Read Tyler Smiths: A Summer Illusion Page 4

Chapter Three:

  Everything is bright this morning even in the absence of sun. This type of day is rare in a summer season as the sun seems to sleep on without peeping behind his curtain—cloud. The breeze took over the morning as it blows gently across the atmosphere. The morning was cool and lull full of the whispers of the unseen elements of early morning.

  Tyler woke up a bit late. He woke up 07:30 and then jumped up to take his bath. He barely touched his breakfast of coffee and baked cakes made by Mavis. Mr. Smiths has left for his office as early as seven o’clock to enable him escape the heavy traffic of the city.

  Without wasting time, Tyler drank half of his coffee and ate few of the baked cakes as he picked his guitar and went off without saying a word to Mavis who was in the garden watering the vegetables and the flowers.

  Before Tyler could get to the beach and to the pub, it was fifteen minutes after eight due to the heavy traffic. Getting to the pub, he met Mr McLean who was already at the door.

  “There you are Tyler!” Mr McLean said flashing a faint smile.

  “Good morning sir! I’m sorry I came late. It was due to the heavy traffic” Tyler said.

  “That isn’t a problem; just that you have to adapt to the new situation as quick as you can to avoid resentments among your colleagues. Is that okay?” Mr McLean said staring at Tyler’s guitar.

  “Yes sir!” Tyler said again peeping inside the pub—to catch a glimpse of his to be co-workers; his ex and his newly found parrot-mouth friend.

  “And your guitar—what do you think?”

  “It’s alright sir! It won’t distract me!”

  “That’s okay then. Enjoy your stay here. And try to be a good guy to the customers. Meet Sophia, she will put you through the rudiments” Mr McLean said patting Tyler and going off. Tyler is dead nervous… not knowing what’s going to happen next.

  As Tyler stepped into the pub, his eyes met Sophia’s and this sent shivers running down his spine. What would Tyler tell her? What would she think of him? A jerk! Or at least, a coward for not telling her yesterday that he too would be working here.

  “Hey?” Sophia’s voice interrupted Tyler’s thought.

  “Hi!” Tyler said putting on a faint smile.

  “So you finally come here to take a drink?” Sophia asked holding Tyler’s hand and taking him to one of the already set table.

  “No! Not really…” Tyler said feeling uncomfortable.

  “Then what?” Sophia asked stopping abruptly and still holding Tyler’s hand.

  “I… I will be… working here too.” Tyler said sighing and removing his hand from Sophia’s.

  “You mean you’re going to be working here too?” Sophia face was brightened. “That’s great. I can't wait to have you by my side serving some sodas and Burberry with you playing those wonderful lyrics again!" Sophia said holding his hand again and leading him to the serving table when Vanessa walked in…

  Tyler stood there transfixed and speechless as Vanessa walks in and going straight to where Sophia and Tyler are standing still hand in hand.

  “Good morning!” Vanessa said smiling.

  “Morning…” Sophia responded and continued “and... how can we help you?”

  Is Tyler hearing well? We? What the heck is Sophia doing? But that’s the reality.

  “Mr McLean asked me to resume work here!” Vanessa said still smiling. For crying out loud, this girl does not look like someone who’s heartbroken… Tyler had thought when he saw the way Vanessa has been smiling. His sister should better be right because… he’ll just quit if the pub is becoming tormenting like Glen coming over to the pub and doing all sort of a hell-thing with Vanessa. Sure, Tyler won’t be able to stand it.

  “Oh! You must be Vanessa… Layfield…” Sophia said trying to remember her full name.

  “Yes and you must be Sophia Williams…” Vanessa said.

  “Yea… you are right. You’ welcome”. Sophia said stretching her hand and still holding Tyler with the other.

  “Thank you!” Vanessa said flashing a big grin. Turning to Tyler—

  “And the old Vanessa does not deserve a greeting from Mr Lover boy?” Vanessa said still smiling.

  “Of course you do! Just waiting for you girls to end your formalities.” Removing his hand and stretching it to Vanessa—

  “Nice to see you again!”—but in truth, it’s not nice seeing her again not in this always smiling mood; contrary to what Mavis has said about her. He expects a gloomy Vanessa…

  Vanessa stretched hers and they shook. Just as they shook, the body chemistry of both reacted—like hydrogen and oxygen; they both go well though with one having a more mass. Guess it’s Tyler that’s the hydrogen here—in a way that makes them to look at themselves at the same time.

  Sophia interrupted them.

  “You guys know each other before?” the chemistry is visible to Sophia I guess though she still asked with curiosity.

  “Yea… My old guy from the same school!” Vanessa said turning to go to the serving table.

  “Wow! Then, this place would be another school for you both!”—no no… not now Sophia… isn’t that too early? But could truth be hidden for that so long. I guess Sophia hates dull thing. Let’s get down straight to the matter- type!

  “How do you mean?” Vanessa asked turning back with brows of fear covering her innocent-looking face… but is she innocent? Tyler won’t take that I bet.

  “Tyler is gonna be working here too!” She exclaimed.

  There was few seconds of silence as the three stood there dumb folded—even Sophia, she knows nothing about these two… she will find out later.

  “That’s good!” Vanessa broke the silence but with worried expression littering her puffy and made up with cosmetic face.

  For the rest of the day, the two—Tyler and Vanessa were trying not to talk to each other as Sophia dish her orders to them both. There was even a moment when Sophia was away from the pub for an hour and it was only Tyler and Vanessa that was handling the pub. Still, they avoided eye-contact and talks. Though Vanessa found herself staring at Tyler when he’s not looking, she tried to avoid his eye contact. So also Tyler; starring at her when she’s serving drinks or clearing the table. Tyler mixes the drinks when a customer demands for it and Vanessa serves it

  As Vanessa takes the drinks from Tyler to the customer, thoughts ran through her mind. Was it not a mistake on her own silly part for allowing a little rift to tear both her and Tyler apart? Was this not Eric’s fault who possessed Tyler’s thought and influenced his consequent actions? But she was right to let go. She had hold on hoping Tyler would change and love her the way he use to but the hope goes dim each passing day. And when she could no longer hold on again, she jumped to take solace in Glen’s heart thinking she would have all that she had lost with Tyler. But she was wrong. So wrong that she’s now haunted by own actions. She thought she was resilient after Tyler’s drama but again, she was wrong. Glen has not being a good guy. He left the city with her unknowing. Is this how true love treats each other? Where you don’t care about other’s emotions but just go on and stick to your guns and ego?—after all, Mavis was not wrong. Vanessa is heartbroken and Glen is out of town. Tyler? Your turn to sweep into action but first…

  As the evening drew nearer, Sophia entered back. Looking up to Sophia, Vanessa’s thought came back again—

  And here is Tyler, doing quite well with a beautiful Sophia. At least, she saw them both holding their hands firmly. Is that not enough reason—sign—to let her know that something is fishing? Beyond reasonable doubt, Sophia and Tyler are dating! And it will be stupid of me to want him back now that he’s moved on from my silly mistake of hugging the wrong heart!” she concluded as she whirl away her eyes from Sophia to concentrate on a magazine she has brought along.