Read Two Wrongs Page 35

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  AS DANNY STOOD by, the paramedics loaded Kevin onto an ambulance. When it pulled away, he heaved a sigh of relief. It was over. His enemy had been defeated.

  He’d fought the toughest battle of his life and had emerged triumphant. He could have swiped Kevin into eternity, but had resisted. By facing temptation and conquering it, he’d regained his soul and recaptured his integrity. Now he was at peace with himself, knowing he’d done the right thing.

  His whole life stretched ahead of him. He could do whatever he pleased. If he wished, he could play basketball, not as a crutch but out of enjoyment. Also, the path was clear for him to claim what was his. He’d witnessed too much evidence that life was fragile. From this day forward, he’d enjoy each moment to its fullest. It was time to get on with his life. He’d earned the right.

  First, he’d find Sean no matter what. Then he’d ask Sean’s godmother to marry him.

  He pictured Dora’s smiling face. He could smell her perfume. He had to be in love.

  “DO YOU, DANNY Callaway, take this woman, Dora McGuire, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health?”

  With heart swelling, Danny looked into the shining amber eyes of the golden goddess standing beside him. Dora, dear Dora. She was so right for him. Together, step by step they’d construct a new life, one of laughter and love. Of course, the past would always be a part of them and they’d never forget it. However, ahead of them beckoned a golden future. Picturing the evening to come, he kissed his beautiful bride. Tonight they’d make love with no regrets. Perhaps they’d even make a baby.

  He glanced toward Nancy McGuire, who was holding onto a fidgeting Sean. Danny still couldn’t get over the miracle that his son had been spared.

  It had taken a week of questioning prisoners before Detective DeVino found his target. When asked about the whereabouts of Sean, lifer Anthony Edwards’s eye had twitched. DeVino didn’t give up. “If we find out you’ve lied, you’ll get solitary.”

  Edwards cracked. “My boy was killed. My wife deserved another baby. Kevin said he’d give her one. He didn’t say from where.”

  That’s all DeVino had to hear. He pealed over in his squad car and rescued Sean from the tearful Miranda.

  When Danny saw his child for the first time since that fateful weekend, tears streamed down his face. His son stood still, looking up at him curiously.

  “Sean, it’s Daddy,” Danny said before gathering him up and hugging him close to his heart.

  He’d forever be in the officer’s debt. It was as if his son had been reborn. Sean was Cathy’s gift to them. He and Dora would cherish the child who was conceived the afternoon in the flower shop.

  Considering everything that had happened, the news of Danny and Dora’s love for each other had not upset the elder McGuires. Practicality had prevailed. Life was as fragile as a bubble. Everyone agreed that Danny and Dora deserved happiness.

  “I’m sure Cathy would’ve wanted it this way,” Ted had said, swiping back a tear.

  Danny glanced to the side of the altar where Tony and Ritchie, along with Dora’s bridesmaids, Margaret Lynley and her daughter, Tory, beamed profusely.

  As Ode to Joy played, Danny walked arm-in-arm with his new wife down the aisle.

  Outside the church, Tony grasped his hand. “Hey, Danny, all the luck in the world, man. You’ve made a great choice. Dora, take care of my good friend,” he ordered.

  She nodded serenely.

  Tracy reached up to kiss Danny, laughingly predicting, “You’ve met your match, Danny. Dora will keep you in line. She’ll give back as much as she gets.”

  From the church, they tooted their way to a private luncheon reception. The three hours of celebration seemed a lifetime, he was that eager to get away. He hadn’t made love to Dora since that horrible day of Cathy’s murder, one that was forever etched in his memory.

  This time their union must be perfect. He owed it to her. He had much to make up for. Gone were his vows of revenge. His new vow was to fill Dora’s life with love. Luckily he had a week’s hiatus from basketball. He and his bride, along with Sean, whom they couldn’t bear to part with for even a few minutes, rode in a limousine to the airport where they boarded a plane to Florida.

  Dora had said, “Let’s just go somewhere warm, where we can lay in the sun…that is, when we’re not inside doing other things.”

  She wasn’t afraid to admit her desire for him. That was one of the thousand things he loved about her.

  THE BABY WAS asleep. Dora disappeared into the bedroom to put on something special.

  The vision that reappeared turned Danny rock hard. Sparkling straps and wispy scraps outlined glowing round curves. Dora was a model of golden perfection.

  He gazed spellbound as she stepped up to him. She was beautiful and all woman. He stood paralyzed as her hands cupped his face.

  “Danny, my love,” she murmured.

  Her hand slipped into his hair. Helplessness invaded him. He was completely in her power, as her deft fingers lovingly discarded his clothing. Danny stood before Dora, his need clearly exposed. He wasn’t afraid to exhibit the evidence of his love. He trusted this woman with his life. With her there would never be secrets.

  Her fingertips reached down to capture their prize. Sparks ignited, about to explode.

  “Dora,” he groaned. “What are you doing to me?”

  She smiled back innocently. “Whatever you want,” she said.