopted and second you don’t know how I became adopted”. Josh said still pacing. “Well I always figured by you looking different from your parents were adopted.” Dan said more interested as he put down the magazine. “Well I come from a foster home but the reason I came in a foster home is because my parents…well least my mom and sister was killed and my dad was put in jail I assume for their murder. Dan stood up in amazement. “What happen, I don’t understand guy what are you talking about”. Dan said. Josh sat back down behind his desk and folded his hands and lifted up his head in unbelief. “I had a terrible childhood when I was very young, before I moved in with my adoptive parents of course. My mother was a wonderful woman she treated me and my sister so well, she was the ultimate mother, Mrs. Clever of beaver; heck Mrs. clever couldn’t compete.