Read Unchained (Men in Chains Book 3) Page 15

  It’s not a large system, but it holds over three hundred families.

  What do you mean, families? Are you referring to procreation?

  He laughed out loud. Anyone else would have said children.

  She sighed, well aware of her foibles. Yes. Children. Right. Do many vampires have children?

  At some point in our long lives, we hope to have children. But conception is rare and sometimes takes centuries. We have slow movers.

  You’re referring to sperm motility.

  Again, he laughed.

  Was that funny?

  You’re funny, you just don’t know it. But yes, we have lazy swimmers, for which your earth population should be immensely grateful.

  I see your point. You would have taken over our world by now.

  I have no doubt of it. We have a population of only a few million, but look how close Daniel is to taking over both our worlds.

  Shayna sighed. Speaking of Daniel, I’m a little uneasy about Quill. Daniel told him not to harm you, but I know Quill wants you dead. Apparently you pose some kind of threat to his own position in Daniel’s hoped-for empire.

  I don’t see how. I’ll never serve Daniel.

  I know that, but it seems to me Daniel still holds out hope that he can find a way to turn you.

  He won’t, Marius said.

  I have no doubt of that. Just be careful, that’s all I’m saying. Daniel may have ordered him not to harm you, but I got the sense Quill has other ideas.

  Marius squeezed her waist yet again. Warning duly received. Now look out on the horizon. Land.

  I see it. The Yucatán Peninsula came into view, forming a recognizable horn that separated the Gulf waters from the Caribbean.

  Now it was Shayna’s turn for her own adrenaline to hit her veins and her heart started racing. While they were in flight, they were safe, but close to Quill, who knew what might happen. And the weapon was there. She could feel it now, as well as Marius’s powerful intent to do everything he could to get hold of it.

  Marius set his trajectory for Costa Rica and a minute later started a sharp descent.

  As he penetrated the jungle landscape, Shayna had to close her eyes once more. The trees then the cavern system created the feathery feeling again, then nothing as Marius reached their destination point within this latest cave.

  Shayna was taken aback by the unimproved state of the cavern, which was riddled with the usual dripstones.

  Marius hovered in altered flight, five feet above the ground. Shayna sensed he’d take off in a heartbeat if he had to.

  But only Quill, Lev, and what looked like the black base to the weapon awaited them. A small, faded blue canvas bag sat against the wall not far from the weapon.

  Yet the lack of a security force alarmed Shayna, though she didn’t know why. Something about the whole situation felt wrong. Why would Quill and Lev come here without a team of well-trained fighters to protect them, especially after having seen what Marius was capable of?

  As Marius slowly lowered to the ground, his voice shot through her head. I won’t turn away from this battle, Shayna, so I want you to step off my boot then disappear like you did before.

  She didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as he released her, and her own fur-lined boots hit the cavern floor, she pulled back into her safe, invisible place. Like before, as she siphoned Marius’s power, she levitated toward the ceiling of the cave, though slower this time. She didn’t need to deal with another goose egg on top of her head.

  * * *

  Marius stared at Quill, his oldest half brother. Lev, as the weaker of the two, Marius ignored.

  All five brothers had had different mothers, each of them killed by Daniel when her son reached the age of four. The pain of losing his mother still lived in Marius and always would. He remembered her, and her love, the primary reasons he would never succumb to Daniel’s persuasions. Marius’s mother had taught him well during those early years, talking to him often, teaching him, and advising him.

  When the torture had started, the primary reason he’d survived without completely losing either his mind or his soul was because of the strength his mother had built into his character. Why Quill and Lev had chosen to align with Daniel, Marius would never know.

  But Quill’s choices had made him a murderer, rapist, and slaver, which meant that Marius would not feel any kind of remorse if he ended Quill’s life right now. And Lev was cut from the same cloth.

  Shayna’s voice pierced his mind. Marius, I’m uneasy about this setup. Something doesn’t feel right to me.

  I know, I’m feeling it, too. But if Quill wants a battle, I’m ready.

  She said nothing more, made no protest on behalf of her own safety, though he could feel her anxiety. At least he knew she was out of harm’s way for now.

  Off to the side, Lev stood with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face as he guarded what looked like the base part of the weapon.

  The Costa Rican system was known for built-up and, therefore, potentially lethal stalagmites and stalactites.

  But he’d battled in all sorts of environments over the centuries and would be happy to take Quill on in this rugged setting.

  “Well, brother,” Quill said, pulling a dagger from the placket on his right thigh. “I’ve waited for this moment a long time. Don’t forget, though, that I’m an Ancestral, which you are not, and I really don’t plan to break a sweat despite how fast you moved in Sweden.”

  As with Daniel in the earlier encounter, Marius didn’t wait to exchange a few useless words. With a dagger in hand, he launched.

  For a split second Quill looked surprised; then he smiled. Marius struck home as he passed by Quill, then flew quickly through the maze of dripstones. When he turned, ready to battle Quill again, he saw his half brother staring down at the wound on his arm that Marius had inflicted. Like Daniel, he looked thunderstruck.

  Quill then levitated, lifting his head and meeting Marius’s gaze straight on.

  Marius flew around a stalactite; Quill moved behind one.

  Marius watched him, his vision growing acute. Quill charged at lightning speed.

  Marius started moving faster, darting past the sharp downward growths, throwing himself out of reach of Quill’s dagger. But Quill’s Ancestral ability made him equally fast.

  Marius’s mind reached for a strategy and as Quill shot past him with his dagger stretched in his direction, Marius dipped, rolled, then struck with blinding speed.

  His dagger connected for the second time and Quill shouted his pain, followed by another long cry of pure rage.

  Quill faced Marius once more, flying in and out of the stalagmites, his nostrils flaring as he turned his dagger over and over in his hands. He now bled from his stomach and his arm, but neither wound was serious enough to stop the battle.

  “So why have you gained so much speed, brother? I can feel that you’re not an Ancestral. Is it Shayna? Daniel says she’s special and he wants her. And you know Dad, he always gets what he wants.” Quill moved slowly, watching, calculating. He matched Marius in size and muscle mass.

  Marius understood Quill’s ploy. While he chatted, he was also self-healing, giving himself time.

  Quill suddenly shifted to altered flight and disappeared from Marius’s view. Shayna’s voice shot through his mind. Quill is behind you, strike now!

  He didn’t question Shayna, but moved in a lightning whirl and caught skin, muscle, and bone.

  Quill dropped out of altered flight and rolled off the fat end of a stalagmite, falling into a pool of water. His ribs were exposed, his body writhing.

  Lev’s behind you now.

  Marius once more turned and swept his arm in an arc, but Lev leaped back and his blade struck only air. Lev lifted both his hands, the universal form of surrender. “Give me Quill and you can take the weapon.”

  Marius thought it a perfect trade and nodded.

  But the smile on Lev’s face told a different story.

ll vanished first. Lev swept in a quick flight to the black base of the weapon, took hold of it easily in one hand, then shifted to altered flight. He disappeared instantly as well.

  What the fuck?

  Marius glanced at the remaining faded bag. He knew exactly what it was and that Quill had definitely disobeyed his father.

  Oh, shit.

  Shayna, appear now. This is a trap. We have a split second to survive this.

  The moment she showed herself, he shifted to altered flight, and like a rocket aimed for her, grabbed her, and flew them both straight through the rock, the jungle, and up into the air. He held Shayna close, pulling her arms and legs in tight to his body, shielding her as best he could because, at the same time, the bag that was a bomb exploded behind them.

  A blast like this was one of the few things that could cause a problem in altered flight.

  The force of the blast propelled them farther. He took shrapnel in his lower legs and buttocks. He rose higher and higher, wrapping a disguise around himself and Shayna, then headed east in the direction of Italy.

  There was only one problem: He couldn’t feel his legs.

  Shayna, are you okay?

  Yes, but something’s not right with you. You’re flying funny.

  Just hang on. I’ve been hit. Let me contact Rumy.

  Marius switched telepathic frequencies, focusing on Rumy.

  But when Rumy opened to him, Marius couldn’t get his SOS out because Rumy said, Marius, we’re in deep shit here.

  Great, because I think I took something in the spine, I’m losing altitude, and I need help, Rumy. I’m in altered flight heading east across the Caribbean. But what’s going on there?

  Daniel’s got his men posted outside The Erotic Passage. He’s waiting for you.

  Marius’s head swam, but he forced himself to concentrate and to keep flying. His speed faltered and by his best calculation he was at least fifteen minutes out. The blast had hurt him badly.

  Rumy, you’ve got to intercept me. I’m too far from my home in Chile and I can’t make it to Lake Como. I’ll try to get us into one of the islands.

  Can you head to Cuba?

  Cuba, right. Excellent caves. He shifted course.

  I’m on my way now. I’ll bring help. Rumy disconnected.

  Marius felt Shayna’s hand on his face. Hang tough, Marius. I know you’re hurt. Would my blood help?

  Shit, yes. He grabbed her arm and without thinking or giving her a warning, he bit hard and began to drink.

  He felt her whole body jerk in his arms; he’d just caused her a boatload of pain. I’m sorry.

  It’s okay. I’m fine now. Drink.

  He realized that he’d lost a lot of blood and as he drank he feared he was losing even more because he couldn’t heal what he couldn’t either see or sense.

  Shayna, I’ve got something lodged in my spine that’s preventing me from feeling my legs. I need you to remove it. I’ve got hold of your arm, but do you trust me enough to release my neck in order to pull away from me and see what’s going on back there?

  He felt the depth of her fear at letting go of him, and once again his guilt rose like a wave. He hated that he was asking so much of her, but it couldn’t be helped. You can do this.

  I’m so damn scared, but I’ll try.

  It’ll be okay, just let go of my neck in easy stages. Can you do that? Then you can feel how much I have hold of you. And your blood is helping, it really is.

  He felt her begin to relax her arm and to let it glide over his shoulders, but their momentum caused that same arm to fly back and she slipped off his booted foot.

  As promised, he had hold of her, but his weakness caused him to tumble midair. He closed his eyes and worked at righting himself. He could hear her screaming, but he never lost the grip on her arm. Slowly and carefully, he pulled her toward him as he made the adjustments. When he was in a vertical line to the earth, he opened his eyes and reset his course to Cuba.

  He held her close. She was crying in her fright and panting hard as she tightened her hold on him.

  He sensed that he needed more of her blood, a lot more, which told him one of his wounds was mortal in nature. If he didn’t get feeling back in his lower limbs, he wouldn’t be able to heal it.

  First things first. Shayna, can you hear me? I’ve got to get feeling back in my legs. I’m bleeding badly now.

  Yes, just give me a sec to calm down. She trembled in his arms.

  But after a long, difficult minute, she slowly released his neck and once more began moving her left arm around his back, inching across.

  I think whatever it is, it’s lower down your spine.

  He felt her hand, then nothing.

  I’ve got it. It’s a dagger. Lev must have done this on his way out. Marius, can you heal from a spinal injury?

  Yes, but there’s something else I have to know. I’ve been losing too much blood. The explosion might have done something even worse to me. I need to know if my legs are still there?


  Please look. I’ve got to know what I’m working with here.

  Shayna crawled up his body to look over his shoulder, and kept crawling until she was bent over him. Rock us back and forth. If your legs are there, I should be able to see them from the momentum.

  Marius slowed down and, while still moving toward Cuba, he started the rocking motion.

  I’m not seeing anything yet, rock more. That’s it. Two more rocks, then she called out. “Marius, I can see them.” She switched back to telepathy. Your legs are intact, but blood is trailing into the air.

  Okay, next I need you to get the knife out of me. I can only stop the bleeding if I can feel the source.

  But you’ll be in an enormous amount of pain. The explosion pitted your legs. Your boots are half gone.

  Marius took three deep breaths. I’ll be okay. Just pull out the blade.

  He felt her calm herself and finally said, Okay, I’ve got the handle. Ready?

  Do it.

  She told him what she was doing, step by step, until the blade was free.

  He felt the result in increments as he sent his self-healing well into his spinal cord and second by second sealed up the wound. But the moment he restored the nerves, it was like a fire pouring into his lower extremities. He shouted a string of profanity, long and loud.

  Shayna clung to him then pressed her wrist up to his face once more.

  Again, he hurt her with a second desperate strike of his fangs, once more sucking hard. But each swallow eased him and powered him. Quill was right: Shayna was special.

  Despite her blood, however, he now shook all over from the hit his body had taken and he kept losing altitude. At least the healing had started.

  The next moment, however, he saw two vampires in flight, both big men—and they didn’t belong to Rumy. Shayna, we’re in trouble. Incoming.

  She shifted, an arm around his neck. Without thinking, she threw the blade she had in her hand, the one she’d taken out of his back, with surprising expertise. Immediately one of the men had a dagger in his neck and fell from the sky clutching at the blade.

  The other reached Marius at almost the same time, but then suddenly he stopped midair, looking around. At first, Marius didn’t know what had happened until he realized that Shayna had made them both invisible.

  He breathed a sigh of relief and kept flying. Can you hold us in this invisible state?

  For a little while. That was close.

  You saved us. But Shayna, have you ever thrown a dagger before?

  No, but I’ve watched you and I think the chains did something. I just sort of knew how to throw. How strange is that?

  You’re amazing was the only thing he could think to say. His mind had started winking out, but he took her arm once more and continued to drink from her while he worked at healing his body and at trying to support their altitude.

  More than once Daniel’s men showed up, apparently following their trajectory, so he chose to d
rop them another forty feet. After that, he saw no more of the enemy.

  He contacted Rumy again just as Cuba came into view. I’ll be putting us down inside the system, one of the undeveloped back ends. But Shayna has us invisible and I want to keep it that way. He told Rumy about his injuries.

  I’m bringing in a healer. We’re five minutes away from your position.

  Okay. Heading into the cavern now. And my mind is going.

  I understand.

  He flew slowly, while still taking Shayna’s blood. She’d grown very quiet, and the chain at his neck lay silent.

  He’d put her through a lot.

  He stopped drinking as he penetrated an uninhabited cavern. “Shayna, you can make us visible now.”

  “K.” She was hardly audible, but when she released her power, he could feel the difference between the two states.

  Rumy, where are you?

  Almost there. I’ve got a bead on you.

  Good, because I’m seeing spots. He lay down on a patch of hard rock that was relatively flat and dry. He was in so much pain, he couldn’t think, but he held Shayna in his arms. She’d grown limp and something about that bothered him, but he couldn’t put enough thoughts together to know why.

  A few seconds later Rumy stared down at him, but he wasn’t smiling. Instead he peeled Shayna away from him and spoke over his shoulder. “Shit, he drank too much. She’ll need a transfusion right away.”

  Marius saw a couple of med techs, but he couldn’t make sense of what Rumy had said. He tried to say something, but Rumy put a hand on his shoulder. “Just lie quiet. We’ll take care of both of you. I’m taking you to my villa. You’ll be safe there.”

  No one had ever seen Rumy’s villa, so that had to be impossible, which meant Marius was hallucinating.

  The healer put her hand on Marius’s forehead and a wonderful sensation of peace flowed through him. He felt more hands lift him up. The next thing he knew he was on his back, on a stretcher, and moving in altered flight.

  A wall of blackness descended, then nothing.


  Shayna had no idea where she was when she woke up. She lay in a bed, wearing a light-blue cotton gown she’d never seen before. But whose bed? And she had an IV attached to her arm that ran red. A transfusion?