Read Two Weddings & a Funeral Page 2

  Chapter Nine

  ‘So what would you like to eat Jessica?’ Daniel asked Jessica examing their menus’. He could sense that Jessica was feeling very uncomfortable because it was just him and her because Laura abandoned them on their here saying she had received a phone call from her boss calling her immediately for some urgent meeting. ‘One Homemade Lasagne Al Forno and one plate of golden fillets of Plaice, Tartare Sauce please.’ Daniel gave the order to the waiter standing by their table. ’Are you sure Jessica you don’t want any drink?’ Daniel asked Jessica for the fifth time. Jessica smiled at Daniel and said, ‘Yes Daniel I am sure just a glass of water would do.’ They ate their lunch in silence when were about to leave when Daniel received a phone call from Laura and he excused himself from Jessica and went aside and received the call.’ Daniel did you tell her?’ Laura asked even before Daniel could say hello. ’Are you nuts Laura? I just asked her for lunch because you said you were coming along and then suddenly you receive a call from your boss for some meeting when I clearly remember you told me your boss was off for England for a week.’ Daniel growled at Laura. ’Hahaha Danny why are you so angry. I did it for you. You are all heads over heels for her ever since you saw her picture in my album three years ago and now when you finally take her out you get angry at me? You are crazy Daniel.’ Laura said laughing loudly. Daniel got serious and said, ‘Yes Laura I know you did it for me and thank you very much for all this. It is because of you I finally met her, if you had not recommended me to her dad I would have lost this chance as well. I get to see her every Saturday and because of you I had lunch with her today. But I am worried about one thing Laura. ‘What is it Daniel?’ Laura asked concerned. ‘She’s not over Lincoln, though she has moved on in life she still loves him and as far as I can understand her she won’t marry anyone now.’ ‘Daniel what you are saying is true but you have to take a chance, don’t you want her to be happy in life, don’t you love her?’ Laura asked seriously. ’I have been loving her ever since I saw her picture three years ago and I want her happy in life and I’ll do anything to bring a smile on her face.’ ‘That’s like my brother Danny boy.’ Laura said with delight. ’I’ll hang up now.’

  Jessica was waiting for Daniel in the nearby bench. ’I’m sorry it took so long. Jessica smiled and said, ’it’s ok, shall we go now?’

  Daniel dropped Jessica at her parent’s home at Galway city. She had been living there since Lincoln’s death and left her apartment unopened since two months. ’Thank you for lunch Daniel.’ Jessica said shyly and went inside. Daniel just smiled at her and left for his home. He had a beautiful 4 bedroom apartment in Menlo and he lived there alone.

  Three years ago when Daniel shifted to Ireland he had been staying at Laura’s house after his father’s death. One day looking at her photo album of high school he came across Jessica’s picture. ’Whose she Laura? So gorgeous and..’ ‘Hey stop it right there Danny boy she’s literally engaged. She’s Jessica my best friend and my only childhood friend I’m still in contact with. ‘What do you mean by literally engaged?’ Daniel asked still staring at her picture. ‘I mean she’s into a long term relationship with a guy named as Lincoln.’ Laura said looking surprised because Daniel was never the one interested in women. Daniel was still looking at the picture, ’So beautiful’ he thought. The photo was taken one year before when Laura and Jessica graduated from high school and were attending their farewell party. Jessica was wearing cherry red dress that was backless with a silver chain and a little heart shaped pendant. ’She must be having Lincoln’s picture in it’ thought Daniel. ‘Can I keep this photo Laura?’ Daniel asked Laura looking expectedly at her. ’Sure Daniel but as I said she’s committed and as far as I know her she’ll never cheat Lincoln for anyone.’ ‘Laura its love at first site and I know deep down that I’ll have her by my side one day. I don’t know how or when but I’ll. I’ve never felt such strong desire for anyone Laura. She will be mine one day and that’s a promise to myself.’ Laura was staring at Daniel and saw the seriousness in his eyes. ‘He’s in love Laura, he’s in love.’ Laura said to herself.

  Chapter Ten

  It was Saturday and probably Jessica’s last visit. She had completed 4 sessions and today was her last. Daniel did not like the idea of not being able to see Jessica every week. He did not meet Jessica after lunch previous week. ‘It’s about time I tell her about my feelings for her’ thought Daniel. ’May I come in?’ A knock at the door by Jessica interrupted Daniel’s thoughts. ‘Sure Jessica.’ Jessica looked gorgeous in black t-shirt and red skirt covering her knees. At the end of the session Daniel said, ‘that would be it Jessica I think you have recovered by now. This was your last session. You don’t need to come from next week. Just remember to keep yourself busy.’ ‘Daniel thanks so much. Jessica said looking at Daniels direction. ‘If you were not there I don’t know what would have become of me.’ ‘I wanted to say something Jessica. Don’t get me wrong but I wanted to ask you out for dinner.’ Daniel said looking straight into Jessica’s eyes. Jessica kept quiet for 5 minutes’ and then finally spoke, ‘I’m sorry Daniel but I don’t think I’m ready to go out for a date. ‘You can always come out with me as a friend Jessica.’ Daniel looked expectedly at Jessica. ‘No Daniel. I’m sorry.’ Jessica said and turned to leave when Daniel said, ‘Jessica here’s my number. Do call me in case you changed your mind.’ Jessica took Daniel’s number and left.

  Chapter Eleven

  He asked me out Laura. You know that I cannot possibly go out with him. It’s been only two and half months since Lincoln died and I can’t imagine seeing someone else so soon. It would feel like I am cheating on him. Apart from that, I hardly know Daniel. I don’t even understand why he would want to take me out. I mean, he is a good looking bloke and can get better looking girls than me.’ Jessica called Laura on a Sunday and told her about Daniel asking her out. ‘Jess, listen to me. I already know that he asked you out, as he told me. And yes, you can go out with him, as you won’t be cheating on Lincoln. Honey, this is what even Lincoln would want—you going out with someone and truly moving on. Daniel is a very nice man, Jessica. I’m not saying this because he is my cousin, but because it is true. He has never dated anyone before because he always believed in love at first sight and was willing to wait for the right woman. And about him getting better looking girls then you, my answer would be that he has been in love with you since he saw your farewell photo with me back at high school. Yes Jessica, Daniel loves you, and has loved you since the moment he saw your photo in my room. He has always loved you, even though he knew that you were in love with Lincoln.’ Jessica was lost for words. ‘That can’t be possibly true Laura! I only met him at his clinic two and half months ago.’ ‘No Jess, I’m not lying.’ Laura tried to reassure her friend. She told Jessica about how she talked with her father David about Daniel wanting to marry Jessica and how they planned to get them together. ‘I do not believe this. Dad knew all this? And no one bothered telling me?’ Jessica was now getting a little angry at her best friend. ‘But Laura, I don’t love him! How can I possibly go out with him?’ ‘You don’t have to love a person to go out with them. And I’m sure you’ll love him once you get to know him.’ Laura replied, trying to make her friend see her point of view. ‘Ok Laura let me think about it, I won’t promise but yes I’ll think about it.’ Promised Jessica and hung up the phone.

  Jessica lay in bed thinking about Lincoln. She fell asleep and got up at 4am. She saw a very weird dream. In her dream she was wearing her wedding dress, the one that Lincoln chose for her, and was walking down the aisle holding hands with a man about 6 feet tall, broad, fair, aqua blue eyes, black hair. Surely it wasn’t Lincoln. And then she saw Lincoln standing far away at the entrance of the church smiling at her. Finally she saw the man’s face. It was Daniel’s.


  Chapter Twelve

  She did not tell anyone about the dream she had. But the dreams were recurrent. She kept having the dream every single night and
it became more of a routine for her. Two weeks passed since Daniel invited her for dinner. She hadn’t called him nor did she had any intention. She realized she started missing him seeing on Saturdays but she wouldn’t admit it to herself.

  Daniel was very upset that Jessica did not called him, thought he knew there were little chances in the first place itself. He used to keep checking his mobile in case he missed her call. Two Saturdays had passed since he saw her and he was missing her terribly.

  Finally Jessica called on the 3rd Saturday. ‘Where do we meet up Daniel?’ she said as Daniel picked up the call. ‘Jessica?’ Daniel knew it was her but he wanted to be sure. ‘Yes it’s me Jessica.’ Daniel was happy that Jessica called and he tried his best to hide his happiness and said, ‘I thought you won’t call now Jessica.’ ‘I had to Daniel.’ Jessica said to Daniel who was grinning after hearing this. ‘I will book a restaurant at city centre restaurant Friday night. IS that ok with you?’ ‘Yes its ok with me Daniel and I would love to meet you.’ Jessica said with a little smile on her face. ‘Great!!I’ll pick you up from your parent’s house tomorrow at 7pm.’‘No Daniel I’ve shifted back to my apartment on Sunday and that would be out of your way so I will manage.’ ‘You have shifted? Daniel said excitedly. ‘I’m so happy for you Jessica and no I’ll pick you up at 7pm and that’s final. Send me your apartment’s details.

  Jessica texted him her house address. Daniel was the happiest man on earth. He called Laura to tell her the good news. ‘She agreed Laura, she agreed.’ Daniel said happily over the phone. ‘Danny boy I need to tell you something.’ Laura sounded a little scared. ‘I told her everything, and by everything I mean you loving her since three years and about the plan of getting her an appointment with you.’ ‘You did what? Are you crazy Laura, why did you tell her everything?’ Daniel sounded annoyed. Laura told Daniel all about Jessica’s call to her the other day. ‘So do you think she likes me?’ asked a shy Daniel. ‘I suppose, though I am not so sure Danny boy. Anyway I better hang up now Daniel all the best for Friday night.’

  Jessica could not decide as what to wear, so she decided to go shopping and bought a decent black dress with a pair of black heels. She decided her eyebrows needed waxing so she went to the nearby parlour and got her hair trimmed. ’This is what Lincoln would have wanted, I’m sure of that. My dreams are never wrong and that smile he gave me indicated he wanted me to move on. Though she knew she cannot possibly think of marrying Daniel, not that he would want to marry me anyway.’ Jessica blushed at the idea and was brought back to reality when her hair expert told her she was done. She looked at herself in the mirror and was happy at what she saw. Her long straight hair were cut in layers till her shoulders and her broad forehead was covered in side fringes that kept touching her eyes. She loved her perfectly arc shaped eyebrow. She paid at the counter, picked up her shopping bags and left for her apartment.

  She called her mom Friday morning. ’Mom I’m going out on a date with Daniel and I suppose you already know him.’ Jessica was a little sarcastic and smiled within. ‘Yes honey I know who Daniel is and I’m very happy for you darling.’ Sarah was as calm as ever. ‘Mom I’m doing it for Lincoln. This is what he would want for me. I miss him mom and I don’t love Daniel but he seems like a nice guy, the type Lincoln would want me to go out with.’ Jessica had tears forming in her eyes but she cleared them away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was almost 6pm and Jessica had a nice foam bath and was covered in towel when Daniel called. ‘Just wanted to remind you about the da..i mean dinner tonight.’ Jessica smiled widely and said, ‘Yes Daniel I remember and if you want us to reach on time then you better let me get ready. ’Sure Jess I mean Jessica see you then.’ Before he could hang up Jessica said, ‘Jess is fine with me Daniel.’ And she placed the receiver back. Daniel was on the cloud nine he was not able to stop grinning. He got up took a nice hot shower and got ready for his dinner date with the love of his life.

  Jessica curled her hair with the iron rod and applied nail paint simultaneously. When the hair was done she pulled in the black dress she bought and it fitted her perfectly. Her curves were quite prominent and she became conscious seeing that. She applied foundation and added some bronze blush on her cheeks. Jessica applied light pink lip gloss and to add a little more glamour she applied mascara on her eyes. ‘Perfect’ she thought. She prayed she did not look like she dressed to imp ress him though in reality that was her main objective but she did not wanted Daniel to think her intentions were wrong. She looked at her watch and it was 6:50pm. ‘Just on time.’ Jessica said aloud. At exactly 7:00pm her doorbell rang and she rushed to open it. Daniel was looking extremely handsome with his black suit, red tie and black shoes. His hair was gelled at the back and he smelled so good. ’You look gorgeous Jess.’ Daniel said staring at her in the eye. ‘Thank you Daniel and I must say you look remarkably handsome yourself.’ Jessica said smiling confidently at him. He bent down and kissed her lightly on her cheeks and said, ‘Shall we madam?’ Jessica laughed her heart out and said, ’sure.’

  The dinner went smooth but Jessica could feel the sexual tension rising between them as time passed. It was 10:00pm when he dropped her below her apartment. ‘Would you like to have a cup of coffee Daniel?’ Jessica asked sounding a little tensed. ‘Sure Jessica I would love to.’ ‘Do you want any help?’ ‘No thanks Daniel I’ll manage why don’t you make yourself comfortable while I’m in the kitchen.’ said Jessica and smiled at him. After sometime Jessica bought his cup of coffee when when suddenly her feet tripped over something and the coffee came splashing in Daniel’s shirt. ‘I’m so sorry Daniel let me clean your shirt. ’it’s ok Jessica I’ll manage. Daniel said smiling when he saw Jessica getting all tensed. ‘I insist Daniel.’ Daniel went to the washroom and called Jessica, ‘Here’s my shirt.’ Jessica went to take his shirt when her hand touched his body and sent shivers in her spine. She cleaned his shirt and gave it back to him. When they finally went to the lounge Jessica remembered the coffee bottle was empty, ‘Sorry Daniel I don’t have more coffee.’ Jessica said embarrassed. ‘No problem Jessica lets go out and have a cup of coffee its only 11pm now, I am sure some of the coffee shops would still be open.’ They went to the coffee shop nearby and ordered black coffee with 2 chocolate muffins. Daniel dropped her home at 12pm and kissed her goodnight and left for his apartment.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next day Daniel and Jessica spent shopping all day long and finally arriving at Daniel’s apartment at 7pm. They ate nachos and snickers chocolate. They were cuddled in each other’s arm watching TV when Jessica realised its 10pm and she should be going home now. ‘I’ll drop you Jess.’ Daniel said to Jessica when he saw her collecting her shopping bags. ‘Ok if that’s fine with you.

  They kept dating for about a month. Jessica was deeply in love with Daniel. He was so caring and he loved her to the core. Sometimes when she was with Daniel she could how he resembled Link. Finally Daniel decided it was time they took their relationship to the next level. ’ Jess honey, I think it’s time you start living with me.’ Jessica stared at Daniel angrily and said, ‘Are you suggesting a live in?’ ‘No baby I meant Will You Marry me?’ Daniel asked looking expectedly at her. Jessica could not believe Daniel just proposed to her. Her answer would obviously be a yes she thought. Not because Lincoln would want this, but because this is what she wanted as well. Jessica smiled at Daniel and said, ‘Yes Daniel my answer would be a Yes.’ Daniel took her by the arm and pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips.

  ‘Mrs Daniel sounds good’ Jessica said aloud looking in the mirror. Jessica was very happy and she loved Daniel. She gave the good news to her parents and Laura. They were all very happy for her. Her wedding date was fixed for 4th of March and she had about 2 months before she became Mrs Daniel Murphy. Laura again helped Jessica with the wedding dress. Sometime in mid of February 2 weeks before their wedding Jessica said to Daniel, ‘I’m scared Daniel. I’ve been a bride before also and you
know what happened. I don’t want to lose my love again Daniel.’ Daniel wiped her tears and said, ‘Baby I’m not going anywhere because I love you so much I won’t be able to survive without you.’ He kissed her lightly on her cheeks. She slept in his arms.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was their wedding day and Jessica was very nervous. She kept checking up on Daniel, ‘Daniel are you alright? You will be here by 2pm honey, right?’ ‘Jessica you don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen to you again and that’s a promise to you. I’ll be there by 2pm to take you to where you belong.

  Jessica wore her wedding dress and she looked beautiful in her white and silver gown. Her hair all tied up in a knot and she wore her favourite silver chain with a heart shaped pendant, and inside it she had Daniel’s photo. Daniel wore black suit and a blue tie and he himself looked handsome. He arrived at 2pm sharp and Jessica was so happy seeing him there entering the church. All her fears subsided now and she walked the aisle holding her dad’s hands and walked towards Daniel. The wedding ceremony was over and the father said, ‘I now declare you husband and wife. You can now kiss the bride.’ Daniel stepped forward and kissed Jessica lightly on the lips.