Read Tyler Smiths: Prom's Night Page 1

Tyler Smiths:

  Prom’s Night

  By Daniel Olas

  Copyright 2014 Daniel Olas

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  Table of Content

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 1

  Tyler was walking on the promenade of the concert hall when he heard his name.

  "Tyler!" Eric bellowed at a far distance. Eric too was coming to the concert hall where the prom would take place.

  Bright Future High School is noted among its equal for its prom night every year. Each time a set of student is to pass out from the school, a get together party, which entails more than drinking and eating, that includes talent show in singing and dancing. But this year prom night is unique in its own way. A prom night filled with the stale of love and romance life of the outgoing students.

  "What's up man?" Tyler responded. By this time, Eric has already caught up with him and they are both walking on the promenade that leads to the concert hall.

  “I’m good and you?” Eric answered.

  “Just good and chilling”. Tyler responded absent minded.

  “You heard about this new girl giving us concert tonight?” Eric asked again

  “Yeah! But I don’t think she’s really going to bang it as anticipated by many”.

  “How?” Eric asked curiously.

  “’cause, she’s no opera singer!” Tyler said sounding more annoyed.

  Eric noticed this sudden or may be its not sudden? May be Eric is just noticing the change of character of Tyler tonight. Or is Tyler trying to hide some issue from him? But that can’t be, Eric is his best friend. Presumption and prejudging won’t help Eric; so he decided to ask him out rightly.

  “Tyler?” Eric finally broke the silence”. What’swrong with you man. You are sounding more aggressive, I can sense some angst in your voice. Eric concluded

  “Look, Tyler stopped, resting his back against the hall’s wall- “I’ve got more than angst and annoyance in me. I’m depressed emotionally”. He concluded, making a move to start walking again but Eric held him back.

  “Emotionally depressed?” Eric asked perplexed.

  “You see”, Tyler continued, “Vanessa…”

  “Vanessa? Eric cuts in “is she the one breaking you down emotionally. You better get off it else your night might be spoilt.” And they started walking again.

  “Youseem not to understand the kind of bond between Vanessa and I. we…”

  Eric cuts in again.

  “You what? Vanessa is a girl that does not worth you! Yes, she does not worth you because a girl like Vanessa can...

  Eric was cut short by a sudden voice from their behind.

  “Vanessa can freak your soul out of your body right?” Vanessa asked from behind.

  “Hey Vanessa!” Eric quickly speaks out.

  “Hi guys!” Vanessa said winking her eyes. “Have heard a lot about Vanessa today, she continued, but Eric, you never told me you knew so much history about me! Vanessa concluded frankly.

  “You know I’m not a blackmailer… because that’s what you are insinuating”. Eric said and manages to façade his blushed face behind a faint smile.

  “Of course you are not… but, you’re such a devil!” Vanessa sounded pointing her index finger towards Eric’s nose.

  “You guys should stop this!” Tyler spoke for the first time since Vanessa has joined them.

  “Oh! I thought you’d let your freaking best friend pour me some holy water of insult” she concluded.

  “But Vanessa, this doesn’t have to end this way…”

  “What’s ending this way?” Vanessa cuts in with her question

  “Our relationship of course!” Tyler said

  “Look Tyler, you were advice against me and now I’m off. So, what’s the fuss about a relationship that has already ended? The hurting but relieving truth is that I was once but now your ex!” Vanessa said and made to go but was taken aback at Eric’s word.

  “And you know you are a cheat! A high school jerk for that matter!” Eric bellowed.

  “Oh! I see!” and she went off angrily walking awkwardly and on a fast pace.

  The two friends facing themselves—

  “And you know you are a big time freaking friend? Vanessa was never wrong about you!” Tyler said and started going shouting Vanessa’s name and running off.

  “What the…” Eric could not say anything more than this… what he wants to say,he’s not sure of. He sighed feeling blushed. He also starts making his way towards the same direction Tyler and Vanessa has gone earlier.

  Chapter 2

  The hall is now lighted up with disco light and spotlights. Everybody seems to be happy, looking at the face they all put on. But I can tell you not everyone is happy; at least emotionally.

  At the centre stage of the concert hall, one can see that all is set for tonight’s prom. A stage that would soon be filled with emotions and tears but before then, the best concert ever to take place in the school prom night and by the student of that school will be hosted by the embellished stage.

  Bright Future High School student – the graduating students—are all dressed in black suit; with all of them looking unique in their own style of suit designer.

  Vanessa, the school senior prefect girl is to open the prom night with her opening speech. This has always been their custom just that this year, a girl would be the one to do the welcoming ceremony that entails a heart-warming speech. Unlike the previous years that the senior prefect boy handles.

  The concert hall was filled majorly with students and engulfed with the stale smell of alcohol and wine. The spotlight provides a perfect atmosphere as it changes its colour slowly from blue to red to green to violet… the background music that goes with the slow changing of the spotlight just made everything look like a night in Disney World. The blues coming from the DJ’s stereo evokes memory of dreamt perfect love in a perfect paradise where everything has been perfectly perfected!—a total fantasy.

  As Tyler enters the hall as the winner of Master BFHS; he knew that he’d be surrendering his reign and his love!!

  “…Hoping that all of us would find answers to the questions that puzzle our heart which has somehow and indirectly lead us to tonight’s prom and satisfaction in those answers. Once again, welcome to the annual bright future high school prom night! Stay conscious and enjoy yourselves”. Vanessa rounded off her speech with rounds of applause and a standing ovation following.

  Coming next after Vanessa’s speech is an English choreography performed by the junior students of the school. By this time, all spotlights have been focused on the centre stage leaving the rest of the hall faintly dark. The concert hall was filled with round tables with chairs arranged round it as well; this does not make it a promenade concert.

  Chapter 3

  “Am I permitted to break into Eric’s world?” Josephine asked with a big grin as she pulled a chair opposite Eric to sit down.

  “I’ve got no choice since Eric’s world has got no gate!” Eric said rising up his head from his thought and returning a faint smile—a lacklustre one.

  “Hmm… so, do you say I’m an intruder?” Josephine asked settling down on the chair with her hands clasped together on the table, facing Eric’s pale face.

  “Far from it!” Eric sa
id waiving off his hand.

  “So, how’s the night going...? I can see you’re all alone”. Josephine asked again with this ‘mummy-wants-to-know-what’s-wrong-with-his-boy—kind of expression.

  “Terrible and disgusting!” Eric said dejectedly.

  “Huh… why?” Josephine asked again looking more curious. “I should get some wine!” She quickly said and stood up to get the wine from the bar.

  Returning with the wine and two wine glasses in a tray—

  “This should lighten up your mood a little.” Josephine said putting down the bottle and the wine glasses. “Do you need a little quantity or I should fill it up for you?” she asked looking straight at Eric who is absent minded and looking at the other end of the hall.

  “Eric!” Josephine called out.

  “Yeah!!” Eric said jerking back from his thought.

  Josephine re-sat positioning herself to face Eric who is now looking her straight in the eye

  “What’s the prob with you?”Josephine asked starring back at Eric who has now taken away his eyes from her.

  “What do you want from me?” Eric asked with frustration clearly embedded in his voice

  Josephine did not answer.

  Eric took the wine glass and drained its content. He pours himself another and gulped down a little before banging it quietly on the table.

  “I have always known you to be the most attractive girl in the school…” Eric began looking at Josephine who’s fondling the stem of her wine glass… “But most often, I’malways not comfortable with you even how hard I tried to be humorous and hospitable.” Eric pause to notice that Josephine is now looking at him

  “We’ve being friends…” Eric continued…and I understand you if you want to take the relationship to another level…”

  Josephine cuts in—

  “But I don’t even know who you are!” Josephine managed to say with frustration all over her face—something Eric did not notice; after all, he doesn’t care.

  “What do you mean?” Eric asked puzzled.

  “Yesterday, you were the perfect guy I had wanted to spend most of my moment with and today, you are the hostile guy. You freak me out with all these unpredictability of yours!” Josephine sounded more pissed off.

  “If you can predict me, then I’m not a human!” Eric said calmly sipping his wine

  Josephine sighed

  “But can’t you see? Josephine asked with a lull voice.

  “That?” Eric countered.

  “That I love you!” she finally let the cat out of the bag with her face covered with blushes.

  “Love me? C’mon, you know that’s not possible!” Eric said firmly.

  “Notwithstanding, we can give it a try!” Josephine said hopefully

  Eric did not reply. He sat back at his chair. He breathes in and sighed heavily.

  “There’s no point in pursuing a flying plane with a running horse. It’s impossible and you know this!” Eric said still resting his back at his chair.

  “Eric, you seem to forget that love changes things, it turns impossibilities to possibilities, it over…”

  Eric cuts her short and now sitting down, leaning forward—

  “Don’t get blinded by love against impossibilities!” He said and stood up.

  “Tyler would have been looking for me by now… I gotta go!” He concluded and started going.

  Josephine was transfixed on her chair. Right there, she was going through a complete state of perplexity and negligence from a cherished one that doesn’t care. Her thoughts finally gave way for drop of tears. Ones she was quick to wipe off. Hiding her pains behind series of faint and listless smiles, she walked off to the main hall.

  The night has been going sour and sweet. For those who seek questions to already known answers; the night has been a total freak. But to those who seek answers to the pressing questions in their heart, tonight has been the most exciting day since day one of their life in this school.

  Those who finds tonight exciting are ones who can see the joy of claiming a freedom – freedom from the daily jingling of bell – bells that interrupts sweet dreams and save nightmares. Six year of confinement from the hurly-burly city has officially come to an end today. It calls for celebration indeed and most are already celebrating and of course except Tyler who is only losing his love and the unimportant Master BFHS. Glen on his own—an irony of Tyler—found love today. What could be more rewarding than having the very thing you’ve chased all these year within your reach and on a special day like this? Glen is the happiest dude on earth today—Vanessa’s heart lies in his hand!!!

  As Glen sips his wine starring at the beautiful face of Vanessa, he could remember the first day they met. That was four years ago. They had met at the school cafeteria where Glen incidentally poured Vanessa’s snack.

  “You dumb-dumb! Can’t you see again in this broad day light? Pouring my precious snack!” Vanessa shouted fuming with rage and drawing other student’s attention. Glen felt embarrassed and ran away without apologizing.

  Weeks later, they met at the sport field where the athletes are all practising. This time, Glen could not run away again. Already pushed to the wall and swallowing his ego— maybe I’d call it shame—Glen went to Vanessa and apologized. What do you expect? Vanessa refused at first to accept Glen’s apology but after a while and following persuasion from friends, she eased it up on him and from there, they’ve gone to be good friends. But for Glen, within him he had always wanted Vanessa more than a friend. This was not possible until Tyler stabbed the once romantic relationship that existed between him and Vanessa on the advice of his friend—Eric.

  “Do I get a toast?” Vanessa asked bringing Glen back to the prom night from his world of flash back.

  “Yeah! A toast to the beginning of a perfect love…”

  “And a very romantic love adventure!!!” Kyle cuts in.

  “Oh Kyle! The play boy” Glen said smiling.

  “I can see you guys are having the very best of moment. Sorry for gate crashing!” Kyle said bowing.

  “You are welcome!!” Vanessa said sipping her wine.

  “So, how’s the night going with you Kyle?” Glen asked also taking a sip.

  “What do you expect? It’s been fine. Just that I need to end some games of mine right away” he said dipping his hand in his pocket.

  “Game of yours?” Glen asked perplexed.

  “C’mon Glen… who doesn’t know Kyle to be a game player… playing with ladies’ heart as though he’s playing lacrosse… maybe he’s caught already!!”

  “See you guys later. I gotta go caught some fresh breeze out there, this place is becoming more suffocated than I can take!!” he excused himself and walked off.

  Chapter 4

  Kyle was walking about the concert hall leisurely poking others—his fellow graduating mate. He was doing this and was about to step out of the hall when a hand held him back.

  “Out to catch some again?” Ella asked, holding Kyle’s hand and drawing him back to the bar.

  “Nope! Just want to excuse myself from here”. He said putting on a faint smile.

  “For how long would it take you to stop running away from your shadow?” Ella asked sitting down in one of the bar chairs. Kyle also took his seat. They both sat opposite each other.

  “And who is that my shadow?” Kyle asked reaching out for a bottle of champagne.

  “Me of course!” Ella said and holding out her own champagne flute for Kyle to pour some content.

  There was a perfect silence between both of them as they sip their champagne with Kyle trying to avoid Ella’s gaze. However, Kyle finally broke the silence with a question.

  “Where is your friend?”

  “Which one?” Ella asked still looking at Kyle’s blue eyes.

  “Yvonne of course!”

  “At the other end of the hall” Ella answered pointing her index finger towards the direction.

  “I would like to see you both as I learnt that
you girls nearly tore your heads off your neck”.

  Ella did not answer.

  Just then, Yvonne interrupted the silence—

  “Two love birds” Yvonne said clapping her hand discreetly. “I knew you’d be with her Kyle, ‘cause I’ve being searching heaven and earth for you.”. She said finally taking a seat also.

  “And here I am”. Kyle said looking at Yvonne.

  “I heard what happened yesterday. You see, you girls don’t need all that. I knew both of you are friends and I was the naughty devil who sets in all the enmity”. He paused. The two girls starring at the table with rapt attention. “I started this and I thought I’d be the one to end this. Ella, Yvonne, I’m very sorry for first toying with your emotions and passions and now breaking your heavy heart. I’m no good guy, and I’m not fit to be the person you both want me to be for and to you.” He took his champagne flute and stood up. Both staring at him perturbed.

  With a blushed face, he finally said—

  “Leaving the high school doesn’t have to set us apart. I’d leave you both to settle any feud and grudges you may have. See you guys later at the main concert!” With this, he emptied his champagne into Yvonne and Ella’s cup and left.

  There was a complete and a long moment of silence as both girls tries to phantom and read meaning to what Kyle has just did.

  Ella took up her champagne flute and drained the content. Yvonne also took her own and drank all. There was another moment of silence. After a while, Yvonne broke the silence with tears streaming down from her eyes. She tried to hide it but Ella noticed it and used her handkerchief to wipe it off.

  “Ella, I’m sorry! I know I caused…”

  “You caused nothing! I’m sorry too. It’s all over now!” Ella said

  The two girls stood up and hugged themselves as tears rolls down their eyes. Kyle was watching them from a not too far distance as drop of tears could be seen coming from his eyes, which he wiped off quickly. For Kyle, ending the relationship is the best way to leave BFHS conscience-free. At least, he’s now a free guy not tied to any girl. He has been known to be a play boy but now, he has decided to stay single to prove them wrong even though most would not be there to witness the change in him. Still, he’s ready to sacrifice all to become a changed Kyle.

  Chapter 5

  Eric finally caught up with Tyler who already seated and waiting for the stage lights to turn on. Every of the hall is now silent with suspension. They all waited anxiously and patiently for the so much anticipated performer. What brought all these intrigue is the fact that, a student of that school would be the opera performer. A new thing – something that has never happened in the school’s history of prom nights.