Read Tyler Smiths: A Summer Illusion Page 7

Chapter Five:

  It was Sunday afternoon, and the sun is at its reigning peak, unleashing its hotness on earth subject again. Making almost all indoors.

  The Smiths were all at home. Mavis and Tyler were at the sitting room watching a TV program while their father takes his siesta. Just then they heard knock on their door…

  “Who’s there?” Mavis said standing up to open the door.

  On opening the door, Vanessa comes in.

  “Hi!” Vanessa said flashing her lovely smile.

  “Hey!” Tyler replied and focusing on the TV program.

  Vanessa took her seat and there was a perfect silence between the three. This continues for a while until Tyler broke the silence reluctantly after silent expression and gestures from Mavis.

  “So, Vanessa, I suppose you ought to be in Italy by now!” Tyler said still watching the TV.

  “Yeah! And that’s the reason why I’m here!”

  “What happened?” Tyler said now paying attention to her.

  “I’m not going again!” Vanessa said staring at Tyler.

  This time, Mavis stood up and said—

  “I think I should excuse you both! And she left.

  Still sitting some yards away from themselves—

  “Why?” Tyler asked again turning totally to Vanessa now.

  “I’m… I’m…” Vanessa paused as she bows her head. Then, another brief silence followed. Tyler finally broke the silence.

  “So, you’ve decided to follow what your mind tells you? Look Vanessa, stop fooling around. If you want to fall in love; fine but you should follow your mind and not your head!”

  Standing up and placing his hand on her shoulder—

  “You can’t stop falling in love. To close your heart to love is to condemn yourself to oblivion and consequently death. I will never stop you from falling in love but be wise and don’t get heartbroken again. This time, you might not have pick-able fragments again.”

  With this, Vanessa hugged Tyler sobbing and tears finally had its way through Vanessa’s eyes. Mavis peeped and felt satisfied that at least, she had made sure her brother doesn’t get lost in his past. She smiled and an air of satisfaction filled her environ—she did a great job!

  As Tyler holds Vanessa in his bosom and still standing, he was carried away into his thought. He would have to act as fast as possible. No more wasting of time. Enough of Mr Superman. Time to act as Jack the lover boy. With this Tyler smiled to himself as he caught Mavis staring and smiling also.

  Vanessa couldn’t have demanded for more. A friend he had dumped twice for another guy is still here holding her as passionate as their first hug as lovers. Then, she knew, she had a bond with Tyler. What perplex her now is maybe the bond is of friends or lovers. That, she would have to figure out very soon before she gets into any relationship again.

  All these were the illusory thought both held in their mind until they heard another knock on the door.

  Releasing themselves from their long embrace of passion, Tyler made for the door.

  On opening the door, the reality came in against all dreams and fantasies.

  “Hey Tyler! Is Mavis around?” Glen asked.

  “Huh! She’s at home!” Tyler said looking more than confused.

  Well, that was a ‘kid confusion’ as the ‘more matured’ one waits in the Smiths’ sitting room. Coming inside and seeing Vanessa, threw Glen into a deep state of perplexity.

  Vanessa wished she had never come to Tyler’s house this afternoon—she would have being in Italy, that would save her this ugly drama unfolding; still thank goodness, she didn’t travelled—she wished the ground could open up and swallow her but that could not even happen. All she’s faced with now is the devil and the deep blue sea.

  Mavis is now in the sitting room but all she could do is to watch on the drama…

  “Vanessa why? Why? You didn’t see my letters? I posted a message on your Facebook wall. I was always sending you mails but no replies. Talk to me!” Glen said holding Vanessa’s hand and kneeling down.

  Vanessa couldn’t say anything but was just standing transferring her gaze from Mavis to Tyler and to Glen.

  Glen continues…

  “I wouldn’t even spend three months for I don’t know what had happened to you. I would not even eat at night. Sometimes, I wouldn’t sleep for I think mostly about you. This prompts me to come back quickly to check on you only to find you here. Will someone talk to me? Mavis? What’s going on?”

  Just then, Mavis stepped forward.

  “It’s alright Glen!” She paused and then continues “Things has moved on since you left and Tyler had gone back in with Vanessa…”

  Vanessa cuts in.

  “No! Tyler hasn’t gone back in with me. He was and is the rarest friend I ever had. He helped me to overcome the traumatisation you left me in. I was heart-broken when you left. And I’m happy you are now back. My email got hacked…”

  Glen cuts in.

  Glen rushed and hugged Vanessa. Right there in front of Mavis and Tyler, they kissed themselves. Mavis seeing this just turned back and went to her room—game over! She had caused this. Vanessa was never the right girl for her brother. She should have allowed her brother to work this out by himself. After all, he’s a guy and could easily path his ways but then, all she wants was Tyler’s happiness.

  Tyler stood there looking at them both as they embrace themselves passionately. They were like old lovers that have been separated for long.

  After a while, they let loose of themselves and was about to go when Vanessa turned back and gave Tyler a peck.

  “Thank you!” and she held Glen’s hand and went off.

  “See you later Mavis!” Glen said not looking back as he joyfully opens the door and dashed off with Vanessa.

  Then, it came to Tyler’s thought—

  When you live your life like a dream, you will always end in illusion. Tyler lived all the summer in doubt and dreams. Though he wants it real; he wants it right now but he was afraid of dashing into the ocean of love. He never wants to get drown yet wants to be a master sailor. He ended his summer in illusion that he was in the driving seat, meanwhile, he was been driven. But the story continues…


  Daniel Olas is the author Tyler Smiths series. This book is the second serial.

  Other titles by Daniel Olas—

  Tyler Smiths: Prom’s Night—the first serial of Tyler Smiths

  His Love Escapades: The Encounter with Rose—one of the most realistic but fictional love auto bio you ever read

  Interactive Session with Daniel Olas—a book where you rapour with Daniel Olas and also connect with other readers. You can also compete in the contest round where you stand the chance to win a slot where your short stories would be published for free!

  Connect with Daniel Olas on:



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